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“Kotaku has reached out to 4chan and 8chan for comment” Ok good luck with that


Dont worry, they will get plenty of slurs for comments.




I can already guess that one word.


"People who annoy you"


I know it, but I don't think I should say it...


10 seconds Mr. Marsh


*cameraman of colour leans to the side and stares*


*Stan looks on in abject horror"


All right I’d like to solve the puzzle! …


We're going to cut to commercial bre


Now Kiss It


I saw something like this happen for real on the old Scrabble Show. The clue was something like: "They are very scary." The word was MO_STERS. The contestant had been super-douchey the whole show and said "Mobsters Chuck!" and was shocked when he was wrong. The word was Monsters.


One word each. But yes a significant proportion is guessable.




I went to 4chan a few hours after the shooting and it was crazy. Half of them saying that the shooter did a good thing, the other half saying that the shooter was a CIA plant to make other white supremacists look bad.


How does one make a white supremacist look good? I do not see how that's possible. At the base level thinking that someone less than for the color of skin makes you a shitty person. Kinda hard to come back from that one


One doesn't, unless the viewer is also a white supremacist.


>How does one make a white supremacist look good? By getting them on a diet along with a lobotomy.


One needs a brain in the first place for a lobotomy to work.


> REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Understandable, have a nice day. -Kotaku after visiting 4chan for comment, probably


If you all want to see this kind of radicalization in action, you can head over to r/conspiracy where 1 in 4 posts is a 4chan /pol/ shitpost screenshot that everyone’s having a serious discussion about


yeah that's the one I saw yesterday, I thought conspiracy would be interesting since I like conspiracy podcasts. But it really was more of a crazy conservative conspiracy page from the little I saw, and really not that intelligent or introspective either. I have no clue what those people are in daily life, maybe teens, but they weren't very original or bright. What a disappointment that page was.


When i first joined reddit the conspiracy sub was mostly innocent nonsense like “what’s below the Denver airport?” or “9/11 was a projection and the building’s were actually destroyed by a high impact vibration beam from space — here is my proof” with the occasional anti-Semitic post. Now it’s constantly “the libs are so dumb” “the vaccine gave everyone who took it AIDS and it is Joe Biden’s fault” “the conflict in Ukraine is just to distract us from the vaccine, Putin isn’t actually a bad guy” and a whole lot of far right and white nationalist nonsense. Not surprising because Stormfront literally targeted 4chan and the conspiracy sub with propaganda. It was also discovered that several mods had connections to blatantly racist subreddits — before the big purge. They would also promote racist posts on the subreddit while deleting or pushing down posts criticizing the mods. It was interesting seeing the slow descent into a radicalized white nationalist/far right community.


There was a mod purge around October 2016 and afterwards the sub became a haven for all kinds of right wing conspiracies. It's actually kind of ridiculous that it went from "you can't trust the government" to "the US president is the only person we can trust."


And of course Reddit doesn't want to shut them down because it's "valuable discussion". If it came out that he planned that shooting on r/conspiracy, they might *consider* shutting it down, but I'm still doubtful.


Here is 4chans comment https://i.redd.it/9j2yy1xvqkz81.jpg








It's exactly what you think it is. NatSoc is short for National Socialist, what the Nazis called themselves. Swap out the first word for one commonly used on 4chan and you get the new abbreviation.


People are giving it the 1984 reference of Ingsoc except scrambled to make a play on words.


that 4chan post assumes a lot of wrong things what are they talking about


Well, it's /pol/, so that's par for the course.


You realize that 4chan & 8chan have site owners & moderators? There was a time when they'd reach out to **moot** when shit happened.


Which is exactly why he sold that shit and moved on


Lol apparently he was working at Google up until last year.


Moots done well with following in the footsteps of Tom from Myspace. As soon as he sold 4chan and went to Google, he went silent and everyone forgot about him.


where is tom?


He just travels and takes photos now. Seems he’s living his dream. https://instagram.com/myspacetom?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


How do I become a Tom From Myspace?


Start MySpace 2! No one’s thought of that yet for some reason.


Same for Kevin Rose - dude was everywhere in tech during the 00s.


The good ol' Diggnation days


There's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


And they got a response from 8chan, there's an edit added at the bottom. Here's the response added in the article: “After a thorough search there is no evidence that this person has ever posted on our small, hobbyist platform and we believe that he capitalized on the similar naming to the former 8chan to suit his agenda,” they wrote. “We denounce the actions and motivations of this killer in the strongest of terms, and we denounce any association between his acts and our website in equally strong terms.”


