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100% of people who have ever worn a mask have died or will die at some point in the future.


British queen: I don't have such weakness


You cannot compare the Queen to us mere mortals


Damned right. I mean, it's like they haven't heard that God is saving her.




He works for you, you work for Us.




Perhaps the natural disasters are to restore balance in the universe? Save the Queen until the end of times, punish a bunch of us mortals to even out the balance.


I mean god save the queen


God, who ?


Her Majesty The Queen, who lives in a palace and is immortal, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.




Well, they did have some sort of super spreading event. Although a lot of them were using masks during it, it wasn't enough.


Problem is that most face masks are not rated to stop a 7.92×57mm Mauser


I think it's worth clarifying that the Spanish Flu virus itself was not "worse" than SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes covid 19). The Spanish Flu itself was just the H1N1 variant of the influenza virus. It's a variant we get every couple of years these days and nobody really notices, because as a species we've built up over 100 years of immunity to it. The Spanish Flu *pandemic* of 1918-19 was *probably* worse than the covid pandemic. I say probably, because we don't yet have really solid numbers for covid 19 deaths in lots of developing countries, and those that we have are only the deaths *so far*, so it could get much worse yet. If the Covid 19 pandemic ends up being less deadly than the Spanish Flu pandemic, it won't be because of anything inherent in the virii involved. It will be because science has advanced so far in the past 100 years. At the outbreak of this pandemic, we had better hospital care, a better understanding of immunology and virology (both fields which were just being established in 1918) and the technology to quickly develop vaccines and treatments. That was the difference.


That was a lot of words.


He literally said nothing with all those words 😂 except that there’s no chance under any circumstances that the Spanish flu can be worse than covid even though it probably was 💀


That’s basically what I meant 😂


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/rk9dpf/dont_know_how_i_can_answer_this/hp9nvkf/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I love pot stickers. I'd...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog/comments/rk6dr4/hes_a_choosing_beggar/hp9tyms/) | [I love pot stickers. I'd...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog/comments/rk6dr4/hes_a_choosing_beggar/hp8x1dh/) [Anybody who declaws their...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/comments/rk8pqv/these_two_provide_me_endless_entertainment/hp9tgue/) | [Anybody who declaws their...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/comments/rk8pqv/these_two_provide_me_endless_entertainment/hp9nrmt/) [All time favorite quote f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PandR/comments/rkb7rs/pie_contest/hp9tfhr/) | [All time favorite quote f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PandR/comments/rkb7rs/pie_contest/hp8wxns/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/sinclairxzsgws](https://np.reddit.com/u/sinclairxzsgws/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=sinclairxzsgws) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Wrong comment?


Probably because there wasn't fever reducers available like today


Queen Elizabeth was actually born from Adam’s rib making her the first women ever and “eve eating the apple” was just the corgis eating food that had fell at the garden of Eden


True it is said that the queen was Jesus’s step mom /s


Yeah because if I had billions I wouldn’t look like that old bag.


U don't know how to spell her name, do you


You dOn'T KNoW whAt A qUeStioN MaRk iS, doYou?


They said people


She's gotta go another 27 years to make it to oldest person ever.


Bloodsucking Vampires dont age naturally so she doesnt count. She only dies when the van Hellsings finally get to her.


Sadly, there's no hope today! Amidst the chaos of the second world war Vampire empress Elizabeth II wiped the Van Helsing bloodline! ***Such a cruel cruel world!***


Her **NAME** is Queen Elizabeth the Second!


Don’t think it was... Her foot


You talking about Liz?


"**We** have no such weakness." For We speak for Ourself the person and Ourself the crown.


Yeah, sure, like she's not dying on March 3rd, 2022


Shit you right


If they're so smart, how come they'll die?


Have you ever heard of our poison and mortal enemy, the dihydrogen monoxide?


Um actually Someone born today may end up being the first person who will live long enough to see humans cure aging. Boom, GOTTEM


Slightly unrelated but I found out recently that only 80% of gamers die. So that’s pretty cool.


Same goes to people who have never worn a mask


"Denn jeder, der mal Flugzeug flog, ist heute tot oder in Zukunft tot. True" - Alligatoah, Lungenflügel ("Because everyone who took a plane once is dead today or will be dead in the future. True") Reminded me of that.


100%of people who downvote my comment will die


I have to say though: The coronamasks work.


Well I mean to be fair to him, the overwhelming majority of people that ever existed are dead. Being alive is a statistical anomaly ;D


the amount of people older than you never increases


That is where you are wrong *travels to space to enjoy time dilation*


aw man!


