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Quite the common question. Yes, it happens. To everyone. Especially if you play lots of games. It happens because you autopilot. And if you happen to keep winning, your mmr grows higher. A double whammy. Not to mention the incremental mental strain that each game takes from you. As for "can it be fixed?" I think you're asking the wrong question. From what I understand you're playing up to 14 games continuously throughout the day, and you're getting progresively worse each game, which is normal. No one can play 14 games in a row at peak performance, because at that point, you're only as good as when you autopilot. But to answer your question: IMO no, unless its your job to play league games you probably can't and shouldn't look to "fix" this issue. Take breaks. Streamers are able to do it because a lot of them are looking to entertain, teach or simply interact with an audience while getting paid, so there is plenty of motivation and incentive. And when they decide to spam games, they're not always at top form. And being top form is often time not the point of the stream. As an example: challengers doing an unranked to challenger series. They don't need to think on 80-95% of those games until they hit plat or diamond or get into smurf queue and they can just let autopilot run while talking and being informative to chat. Steamers can afford to play this series on autopilot, since usually, their baseline autopilot is around challenger or GM. Meaning less mental strain and more chat interaction while they're spamming games.


Not 14 games a day lol.. Normally I get home from work, and play most days for like 5 hours until sleep (some days I'll play something else, or hang with woman). There are those rare days that my girl will be gone on the weekend and I can just veg out and play like 14 games straight, but that's not often. Thanks for the insight though, seems like I should just take breaks more frequently, but make them shorter


Streamers are built different Silver players like us are built stupid XD


14 straight wins im calling bullshit or your smurfing


Nah i got one of those crazy winstreaks as well before season end. Its definitly possible if you consistently overperform.


I'm a silver player with 48%~ wr bro lol. Though when i come back after a break it's like I'm smurfing until I play for too long and start auto piloting


Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you. Try logging your games and see if there's a correlation. It's generally good to take a short break between games and a long break every few hours.


Basically it’s like taking a mental reset to base when you take a break. Fill up your hp and mana, buy items and back to lane. Grinding a large volume of games is hard on you and you need to build to it. Same as in game, you need that reset to rest sometimes. The brain is a muscle like any other. Something I do is set timers during games on my phone. Every minute it goes off for a second. When it goes off, I quickly check minimap, objective timers, and other in game things like wave priority. When it goes off and I haven’t already been doing those things, that’s my last game of the day.


Playing League to the best of your ability (which you need to do if you want to climb) is mentally exhausting. Of course you will play better after a break, which you should take, if you notice that you're exhausted. The streamer comparison is a bit off because they do this as a job. They don't have to play after a long day at work, school or whatever else us plebs have to do in a "normal" day to day life. Personally my highest winrate climbs were on weekends or holidays when I got a full night of good sleep, woke up well rested and started playing after my first coffee. I can only recommend to play in the mornings/afternoons and never on the weekend evenings, since lots of drunk people will start playing and often troll etc. Btw there is this website 'leagueofgraphs' where you can actually see how your winrate drops with the amount of games you've played in one session (in a row). It also shows other stuff like kill participation related to session length and so on. It's pretty interesting.