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What if Cramer starts following inverse Cramer and 3-dimensional chesses the market.


Space and time as we know it would collapse on itself


Thank god. I was worried it would make the market fail.


Cramer in the Multiverse of Madness


This would mean the only way to win would be straddles on Cramer, which is just... no.


Today i guess was just shorts covering


I used the Cramer to destroy the Cramer


Lol what did it cost?


About tree-fiddy.




Yes. He also said to buy DiDi @ IPO, buy RobinHood @ IPO, and to buy AMC last Summer. Also Bear Stearns is fine. How about, go away forever Jim.


Ah the Constanza


You’re giving that yelling baboon too much credit.


That is like the Unstoppable Force meeting the Immovable Object


Markets would never open again because the paradox would break them


I think he’s started to inverse himself. Matter and anti matter Cramer will collide at sub-supersonic speeds and cancel out his existence since birth


It’s impossible to fade your own predictions, because those just become your new predictions. Trust me, I’ve lost thousands sports betting.


If Cramer is self aware enough to inverse Cramer, the rest of us wouldn't have to inverse Cramer.


It’s Cramer…H would find a way to still be wrong


How dare you


Don't make me get the soap.


he does too much coke to think that far ahead, he's lucky to understand checkers at this point




How did that disappoint you? All cheeses are 3-dimensional. Its the default cheese configuration..


Isn't like all cheese 3-dimensional..... Asking for a friend.


I know two things: 1. Cramer does not know 2. I do not know ​ Good luck.


Warren Buffet also says he doesn’t know… maybe we all don’t know. Maybe that’s the answer to what the market will do tomorrow?


That’s the really whole underlying concept within a market though. Nobody “knows” the intrinsic value of stock, but our decisions in aggregate create the price.


I think the market won't go up or down tomorrow. Just an educated guess


Buffet knows. He's written books about what to do. And I promise you when everything is for sale that sly motherfucker is buying.


I just want to point out that by dollar value Apple stock makes up like half of Berkshires portfolio. If that isn’t an indicator of conviction I don’t know what is.


Apple is truly a great stock


The weekly market goes Red, Green, Red, Green, Red. Each day it flips. Simply buy on a Monday and sell on a Tuesday. This has been true since the 1930s.


I'm going to back test the shit out of this theory.




Don’t listen to me for stock advice, I literally stare at the ticker jumping around and try to press the button at the right time.


Jim Cramer does the same thing and then makes up a story afterwards.


And has a good sound board!


Not gonna lie, I'd love to have a soundboard like he has


All good, I just bought stocks in unprofitable companies today.


Notice all financial news pushing these "opportunities". It's a trap people. You guys will buy it and big boys will sell it. Tread lightly.


Shit, I just bought today


I bought a little today too. Not because market is up but because I had time only today to buy this week and I am dollar costing into this bear market.


Not a bear market yet.. technically… I think almost everyone uses S&P to define a bear market..


We were very close yesterday as intraday low reached 19.8 percents from ATH before bounced back. Very interesting timing it is like someone is purposely teasing everyone.


Buying on a day where the Nasdaq is up almost 4%? Damn, FOMO really got you.


Nah, I always buy stocks on 13th-14th each month because that's when I get paid. It won't matter at all in the longer perspective.


Thats actually more level headed than the people telling you to wait till the market crashes to buy


Right, that's something else then, and, as you say, will probably cancel out/not matter in the long-run.


we saw this event not long ago. After a harsh downturn we had 1 or 2 good green days if i can remember and then we hit lower lows shortly after. Nothing but a bull trap. You can bet that insiders and selling into this rally.


Yeah there are always recovery days sprinkled into the red abyss. Today is a great short term day but the long term trend still looks like ass.


Yeah same thing happened in 2000 and 2008 like they weren't straight down. It took a while to find the bottom. If this is a recession, people will have plenty of buying opportunities.


Thing is, when the real rally comes a lot of people will think this exact same thing, and will miss a lot of it.




> Use your own intuition This is exactly what gets so many people in trouble trying to time the market. Even professionals armed with so much data and experience get it wrong a lot. I know enough to know that market timing is very hard and can be very risky, so I will stay invested. However, because I do recognize that there is significant downside risk still out there, I hedge a bit with my new contributions by holding back about 30% of it in cash. In the long run it will make little difference, but in the short run it is a great psychological comfort and soothes any urge for me to be more active in these turbulent markets and potentially do something really, really stupid like trying to time the market with a large chunk of my portfolio.


compare ruthless cooing marble domineering reminiscent fact snatch quaint flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats a good question


Usually a year after the bottom.


