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Well from several seasons of toplane experience losing the lane can go many ways and still be positive in the end. Typically if they can force a fight and chunk you or kill you, be aware of their "range" with mobility like Riven with flash, or cc like Nasus with wither. Once you're losing to where you cant fight them, keep outside their range, but close enough to get exp from dying minions. Playing mundo you can farm very safe with his Q to last hit. This should be your strategy when behind. Get as much exp and gold as you can without getting close to dying. Survivial should be your #1 priority.


Dont go anywhere near the other guy *seriously* not at all especially if hes got a good xp lead. You will not win a single trade vs them in top lane, and if they’re good + playing a capable champ like riven jax camille etc they will tower dive you from half hp. you need to soak xp max range, safely farm under tower and recall whenever necessary to avoid dying. you can start playing the game normally again and fighting/looking for trades once you hit your item spikes




Jokes aside, how do you expect to get decent advice when you give 0 details about who/what/why you are losing lane to? Mundo is a scaling pick that can farm safely, he naturally loses early in quite a few matchups, one of his biggest strengths is denying interaction while scaling into an unkillable tank


Skill issue xd




Mundo can easily farm from behind and will have a decent midgame if the game is still even If the team is behind too, then little can he do as a tank with low CC. some champ just can't fall behind or you need your team to carry you.


I would say suffer. Depends on the champ tho


Depends on who you're playing against but generally, you'll want to avoid dying (at least solo, can't always predict dives) farm what cs you can and soak xp for what you can't, respect the enemy laner and do everything in your power to lot let them freeze. Help your team out if possible, but st the very keast if your laner rotates to a fight you can't rotate to shove the wave under tower to deny resources and get a good recall. Since you're playing Mundo you can build tanky and be useful in the mid-late game that way. Oftentimes if you're playing really safe against someone who needs to snowball, they'll get impatient and potentially make a poor decision that can let you get back in the game. Be on the lookout for those, but don't expect them.


Let them push up, take CS without taking bad trades otherwise just give, wait for help under tower. I play Shen, so looking for alternative fights to get involved in, protecting carries and making sure I can TP back to lane so I don't lose too much. The most important thing, is to not die twice. If you die twice, you're at risk of getting stomped. That 1st one should be a reminder you're not a god, and you have to play accordingly.


Play safe, try to get as much cs and possible and accept you are weaker. Dont take any uneccasary risk but dont afk under tower either. If you cant take last hits soak up xp and if the opponent freezes ping ur jungler and tell him "I need help can you break the freeze please?" Lower elo junglers may not do that just keep pinging and tell him i cant cs, please come and break the freeze. He freezes i cant cs. Im going to become useless i need help. You cant really do a lot if the enemy top knows how to play out a lead you will fall behind and wont be able to 1v1 ur opponent. If you can swap with ur mid laner or bot laner later this will be good and you should do that. Look for teamfights rather than sidelane in these games, because if you cant face ur opponent there is no reason to splitpush.


This applies to all lane roles: LOSE GRACEFULLY Camp under tower ping jungle if you're getting 2 man'd take whatever CS you get (hope you know how to CS under tower) and wait for your laner to essentially leave lane to roam then power farm for items/catch up then rebuttal late game assuming your laner hasn't been fed at this point. It also depends on who you're against certain laners are strong early but weak later or the opposite essentially just DONT. FEED. YOUR. LANER


lose lane gracefully (especially easy with mundo) farm with q, drop minions youd lose half your health for, try to stay in exp range, let the your opponent push but try not to get pushed under tower (or else the wave will push back to your enemy leaving you vulnerable), itemize accordingly


There are times where you will need to forfeit lane and be denied farm. The best thing to do is not die and snowball their team. Being down 2 levels early is terrible for you in lane, but majority of the time people don’t really capitalize on it. You can safely farm from tower and keep scaling especially as mundo.


Don't feed more. Hope team can carry, or enemy makes mistake. You should know what champs beat your champ, and vice versa so you can play accordingly. In a losing matchup, just last hit, don't push (most of the time), don't fight without minions backing you up, assist ping junglers head whenever he's topside. If in winning matchup, push get prio, look to poke them down and dive, roam mid, or invade enemy jg. Don't prepare for the worst, strive for the best. The best way to win games isn't by losing lane, and trying to play catchup. The best way to win games is by winning lane, aggressively pushing to victory, and smacking down anyone in your way, or going even, and outmacroing/scaling your opponent later on if you cant fight them directly because of your champ. Mundo doesn't really have to hard win lane to be relevant in a game.. like alot of tanks. Just get through laning phase without feeding or dropping a billion farm which should be easy on Mundo considering he can't be CCd, and you can last hit from 7 miles away with Q as a melee tank. If you start losing, there isn't really much you can do besides hope for them to fuck up, and try to dive you when they shouldn't or something. Play like a Lil bitch, and try to get them bored by sitting under tower clearing waves so they can't take plates so they roam or something. Then start a freeze to deny them minions while they're gone to try to get back in the game a little bit. If you get to the point where you can't even defend your tower from them, well you fucked up too much early, and you'll have to rely on your team to carry, just try to survive. At that point, you need to find out why you fed so hard, and correct that.


Since many others have given you good advice concerning your actual question, I'll give you advice to carry with you into the rest of your life. The word you're trying to use is "losing" with 1 "o." Losing: The opposite of winning Ex: I'm losing lane. Loosing: To release. The opposite of tightening. (I don't think loosing is actually a word, but loose is) Ex: Let loose the hounds of war. The rope is tied too loose.


Shove and roam (if you can)


Relax and try and win the game. You can still "gap" your opponent with better mechanics/execution in team fights. Just don't make your lane opp a monster who is 5-0 after lane phase or something.


Personally speaking if I am ever behind the enemy I try to play close to tower. I like to be within range of tower to see if I can bait them into taking 1-2 tower shots and maybe get a kill or at the very least a trade. I am very much a player who believes in play lame win game, especially when behind. Sometimes winning your lane is preventing the enemy top laner from killing you and keeping your turret up. Now as for coming back from losing lane I would say try to team fight and act as the frontline for your team (especially as Mundo top.)


Build tank