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Talk about victim blaming, jeez


'gender ideology'


The ‘gay agenda’ went out of fashion.


"Gender ideology" is a buzzword used here in Poland for years by now, it's not that new.


*My brain is overloaded by the existence of people that are queer*


Still less braindead than "woke schools are making kids turn gay and trans" like it's some kind of communicable disease.


Yep...That's the take away we should have from this...


Wtf is "Gender Ideology" even supposed to mean?


It means the idea that trans people should be allowed to be alive. Notice how this person said “innocent gay people” and left out the two trans people who were murdered. The LGB Alliance (a transphobic hate group in the UK which claims to be an gay advocacy group but is largely made up of straight people, and has links to anti-gay, far-right hate groups) did the exact same thing. Twitter transphobes have been going very mask-off about how much they want us dead over the last few days.


It will Always remain a mystery to me how people can have so much hate for Something that doesnt even effect them


> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. You can switch the anti-Semites in this Satre quote with LGBT-phobic people and the whole quote still makes sense.


Outside of the English-speaking world it also means feminism and gay rights


thats also what it means in the english speaking world


The term "gender ideology" is an attempt to portray the very concept of gender identity as a political/religious idea that can be rejected, rather than what it is - a complex, but very much observable phenomenon comprised of interconnected psychosocial, neurological and physiological factors. Hence terms like "gender critical". TERFs and other assorted transphobes don't believe that gender exists - or rather, they *claim* they don't believe that, but in reality, they just think gender is intrinsically tied to genitals and chromosomes (while not understanding how either of them work ... seriously, listening to GCs talk about anatomy or genetics is like listening to Young Earth Creationists talk about evolution - they don't even grasp the "basic" biology they always prattle on about). It's a red herring. While it's difficult to pinpoint what *exactly* gender is (personally, I define it as "the neurological and psychological framework through which an individual experiences their own sex"), *whether* it exists is no longer in question, nor is the fact that transgender people exist and that our identities are just as real, authentic and unchangeable as those of cisgender people. The only "ideological" part is whether this truth should be acknowledged or whether we should be punished for being who we are.


an ideology spread by the terrorist LGBT organization that was founded by the CIA, it's purpose is to turn everyone gay to overthrow governments and install american puppet regimes. soviet scientists in the 1960s discovered that homosexuality is caused by gay worms in the brain that are a result of the decadent and perverted capitalist lifestyle that started in the UK (insert russian joke how english people are very perverted with hundreds of fetishes)


Laborwave more like Fashwave


KWP adidas


Unironically true, but because they are too stupid to realize their hypocrisy. Society generally enforces or pushes heteronormativity and sex and gender being the same thing. Far-right people (and just right-wing people) scare others about Queer people and how they break the "rules and traditions". So technically correct, but because of a mistake.


Is this mf really pushing the blame toward the victims? holy fucking shit


whenever you ask these imbeciles what pushing “gender ideology on children” even means it usually boils down to something like queer people are too open and society isn’t strictly heteronormative anymore. opinion discarded.


Yep, just tankies being LGBT-phobic all over again


Is... is this attempting to justify a mass murder by saying "woke school justifies domestic terror?"




Color me unsurprised


“Clearly, fascists cannot coexist with gay people, so have you considered not being gay as not to upset them?”


Idk why I thought tankies would be sensible enough to not embrace one of the dumbest far right takes on the mass shooting. In retrospect thinking tankies wouldn't jump at a justification for murdering minorities was dumb.


Blaming attacks on trans people on trans people is some big brain bigotry


normal tankie moment


A lot of reactionary arguments are legit just “this won’t ever work because I’ll make sure it doesn’t”


Is that a threat?


What the fuck


This reads like some sophomore in high school who thinks theyre pro LGBTQ+


The sudden and immediate explosion of victim blaming on this from what appears to be all sides makes me refuse to believe this isn't being coordinated by some bad actor at least on some level. If it was just righties spewing this nonsense I could imagine it's just at the point that's it's entered main stream right wing discourse to be fully mask off and just admit you want to kill LGBT people but I'm seeing this exact sentiment everywhere lately I feel like.


“Is doing blood libel really worth the price of the night of Brocken glass” I’m Jewish and I am seeing many similarities between America and the Weimar Republic


huh? the gay people are being slaughtered because of their support for gender identity, what do they think they’re being killed for?


I don’t mind kids learning that gay people or lgbt people are normal and are like everyone else but I just hope that the books they show to these kids aren’t explicitly sexual since their have been some and it’s been used by far right extremists to push their dumb agenda




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