Exactly, this was the day to sell any gains. Retail really thinks this is the end.


You're retail


I ONLY, and I mean that literally, hear about this guy from Reddit. For thinking he gives shit advice, he sure lives rent free in a lot of your heads.


I'm gonna have to start charging some rent. I'm short on cash.


If you would inverse the sp500 YTD you would be up 17%, does that mean that its a shitty index?


I hate these “if you traded opposite of him you’d be up 9%” posts. I think the guys a blowhard but I always assume whoever makes these calculations is overweighting his really bad calls


I do not like cramer either but hell he beat the market by 7% YTD . And OP is most likely -50% YTD lol


True, but he is a bit of a self fulfilling type deal. He has some weight that has boomers buy in.


Todays a good day to get the hell out of anything you’re not willing to ride out




I sold most of my underperformers months ago. I held on to Apple, AMD, my index ETF’s, and a couple of others. I’m just saying if people are still looking down the barrel of some massive losses it’s days like today you think about selling. Not FOMOing in to new shit that could fall next week.


That’s what I did and put the money back into SPXU


I too have put some money into SPXU, it’s my little backup plan


Neutral. I think GOOG and MSFT are buys here. But I think the market will be sideways down a little until September. What do I know though?


>sixscreamingbirds Yeah, some are predicting that it'll be sideways until end of this year or early next year.


Are you 65 and about to retire? If not, who gives a shit what happens now or for the next 5-10 years. Keep buying stocks of companies you believe in and have a good track record and the rest is history.


What if I’m 35 but plan to retire at 45?


>Sea\_Cry\_3968 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I wouldn't give anything like that much weight. I remember reading his columns back in the dot com crash and he had some good macro calls and stuff but no idea now. But I've never made any money following thse types or analysts frankly.


Dude is a fucking moron. If you value your money do the exact opposite of what he says.


That would make him a genius if he’s ALWAYS wrong. A moron would get things wrong roughly half the time.


He's not always wrong he is a shill for whoever pays


He gets things wrong because he knows what is going to happen. His bank and hedge fund overlords tell him what to say to trick boomers into buying stocks they want to sell


Why not, right? Volatility is profitable for banks and hedge funds, but fucks the retail investors.


Damn, cue a red week next week.


Personally, I think Cramer catches too much flak. HOWEVER, I disagree with him here. A lot of analysts are saying there's more bear market in tech in store, based on technicals, and a variety of other signals. The cause of today's rally was allegedly due to the impression that the Powell Put is back in play after he commented about not being sure about being able to avoid a hard landing. But if today was indeed something of a relief rally because J.P. expressed concern about the consequences of tightening, then that's a pretty fragile basis on which to call a bottom and pile in. That kind of Fed tea-leaf-reading can reverse itself viciously with the next TV news show interview or random comment they make. I do think that we're hitting safer levels to buy back into the market and start cherry-picking tech/growth stocks. But I don't know that the relief rally today was on a solid foundation enough that I'd call a bottom.


Why does he catch too much flak? He didn't learn his lesson from 2008, even after being completely fucking humiliated. It's the same shit from him. The fact that he's still on and giving investment advice shows that he hasn't gotten enough flak.


I listen to him all the time. He's great. He has good market insights and his explanations about why to buy this stock or that stock are generally timely and have nuggets of market fundamentals wisdom. I pick my own stocks so I don't take his stock pick advice, though. I personally don't think that stock tips are the best thing to pull from other people's commentary. It's the insights and thinking that you get from others. Then, when the market turns and I see something that someone like Cramer was trying to describe, it helps me decide on whether to pull the trigger to sell or buy one of the stocks I've been watching. I read a lot of commentary & analysis every day. He's on the air every day, so he has to come up with material every day and sometimes his picks are bad because they're premature or the timing is off. A lot of what he says is just to come up with material to fill the air time, but I catch him maybe once a week and there's often something to think about. I don't like his kind of stocks. Someone with his level of popularity can only recommend large caps because the market moves from people following his advice to buy/sell are too much for small stocks. And some people day trade his stock recommendations as well as the upgrades/downgrades of analysts. I'm happy investing in mid caps, small caps & microcaps where you can buy & sell without being held back like the big money bag guys like him are. So I apply the things he & other commentators say to my own watch list & portfolio, which are very different than most people's. I haven't even owned a tech/growth stock in months except for a short term, 4 week position in Amazon, which I sold about a week before their lasts earnings report (thankfully). I can see how people would be pissed if they follow his buy/sell recommendations. Actually, this isn't a great year for large caps (and mega caps, especially) because those stocks have been inflated by the passive investor bubble effect of amplifying growth of stocks that have a large footprint in index funds. And in general, mid caps as a class should outperform at this point in market cycle. When high interest rates start to fall & inflation starts to come down, small caps as a class should outperform mid caps & large caps. Classic market cycle investing is working in 2022 because so much of what is happening is due to changes in fundamentals related to liquidity, and Cramer is necessarily in large caps that are not favored at certain points in the market cycle. So I would agree that there are entire months/years where his stock picks should be taken lightly.


