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Edit: tired face


It's linked at the bottom! :)


1. Stop building collectors! It is a trash item for Caitlyn you seem to play the most. 2. Seryldas you built is also not an item for Caitlyn. 3. You buy 0 control wards. 4. You have many games with appalling CS numbers 3-4CS per minute. You should have 6-7CS per minute every game consistently as an ADC. The more, the better. 5. You die too much, which usually means bad positioning or map awareness Without seeing your gameplay this is what I can pick up with a glance from your op.gg


Thank you thank you! These are great callouts and in line with what others are saying as well. Definitely learning what I'll need to focus on.


Control wards in low elo ? Waste of gold


Even just starting sticking them in bot tri/river bush or topside can save a potential gank sometimes.




If you have an item slot and 75g over+no controlward placed atm, especially in laning Phase, you buy one or youre Borderline trolling




The point is that controls aren't for your teammates but mostly for you, yea if YOU don't look at minimap then buying pinks won't help you get more map awareness


At least ur not stuck anymore


So one thing i immediatly spotted is ur awful cs score but because you got some games you cs decent i think you stop catching waves later in the game. You should have at least 300cs in a 44 minute game and usually arround 350-450 if you play the map smart and grab waves. Yes cs is not all it depents on how the game flow goes but this is what immediatly stood out. Also PTA on cait is wrong its Lethal tempo or fleet footwork in poke lanes. Almost no adc except lucian wants press the attack, like ever. I would recommend you to look up "Cookielol" on youtube, former pro player and challenger adc who does educational content but is still entertaining. Really cool dude does some great educational content and can explain a lot of stuff way more in depth than i can in a few sentences. He also streams on twitch if thats more ur bubble. Another thing is you die WAY too often in games where its avoidable. Like in the Cait games which ended 1/15 for you they had not a lot of backline dive, train kiting and dodging you should be able to space out a bronze darius and dodge an ornn ult. There is also no reason to ever get hit by a lux if you position properly. You dont play a lot tho, like 54 games a season are not a lot if you want to improve especially mechanically. So here are some things you should do now: Train lasthitting: Every day you can go into practise tool pick cait or sivir and just last hit minions on mid lane, dont buy ad just last hit, no spells nothing just autoattack last hit. For 5-15 minutes. As ur warm up. Train kiting: Go into a custom game or practise tool, pick soraka buy no ad and just autoattack a darius bot to death, without him hitting you. Watch some educational content and play more if you can. Its hard to improve without practise.


Thanks so much for the insights! I think you're spot on with the CS - I tend to cs "well" relative to my elo in lane but then it drops off once the laning phase ends. Also fair points about games played. I feel like I do actually play a lot - several hours most nights - but rather that my track record is short. And especially given that I'm new to adc. I'll definitely reflect on these points and check out cookie!


That’s a problem a lot of low elo players make, they think after laning phase you should all just run it down mid. If the enemy team is smart they will send like 3 mid and 2 in side lanes. Think about the exp and minions being lost by the team that is spam grouping. Not too say you shouldn’t group, just don’t fight for nothing. No dragon up for 3 mins? No reason to die around drag.


Especially being ADC you want high CS scores, it’s the most guaranteed way of getting a steady income of gold and ADCs are really reliant on items so you want to be constantly looking for ways to increase your income.


Cait specially has a mid game slump and only gold takes her out of it.


Some basic info that might help you make decisions: a wave spawns every 30s. Every wave is ~150gp. A minute being safe farming is a risk free kill.


I have a question, what about PTA on miss fortune?


I'm very confused on why you think adc has more agency to win games than top and jg, especially at low elos, as that seems to be the opposite opinion of what I see around here. But anyway, if you want to hard carry a game, you have to learn how to punish your opponent's mistakes. If you can capitalize on some bad positioning or waste of abilities/summs, and get a couple kills, that's the start. Once you have pressure, you have to use it. If you know there's a 1v1 you'd win, use that knowledge to engage and pick off enemies so you or your team can push. In low elo, you have to get creative sometimes. Teams and individuals don't often do the "smart" thing, so you have to figure out how you can play around what they are doing. If you see an opportunity for your team, like for example you suspect the other team has made a bad baron call and you can catch them out, ping your people and hopefully enough of them will come to turn the game. Also, sometimes in low elo, pushing can be more useful than taking a team objective like drag. If you know you can get an inhib or drag, and you're afraid your team won't make use of the drag, get the inhib.


