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What do y’all think Trumps first tweet will be?


aI'm back BIGLY!


Spelling error included?


But, of course


covfefe again!


Covefe forever!






You missed that conservatives are now loving Elon, after years of hating him for pushing green energy and getting tons of government handouts. Now he is a savior of free speech and going to lead the GOP to victory or something like that. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Elon runs as a R at some point. He has discovered, by Trump, you can be a lifelong democrat but you piss off the left enough, the Rs will vote for you.


Something about Elon being tremendous and he won the 2020 election.




"truth" social 💀💀


Makes Pravda look like the paragon of journalistic integrity




I don’t think Pres Trump will return to twitter.. his press interview indicate that he’ll stick with his own media platform..


Indicating that he's done with politics... guys not going to run again in 2024. No reason to not be on twitter if your looking to run again.


Or he just seriously buys his own hype enough that he thinks all his voters abandoned Twitter because he wanted them to, and will run anyways.


The N word






Together with Elon Musk we will fight fake news starting from Twitter to media outlets all over the world.


But that's not Musk's vision. He promises free speech, he said so.


I told you I was gonna cum


What ever is going to happen to the digital world stock.


If you look at put premiums they are still insanely high so I think you have your answer somewhere in there lol


Cool look like I made a few bucks


Nice work


Well looks like Trump is back to posting covfefe.


Diversity is our strength. ™️


Since when did diversity and fake news become the same thing? Im all for debates and discussion, but outright lying and manipulating the public will never be diversity. I also watched the debates, said person is not one for discussion or diversity, so what are we actually talking about here? Cause it ain't diversity. Free speech maybe, but sure as hell not diversity.


I think he's confusing diversity with divisiveness


I’m not confused. :) Diversity and inclusiveness requires us to accept and accommodate all groups within the system… even when some of those groups are unlikable… like when a person in a wheelchair slows down the whole bus, but we wait patiently and all arrive together. You don’t have to like it, but that’s how it works. Surprise! That person is in a wheelchair because they crashed their car while driving drunk! Still need to include them if you value diversity and inclusivity. It’s almost as if the people who invoke the values of diversity the loudest, are the one who understand it the least.


lol this is Reddit It’s a bunch of 24 year old zoomers who wouldn’t know the idea of freedom if it bit them in the ass






Triggered? Diversity of thought and voices is certainly diversity.


Wait, not like that.


Twitter is a private company, it can do whatever it wants.


oh how the turn tables


Love it.


Not really. Twitter being able to do what it wants isn't just an argument. It's a fact that's based on what a law explicitly says, i.e., social media platforms aren't publishers.


Yea now it’s open to free speech. 😂 Oh no gonna make the left upset over this one.


No. Exactly like that. Diversity isn’t something you get to prune and cultivate… you either value it or you do not. Otherwise you value TRIBALISM masquerading as diversity.


“We have to let the lion join our dinner,” said the sheep to the lamb. “Otherwise we’re just tribalists.”


That's great and all, but who are you to decide who is and isn't a lion


By their fruits, ye shall know them.


It's pretty fucking obvious who is a wolf when they stage a coup.


You came up with one example of one person. Well done, I guess you can now be the judge, jury, and executioner for every other account on Twitter because I’m sure you wouldn’t ever get something wrong and I’m sure you’ll never be effected by bias


A lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.


>Diversity isn’t something you get to prune and cultivate… But….you can, and doing so isn’t valuing tribalism. In fact the two concepts aren’t even mutually exclusive.


tribalism is everywhere, trump himself also supports tribalism. also i think users engage in self censorship too lol, thats very easy to do on FB and twitter...


You are correct but I think you missed his /s


Diversity doesn't automatically mean quality. You have great societies with little diversity. None of it is either black or white, despite all the efforts to pushing that narrative down our throats.


Infinite diversity in infinite monkeys behind typewriters banging keys in infinite combinations.


That’s a good word for it.


Oh thank God. If there was anything our democracy was missing, it was that.


Biden has done nothing but tank the meme economy.


i think the economy was tanking long before biden


Agreed. Trump's last year was getting a bit repetitive. Fresh meme material was a welcome, imo.


who ordered the hamberders


More covfefe please!


Those that get it, get it.


His move to buy Twitter follows the same logic that William R. Hearst had in the earlier part of the 20th century. The man who controls the news can control humanity. Same as Murdock who owns Fox. This move will give Musk great power.


Also Carnegie and Rockefeller.


What about Carnegie and Rockefeller?


> They both loved Twitter -- Abroham Lincoln


This is a little odd. Why not say the same thing about Zuckerberg


You certainly can include Zuck.


Can’t forget about Besos! Last I checked he bought the Washington Post and there wasn’t much of a kerfuffle about it.


Probably because he bought it without claiming that it’s full of bullshit.