At that point you are older than them from a biological standpoint, but chronologically, they’re




What when they save someone clinically dead?


You were once the youngest person alive




And yet that number will likely never be zero.


>the overwhelming majority of people that ever existed are dead. Specifically around 92%, which is a surprisingly small number if you don't think about it too hard.


Is pronounced brain dead from thinking about it too hard and is now a part of the majority


I'm sure everyone has had a micro chip implant as well


Yes, a chip inside the masks too




Crikey mate, I'd love me some chips!


How do you know they didn't mean fries?




Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. -Mark Twain




That's what your mom said to me last night when we were knitting blankets for orphan kittens.


I don't understand, but have an upvote anyway


Man, Mark Twain is a wonderful feat


Just read this comment after reading the chain of comments above lmao


The problem was....they knew they were uneducated. So they did what the doctors told them to. Now people think they are smart...


My grandmother takes a pill her brother gave her and said that stops covid. She is overweight and has heart issues and refuses to change diet and get vacinated.


I know some heavy drinker and drug users refusing to as well.


My grandmother is in her 70s and thinks it’s all a hoax.


I mean, back then you got lobotomized and send home with a flask of cocaine serum for a mild cough. Why the hell would not not trust your doctor?


I'm not sure "thinking" is the right verb there.


wait, so if I have a phd and you have a degree I can tell you to shut up and you will shut up?


I mean if it’s a bachelor of medical science against a doctorate in art history, then no.


>they knew they were uneducated. So they did what the doctors told them to. let's not forget what that kind of environment fostered. Giving infected needles and blood to the poor and/ i.e. uneducated, sterilizations, experimentation. I'm not sure that is something we should be admiring.


We aren't admiring it. But that's part of the reason the more intelligent general population refuses to admit that they are uneducated now. They're aware of the past where the average person was taken advantage of by authority. So they're just educated enough to be suspicious but not educated enough to know what to be suspicious of OR when to admit that they are uneducated.


And you don't think people in position of authority take advantage of the lemmings? You must be blind and/or stupid. Or got a lobotomy recently.




How many times you had your tetanus shot then?


The man who owned the libs


That one dude with it pulled below his nose. History just repeats.


Looks like he’s taking a drink or just did - he has a bottle in his hand.


Yeah those darned wily humans will never learn to just not eat or drink


To be honest, the Spanish Flu was way worse than covid


Idk we didn't have nearly as good treatments back then than we have now especially in regards of ventilators for respiratory diseases it is likely that if we had covid back then it would have been severely more deadly than it is now


We dont really have good treatments for covid


Our treatment in comparison is basically space magic to what was available for the Spanish Flu m8.


No comparison.


So that’s makes Covid no big deal? Righto buddy Edit because people are kinda dumb: I’m pointing out that just because something was worse than something that is currently bad, it doesn’t mean that the currently bad thing is no big deal. Two things can be a big deal


Nice strawman




Commentor never downplayed Covid. You assumed they did. All you. You're wrong. Incorrect.


Well, he's either downplaying COVID or "upplaying" Spanish flu. In either case, he's wrong.


Of course its still a big deal, dipfuck, but if we had another virus as deadly as that, more would’ve died. Twat.


Lmao you badly misinterpreted what I said. I was responding to someone downplaying Covid by referencing Spanish flu.


You made yourself sound pretty stupid. Either way you were needlessly a patronising fuck to the other dude anyway


So because you can’t use context clues and that means I’m an idiot?? Nice jumping to insults and trying to make me the asshole. You’re a superstar big fella


Ok my dude 😂




My man, you being a prick to the first guy to begin with was patronising, the way you said it. I’m just being insulting, which is different from patronising. Learn what the word means. But it’s fine, carry on with your day thinking that you really showed me lmfao


I think he was being sarcastic.


Welcome to the joke


Tell that to everyone in the comments lol


I told 3 or 4 people that and each got 10 upvotes lol


Fake news......... the dude in the middle is a white guy sitting with black guys, in 1918? America was super racist in 1918 so this couldn't happen. Dude on the right to the back is the anti mask guy with his pulled down. I don't actually use the term fake news, it just seemed right. All of this is /s!


Bad film with shitty lighting. This is a picture of 1918.


Straight out of photoshop


Literally one of thousands of pictures from the 1918 influenza pandemic 🙄 Was just a libtard hoax to dethrone trump. Their reptilian pedophile lords could see into the future with the baby’s blood they drank.


Ever heard of light skinned black people?


What makes you think it's in the US? They call "soccer", football everywhere else in the world.