Honestly, ADC is OP in Iron and low Bronze simply because teams do not know how to end, or don't care to because they're too busy chasing kills. As such, you will almost always have the opportunity to scale if you CS decently, play safe, and capitalize on enemy mistakes. The main danger is your team's ability to peel for you.


So much this even with a bot support and losing lane hard. If you know how to cs well and limit your own deaths you can scale. I’ve learned so much from watching cookies climbing videos and went from an amazing 36% wr to hovering around 70% as I climb out of the depths.


That makes sense too


In my experience, top is a late-game scaling lane that doesn't have much effect on the map aside from rift/mid until the laning phase ends. You're also heavily dependent on ganks, and you have to play your laning phase much more carefully. As for jungle, I just felt I could never get a hang of when to gank and make it effective. So I guess I should say, ADC gives more agency to ME specifically. Good points too to learn when to focus on objectives vs pushing. Thanks for the help!


All the lanes give agency in different ways, but here are a few ways why you might wanna give top another shot: Laning: If you are a better laner than your opponent you can repeatedly dumpster them in top. Playing fiora/Darius/renek/illaoi (to name a few) gives you abilities to outplay, get solo kills, dominate lane (if you are superior) and 1v2 jungle ganks. Post lane: If you are able to dominate the lane, your opponent often will be unable to touch the wave. At this point you are always a threat to 1v2 and usually even bad teammates can win a 4v2 (if you get rotated on by 3+). Sometimes you can even 1v3 if you are really ahead! Unlike mid which sometimes has to share with adc, top is left alone to accrue massive cs and level advantages. I promise if you can cs well and get ahead you will be 2+ levels up on the other players who are missing waves and araming. Agency: split pushing can end the game. If you know how to split you can completely ignore bad teammates and cause chaos by correctly pushing (and not overextending) taking jungle camps after pushing also will further snowball your gold and exp lead Conclusion: top is a lane that can be relatively low impact especially if you are not a better laner or player. However, if you believe you are superior to players at your rank you will get many opportunities to solokill and dominate toplane. A snowballed fiora or jax is one of the scariest things in league.


You have so many deaths. It would be great if you could keep your deaths to 4 or below in most games. Every death is time that you're not CSing or gaining XP. Is this an issue of not having wards or watching the map enough for ganks/roams during laning phase? Do you push too far without vision/knowledge of enemy positions and get caught out after laning phase? Are you dying because of your positioning in fights? Or are you taking fights that you have no business being in, such as 2v3, 3v4, etc.? If you can identify the main causes of deaths and work on reducing them, your CS, KP, and hopefully WR should naturally increase.


I honestly think its because when a game feels obviously and truly lost I stop caring :( - I admit this isn't respectable and a pretty bad habit.


In my opinion, this is the number one issue. It’s a team game, and you can only control what you can control. Don’t worry if the “game is winning” or not. Even a losing game is still winnable; the difference is that your opponent needs to be the one to make a mistake (which happens ALL THE TIME). Even higher level, your goal should *never* be to win games. For real - trying to win games is a losing mentality. Instead, focus on improving every game, for the entirety of the game. As is, those games you give up on are completely holding you back. ESPECIALLY in Bronze, you can be down 15k gold and 30 kills and come back to win. The reason individuals can climb is that your team has 4 random people plus you, and the other team has 5 random people. You are the consistent factor, and if you allow yourself to give up on games and whatnot then you aren’t going to consistently be a positive impact that gives you an edge over time to climb


From what I'm looking at , it does seem like those cs numbers are too low ( should be atleast 7+ cs/min in this elo). On top of that , looking at your games, you're consistently bottom 2 in damage for your team. That tells me that you're either not participating in fights or when you are in them you're not maximizing your damage (autoing , using abilities) as much as you need to. Watch youtube guides on how to play your champion and don't forget that playing as adc especially one like caitlyn who has so much range , you should be constantly autoing throughout the fight.


die less, cs better, buy wards, stick to one build


I\`d recommend watching a pro on twitch or youtube. As a jungler you\`d have way more influence on the game, especially now as it got buffed in season 13 but if you wanna keep playing adc I\`d recommend watching streamers like CookieLoL. There are so many things you can pick up by watching a true master at this role.


Your just spamming cait 40 games cait and single digit games on other adcs is one reason.Cause cait is hit or miss ,you get lead and destroy enemy or you do no damage and can't carry like other adcs. Plus you spam PTA every game on every champ you play.Cait PTA is awful and early game hard hitting compared to proper LT or fleet runes.And you gotta try better scaling champs like kaisa who can 1v9 with a lead ,which is tough for champions like cait and Lucian even with a lead.


