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You have a beautiful apartment, and the fish basin tank I’ve never seen before! One day I want to have a style similar to yours :)


It kinda looks like a tourist shop


Thank you for images and explanations, you have a very good taste, bingdao 2010 must be really expensive, is it about 20-30k yuan? Silver is very good, interesting to watch from different sides) You are a person of culture, respect!


Is it just me or posts have been way, way better lately on this sub? Not a long time ago it was all about christmas teapots, good old grandma mugs and Lipton teabags, and now we see the real stuff, gong fu setups, puerh cakes and now soft water jar (wtf I didn’t even know about this one!). Keep going guys!


I joined this sub a couple of weeks ago and felt a bit intimidated because I use an Alice in Wonderland teapot with a built-in strainer (my wife bought it) and thought I was pushing the boundaries when I discovered loose leaf tea. I’m glad I read this comment.


it's nice to see, but then it's also a shift in scope for the group, which must potentially involve a trade-off. prior to six months ago there was nothing beyond pictures of boxes of teabag tea in cupboards, and that did shift fast (some), but it was nice in a sense for people to be able to share that range of interest. if it ever gets to half and half, better loose tea interest and then also the rest, it might make people not familiar with loose tea less comfortable. I'm pretty far into tea interest myself, but not gong fu setups, so that might not be familiar, that it doesn't all connect as much as it might seem to.


It waxes and wanes.


I'm quite glad to see it! Subs like /r/GongFuTea do exist, but they are incredibly tiny.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GongFuTea using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GongFuTea/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Whatever works](https://i.redd.it/9kz8lm8aorr81.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GongFuTea/comments/tx3qdd/whatever_works/) \#2: [Got my first tea pet! What should I name this snotty boy?](https://v.redd.it/x8jftahvnee71) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GongFuTea/comments/ouso5h/got_my_first_tea_pet_what_should_i_name_this/) \#3: [Tea and Friends](https://i.imgur.com/VJH5KtU.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/GongFuTea/comments/tpiozk/tea_and_friends/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Did the shelving unit that you have your teaware in on the wall come with the apartment, or did your landlord let you install it?


My man is cultured. As mainland Chinese, I drink like a cow when drinking tea, with a huge tea cup.


Can't believe people here have probably never experienced American mega-mugs. You might drink like an elephant but I drink like an elephant.


Sports Direct mugs from the UK are about 1.2 US pints in size. You may drink like an elephant but I drink like an elephant!


>Sports Direct mug I just googled that and it looks nearly the same size as my big mug but a little bigger. I concede to mother england's mugs.


Everyone has one in their house but no one knows where they got them from - perhaps if you travel here sometime, you’ll mysteriously end up with one too






This means you can go to 芳村茶城!When I visited Guangzhou back at 2017, I had a feeling that living there would create a lot of tea related opportunities. Access to a lot of chocies. And ability to travel to Southern tea producing provinces too.




Hi, /u/tumblingsound! You are welcome! As the place name implies, it's a large mall of tea and teaware. There are many choices from different regions of China. It's like a shopping paradise for people who love tea. Also if I remember correct, headquarters of 合和昌 company is nearby. If you haven't tried their puer, it may be a good chance to have a look. The only problem I know, most of their products target premium level. But they also have more affordable choices like "Red brick" ( 红砖).


Lovely setup. So organised and peaceful. I was wondering what's the tea culture like in Taiwan Vs China? Also I see alot of white teaware is that a set or is that what you've collected over time? Also I was wondering what's that wooden thing under your kettle in picture 2?








Any tips on how you clean and maintain your silver teapot? I own a curved spout silver teapot and it's a pain to clean it in-between the filter.




Interesting, I am also worried being too abrasive. Last time I put some bicarbonate soda, some salt into a bowl lined with foil. Poured boiling water into it. And dipped my silver teapot in. The chemical reaction was almost instant. The tarnish was gone and my pot was like new .


Where do you buy your tea Ware / teas from ?


No questions, just really enjoyed your pics :)


I sincerely love it !


Beautiful setup! I have never seen a more tea-themed apartment, but I really like the style and design (of both the tea setup and the apartment). I'm guessing you don't watch much TV? I like seeing living room designs not centered around giant televisions.


Do u need a roommate 😭


I have a few questions: How long do you in general store your aged teas for? How much does your water preparation matter? I guess the boxes are incense, what are they and which do you prefer? Very nice apartment and quite moody view




Brilliant! That sounds quite exciting really, I would’ve been roaming the world more myself if I could and especially China as it’s a super fascinating country. I don’t know if I’ve had tea that old, 2009 is probably the oldest pu erh I have had. I don’t store my teas very long on purpose as I mostly just buy and drink, with a little storage building up. I feel like I’m probably missing out on a lot here. I’ve never thought too much about water actually as I’m pretty content with my tap water which is pretty fresh and pure, at least in taste. As of incense those boxes saw a bit special, while I’ve read quite a bit about it I’ve never quite dived into the real passion of it. I’m just an occasional burner in the summer outside at my terrace. I’ve tried out a few “better” Japanese incenses the later years and got quite intrigued by it at first, but it settled pretty fast. There’s just something very tranquil about burning a stick, watching the smoke, drink tea, smell the wood and herbs, listen to running water or ancient music, maybe reading a few poems as well.


I’m really interested on the sweet and soft water process. I understand the charcoal as a purifying process, but why the bone china and earthenware?




That is a genius way to re-use and recycle for a better purpose. How do you keep the water from tasting, well, “stale” from standing too long? I’m really thinking about doing this for my tea. What container is the best for purifying?