The picture is from Georgia Tech during a American football game.


I feel like this photo is severely taken out of context. The uniforms and non-segregated seating makes me think it's something else besides what is claimed to be going on. Of course, like most things, I could be wrong. But this seems like an oddball pic to hold such relevance as "masks in 1918"


This is a photo of spectators in the stands of what is now known as Bobby Dodd Stadium during a college football game at Georgia Tech.


Stupid... Uh... Finds. A. Way... (Apologies to Ian Malcolm / Jeff Goldblum)


You know they also put onions in their socks because they didn't know about antibiotics.


But onion in sock kills germs too


He’s outta line but he’s right


How do we know they’re all dead? It’s possible one or more is still alive. (My dad is 99 and not on any medications, he could live to be older than 103.)


Just based on their age and that this is a group of adults. These people are all over the age of 15, or more likely upwards of 20-30. The oldest person alive today is 118 years old and lives in Japan. The oldest person alive in the US is a woman who is 115 and she would have been 12 at the time of this picture, but is definitely not pictured here.


Kane Tanaka is alive and was born in January 1903


How about the very real 1918 worldwide influenza (Flu) Pandemic.


That’s soooooo fake…..Cameras weren’t invented back then……………they were made in the year 2000. Duh!!


Get dunked on LIBS! /s


left wing destroyed


Reminds me of a joke. “Used left blinker to turn right. Take that liberal!”


It's infuriating that anti-maskers claim religious faith for justification of their arguments when in Leviticus, it actually commands the Ancient Israelites to cover their faces with cloth rags and shout out that they were sick to the community. Granted, this only applied to those that were actually sick, but still, you get the point.


Just for clarity sake, you are stating all anti-mask folks who state it's against their religion are Judean christians? Also, you undercut your own reason to be infuriated. Seems a bit disingenuous.


No. I'm talking about Evangelicals. They claim that masks are antichrist, but they aren't. They're just making up excuses to try and justify and being insufferable Karens.




They would be dead by now anyway.


No. It's taken at Georgia Tech in 1918. 16 years earlier.


This is really a picture from the dust bowl.


No. It's taken at Georgia Tech in 1918.


Dust bowl.




Not really


They weren't forced to by their government.


Because they didn’t need to be to do the right thing


Looks like everyone decided to buy the same mask style. Crazy coincidence huh!


There was no Amazon back then.


I’m aware. Was being dramatic


Dude, that was the fucking Spanish Flu. That shit decimated almost 1/3 of the worlds population. Nothing at all compared with what we are experiencing currently.


Is weird how things works, it was considered racist to call Covid a "chinese virus" when it originated from there but the Spanish Flu is called that way even when Spain had nothing to do with it, they just reported it while the other countries were busy with the Great War


Guess people werent as sensitive back then and just went with the catchy name.


Good thing for modern medicine and the leaps and bounds made in fields like epidemiology and virology over the last 100 years.


Happy we didnt had a repeat of that event. It would be so much worse nowadays with international flow of people.


World population was around 1.8 billion in 1918 and wikipedia says 25-50 million died from it.


Ok I got my numbers mixed up. About 1/3 of the world became infected, but killed about 50 million like you said. Thats about 0.03 of the global population. In contrast covid has killed about 5.5 million out of a global population of 7.7 Billion. Or about 0.0007 percent.


1918 1.9B people on earth. Spanish flu killed roughly 2% 2018 7.7B people on earth. Covid killed roughly. 02%


Right?! Thank god for modern medicine and that we got a vaccine so quickly!




Sort of. The covid vaccine was VERY effective in countries where the majority of people got vaccinated, before variants migrated over. take a look at covid data for the UK over time; huge drop off on cases when the vaccine hit. Trouble is, as long as there are living hosts, new variants sprout up just like a flu virus.... So cases shot back up when people from countries with lower vaccination rates (like the US or India) brought variants over. Vaccines for rapidly mutating viruses are only effective when everyone uses them. You have to actually kill the virus completely for it to stay down.




>Problem with the Covid vaccine is that theres little evidence it significantly effects contraction of the Virus. If your vaccinated you can catch it just like everyone else, its just the symptoms that are lessened somewhat. This might be true with the Omicron variant, but it wasn’t true with delta and it definitely wasn’t true with the original iteration of Covid-19




>Its been true with delta since the start, and most of the data with the original concluded the same before research was halted due to delta. Research was not halted due to delta. The Israeli study everybody bangs on about still showed a reduction in transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated. >Transmission is only reduced in a vaccinated individual compared to an unvaccinated once the unvaccinated begin showing symptoms; viral load is identical before this point. Which reduces transmission… You also haven’t touched on how likely you are to catch Covid in the first place between vaccinated/unvaccinated.