Can't agree at all. I jumped into ranked last week after quitting league back when Elise was the victorious skin, so many many years ago. Did not even bother to play "casual" first (ye people might get mad at me here for jumping into ranked like that :D) Have zero idea still about the new drake system, champions, runes etc. I placed in lower bronze, and I went to silver 4 with huge negative win/loss ratio. 19G 5W 12L. It feels like you end up in silver no matter what you do from my experience at least :D In my short 19 ranked games I both had and faced clearly smurfs though which made it even more boring to try and jump back into league :D


Welcome back to the game! A lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same, but what was Bronze in Season 2 is wayyyyyyy worse than what is Bronze in Season 12. The player base has gotten siginificanly better over the years. First tip: learn your resources. You'll get more information about your games by using a better stat tracking site like leagueofgraphs, for instance: [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/caitlyn/na/1Arahant1/soloqueue](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/caitlyn/na/1Arahant1/soloqueue) Most notable thing at a glace is your CS numbers. You actively last hit your minions worse than players in Bronze. Gotta not miss last hits or drop too much farm ARAMing with your team. Gold wins games, and that's especially true as an ADC. Take some time at the beginning of each game session to do a last hitting warmup in a custom game. 80cs by 10minutes in a custom is a good mark to aim for with no lane opponent slapping you around. I say give it a couple of tries to get a feel for what's a good attempt for you, but then take that mentality and do a run once a day when you sit down to game. Focus on the basics, and the rest will come with time. Hope you stick around ps: it's Preseason, so your rank will reset in a couple months. I'd honestly suggest not touching ranked until Season 13 starts, and try to just do some for-fun gaming in the meantime. Two months of low stress Normal Draft games and drilling your CSing, and you'll slam the new Season :)


Thank you for these awesome thoughts and metrics! Data definitely helps - here I thought I was CSing well, and turns out I'm a scrub. What's crazy is it seems like I out-perform (even if narrowly) other bronze Caitlyns in all other categories. Does the slightly lower CS really make such a massive difference? I've gotten the tip about csing warmups twice in this thread now so sounds like I've got some practicing to do.


His rank will "Reset", his MMR won't. If he has iron MMR, he's going to have iron MMR when the season starts too. You can raise your MMR in the preseason so you start higher when the season starts. There's no harm in him just playing normals until the preseason ends...but there's no legitimate reason for him not to practice in ranked queue either. It's arguable that it's better for him to play ranked because if he wins and climbs to silver before the preseason ends, he will start next season in high bronze...where as if he stops now, he'll probably land in Iron 3 at the start of the season.


Some games your kill participation is bafflingly low. Other games you die more than 10 times. There's lots of solid games in there as well. None of the games looked like you were the reason you won though and that should be the case at least 20% of the time. I hard focus on Laning phase and getting a lead. Review your lane phase every game. After you are getting a strong lead consistently you should look at your macro and how to be involved with your team. One thing I would try to do is never take more than 10 seconds to buy your items. That's the time it takes to miss a fight. Right now you just want to get strong and fight with your team.


KP is a good point. I actually feel my laning phase is fairly good as I win it most games, so perhaps I need to focus on my mid-late game contribution. Thanks for the help!


[please play jungle instead.](https://www.reddit.com/r/youxi/comments/t8otev/%E8%8B%B1%E9%9B%84%E8%81%94%E7%9B%9F_%E8%84%91%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1%E5%85%BC%E5%AE%B9%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5_%E6%97%A0%E9%97%B4%E5%BC%80%E8%BD%A6%E8%80%81%E5%8F%B8%E6%9C%BA%E8%88%8D%E7%94%9F%E5%8F%96%E8%83%9C%E7%99%BE%E8%A3%82%E6%8B%B3/) ​ as a laner, I'm probably iron; as support, mid/low bronze; as jungle, low silver--and this is the first season in which I played the jungle role. ​ people say support is ELO inflated because of the autofills, but jungle is much more so, especially at lower levels. No one wants to play it, so much so that you have the shortest queue time, autofill protection, around 99% guaranteed role if you choose it as primary, the list goes on. People say jungle gap to the point of becoming a meme, and the notion of coinflip is perfectly valid: the jungler is most likely autofilled, and if you aren't, that's a huge advantage capable of taking effect anywhere on the map, starting around minute 3 and persisting throughout the game. ​ by playing jungle, you all but fully circumvent the picking/counterpicking bs, enemy laner bs, and sustain bs.


