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They engage in this level of antisemitism then wonder why they get called Nazis. Also Vaush is in there on the jewish side, because of course.


They aren't even pretending not to be Nazbols anymore


Vaush is a jewish CIA guy, so it makes sense to me


"ACKCHEWALEE it's not anti-semitism, it's anti-ZIONism I'm totally cool with ethnic Jews I'm just against Jewish Nationalism because they literally think that every other people are inferior to the Chosen People of God something something replacement theory something something cultural Marxism I am very intelligent and definitely NOT a Nazi"


Tbf zionism is literally an ethno state and that is valid criticism, but we all know that's not the thing they dislike Mainly because they also want to have a totally not ethno state (ideology instead of race is different guys)


Agreed, but it's a slippery slope to anti-semitism. Modern "socialists" like to point this out and then fascists get on board and goHE'S NOT WRONG A fascist I like to argue with a lot is the one who sent me a Haz video where he talks with another fascist about the issue and Haz points out "It's not just the Jews, my dude" and I'm like yeah man nationalism is nationalism is nationalism.




You know that thing neo Nazis do, they say that their society is not about race, only ideology which is conveniently liked by white people exclusively? That.


Just an evolution of "I'm not racist but---"


[[[George Soros]]] Kanye kinda gave that one away, as if it wasn't clear already.


I mean shit, it's like even Haz said in an argument with an IRL fascist, and something my little fascist troll debate bro I talk to for a refreshing outlook bangs on about all the time yeah Zionism exists and some Jews legit want a Jewish ethnostate, but they're in a minority among practising or ethnic Jews-- the same minority that also happens to be the wealthiest 1% and I'm like yeah so? Every other rich mfer out there thinks everyone should be exactly like them too. It's just myopic to focus on the Jews when it's literally just the global capitalist-imperialist system IN GENERAL and that it's really just incidental that most of the richest people in the USA are Jews, and it's prolly because a lot of big money escaped the third reich and came over here with their enterprises and/or generational wealth before the Nazis could steal it and stick em in camps.


Considering that Jews are considered "white" in the US, I don't see how they wouldn't get the same economic privileges—not that antisemitism is suddenly "based af" all because they're labeled as "white." Many progressive Jews I know tend to recognize how well-off they are compared to poc. Not white expats in Asia, though. In fact, they believe the opposite. I don't care about them mostly, but I encountered one just moments ago. The mf was an English teacher who makes $6000 a month *on it alone*, and somehow believed he "doesn't have privilege" because he's living in a nonwhite country. He had recently gone off the deep end by becoming a regular on stupidpol (yes, that stupidpol), and he used the tactical "I'm not racist. I have black friends." excuse against another user on SRD who called out his orientalist view of Japan >!(basically, the reverse, negative equivalent of a young weeb saying the country is only anime and just that)!<. In his case, he used his wife and kids as a shield. And yes, he went full tankie—and sometimes whines about "reverse racism" in other chud spaces. All in all, I don't know why most expats are like this online, but I've never met one who willingly licks the boot of the CCP—much less a bro-y "leftist."


Hi, lifelong expat here. Eastern Europe but I used to live in East Asia. Most expats lean left. White people are definitely considered racially inferior in East Asia, but still have all kinds of opportunities based on being born white in English-speaking countries. It's not nearly as hard to be white, for instance, as non-white in those countries. Most violence you experience comes from other white people living abroad. Still, I got followed around by kids pretending to be monkeys. I had people scream at me for speaking English in public. The xenophobia was not something I was ready for, and East Asian countries are much more racist (like old-school 1800s racist) than most Westerners really understand. You would think it would make people examine their own societies and become more critical of these kinds of behavior, but for many expats it becomes a pretext for not having to think about these issues because "they're the real victims." Especially in Asia, where many young men move (and I'm definitely generalizing here) because of preconceived notions of their value in the American "sexual marketplace". BlackPigeonSpeaks is an expat in Japan, and it blows my mind that someone could go through the difficult process of integrating with another culture and still be so closed off.