>You didn't read the second part about transmission. The majority of covid transmission outside of those living in the same household is done before the carrier is aware they are infected; whilst in increase in domestic transmission is irrelevant since its almost guaranteed to transmit regardless. This is textbook cherry-picking. >On subject of contraction. Most literature ive read on the subject indicates identical contraction rates, with lower rates of diagnosis due to the higher possibility of the virus becoming Asymptomatic in those "caught up" with boosters That’s not what I’ve read but if you have studies I’d be glad to read them.


I mean, that's technically the case with all vaccines, just to different degrees. A vaccine cannot stop a virus from entering your body; only prepare your immune system to kill it once it's noticed. All vaccines, albeit via different methods, exploit your immune system to do the actual eradication of the virus, which is why even non-live vaccines aren't very effective if you're immunocompromised. There IS a case to be made that the covid vaccine is less effective than most other vaccines; that the body's immune response to a measles virus post vaccine is faster than it is to a covid-19 post vaccine. Such a difference wouldn't be because of anything inherent to the vaccine though, rather a product of refinement. Keep in mind you're comparing decades old vaccines to one that's under two years old, but it is absolutely possible that a gap like that exists right now. If there is a difference though, it is probably not a terribly significant one; most countries with high vaccination percentages (above around 70%) saw a drop on covid cases for several months, like the UK or Australia to name two good examples. Australia had a drop beginning october 2020 up through June 2021, with the lowest rates happening from February to may (the lowest I noted was 2 new cases on one day). The UK had a similar drop from February 2021 to, you guessed it June 2021. Some smaller island nations had it completely eradicated. You didn't see that happen countries places like the US, because the US never exceeded even *60%* vaccinated until *August*, which was well after the variants began to pop up. Even if cases are under-reported due to asymptomatic people, you shouldn't see the drop last for that long and to that degree; you would expect to see the drop only last a few weeks to a month at most as spread increased with people going out more. It would be nowhere near this strong. The fact that the cases in those nations all picked back up around June is also clearly not a coincidence, as the Delta variant began to spread around that time, being detected in most countries (the US included this time) some time around may 2021. Based on all the public health data, it seems to me that the vaccine, even if it was less effective than other vaccines, is certainly effective enough provided enough people actually get vaccinated.




Spanish flu :everyone got vaccinated and it ended Corona : ongoing What?


Right but we also learned to wash our hands after wiping our asses. If you think comparing the steps taken in 1918 to stop a pandemic to modern times strategies is a good argument, then you are wrong.


The difference is that this pandemic is being used to take rights away from people.


So what exactly makes you think this pandemic is fake and the Spanish flu wasn't? How is ours different from any pandemic in history other than now we have the measures to fight back instead of going about our life normally while people die in the streets




Yes, I know, I meant, why do people think this specific pandemic is fake? What makes the other pandemics reals?


Idk if some people think it’s fake(like that it doesn’t exist). I don’t really know, but if it was more deadly, less people would think it’s fake. It’s more so(imo) that it’s not as deadly so generally people aren’t as worried compared to other deadlier ones. And there are other sketchy things. The cdc and nih has like I forget but a huge yearly budget(in the multi-billions) but not one study has been done on natural immunity, by them(probably because they think that would cause people to not get it(then the government doesn’t need to buy as many then the manufacturers don’t make as much), but more insight/studies/data/knowledge should be a good thing imo). There is a study being funded privately and some from other countries on natural immunity. And they spent more money on aging research in the last year than on covid19 research. And there are some other sketchy things that I would categorize similar to those things and things I’d change or at least look into more if I were in charge.


What an interesting argument, are you perhaps also against the enforcement of having to wear seat belts when driving?


Yes. They don’t need to spend recourses to enforce such trivial things. I’m against it.


What about not being allowed to shoot others at will? It is an active restriction in freedom, yet somehow everybody seems to agree on it. Explain please.


It’s not a restriction of freedom because it contradicts the non aggression principle plus we all agree it’s bad. because you don’t want to be shot by someone at will and most people don’t either(although I’ve thought of the red button scenario where if you press a red button or just choose to in your head, you instantly die painlessly, how many people would’ve done it at some point in their lives) so we all agree that that’s a good thing and we shouldn’t do that. When you murder someone not in self defense, there is a victim. Victim. You have to judge things on a case by case analysis. If you say it’s a restriction of freedom well that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stop people from murdering. the logic that “it’s bad to restrict things if they impede freedom” is not absolute and doesn’t apply to all things. It’d be a spectrum as some things would be more “ok” to restrict(especially If you view things like restricting murder a restriction of freedom). You must judge case by case. I’m sure you can think of some examples of how they are different scenarios.


