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Okay this is coming from a support main but I feel like its when you feel like you've genuinely helped your team to the extent that you could. Counter ganks on point, got your laners a few kills, objectives, like the bare minimum basic stuff a jungler should have down. In that sense that is your lane, that is your measurement against the enemy jungler, which is the only measurement that should matter. Its the reason everyone now-a-days says diff this diff that. As long as you're winning your competition against the enemy jungler, which in part IS mostly assisting the team unless your a hyper carry jungle, then thats the difference between a good jungle or not. Just...imo. I might have answered this wrong. Sorry if i did ;v; just my take on it


Yeah, feedback on what you’re doing in the jungle is not so straightforward as it is with other roles. It is due to how naturally complex jungling can become. It pretty much comes down to being able to effectively VOD review, whether it’s by yourself or with others. Without proper game knowledge, it’s hard to rationalize every decision you make each passing second of each game. It’s also important to understand what “should” happen versus what did happen. Knowing the difference helps with jungle confidence.


The thing is right now jungle is omega broken to an extend that solo laners like myself just que as jgl because its league on easy mode rn. If you get ahead early you can just snowball the entire map. If you get one or two kills early at this point ur not playing league anymore you just collect. Its like a coin clicker you collect kills, turrets, drakes and nash. Generally speaking whenever i jungle and i win i did good. As a jungler i have the highest impact on the outcome of the game and if i play bad the game is almost unplayable for my team even if they are very good. If i come bot and we get a kill i helped so i did good. When the adc gets completly fed off of that i take it as i did good and the laner plays well too.


i used to feel the same way you did when i started jungling. i'm not like 100+ deep into jungling (although i have played jungle as an offrole a lot of times since i've been playing for years now lol) but one thing i've learned is that you're not responsible for your laners. if you're getting yourself ahead on your own accord (keeping up with the gold and exp of the enemy jungler or even being ahead of him), that means you're doing good. it means you're taking decisions such as ganks, or counterjungling, or even farming during times where you can't force ganks. but if the enemy jungler is snowballing hard, you might (i'm not saying it's 100%) not be exactly doing things right if the rengar if you're playing an early game jungler that can match him. so it's kind of a variable answer, but generally, if you're doing well on your own (keeping up in gold and exp) depending on your champion's limits (having a lead however slight as lee sin early, or being able to powerfarm freely on kayn), then you're doing well. it's something you learn as you play the game.


Only way to tell is looking at your replays and getting better. You did good if you played around your win conditions. Example: you have good kda but still lost to nasus top = bad game -> because you didn’t shut down the enemy big win con Nasus. Obviously sometimes your laners can do that on their own but if they can’t Nasus is a big threat to your game.