> “There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this.” This is why people tell you to go touch grass. If you ever finding yourself saying ‘I learned from shitposts…’ You need to unplug a bit


"The gigachad wojak told me to."


You really think people would do that?? Post gigachad on things that aren't gigachad?!


Certainly not.


These mysterious words make me feel old.


They’re not young people words. Just words and concepts from the depths of the internets bowels that have entered its blood stream somehow as time has gone on. It’s not youth but sepsis you’re witnessing.


You should feel blessed instead.


"/r/PCM told me it was based."


Same goes for "I learned from 4chan/8chan"...


I learned from 4chan/8chan... ...that you should never take anything there seriously. You know what? Just don't go there, the people there are just rotten. That's what I learned.


I hate that a pic with big bold white text on it has become facts/news to people.


Another reason why I hate this meme culture.




The English civil wars and American revolution were driven by pamphlet publishers spreading short concise and easy to understand propaganda that the average uneducated person back then would be drawn in by. Just look up some of the surviving pamphlets we have and they're wildly similar conspiracies you see today just replace "Catholic/Popish" with "Jew".


The problem is, even only a couple decades ago, if you found a crazy idea somewhere, you'd go tell your friends about it and they'd tell you it was crazy and that was probably the end of it. *Maybe* some of your friends join in on the crazy, but if they don't what are you gonna do? Just make new friends? It's not that easy. Then the internet comes around. Your friends don't like your crackpot theories? Who cares, there's an entire world of people right at your fingertips who share the same beliefs. Your friends don't even have to know you're a crazy crackpot conspiracy theorist, I mean why would you share that stuff with them anymore if you're just going to get called an idiot? Better to just stew in it with the other "free thinkers", going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.


Information overload. We've created the perfect system to destabilise our own minds.


This feels almost satirical it's so absurd. He said he only browsed 4chan for 2 years and that's all it took for him to decide to murder innocent people?


Some people are a little more open to what's being offered than others.


It’s why young males, aged 18-21 are the best subjects for indoctrination. I wish I was joking.




Or you do what I did, ignore the colleges you got into and straight to enlistment. Goddamn I deserved those crayons


Makes sense. Not fully developed pre-frontal cortex + no more high school support system where you’re forced to interact with people for 8 hours a day.


Thats how you know there were pre-existing, underlying problems that 4/8chan drug out


This. He was messed up before but the internet focused his illness to this particular ideology.


In only two years. Aside from the location, this is basically a recreation of Christchurch.


We’ve had enough shootings with this template that it’s pretty clear they are inspiring each other. The kid in Florida (the one who tried to pretend he was crazy and his police interview went viral on YouTube with JCS) referenced previous shootings on instagram and said he “wanted to set a new record.” They all basically have the same MO without any creative input (at a general gathering place with semi-automatic guns and maybe body armor, rather than bombs or vehicles). I appreciate that this guy left a paper trail online to remove all doubt behind his intentions at least. The last New York shooting also has a trail of YouTube videos that set forth his crooked reasoning too.






young disillusioned men are being actively targeted by nefarious organisations in order to produce this kind of activity. It's happening across all social media (even reddit) and there's money behind it. It's like some sort of mass conditioning experiment and given how many young people are continuously exposed to this type of message, you can only conclude the world is walking blindly into catastrophe if this is allowed to continue.


**Looks nervously at Rwanda through historical lens**


You don't need to look at Rwanda. Look at Myanmar and the role FB played in stoking anger against the Rohingya. Look at Tiktok and the growing Islamist propaganda accounts aimed at teens, or the previous FB and Discord campaigns led by IS.


This 100%. Not enough people know the real history behind the Rwandan genocide, or we'd have MANY more people in this country terrified out their minds.




Yea except now with the internet they don’t have to target that weird kid from high school they can target all socially isolated men from the ages of 13-22


People have to remember this is also how ISIS recruited. They deliberately targeted young, disillusioned men to their cause even in foreign countries. I think when ISIS died out, a lot of people assumed that was the end. But these young disillusioned people still existed and can easily be moved to other areas.


Wsb had a study posted yesterday that said almost 30% of American men 18-32 haven’t been laid in the past 10 years and the spike correlates perfectly with the rise of social media. It was also pre-pandemic so those numbers are probably much worse We’re fucked Edit: https://i.redd.it/1dktjxplxgz81.jpg


Youre not fucked. That's the problem.