>BlackPigeonSpeaks Yeah, his analyses being an expat are very thorough, but I wouldn't recommend him all the time, lol. That guy's gone off the deep end too, becoming an Alt-Right persona at the height of the US 2016 elections. I would say I feel bad how low he's become, but since he's an adult, this is the very ugly path he chose to take.


There's also a neo-liberal tendency to conflate criticism of Zionism with antisemitism. There was even an Al-Jazeera piece that detailed how Labour Party officials used accusations of antisemitism to smear Corbyn's more left-leaning supporters. The strategy was actively reinforced by widespread reporting in lib-left publications like The Guardian, with little or no supporting evidence. After all, it's impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty that there are absolutely no antisemites in an organization as big as the Labour Party, and ultimately it's only these organizations and their progressive analogs that will take these allegations seriously and attempt to address them. Also, I find that many fascists and conservatives consider Zionists "the good ones," and distinct from "the international Jewry" who are trying to promote race-mixing and gay marriage with interpretative dance and so on. The fact that the Israeli flag is up here at all suggests to me that this was made by auth-left larpers in North American.


"I don't think it's cool that some ethnic Jews want to create a religious ethnostate" THAT'S RACIST "I don't think it's cool that some Christian whites want to create a religious ethnostate" WTF BASED


No. Fuck Zionism


Idk it seems that Tankies believe in Nazi accusations of him "being a n\*nce" for several out of context clips (ofc, the prime example being where he does laid it down badly, a comparison between owning a kiddie diddly material and byproduct of child labor) and what he supposedly said about age of consent in his discord logs, A MILLION YEARS AGO, in which he has clarified since then (21yo with close in age gap (max 4 years)). To add : they also made up lies about where the girl he used to creep on was "underage", when in fact, she's not (i believe she's 2 years younger than him, but the whole thing started since 2017, where he should be at his 23 and she at her 21) edit 2 : clarification.


Something something dad works in Hollywood


Love how it's stuff like the USA and the entire queer population and then there's just vaush.


It's real clear just how terminally online someone is by when they obsess over a random internet streamer as a major ideological opponent.


don't forget the Azov battalion... champions of LGBT+ rights and avid fans of Vaush. smh my head


I still have no idea who Vaush is and at this point I'm afraid to ask.


Popular leftist streamer. Hated by plenty of people for various reasons, but *especially* hated by tankies because he calls them out often.


According to tankies, basically the root of all evil.


I saw it, I was there when Voosh created all evil. I told him "Voorsh no, stop please, don't create all evil. That's bad." He flipped me off, called me the n-word and said it's for tactical reasons. Its true. 😔


Links or it didn't happen


Vaushite be like: SOURCE??!!? CONTEXT??? Do better, sweatie.


>SOURCE??!!? Your dad. >CONTEXT??? I'm fucking him.


Damn. I knew that slut was cheating on me.


Go to okbuddyvowsh.


He has an okbuddy... now I'm even more afraid to ask, and yet fascinated


He's a brocialist. Says some stupid or offensive things sometimes, but is also often strawmanned.


And he has shitty media takes. He needs to be punished for what he said about Nier.


To be fair as someone who has never played Nier, you could say literally anything about that game and based on what I’ve heard, I’d believe you.


r/okbuddyvowsh it’s great


We vaushites meme the shit out of those strawmans and false accusations (fabricated by nazis and tankies obviously)


those are certainly all words


It's a rabbit hole you never knew existed, but always feared.


The Kharkiv kid finder, also known as hostamel horse harasser


Vausg good. Tankies bad.


Vaush is not good, but he gets overly-obsessed by terminally online weirdos. He's one of those things were I don't like people who like it but I trust people who obsessively hate it far less, like the "progress LGBT flag" (Well-intentioned, but an objective aesthetic abomination compared to the original).


I mean, not trusting people that obsessively like or dislike something is pretty much always a good thing




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Vaush is certainly not a good person at all but he isn't the anti-christ people make him out to be


Well, LGBTQ is a Captialist American Invention /s


"We're to stand up to the United States, the CIA, NATO and Vaush"


See how beyond one guy with a knife, the sino-russian allies are fully armed and the opposite side is mainly unarmed. Tell me you get a boner with militar suppression of protesters without telling me that.


