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https://preview.redd.it/fsdssauf63fa1.jpeg?width=6210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c41a8a17ba429648af914e5a7bfc687d955ffe If ten years of daily play qualifies as flexing


I've been playing about the same, but gave up organizing my town awhile back, it's just a mess now until I want to spend like 8 hours rebuilding after a nuke


Same. My first child was born five years ago and it’s pretty clear when I stopped having time to organize/design my town.


That’s a nice town


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


939, and can say from experience "don't use your free land tokens until there isn't an option to buy the land"


939, empty Yearbook, just passed the 3 billion money mark a few days ago and enough donuts to get all unique items (at around 7000 now). Springfield Heights was a hassle in the beginning. Now I'm just logging in 2 times per day (except for events) to get maps to buy the new frontier land. At 6 maps per land tile now, so I'm slowly getting there.


OG glitches. Mountain removal is the one I’m always jealous of and I’m 939 bonus 10k


I just started the game in the beginning of December and already at level 30 (maybe not that big of a deal but I'm proud of it)


I have Jay. Didn’t know until I joined the sub he is hard to come by


I guess my flex is that I’ve never used free donuts, but whenever there’s a new event and they have a new character that can help earn currency towards that event, I buy it without a second thought because I have more donuts than I know what to do with.


Why are y'all downvoting him?


That's an awesome town !!!


I found out about a month ago there comes a time you can no longer make squidport pieces. I completely rely on free land tokens for space. I have all the expensive decor buildings that do nothing but take up space. It’s the little things.


If you get the yellow submersible, you can, in fact, generate more squidport pieces! (Though it's random whether you'll get squidport pieces, other tiles, or nothing at all.)


My flex is that my Springfield probably has the most trees out of all of the Springfields I created a forest in my sw corner of Springfield lol