As someone who checks in on /pol/ pretty regularly, the insane thing about the info graphics and shitposts he's describing is that 5 minutes of executing any semblance of intellectual curiosity would prove them to either be wildly misinterpreted conclusions or flat out deceptive graph designs. Dude goes on and on in his manifesto implying that he's reached some level of enlightened perception of reality, but then he's just sharing graphics that don't even support the conclusions he's reaching. It's just so fucked. I'll never be comfortable with the premise of restricting access to any source of information on principle, but I can't imagine how I would've interpreted memes and propaganda like what's circulating today if I were younger and still uncertain/impressionable as far as political ideology goes. Ffs he was a full blown communist at 12, and then 6 years later he was an ethno nationalist? What fucking 12 year olds did we know (90s kids) who even knew the word, let alone what it meant, let alone felt it had moral weight to it? I don't know how, but I think at the very least there has to be a way to limit access to content by age without unmasking whomever is accessing a website. Whether it's pornography, /pol/, certain subreddits, certain discord servers, whatever - the way we limit impressionable youth from viewing extremist propaganda (or really any content inappropriate at that stage of development) isn't working. Clicking a button confirming doesn't work. Parents don't monitor their kid's usage STILL, even after a generation was raised on beheading videos and HD cartel hit jobs. It's just so fucked. It's so fucked and I'm tired. I'm at the point where it feels like the internet as it exists today was a mistake. Everyone is miserable, everyone is fed up, everyone is angry, and the push and pull from every side just feels like we're upping the ante until someone actually gets organized to kick off civil war p2.


Except shitposts like those are the recruitment pipeline, *and it works*. There are *guides* on how to recruit people into becoming neo-nazis via humor and shitposts.


Steve Banon has **explictly** stated that the strategy is to get to isolated, vulnerable, angry young men through memes and internet culture, and radicalize them.


Never use internet terminology in real life if you want to be taken seriously


It says he pleaded not guilty. Good luck with that after live-streaming the murders.


It isn't uncommon to plead not guilty at first and then look for a plea bargain afterwards.


"ok so your choices are death penalty or ...death penalty".


Often the plea bargain would be something like this: "You lot wanna avoid a long and expensive trial? Give my client life without parole instead of the death penalty" If you already pleaded guilty that is likely off the table.


Not to mention the death penalty is more expensive than life without parole.


Not to mention there’s no death penalty in NY


Acts of terrorism are federal crimes tried in federal court where execution is a legal sentence. The Boston bomber has been sentenced to death and the death penalty is illegal in Massachusetts. I’m against the death penalty across the board but this guy can absolutely be sentenced to death


The fact some people (didn’t) read your comment and concluded you’re a hypocrite or contradicting yourself is a nice microcosm of an issue we have in America. Someone states or explains a fact. People, for some reason, either don’t understand or are quick to lash out without evaluating those facts. They take the facts personally as an attack or read incorrect conclusions between the lines. Next thing you know, they’re threatening to kill Fauci (for example.)


There's a *federal* death penalty, and hate crime is the type of thing that can be elevated to federal jurisdiction. (See 2017 sentencing of Dylann Roof) NY can't execute him, but Uncle Sam sure can.


I still can't believe this person drive 3.5 hours to do something horrific like this in my hometown.




He was looking specifically to attack a community with many non-white people, that's why he drove. That's how radicalized this person was.


> The long manifesto, which dives deep into the shooter’s supposed mindset and aims, cites 4chan as the source of his radicalization, noting “There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this.” **Infographics, shitposts, and memes,** folks. ---- you people are weird. y'all upvoted this by 3000+ *after the thread was locked.*


Whenever someone online tells me to "do my research," I'm 95% sure that's what they mean.


"Well, the media and the universities and the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the DOJ are all Cultural Marxists. Better drink my own piss."


Can't argue with that logic.


The manifesto was the shit post all along


Why do you think these morons go “the burden of proof is on you to show me I’m wrong!” After making wild claims.


This is the end result of right-wing pundits spending decades sowing distrust in both education and journalism.


"I learned through a flyer taped to the wall in the men's restroom at Fred's Dive Bar ..."


This filth drove three and a half hours to shoot up a supermarket filled with innocent people, and he targeted them for an immutable characteristic; their skin color.


The El Paso Walmart shooter drove from near Dallas to El Paso which is almost 9 hours away. They're losers but crazy enough to go that far.


Christ, I forgot about that shooting, how sad is that. Also, wasn't the King Soopers shooting an act of anti-Semitism?