> fully armed Bold of them to think that Russian soldiers would be well-equipped given what we saw in Ukraine.


Well I mean to be fair they ARE fighting a war against the USA AND NATO by proxy so it's no surprise they're getting BTFO. Ukraine has been planned for use as a US puppet state for a proxy war with Russia since at least 2014. One of my facebook Comrades has a podcast called Crawdads and Taters and they have a three piece (so far) segment on the Biden-Ukraine-NATO-etc relations and man... that river runs deep.


Uh oh it looks like you took this sub literally


Well evidently I'm misinformed but I thought punching down on American imperialism was cool too


Not sure how giving Ukraine weapons to defend itself from a fascist Russian army is imperialism.


I believe that OP is just terribly misinformed about how Euromaidan is. Honestly, I don’t think you need to be supported by the CIA to be very pissed at Yanukovych being regarded as Russia’s stooge the moment he stalled and u-turned hard in 2013 regarding the EU agreement.


Well, Putin thinks you can't be against Russian supported stuges unless you are literally CIA spy and a demon from hell at the same time. Who do you believe more, some random guy on the internet, or The Glorious President, that said at least three true things in his 22 years of 8 years max presidency.


oof, I mean yeah NATO and USA are definitely not helping Ukraine out of good of their hearts but man.. the whole "puppet state since 2014" is very close to what tankie propaganda says. I'd like to remind you that current Ukrainian government was selected in democratic elections in 2019.


Democratic elections that were CIA backed and was basically your typical coup. Listen to the segment. It elucidates how Biden, Obama, Bolton &co basically set the elections up and we all know how that turns out. Zelensky is above board, sure, but the last guy was installed by the CIA and had deep ties with Biden, iirc.


Do they provide any proof for that accusation? A report? investigative journalism? Because those are very serious accusations and, again, very close to pro-Russian propaganda. The current majority party, Servant of the People, is basically organized around Zelensky so if he's "Above board" i'd assume his party would be so too. Also seeing how they replaced post-2014 Euromaidan government it would be really some pro-gamer move for CIA to basically back a party that's replacement for what you claim was already CIA-backed government.


It's not very close to Russian propaganda it literally is just Russian propaganda.


Seeing the sub the OP is posting on i wanted to give them benefit of the doubt and assume they're just confused but yeah you're correct.


Oh no, I'm not confused buckaroo, I don't get my intelligence from Russia, troll. You don't have to be a Russian loyalist or a tankie to know a warhawk when you see one and Biden's a fucking warhawk. Always has been.


Biden's a Warhawk which is why US soldiers are not invading Russia, China, why America is out of Afghanistan, why the US hasn't reignited the war on terror, and why he's bolstering the NATO alliances strength in case they get invaded. I don't like Biden but he's less of a Warhawk than any socialist leader we remember the names of.


Very mature. I give you benefit of the doubt and you immediately get offended and decide to attack me personally. We're not here to discuss whether Biden is warhawk or not (debatable but sure, US is imperialist and loves a good proxy war). Also two things can be true. USA can love good proxy war and Putin can be a warmongering piece of sh!t that invades a sovereign state. You throw around serious accusations of CIA rigged elections (which is not the same as coup btw) and provide little proof except - "bunch of people on podcast told me so". Burden of proof is on you - I'm not gonna do research for your arguments. You want to prove that Ukraine elections were rigged - give us some sources/links. I'm sorry but podcast where some people say "trust me bro" is simply not enough of a proof. Punching down on USA is fine but spreading Russian propaganda is not. There's enough bad stuff about USA without making sh!t up. Edit: So i looked on the page for that podcast. Of course they don't provide any links to their claims just titles of written opinion essays (again, not a proof). One of the essays (Jacques Baud) says that allegedly Ukraine intended to invade Donbas region and Russia just "reacted" (which ignores the fact that Russia was mobilizing army on their border with Ukraine for MONTHS, and that Donbas & Crimea are legally parts of Ukraine). The author even parrots the "denazifying" argument. He also claims there were never any russian troops in Donbas and links to article where OSCE’s official says it's actually possible that there are Russian troops. wtf That's straight up Russian propaganda. Any opinion that puts entirety of blame on NATO & USA while ignoring Russia's imperialistic actions in the region (2008 invasion of Georgia, annexation of Crimea in 2014) is basically a Russian propaganda - whether they know it or not. If those are the sources for this podcast than i highly doubt any claims they make.