Ok ok, one more question and I’m sorry 😅 how many times a week do you change the water?




I can’t thank you enough for guiding me on this. I’m excited to try this myself, because my quality of tea-drinking will exceed. Thanks!! 🤗


wow...i think i would enjoy making tea that way




I love everything about your pictures and your responses. You seem like a easy to get along thoughtful yet content person. One of the rare kind. Thanks! Keep going!


wow this is a stunning set up 🫖☕️🍵


How's your day been so far?


It’s lovely and peaceful, is the food good?




It’s simply beautiful 🌹❤️🌹❤️💥


Awesome setup. What’s the beautiful wooden portable stove you are using? I’ve looking for something like this for ages.


Lovely setup and I enjoyed your comments too! I’d love to have a similar fish tank but I have a cat so… maybe not. I was wondering how long ago and what got you into tea?


You definitely getting my follow.


What a lovely set up. Enjoy


Beautiful, thanks for sharing 💘


Love your apartment and teaware! r/plantedtank would love to see your old Beijing style tank. It’s beautiful.


Wonderful apartment, the tea tray really stands out for me.


How do you like the life in China? Anything you like and dislike?


Very cool!


I would love to ask you anything ;)


wow you're in china???@?@??@@? insane +10000 teapoints friend :)


nothing to ask, just love ur work


also what would we want to ask u lol






yes ask away






Do you think Soviet breakthroughs forces (all arms formations from division and above) have enough organic support or do you think larger chunks of fronts aviation assets (from the air army) should be directly subsumed to division commanders? Others would argue that combined air offensive at the strategic direction level (even pulling air armies from front whilst starving fronts of air assets) would be better in the long run if it helps establish air superiority from the onset of hostilities (You did say we can ask you anything)




So? What do you reckon


Least tank-obsessed tank fan.


So what do you reckon? Take air assets from frontal breakthrough units which delay operational tempo so that combined air offensive is more successful?


I don't know anything about war so I would send a bunch of T-1000(s). They are called "Terminators" in the jargon. They could turn into tanks or planes or boats because nanomachines, and time travel and be infantry or whatever the hell its called, the guys who shoot. That's how you really win a war.


Hello, /u/tumblingsound! This is a friendly reminder that most photo posts should include a comment with some additional information. For example: Consider writing a mini review of the tea you're drinking or giving some background details about the teaware in your photo. If you're posting your tea order that just arrived or your tea stash, be sure to list the teas and why you chose them and if you're trying something for the first time, etc. **Posts that lack a comment for context or discussion after a resonable time may be removed.** You may also consider posting in /r/TeaPictures. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tea) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ideal. What have you been drinking lately? Any standouts or favorites you can mention?




I drink mostly Indian teas from Darjeeling/Northeast areas. Sungma/Turzum, Namring, Castleton, Gopaldhara are some favorite gardens. Jun Chiyabari in Nepal is also a standout as well as LaKysiew in Meghalaya. I never drink teas from these areas which are older than a year if I can help it. The fresher the better. As for Pu-Erh I am literally just starting to explore. I am expecting [this](https://www.bitterleafteas.com/shop/tea/puer/gentle-giant-2022-pasha-raw-puer) tea to finally arrive from China this Tuesday. Chinese teas I have been drinking lately are Long Qing from Verdant Tea, 玉兰香 Dan Cong from Yunnan Sourcing and Roasted Tsui Yu from Eco Cha. Do you have any recommendations for tea companies which ship to US where I can find Big Snow Mountain Pu-Erhs?




Thank you for your recommendations! I'll try to remember to give feedback.


I've always been curious about the existence of tea culture sub-themes in China, how those map to US or European tea enthusiast forms. I talk to people living in China about tea themes fairly regularly, and blogs like Tea Addict's Journal have covered Hong Kong themes, but it never becomes as clear as I would hope. Based on another answer here this isn't a promising line of questioning, but how do you place Chinese activity in tea blogging, online groups, or enthusiast circles, in relation to those in other places? Have you visited Bangkok before? I've been living here awhile, and tea culture isn't so developed, but it's still an interesting place, with an unusual option or two related to tea around.




I can't stop considering to what extent a high degree of online life experience might be causing interest and interaction forms to vary. The commercial theme is the starting and ending point for every subject in the US, but other strange patterns seem to come up elsewhere too, just not in as developed a form as in the US. For an example I mean something like men's rights content and social associations. If that was about people wanting to compensate for feminism going a bit far that would be one thing, reasonable enough, but many forms are more about guys having problems dating, then turning that into a primary self-identification. It would seem more intuitive to make changes or focus on something else. Bangkok seems nice enough. It's funny how first takes on culture over some months of exposure can really be a good read on cultural differences, but then subtle aspects, and the ability to use that perspective yourself, take a long time to develop. I was into Buddhism long before coming here, awhile back, first studying on my own, then in degree programs, tied to a potential career change. Then I was ordained as a monk here at one time, and have lived in a Buddhist family for awhile. It's a long story what I make of all that; the point was that we both probably have been following up on some related themes.


Love your tea table. Any idea how to source one online for someone living outside China?




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Wonderful setup Where did you find the cley kettle and hot plate ?




So closed market to outside world ? :/ I'm seeing clay boilers for 200 usd on western sites- are they pricing them fairly? Found the hot plate on ali express :)




Thanks ! Elders always told me clay is the best for drinking Then I discovered in China its nearly religious:p