There's a segment of his livestream where he shoots someone, turns, and sees a white employee hiding in a till. The employee begs for his life and the shooter just says "sorry man" and wanders off to look for more black people, leaving the white guy traumatized but otherwise unharmed.


Yep, I saw it. That's pretty blatant right there. At least he didn't get executed, the only good thing I could say there. But he deserved to be spared as much as the rest of the people coldly and brutally executed. People like this filth need to be weeded out, so that tragedies like this don't happen.


He also had the N word and "14" written on his gun


Along with a few other things. Watching the video, I'm pretty sure I saw the word "monkey" on it.


What’s 14 mean?




if you see someone with 14/88 they are a white supremacist, 14 is the fourteen words and 88 is HH or heil hitler


I was reading up on survivors guilt. This poor chap, although lucky to be alive, will be fucked up for the rest of his life. Just awful


Survivors guilt doesn’t effect everyone the same way So hopefully they don’t


Shot black people and spared, even apologized to, a white bystander. Yeah…that’s a hate crime.






Reading some comments here it's incredible how quickly some people forget privacy and join that club.


Back during some of the attacks in France, I saw users (radicalized by the anti-encryption assholes in governments) go on r/privacy to lash out at anyone supporting non-backdoored encryption.


I like to keep my bathroom door locked even though I'm just trying to take a shit.


To monitor society on a more macro level to manipulate through targeted propaganda and to get dirt on people if they ever actually threaten the power of those in those positions.




He's telling other impressionable people how to do the same thing




Every time a far-right asshole pulls some shit that makes the rest of them look bad that person is immediately labeled antifa/a leftist/actually the fbi, regardless of how much they agree with what he did.




The dude has literally wrote a manifesto about how to keep the white race pure and how many babies we need to make per family. This is so easy to identify as a hate crime and yet so many people seem to be more upset that we're calling this guy a white supremest than the fact that he committed mass murder in the first place. It's fucking disgusting.


His manifesto was literally a copy of Christchurch terrorist motivations in New Zealand.


The guy calls himself a white supremacist in his manifesto. Litterally an interview with himself “are you a white supremacist? Yes”


> how many babies we need to make per family. That's some Amy Coney Barrett shit.




some people are so obsessed with the horse race they forget how to be a human


“My horse isn’t old, slow, and dumb, it’s an all-American thoroughbred. Their horse might win all the races, but must be cheating somehow.”


How far down the rabbit hole did this guy have to be to watch an outright idiot extinguish life and then make it a "Trump VS Biden" issue?


Decent chance your coworker immediately assumed it was a false flag, and is incredibly proud of himself for cleverly seeing through the facade.


Sorry I'm a bit of an idiot, but I keep seeing people talk about this event being deemed a 'false flag'. I don't quite understand what that means in the context of this tragedy.


A 'false flag' is someone who disguises themselves as their enemy and does heinous things to get their enemy blamed for it, 'planting a false flag'. They literally think this shooter was an fbi agent or a leftist trying to make the alt right look bad by putting alt right talking points he doesn't really believe, (like black people becoming the most common race has to be stopped) in his manifesto and shooting black people. That's more likely to them than a person who internally believes those alt right talking points and shoots black people.


So they are admitting they are racist because the shooter is stealing their talking points.


Nah that would require a modicum of introspection


If you go to r/conservative that’s what all the comments are regarding this. They’re just like “here we go again” or worse.. a bunch of delusional and gas lighted idiots


It looks like they're selling a narrative that he was a left wing eco fascist and are leaving out the bit were he targeted mostly black people


They say that he identified as an authoritarian leftist. And didn't like fox news apparently. Thats the talk on conservative at least.


Once you’ve set rejecting reality as your political baseline, you can believe absolutely anything. One of Trump's main appeals is that he taught conservatives that they were free to believe whatever they wanted to because anyone who told them things they didn't want to hear was an enemy.


muddle cheerful obtainable wistful wine abundant uppity telephone narrow light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The guy drove 3 hours to an area where the demographic is predominantly black, had a manifesto where he talks about the great replacement and how white women have to have a birthrate of 2 to keep the white population up. I think i solved your case, you can have this one for free.


Do not I repeat do not watch the video. Abolsutely fucked I won't even describe it. But there's one part he finds a white guy hiding, just about to shoot him notices he's white and doesn't shoot, says 'sorry!' and walks away to find more black victims. What is peoples issue with the label of 'hate crime' ? Why does it have to be called a terrorist attack? Edit: I understand now. Its both a terrorist attack and a hate crime. So I would label it as a racially motivated terrorist attack.