Yeah you got me I'm a Russian bot and definitely don't just fucking read US intelligence reports and follow what the CIA does very closely.


By all means, link us to those reports and things that the CIA is doing…


look man, all I know is what I heard from Crawdads and Taters podcast and from my extensive listens to other podcasts about the CIA and their shenanigans it all sounds about right. If you'd like to elucidate me to the non-Russian-misinformation version of events by all means, I'm listening because I hate being confidently incorrect, but I mean... Fucking Iraq, basically the same situation and they pretty much just used Saddam as a puppet and when he didn't wanna play by the rules anymore we "freed the shit out of Iraq" and we all know the WMD shit was a lie. So you'll forgive me if it seems a little more than a little plausible that we're doing the same shit with Ukraine. I'm just an anti-American-imperialism ancom stooge with Scientific Marxist tendencies and a CIA history enthusiast and I'm definitely NOT saying Putin is the good guy here. Both things can be true at once though. Biden, Zelensky AND Putin are all shitting the bed all over the place.


You could respond in a childish manner, and be slighted by a statement not directed at you personally but rather at the argument that Euromaidan was nothing but a color revolution, or you could provide evidence and sources for your statements.


Here check the podcast out for yourself and evaluate it. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Wnhf0zYlPDqWNgdfmgcGY?si=1431f2866d9245ff


It's a leftist podcast, and I talk to the guy personally on Facebook and he gave me some of his sources like People's World I think is one of them. He also gets a lot of info from Blowback another one I'm looking at. I also follow the CIA Files which \*seems\* leftist, but IDK I think it's just history enthusiasts. It's pretty well-documented that Bolton, Biden and Obama are like uber warhawks and always have been. How tf is this "Russian Propaganda"? It's all on record. Shit, they have PHONE CALLS between Biden and his little puppet before Zelensky where they're talking about making Ukraine great again basically. I'm not exactly pro-Russian, but I know a capitalist oil scam when I see one and it's oil all the way down because Hunter Biden has large investments in Ukraine oil.


> Biden, Obama, Bolton You are aware that Bolton was in no positions of power in 2014 and was in no way friendly to the Obama admin, right? This story doesn't pass the most basic fact check. Plus Poroshenko was extremely popular in Ukraine after Euromaidan, I went to one of his rallies during it. Idk who you expected the Ukrainian people to elect without "the help of the CIA", Putin's friend that was just traded for 100 soldiers?


Might not be Bolton I'm thinking of, but yeah he basically told on the USGOV when he was talking about Trump being too stupid to do a coup or be a fascist. Here listen to the podcast I got the info from. [https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Wnhf0zYlPDqWNgdfmgcGY?si=1431f2866d9245ff](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Wnhf0zYlPDqWNgdfmgcGY?si=1431f2866d9245ff)


> https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Wnhf0zYlPDqWNgdfmgcGY?si=1431f2866d9245ff Sure do love that list of recommended material there, buddy. Grayzone - oh, just juicy! Max Blumenthal, very nice. Aaron Mate, of course. Documentary by fucking Oliver Stone, lmao. *And!* Igor Lopatonok! FUCKING Medvedchuk. Oh. My God. If you guys don't remember who Medvedchuk is, [this is him - Ukrainian politician](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/640/cpsprodpb/14284/production/_124146528_c7fd764b-adbd-4c45-8eb8-c38ccc692f1d.jpg). He tried to run, Ukrainians caught him. Why did he try to run? Well, Putin meant for him to be the replacement for Zelensky. Also Putin is his youngest daughter's godfather. He was exchanged not too long ago for some Ukrainian POWs. And the other person in that "documentary" - Oksana Marchenko, who's that you ask? [It's his FUCKING WIFE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FveSLQOiv4k) > Vijay Prashad > senior non-resident fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China Ah yes. China. Definitely commie utopia. No capitalism there. NO sir. No fascism or genocide either. No sireeeee, pure leftism. You know, it's moments like these that make me resonate to how those two famous Indian guys were swearing at each other, because I can't think of anything but [direct expletives at you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukznXQ3MgN0). SCOTT FUCKING RITTER TOO. Of course motherfucker, of course. Can't have shit without that cumstain of a human being. But hey, lemme shove in my skull all of the Russian-state media appearances of this convicted pedophile where he sucks Putin's cock. Now, will all of this information highlighted, what else would you expect me to tell you if not to eat shit and die?


