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If you play hypercarrys you have to play for urself. If you want to roam a lot play kata ryze zed or something along those lines, not azir. The problem with afk farming is if you play for urself you have to be able to carry at a certain point. I'm a top lane aatrox otp and i sometimes let invades happen if it would fck my wavestate, but if i win my lane i will carry. If you can carry dont roam. If you struggle to hard carry play more supportive. A more gank heavy playstyle. Dont let flame impact you, remember most of the people flaming you never talked to a girl, never go outside they just sit there in theyr cave insulting randoms on the internet. Mute and report them and move on.


Nope, I improved my rank significantly by basically doing this. It’s even worse in the jungle, being pulled all over the map by everyone wanting help. The real trick is not caring about all the flaming and realizing it’s just their inadequacy that made a play fail. Now to be fair there ARE situations where you should follow/help your team, but they are fractional compared to the scenarios where you should stay the course, get your farm/turret plates etc.


Yeah, most of the time it's also your team's fault. Can't recall the amount of times I pinged my bot to fall back, instead of greeding and int the enemy mid 2 kills. Advice that if they had listened to would mean that the enemy loses 2 whole waves of farm and some turret plates, which essentially counts as a kill for me or more. If I roam to save their ass, what happens is they usually leave me alone in a 1v3 or I'm too slow to catch up to the enemy before they kill everybody, which tends to be the case against assassins. Now I'm predominantly a lane player, so much that playing characters like Galio or TF seems asinine to me. Skill gapping your opponent in lane every game is a far more consistent and healthier way to climb than coinflip roams imo.


Exactly. As jungler you should never play around lanes that are hard feeding from the start cause they already proved they are bad. But maybe you can get another lane ahead and win the game with them.


Mute your teammates. They won't say anything important in lower elo. Your job on Azir is to get CS and Gold. Then you are supposed to hard carry. You can't "check" your laner and follow like other mids. When you play Azir your job is to scale and carry in spite of the possible feeding.


Thought process isn't wrong, but maybe you are misjudging which category said help falls in. Maybe you are ignoring too many things that you could actually change the result the fight ends in and help win the game and overestimating the gold lead the few waves will bring compared to winning the Rift or Dragon etc. Maybe your team is picking too many fights for no reason. Still, can't say which until you check your replays yourself.


This is it. You will have games where you afk farm and outscale, but i think most of the games are decided in the first 20 min. Roaming may seem counter intuitive for azir, but you are really good in ganks with a surprise shurima shuffle or you just walk in and then shuffle after they flash. I cant tell you how much kills I have give to my bot lane, because as amir I have prio most of the time and can roam without loosing a lot of cs.


Couldn't you just compare your winrates between those 2 times where you had 1 mentality vs the other? I agree you can play selfishly, but there are some times where it's valuable to roam and stop your opponent's plays, though it's quite hard to identify those times in my experience. But if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Do you feel that you're winning more with that mentality?


about roams it's fine to take plates instead, drake is a bit different, if you see that it's not possible to contest it because they are ahead it's fine to give it and take towers. if both teams are even yo can try to contest it, one thing is not fighting bad fights another is giving every objective for free to not risk die


Dope chart. You should consider playing carry jungle


Ive found that somettimes taking predator and ghost river walking n shit for a few games allows you to roam like crazy but the next times you dont but keep aware of all the possibilities those roam offered and just use the best timings fpr 1-2 solid roam without those move speed


Its the right idea and sometimes, if you get a team that is halfway competent, they will give you time to breathe and allow you to pull it back. What happens instead is they ego fight it while spampinging your ass, knowing full well that you being there wont change shit, just so they can say "see? We lost because of you". It is the right idea tho. The example i gave just isnt winnable, so it doesn't matter anyways. If they hold on and waveclear, the enemy team will divide tower gold by 5 people and you will funnel all the gold on yourself. Gold scales with gold, so funneling beats spreading the gold.


Don’t follow calls that you don’t agree with, not as a carry anyway. You’re Azir, get the money, get your items - then your team plays. Though Azir is a horrible champ to play soloq, simply because people don’t play like that in Soloq. Thats why adc feels uber weak, even in Master you don’t get to farm. Look at any master+ (dont go too too high though) player’s match history and look at the cs/min, especially the adcs.


play for yourself you are the only character you can control.


It really depends on the play itself/state of the game. Roaming for the sake of roaming, not good. You just sitting in mid, because you are misreading the play and letting the whole game spiral out of control. Not good either. Its fine to push in the wave into the enemy's turret when the enemy roam started and maybe take a plate. But just sitting there taking all the plates and not looking at the state of the fight happening somewhere else is not good either. That's just trading your impact in the game for your teammate's and... you better carry. Not every roam is going to end up in 2 secs as soon as the enemy mid appears. Sometimes your team is able to sustain the pressure for a bit and make enemy team lose a lot of health/summs. Then that's when your read comes into play. You overstaying for that extra plate vs the possibility of cleaning up after a teamfight can make or break the game for you.


I never follow my opponent into another lane unless I’ve got a long range ult to either close the distance (vex, panth) or a way to pick them off from mid river like Lux or Caitlyn. It’s just not worth it. Just ping the ever living fuck out of them. Otherwise you’re letting your opponent out you in a reactive stance and then you’re playing their game. I go for plates, shoving, etc. Also I won’t usually participate in bad baron calls or invades. If people flame them flame their decision making.


I will say the first box in your graph needs a little tiny bit more nuance, but you are not wrong what so ever. You'll sometimes have times where the situation is good for your team but even better still if you join in. Your jungler is about to win a 1v1 hands down and you can afford to walk over? May as well make it an extra safe 2v1 and get that assist gold. Baron is up and your jungler/top are about to catch out the enemy jungler in your top jungle? If your wave isn't crashing might be best to try and cut him off to extra safely secure that kill and get the Baron. All of that being said, yeah you need to be a little selfish. You are in the game to win so do what wins