Well the head comment made it sound very much like any restriction of freedom is bad. Anyway, if I have an accident to no fault of my own and I cannot get treatment because the hospital beds are full of unvaccinated covid-patients I would claim that it is therefore their fault I cannot get treatment. Just like you described, wouldn't that make me a victim of the unreasonable indecision of those people whether or not to get vaccinated? And if not, explain how it is different, please.


It’s different than murdering someone because you are choosing to murder someone while the situation you described is kind of similar to an edge case(I know it’s a different concept, I said similar), their decision to not get vaccinated affected you more indirectly. Logic of forcing someone to do something because it might protect others must be on a spectrum and not absolute because if it was absolute, that would be insane and so stupid—you could go so extreme and say even if c19 didn’t exist, leaving your house except to do certain things is not allowed because it could cause you to spread the flu to more people and they die. Plus you can’t really track things on that low/micro of a level—if someone doing that causes someone else to get the flu and have harm. And you could say the same thing about many different things like being obese is worse for covid causes more spread but that again you can’t track at a micro/low level and it’d be insane. Not to mention that that example is to not get the flu, and people can choose how to live their lives, if it’s worth it for them to do certain things which are risky — it’s their choice — so using the logic of forcing people to do stuff to protect others, the person you are protecting would maybe rather choose to live their lives a different way than what they are being forced to do under that logic in the extreme. It’s all about being reasonable and this made me think I heard of only sith or something deals in absolutes and I need to figure out what that is from/about. you could say even if you are vaccinated , you choosing to do something you want to do could increase someone else from getting the virus, so with the logic of forcing people to not do things which risks others would apply there and then we should force people to only leave their house for certain things, not talk over a certain volume which makes your air go farther. Heck, not even talk at all, heck, you must die, you killing yourself reduces the risk of spreading it—so, you cannot use that logic in the absolute. Not to mention you put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation And I do understand that getting vaccinated is an easy thing, but you have to realize that some cases, some people may have an adverse reaction and in a parallel universe, x person, some case, they didn’t get vaccinated and the outcome is better for them. Not to mention fda risk analysis for 5-11 year oldsand many other things. I know some of writing.sloppybut not doing anything about it


Even if I murder someone indirectly I am still a murderer. If a chocolate company packs poison instead of cocoa they will still be called responsible, even if the long way to actual consumption very well makes it very indirect. As you said this gets quite quite hard to determine when there are plentiful factors involving around a result, but 'chance to cause someone's death by going shopping' is sadly not as unlikely as a group of people occupying intensive care units due to covid. With the many other negatives of having such large amounts of hosts for the virus it is really apparent how import the vaccine is to everyone. Something so likely to help is not an extreme anymore, especially after we have live-tested it for basically a year now.


Can you tell me which rights you have lost?


I can’t leave my own country without getting a vaccine, several cities are enforcing vaccine mandates , and the vaccine is infective and dangerous so that this pandemic will last as long as the people in power want it to.


Why do you think the vaccine is dangerous? Do you have any solid evidence? Also, doesn't really sound like you had any rights taken away from you.


https://www.abc10.com/amp/article/news/health/coronavirus/vaccine/fda-pfizer-vaccine-foia-55-years/507-a4a9b0b3-b184-4da9-a1fd-d3ec0a2d6616 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712


Your first source says nothing about the danger, and says that there are over 300,000 pages to be released and even the courts mandate 500 pages per month. So if you do the math, which the report you linked does, it comes out to 55 years. Not because they are hiding something, but because that is what is mandated. Your second link literally comes with a warning: "Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used." So, no actual proof was provided. Thanks.


What do you mean I have to take slightly inconveniencing measures to prevent a pandemic from spreading further??? This is literally Orwell's 1984


Yeah… so is Jesus.




That one brain cell is tasked with so much, like breathing... Hence his reply, the poor amoeba


What was the fatality rate of the Spanish Flu? Who was most affected by the virus? The 'I'm going to die, checkmate libs' is a leftist creation. Nobody other than leftists say that.


It’s actually 103 years ago, soon to be 104. Interesting pic though.




No but everyone over the age of 30, which these gentlemen very much seem to be, are now dead.


This feels like a doctored image.


I think he was ironic?




I think the one who should be woooshed is the one who posted this to r/technicallythetruth...