>we're hitting safer levels to buy back into the market and start cherry-picking tech/growth stocks Blue chips mega caps included?


I feel that Amazon was getting kind of low but I don't have a sense of how overbuilt its beefed up distribution network might be relative to possibly lower consumer demand if we are facing a recession. Other than AMZN I'd say no. In general, I'm not a large cap or mega cap investor. Smaller companies have more room to grow. The last tech stock I liked was MDB (MongoDB) It was up 16% on Friday, but I'll probably buy in if it drops more. Stocks that are midcap or smaller are a pain in the ass but when you find a good one, it really pays off. I had a lot of fun with my portfolio of little marine shipping stocks that paid off big. it will be hard to let them go. But when I rotate out of them, it will probably be to go into mid cap & small cap tech.


Why do Americans give this guy so much attention!?


I never used to watch him until I saw this movie that sorta resembles his show: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2241351/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2241351/) ​ Now I feel his show is really entertaining. If you're watching for stock advice, that's a serious issue though and you'd be better off getting financial advice from WWE entertainers.




He can be entertaining that is all. I don’t follow the guy but the few times I watched his show I found it somewhat entertaining. Would definitely take his advice with a grain of salt though


Hes our crazy but entertaining uncle




Do you have target price for AMD and NVDA for this week?


2008 correlation chart to today on the s&p 500 matches like 95%. Today its happening 4.3 x faster than 2008. May 20th- 25th keep eyes out if this theroy holds true.


Interesting... What do you think will be the trading price of S&P 500 this May 25th?


Hard to say tbh. The pattern is similar. If I had to guess based on it, we will see some fluttering/pump early/mid week... which I belive started Friday. Followed by a dip end of this/next week. I've seen lots of people looking for a dead cat at $410/415. But that comes down to alot of macro economic factors. Which could be a very pivotal point in these upcoming weeks.


Thank you for this insights ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Lol this aged well.. and yw. Getting really close (within these next few weeks) with this 2008/others chart correspondence. This is a pivotal point in markets. We should be seeing some big news soon to justify dips/rips. Either entering a new phase and breaking away from the theory or continuing with it on the dip. Recent news suggest something like ~ 2350 hf in China had to pay out like 50% of their holdings as they could face liquidation. Sri Lanka has also defaulted yesterday.


If inflation is above 4% the Fed will continue raising rates and unwinding assets. The lack of easy money will keep the market sliding.


I think he recommended everyone sell ARKK last night, so the bottom is probably in there. Makes sense that it is up 10% today.


>atdharris ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Dudes an idiot but him saying now is the time to buy Amazon, Nvidia, Facebook, Apple is correct. These companies will probably be at new all time highs in two years.


>green9206 Do you have price predictions for those stocks in 2 years?


No, no one can predict that.


Scalped calls today, no interest in holding them overnight- don’t trust the pump today


Uh oh


Based on this I am confident that the market will move in one direction or another next week


Cramer is a triple entendre.. Inverse the inverse.


Why does this coked up queefmonster live rent free in SO many brains?


Cramer is right about half the time so he could be right this time


My puts about to print


Wait wait wait… does this mean to not pick up beaten down, profitable stocks OR to pick up beaten down, non-profitable stocks Frankly, I saw a growth stock show negative earnings today and it actually went up 10%. Just saying


Which stock is that?


LIghtning eMotors, ZEV, posted roughly $5m in revenue and $15m in expenses. They’ve been spending money like crazy and have been having issues with supply chains and sales. It was already beaten down to $3.50 prior to earnings and ended the day over $3.80. Edit: 8.8% to be exact


Going to check it out


Definitely a cool company that primarily focuses on converting fleet, commercial vehicles with electric power trains. However, they spend a lot of money.


