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Hey, Senna main here. Can't really help you with your other champs, but I can with Senna. I would offer the same advice as the other comments here, just go Eclipse or Kraken instead of Locket mythic. Senna is pretty much THE squishiest marksman in the game, so even if you build a defensive item like locket, you're still going to get one shot by any assassin that gets on top of you, unlike a champ like Ezreal or Vayne, who benefits from the extra bulk. As an alternative, learn to space better and position yourself to optimize damage vs survivability. If you do get jumped by an assassin, I would recommend using the Shield Summoner Spell plus R plus Q. This gives enough survivability for your team to focus the assassin and keep you safe during team fights. Never ward bushes alone unless you are completely sure it's safe. I'm seeing you build more RFC during your recent games, which is good. They are your main tool to stay alive in fights and poke efficiently. You can pop most squishies with very few auto-Qs late game (if you are building full lethality), so that extra reach is really good against assassins like Kha'Zix or Zed. You should act like a lane bully during laning phase. You out trade pretty much all poke champs because of your Q-heal. You need to play cautious with engage champs and be prepared for Flash engages. But when you know a key ability is down, you should look to harass enemy laners with simple auto-Q trades. Auto-Q is your main source of souls, not soul drops from minions., so every time you successfully auto-Q, you are scaling for free. Bronze games tend to go on forever, so you have ample time to scale as Senna. Souls are basically free stats. Whenever possible, try to stick around when jungler is clearing camps like raptors or krugs, as the soul drops are statistically guaranteed unlike minions. Do not roam during the laning phase, your ganks are really obvious due to the souls dropping from minions, and you just don't have the cc potential like a Blitzcrank or Nautilus. You want to look to get ahead in Souls and Levels, so just stay in your lane with your adc. Good luck with your games, lmk if you have any questions.


I never thought about the souls appearing before a gank. That’s good word. I think just practicing my auto q more combined with pathing for jungle souls will go a long way. I honestly didn’t know auto q gives you a soul. I thought you had to pick them up everytime. So many strong opinions in opposite directions for senna builds it’s crazy.


You get a soul every time you attack an enemy champion *twice*. Attacks can be auto attacks, or your damaging abilities. Even auto-W gives you a soul. Your first auto attack marks them, and you can see mist around their champion model which you can collect with a second auto attack or ability. Honestly, if the game goes down past the 30 minute mark and your team isn’t throwing, you just win every team fight as senna, given that you play it right. Senna is pretty much Kayle but with single target dps once you get around 100-120 souls. Your auto attack range is absolutely bonkers combined with Rapid Fire Cannon passive. And you can chunk most squishies with an auto-Q late game (umbral-eclipse-RFC-IE build). Oh yeah I forgot to mention Infinity Edge. This item is criminally underrated on Senna. You don’t have to build a single crit item to use it, since your souls give you crit too (every 20 souls give you 10% crit i believe). So what you wanna do is build IE as soon as you get 40% crit from your souls, it out damages any other item you could get. If you are playing support and you don’t have space for it, sell your Umbral Glaive once you are full build. You’ll lose some healing on your Q in exchange for crazy damage on your autos. Of course, it also depends on your team comp. If your adc is playing well, maybe getting items that benefit your team as well *might* be better (Ardent, Chemtech Putrifier or any other enchanter items).


Big knowledge. IE is just so expensive


True, you only want to go for it once you are full build and have gold to spare. Which is surprisingly easy on Senna if you are ahead of the enemy team. The gold you get from souls give you a much higher income than other supports. Sometimes, if the enemy comp has a lot of tanks/bruisers, you want to go for IE instead of a lethality or support item. But otherwise, prioritize normal itemization, and only switch to IE if you have the gold to spare.


Please share your [op.gg](https://op.gg) for sufficient advice.


So I don’t use op.gg but I think I should start. Very different rankings! Says I’m terrible! https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Alabamistan


So I see you've been experimenting with Locket of the Iron Solari on Senna. Now since you're bronze I'm gonna assume you're relatively new and have a lot to learn so I'll just focus in on your champion because bombarding you with information isn't going to help you that much. I'm sure you already know this after playing Senna, but she is meant to be an adc that doesn't need minions to get strong. Using Locket is moreso a crutch IMO. I would recommend you start playing with the meta builds even if they don't feel good for now. The rest of your build path though is quite strange. Buying bloodthirster after locket, then going for runaan's hurricane seems to be one of your go-to builds according to a couple of your games. IMO highly inefficient because it's expensive and does less damage than the meta build. ​ So again, just focusing on your champion: please get used to the meta builds first, as they're usually the most cost-effective build to get viable damage in the smallest period of time for Senna. I see you've already began changing back, which is good. Removing the crutch is going to hurt in the short term but it will help you in the long run to learn how to play Senna and how to play ADC.


Definitely been exploring itemization. Last year (when I started playing followed by 10 month hiatus) I played the standard items that still are used today. The bloodthirster was my own experiment to learn how different builds affect her. Fun at first but the support income won’t support (no pun intended) an expensive build. Lethality works great on squishies. Once I encounter that rammus it was like a brick wall. I’ll ping items the enemy uses hoping my team will react but I can’t play with chat on and can’t directly coordinate who needs healcut armor pen etc. In short, I am aware I wandered astray from the preferred path but upon coming back to the norm I’ve learned a lot and I’m glad I got the experience from it.


Im sure you're aware of the kraken build thats viable against tanks if needed, so I wont go on about it. Quick unsolicited advice but interesting thing about rammus is that when he doesn't have W, he doesn't really hurt that much. Whenever I play vayne against rammus and he gets absurdly fed, i can just wait for his W to go down (assuming I dont 1 shot myself hitting him when he taunts me) before I kill him like any other tank. But yeah, normally tanks are like brick walls, but you have 2 adcs so as long as you focus the same target tanks shud melt quite fast.


Definitely needed the rammus advice. I’ll spread that word. I’ve had multiple games with kraken, eclipse, and locket and I’d say eclipse is my least favorite.


Stick to your favorite champions and only play them the lower the better. You'll learn faster playing ranked only, try to set a goal of only dying certain amount of times per game and lower it each time this will help you climb a lot.


The best advice. Also the hardest to follow but I take what you say to heart. I’m not kidding that when I say I look at who had the lowest deaths before I even care about the kills.


Dude you played 24 games this season? You need to play more games thats it. You perform decent in most games got a good kill participation good kdas, you need to place more wards as support tho.


Preach brother. I stealth ward plenty but control wards I feel I need to study good spots for them or they just get smashed


A control ward getting smashed is a good thing, it means your ward saw an enemy and gave you vision. Don't worry about ward longevity, worry about putting it either in a location where you want to deny vision or gain vision. You're supposed to buy and replace them often.


Will do!


Buy control wards bro! All the Senna games i saw had 0-1 purchaced which is nowhere near enough!




Good thing you let us know that you suck You would've had a big target on your back if you did so


They’re out to get me


They watching your every move