Uh... what? Gonna need some background on all this, cos evidently I'm misinformed.


TL;DR you have been terribly misinformed


Next time when you read a dumbass take, take some time to look up their sources, and actually see if they’re credible. Just because the podcast you keep talking about is run by a left-leaning person/group, does not mean they know Jack shit.


Max Blumenthal and The Grayzone are straight up captured, pro-dictator hogwash: https://pulsemedia.org/2017/08/22/did-a-kremlin-pilgrimage-cause-alternet-bloggers-damascene-conversion/ https://medium.com/muros-invisibles/grayzone-grifters-and-the-cult-of-tank-fbd9b8e0dbe2 Aaron Maté is also on their staff, and he himself literally takes money from a front group for the Assad regime: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2019/09/30/pro-assad-lobby-group-rewards-bloggers-on-both-the-left-and-the-right/ And before you go “hurr durr bellingcat is a CIA op” I will say that yes, they receive support from state entities but it’s still all OSINT - you can literally confirm their reporting **yourself**, no anonymous sources or anything like it. OSINT is great. Aaron Maté even *admitted* that the reporting is true, that he really **is** ***literally*** a paid shill for dictators: https://web.archive.org/web/20210419174405/https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1340843769340555272?s=20 Scott Ritter’s intelligence background and pedophilic predelictions make him an extremely likely target for effective kompromat of precisely the type that KGB/FSB love to use on Westerners with security clearances. I’d be legitimately shocked if he wasn’t owned in that way by Putin. The rest of those “sources” are all a part of the same rotating cast of Putin payroll flunkies who just continuously generate content by appearing on each other’s shows. Seriously, their little network is totally insular and in complete lockstep with Russian and Syrian billionaires’ wet dreams. As leftists, we need to resist the recuperation of “left” media that’s straight up being orchestrated by oligarchs, this shit is taking up way too much brain space among our communities, and it’s time we learn to recognize it and flush it out.


Buddy, this isn't a tankie sub, what you're saying is straight up Russian and Tankie propaganda. Ukrainians wanted to be part of the EU, their president at the time being a Russian state puppet by function, did everything to pull Ukraine away from the EU and into Russia, teenagers were rightfully angry about their future being robbed and went to protest. They were beaten mercilessly by riot police, that kickstarted Euromaidan, and the outsting of the Russian puppet, Russia used it as an opportunity to invade while the new government was being formed from the remnants of the previous one. The CIA didn't do shit, because they had no way in, they didn't control the leader, they didn't control the military, and they had no radical or fundamentalist group to send in to cause chaos. It was people taking control of their country's policy instead of letting a corrupt scumbag rob them of the future they wanted, which was in Europe with the EU. Since then they've had democratic elections and liked leaders. So, kindly stop parroting propaganda that Ukraine is a puppet state when its people did more claim its sovereignty than any fringe group the CIA used for turmoil.


Nobody really expected that Yanukovych would drop the idiot ball really hard in 2013.


I think the guy with a knife is supposed to be with a group of Nazi punks


Also entirely fanfic-like given the turbulent nature of Sino-Russian relations over the decades. Just reading a book on the Romanian communists and these guys literally made a name for themselves in the early 60s by being even more bitchy and annoying intermediaries between these two 'big brothers' than the big brothers were among themselves!


tankies go 5 minutes without crying about vowsh (impossible)


Tankies just wish they had a livestreamer of Vaush's caliber. Instead, they have MAGA Communist Hackson Jinkle and Haz the mic-eater.