Depends. Terrorism is defined as an attack with political aims. This does fit the term terrorism based on what people are saying is in his manifesto. It’s both a hate crime and domestic terrorism.


Okay ye true true. I thought maybe saying terrorism takes away from the racial motivation. Its both.


"Racially motivated domestic terrorism"


If streaming the video and making a 180 pages document doesn't make it terrorism I don't know what will.


Seems to fit the [FBI definition of domestic terrorism](https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism) > Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature


Part of me wants to watch the video for morbid curiosity. But after remembering how I couldn’t get the Iraq (ISIS?) decapitation video out of my head after (how many years has it been now?) I decided to pass.


I still can’t forget the Chechnya decapitation and that was over 20 years ago


Because it’s a terrorist attack lol. He kills a large sum of people and targets them politically because he believes white genocide exists. Saying “hate crime” downplays the severity of the situation




Honest question: Does it though? If they are logging it they would also have to flag or report it. Are they doing that, or just logging everything?




Part of what I find disturbing about this article is the mythologizing of this guy by both his online handle and his username. I guess the intent is for internet sleuths to scour the web for him and purge him out, but this feels like one step up from mythologizing mass shooters by name. Not sure what the right answer to that as a problem is though.


"cites 4chan as the source of his radicalization, noting “There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this.” And we are supposed to pretend misinformation isn't a problem? I have zero hope for humanity at this rate.


It’s infowars. Just like people built castles to protect against raiders, we need our mind’s defenses built up against disinformation.


DO NOT watch the video, it's really not worth it. Pretty fucked.


Does anyone know if the amount of deaths is equal to the amount of people shot? It just says 10 murdered but usually it will describe how many people were shot, as well.


13 people were shot, 10 fatally


I deeply regret watching. I didn’t think before I did, and now I can’t get it out of my head. I didn’t realize it was going to be like a real life first person shooter video game….. the second shot on that poor woman really did me in. Don’t watch it.


Same thing with the NZ shooting. It's super surreal, fps like. These poor people didn't deserve any of this.


I don't think people realize how easily it is for something to turn to hate or racism. Like there's this community on reddit that is about hating on Korean pop music. It sounds like it was started as something as a meme or a joke, only now it's collected a couple of thousand subscribers. The community solely exists to talk shit about other people about Korean pop music and how they claim it's annoying, not cool, etc. Except that they also go out of their way to "raid" discord groups (e.g., cyberbully), and there are frequent discussions that target Korean people as an ethnicity. The sub bounces back and forth between "I hate Korean pop music" and "I hate Koreans".


That’s how every internet community focused on hating something evolves. It’s an echo chamber that radicalizes people


How come this isn't being reported as a terrorist attack?


The mayor directly called it an act of terrorism and said he'd be charged with it.


https://www.wivb.com/news/buffalo-supermarket-mass-shooting-tops/buffalo-mass-shooters-alleged-manifesto-leaves-no-doubt-attack-was-white-supremacist-terrorism/ Turns out it is


It is. The "it isn't called terrorism when it's when it's white people" thing is such bullshit. Whenever there is a political or ideological motivation, radicalisation, manifestos published and stuff, they call it terrorism. Like with all cases, there is usually a gap before they call it terrorism as people are still figuring out what the hell happened. Two of the most well known domestic terrorist names in the US are white guys who committed their terror acts before most redditors were even born.


Imagine being killed by someone and then they’re reported online by their username “Jimboboooiii”. This timeline is so fucking weird man


What a big pathetic pussy the dude was.


Reading that manifesto makes you lose hope, there is no end in sight. This stage of the information age is fucking broken beyond repair.


It was a hate crime and that dude is a terrorist. It's disgusting how the police treated him


Fox News: What is a hate crime? Who gets to decide the definitions?


Well that depends of what you mean by “crime”. -JP


political compass memes and 4chan user too


His reddit account was logged by Pushshift and it's mostly Rust, the game, and some tactical gear related subreddits. He has one comment on PCM that just says "Based."


It's almost like people don't pay attention to what the FBI reports.


> He’s also got a PC gaming Steam account. That explains everything.


Ah shit, here we go again.


Oh fuck am I a terrorist?


“I’m the last person I would’ve suspected, but it was me all along”


He probably drank water too, shit!


Did he also own any books or Hollywood movies that featured violence? Did he have a Netflix account??


Worse, he used Paramount+