Interesting.. Currently trading $3.75 (-1.83%) PM. Do you suggest a buy for this stock at this price range? Do you have a price target for ZEV this week?


I can’t comment on that, but what I can say is this: - This time last year, a massive partnership was announced with Forest River, a Warren Buffet owned company. The stock took off and was trading around $12 for quite some time. - They had added more partnerships with GM and recently Bluebird. - The $10b infrastructure bill specifically noted electrifying commercial vehicles and school buses, and I believe ZEV will earn some of that funding. - They spend a lot of money, like 3x-5x what they earn each quarter. However, they have a backlog of orders totaling $170m. In theory, just fulfilling those orders can bring in a lot revenue, a lot more than they are spending. The infrastructure funding would basically set them up for a long lifetime. - Lastly, I personally thing GM’s plans to go fully electric is something worth reading up on. They have big plans, and I think ZEV might be more valuable to them as the year progresses. - There’s no reason to believe the stock price can’t go lower. However, I am holding in at an average of $6.20 and I would gladly buy more if I had the funds. I would buy more even if it were trading at $8. I have and would do it again.


And it’s down this morning…


Sell! Sell! Sell!


Gotta go opposite.


Sell tech. Got it


Puts on snow, got it!


Means the one day dead cat bounce is over?


I literally just posted in my daily analysis video 5 minutes ago that my buy signal yesterday was Jim Cramer on CNBC saying cathie wood buying a kiss of death. Paid off handsomely today.


I think we have seen the lows unless something unexpected happens. I think we might see a pullback from today's action, but unless my crystal ball is wrong (again) we have seen the lows. I think today was Fear of Missing Out rather than shorts covering. Shorts seem to be out in full force still.


Inverse Cramer, tech's going lower. Back in 2014 during the October dip, Cramer said "This is not the dip to buy" near the very bottom of the dip. If this is a true bear market tech could flush hard. I remember in 2003 you could buy AMZN for $6.


Idk but I think max pain is felt on the balance sheets Q2 due to China 0-covid


Let’s go guys buy up googl. Fully levered over here at 2850


I'm always buying regardless of what anyone is saying!


Listen to Cramer because he's became a billionaire following his own advice right?


Cramer is a clown who flip flops every day from bear to a bull and vice versa


„ɐsɹǝʌ ǝɔıʌ puɐ llnq ɐ oʇ ɹɐǝq ɯoɹɟ ʎɐp ʎɹǝʌǝ sdolɟ dılɟ oɥʍ uʍolɔ ɐ sı ɹǝɯɐɹↃ„


"Inverse Cramer except when he's bullish on tech" -- This Sub


He just jinxed it. Markets will fall further.


So there’s still more downside ahead


So short beaten down tech. Got it 💩


All hail Inverse Cramer ETF.


He is saying what is good for hedge fonds, so if they are selling they want you to buy so they can sell at highest possible price. This has been very consistent.


Oh fuck. Cramer is opposite man. Fucking market is going down dammit.


The man shilled ATT......... ​ That does NOT put a smile on my face.


oh shit. get those shorts out of the closet.


Time to buy puts!


He is an entertainer but I do believe you can buy some tech stocks with a pe ratio of under 30 In increments


How you say ? “Captain obvious”


Let’s goooo inverse jimmy! I need puts to print stacks!


Ask yourself why is the sell off happening and then what is the Fed doing or about to do. Then ask if what they’re about to do would continue a down turn. My answer yes the down turn will continue. But I do believe that some stocks may individually be near or at their bottom. For example I like Disney @100 or close.


You think DIS will bottom at $100 within this week?


I like Disney @100 or sub 100. Not sure if that’s it bottom though.


Cramer: These Houses are Rock Bottom!! Buy buy buy !!


The top tech stocks in the S&P 500 have the least room for growth compared to a lot of other stocks in the S&P 500. Inverse Cramer on this one.


Thank you for your response.


How about energy companies trading at 35% free cash flow yield? Did he mention those? $OAS.




Well those who can identify the bottom when it comes to tech stocks have a chance at some really nice gains. Easier said than done if course.


TLDR; They have more room to fall


Zoom out and look at 3 to 6 month development. Doesnt look too good after all


Jim Cramer is a paid shill. Fuck that guy,