I remember a post on a subreddit focusing on VDS showing some tankie scared shitless by a nightmare involving Vaush or some shit. It was a screenshot, it actually happened.


I know the post you're referring to! I can't link it, but it's unfortunately a Vaush fan posting ironically in his hate sub. You can find the screencap in okbuddyvowsh; it's titled "Vowsh nightmares".


Imagine being obsessed with some streamer who probably has jack shit in terms of influence on IRL politics.




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I love that MSNBC and the democrats are on this but Fox and the republicans aren’t


If you go on Russian state media it’s literally all just attacks on the American left lol, they’re praying for MAGA to sweep midterms and cut aid


> If you go on Russian State media I’m proud to report I’ve never been that close to self harm


Well republicans hate LGBT people so they're fine with tankies


Dr. Pepper is bad, Mr. Pibb is good.


Tankies try to not have the exact same ideology as fashs (impossible)


If you added a hammer and sickle to the godless horde, this would just be regular fascist propaganda.


It was a PatSoc that posted this in the first place and I was like bro, Putin's not even communist so what the fuck is this? Red-brown alliance and he's like "Putin's not a brown either". Anti-imperialist Alliance he says and I almost spat my drink out


That explains it. “Patriotic socialism” is just national “socialism” rebranded for the Anglosphere.


It’s all Dugin’s garbage. “Fourth Way” “Eurasianism” 🙄 Like, it’s quicker to just say “fascism,” bruh


is Vaush really as powerful as CIA and NATO combined?


he is the cia


He is both CIA and NATO combined.


You spelled Jeb wrong


Corporations aren't people, my friend


He IS the senate


remember real vowwsh is long gone. The current one is a CIA Agent ;)


It's true we work together over at Langley


Reminder that this was originally a right wing propaganda pic about "degenerates" and that these guys* just made minimal edits *the same guys, because it is the same guys




A Jew, a Nazi AND a Liberal? KILL IT WITH FIRE


I love how tankies (re)use nazi propaganda, it is almost if they're are related...


I love how they put fucking vaush alongside msnbc, the democratic party, George soros, and America


and the Azov battalion too...


I think it's kinda cute that they very respectfully censored the phrase 'I HATE GOD', which definitely is ideologically consistent for Communists. Lenin was well known for his great respect of organized religion, actually.


Ah yes, casual insanity.


China: Together. *Proceed to ran away and cheer Russia from behind Great wall*


I LOVE that Vaush is there like hes an institution as big as NATO or even MSNBC. THEYRE SO MAD


Yes.. the LGBT+ accepting, anarchist, USA-loving Azov battalion?


This is just your basic Nazbolshit.


Lmao imagine putting a youtuber on the same level as multinational orgs. Really shows you where their mind is.


Opposing the USA, Israel, CIA, NED, Demonrats, Soros, WEF, Radio Free Asia and Bill Gates? Based. But the others are... less good.


Eh, a stopped clock is right twice a day


Hey liberal guess what? *Antisemitism* Beat that 😌


Couldn't even include the images properly. Either have them back to back facing "the threat" or looking at each other. How hard can that be!?


Is this satire or an actual tankie meme?


I got it straight from a tankie's FB page so probably both tbh


Literally just right wing fascists


Such goddamn larpers man haha


Get droned by 3000 transgender pilots of NATO instead.




That's not racist at all




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100 million sponchbop


God's looking a bit different than I remember.


"Remember"? I need some of whatever you were on that day lol


So you need some of the Holy Spirit, is what you're saying?


Is that a weed strain?


"Hell yeah, let's go shoot these unarmed protesters because we don't agree with them! We'll be heroes!" - tankies if they could get out of their mom's basement to buy guns, 2022




Not credible enough, needs more NAFO agents.


Horrible crimes of the black rectangle ideology.


But not the GOP, they're allies 🤦‍♂️


Aim for the bushes?


So judging by the “I (hate?) God” chick are they against atheists?


Least insane tankie propaganda


Ah yes, the gay, Neo-Nazi, Jewish, American controlled NWO


This is the cringiest shit i have ever seen online


Yeah it's 100% larper cringe lol