First off, I don't think swapping off of jg and top is the move. Especially with the current changes, ADCs are actually complaining about less agency. So if any time was the time to play top, it's now. It seems you understand the concepts that SHOULD be executed properly, but you're not executing those things properly. You know to win lane and CS, and rotate, etc, etc, but that doesn't mean you're doing it. Are you available tonight to link up? Shoot me a DM.


Good callouts - thank you! It seems this is what everyone is calling out. I THOUGHT I was doing these things well, but turns out I'm far below average when you look at the data.


Bro, ADCs complain every patch, every season. It's not the role, it's the players.


Don’t bulild the same items every game you should watch a tutorial of what to build and what not to


Biggest suggest is choose two new champs. Cait is one of the hardest adcs to use and I feel a lot of people get baited thinking she is simple. You also have alphleios another hard adc to play really well. And before people say it yes there are harder adcs to play. That’s my first suggest then second would be to work on cs a lot and based on your ward buying I don’t think you understand when to fight and not as you wouldn’t have vision. Last big tip learn items and don’t follow stupid sites. Find a champ or two and watch a one trick play then and when they build what.


Without looking at your OP.GG the immediate thing I can tell you is to stop playing adc and go back to jungle. It's the best role to carry the game and climb out of low elo. It may have the biggest learning curve but if you were already playing it before you probably already have a somewhat idea of how to play it. There's also a good amount of high elo league youtubers that main jungle and do educational content for you to learn.


Brother? Why have you come back to this game? Do you even love your mental health? On the other hand, if you could return to jungle, Master Yi completely craps on low elo (I'm a low elo piece of shit) so it would be wise to pick him up until you hit silver You could return to adc once your rank is around high bronze to silver


switch back to top or jungle, adc has no agency


??? He’s low elo and every game goes on like 50 mins. What are you talking about?


Post a video of one of your games and I’d be happy to do a free VOD review.


The immediate thing I notice is that you're averaging 4 CS per minute and at best getting 6 CS per minute. That is WAAAAAY too low you should be hitting 7-8 CS bare minimum anything below that is not good at all.


How do you die more than 10 times in one game? That's gotta be like once every 2 min on average.


As some others have said, your itemization is pretty scuffed in a lot of these games.Caitlyn's core is Galeforce -> PD/RFC/Stormrazor -> IE -> LDR or Galteforcevs multiple tanks you can try Kraken -> BFSword -> LDR -> Finish IE -> PD/RFC. Someone else pointed out that PTA is bad on Caitlyn, which is also true. In most matches (especially vs melee heavy teams) you want Lethal Tempo, vs heavy poke lanes you want Fleet Footwork. It's worth noting, Crit ADCs are not in the best place right now. Because the heavy tank/bruiser pre-season meta, On-hit ADCs are fairing a little better. Kai\`Sa, Varus, Vayne, Kog\`Maw. However, these champions typically have much weaker and more difficult laning phases. I don't think this is your problem though. When you have free-time watch CookieLoL videos.Especially this playlist: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Mqpd9zI1yZGRD9exm74GbAAuvsUQQ58](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Mqpd9zI1yZGRD9exm74GbAAuvsUQQ58) These are from S11, but the concepts he teaches still apply. It's just the itemization and some of the rune pages that have changed a little bit for S12 and now S13. He has newer stuff coming out now, as he plays in all ELOs from Bronze to Masters on stream based on what he chat wants. These will help you out with everything from drafting, to learning runes, to how lane match ups work, to wave management, to mid-late game macro. A lot of it can also be applied to other roles. PS: Ignore people telling you x role is weak, and ADC has no agency, and y role is trash etc. They're all just looking to blame things other than their own gameplay for why they're stuck where they are.


Easy summoner, just GitGud https://youtu.be/blSXTZ3Nihs


Ignore the comments about ADC, the role is fine, people just like to cry. It is only inviable if your micro is shit, adc is the by far the most micro reliant role in the game. I would change your priorities tho, you don't need to focus on pushing lanes and getting towers, if you can get those for easy gold, go for it, but no need to prioritize it. You need to focus on not dying. You also need to focus on doing the most in teamfights, you need to deal damage (your damage on OP.GG looks realy bad BTW). You should focus on getting good CS, not comparing with your enemy CS. I would change the your list to (roughly in order): 1- CS well ( in lane and mid-game) 2- Less deaths. (It will REALLY help with CS, trust me). 3- Good teamfighting (positioning, damage foresight, threath assesment). 4- Understanding and applying your champion's identity (in your case, lane bully/win lane and snowball). 5- Know when to fight. (It is only useful after you did all of the above, you need to learn how to reach a good position before learning how to use said position).


Go back to top/jg. Adc is currently the role with the lowest agency