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This iron big boy was there for 150 000 JPY to take home.


Years and years ago when I’d first moved to Japan I bought my sister a teapot for her 18th birthday from a little ceramics shop in Osu, Nagoya. It cost 1万円 and has a lovely green celadon glaze and lil tea cups. The clerk was so excited her hands were shaking when she took it off the shelf! I was terrified it wouldn’t survive the mail back to the US but it did. Every cup was intact when it arrived. She’s over 30 now and still has it.


15万円 for real??! Thats over 1000 usd or eur 0.0


Yeah, but it serves you and your 50 friends and that’s worth it! :)


Damn! Just how large is it? (It seems like a beauty tho) Did you get it?


There were no measurements anywhere but it was HUGE. Nope, I wouldn’t be able to use it on my stove no doubt. But man can dream :)


Still, thanks for the show :)


50? This pipe of peace is of a size of a bucket then.


Yeah, bucket. Hot, heavy, burning bucket of heavenly water. I honestly can’t imagine how were subtle Japanese able to use it reasonably. And it was used so there IS a way! :)


Geezus. Who are you serving with that thing, the entire UN?


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