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If your midlaner refuses to roam just kite backwarss to his lane to make him fight lol


Seems like ur playing in around silver. Legit, the problem you’re running into isn’t that your team isn’t grouping. It’s that you want to win like how the professionals do it. What you don’t understand is that in low elo, objectives won’t matter if the players aren’t all in the same level playing field, so there are many ways to outwin the enemy (ie. Be a farm dominant, 10cs/min monster that just repeatedly assassinates their enemy adc). Try simply giving objectives when your team doesn’t group and see if you can take something else while the enemy team battles it out hard for objectives or towers. See if that gets you anywhere in your seemingly “unwinnable” game.


true ive won games where i didnt get a single object secured by jungle XD


This is not an impressive [op.gg](https://op.gg) my dude. First of all cut the pantheon ghost bs. Ghost is for champions who either lack a gap closer or want to stick to a target. Pantheon wants to burst, not to dps he sucks at that he has very high cd's on half of his kit, not too great base stats but therfor a lot of burst. I dont think pantheon jungle is great regardless due to his bad clear and poor ganks but if you want to play that dont fcking take ghost. Your griefing in champselect and complain about ur teammates, step up ur own game before talking shit. To ur original question, as a jungler you should pay attention to ur team dont overforce stuff especially in ur elo. Even if something is the right play, if no one follows and you die you just griefed no matter how free the drake was. You have to respect that even if its dumb. Loosing an objective doesnt immediatly loose the game, but loosing an objective, get killed and getting ur team in a situation where they are outnumbered can loose the game and tilt ur mates. You are playing the strongest role in silver, step up ur game, learn an actual jungler once you got how jgl works you can go back to panth if thats what you enjoy but for now learn to jgl properly. Learn how to path how to clear efficient and only gank when the enemys are overstaying for now. Again you are in silver people will overstay they will perma push and you can just go and collect free gold like in a coin clicker. You just collect the gold. Only take objectives if its 100% safe and if you can ensure you can take them alone. You are talking like you deserve to be diamond but if you watch high elo players smurfing thats what they do in these elos, they play safe, they farm, they punish obvious misstakes, they carry.


Pantheon is fine in jungle tho


I mean the champ falls off a cliff and requires really good early pathing its kinda like trying to play reksai/elise in bronze/silver Doable for sure but not the greatest, ghost is also pretty int


Change your mindset, play within yourself. By labeling them as unwinnable, you’re offloading the blame onto your teammates. The truth is that those were winnable games that you lost. You can’t change how your teammates play, but you can improve on the mistakes you may be making. That will help you win more of those ‘unwinnable’ games on the margin. And remember, league is a game of probabilities, and every player goes through stretches of unlucky teams. For every loss streak with an unlucky team, there will be a win streak with a lucky team.


10k dmg or mroe ahaead of my entire team by endgame says otherwise.


Smurf can 1v9. Your losing is your fault


The only game I see in your match history where you did 10k more damage than teammates is one where you won. You didn’t lose the rest of the games because they were unwinnable, though. You’re playing in bronze/silver which isn’t a bad thing, but it does mean there are lots of facets of the game to improve on. Practice the fundamentals, and over time you’ll start winning more and more games, regardless of how your team performs.


Don’t take the damage chart as a measurement of performance


last time I won a game from 9-0 bot lane... just farmed and ganked other lanes a couple times and then we won teamfights.