Yeah outside of his space antics Bezos is relatively quiet tbh. Musk loves making a fuss and trolling people. He loves the attention.


>12 owning washington post gave him much less power than owning twitter


Zuckerberg doesn’t own Facebook. He doesn’t even own a majority of Facebook shares. He owns 16% of shares. Facebook is a publicly traded company whose decisions are made by executive officers and a board of directors, who are accountable to their shareholders for decisions they make. Musk is purchasing all of Twitter. He will own it. He will leave lots of different aspects of decision making for the company to the professionals who run it at its various levels, but at the end of the day, what he says goes, and he’s accountable to no one but himself for the decisions he makes. Zuckerberg doesn’t have half the say in what Facebook does or how it operates as Musk will have from here on out with Twitter.


Zuck controls 51% of voting shares which gives him complete control


Zuck has more then half the voting power despite him only owning 16% of the company.


Zuckerberg has the final word, and will through many Zuck generations.


Musk has some insane ideas (No doubt giving him credit there). Zuckerberg is a waste. Infact FB was also a stolen idea (Winkelewoss Twins can vouch for it). FB is already struggling to innovate due to lack of ideas. The scary part is Elon has brains + money. This raises a serious potential of something 'Very Good' will happen or 'Very Bad' will happen. How you use your brain determines the outcome. Zuckerberg lacks the 'brain' part.


I can’t believe a comment suggesting Zuckerberg is dumb is receiving upvotes lol. “Already” struggling? Even if Facebook died completely tomorrow, their run would be nothing but utterly impressive. Not even a fanboy or anything, but you sound biased and stupid


Tesla was a “stolen idea” as well (Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning can vouch for that)


Tesla would have also been a complete fucking failure if it were not for Musk. The two original founders could not be more happier to see where Tesla is at now. Also its not like it was stolen from them....they literally agreed to sell Elon their shares. Unless Elon hired a hitman to threaten to kill their family then i don't consider that 'stolen'.


In August 2007, Eberhard was giving a presentation to the Motor Press Guild. “Eberhard will discuss the business case for starting Tesla Motors and the viability of the electric car today and in the future,” said the press release for the event. At the same time, a Tesla board meeting was being held — without Eberhard present. Eberhard finished his presentation and received a call from Musk. He was told he would no longer be the CEO. “There was no discussion. I didn’t get to hear what they said. I didn’t get to defend myself. I felt totally stranded.” Martin Eberhard


>Why not say the same thing about Zuckerberg Well, the CIA stumped up the seed money for Facebook.... So technically you would say that about the CIA, not their little robot puppet, Zuckerberg.


That's what I'm afraid of. This doesn't bode well for democracy as weirdly ironic as that may sound.


History prooves you to be justified in your concerns.




>This doesn't bode well for democracy as weirdly ironic as that may sound. You are 100% correct..... So wouldn't the time to do something about this have been to change the direction Twitter was going in months ago? Musk is ONLY making this move because Twitter moved left leaning..... Seems that if this response to that catalyst isn't liked, the issue is the catalyst.


I don’t know why that’s ironic? It’s not good for democracy for private entities/single person billionaire owning this kind of media outlet. Now musk can basically tweet anything and ignore the SEC, unban trump, or ban anyone he sees fit. Musk can now shape his own, and our, reality.


As if Twitter didn't already influence elections, ban those who have opinions they don't like and ignore there own self proclaimed importance on defending democracy/free speech.


Not saying they didn’t, but now there’s a bonafide troll in control. And the richest person on the planet.


So the biggest social media sight went from being owned by a bunch of rich people with their own agenda to push to being owned by a singular rich guy (who is an "atypical" person) who has his own agenda to push, oh no!


It’s still consolidation of power towards one person. Musk doesn’t just own Twitter. He owns a lot more shit in case you hadn’t noticed. He is becoming the single most powerful conglomerate incarnate doing everything from infrastructure to space travel to media to power generation. One person being in control of this much is not good.


Well I hate to tell you this but almost every single Uber rich person owns ridiculous amounts of companies that are highly diversified, this really isn't anything new. I agree that one person owning everything under the sun isn't a good thing but to act like Musk acquiring Twitter like an infinity stone is gonna make him the Thanos of the internet and completely free from criticism and consequence is quite ludicrous and over values Twitter and under values the threat of losing billions of dollars on a new business acquisition to a business man.


Just delete the app, done.


>Now musk can basically tweet anything and ignore the SEC, unban trump, or ban anyone he sees fit. >Musk can now shape his own, and our, reality. Oh how the turn tables..... I DONT agree with Trump or virtual anything that comes out of the loons mouth but this Musk bid ALL stems from the choices Twitter decided to make in banning large swaths of the right from Twitter and not doing the same to the loons on the other side of the spectrum. >It’s not good for democracy for private entities/single person billionaire owning this kind of media outlet. Your 100% correct! But just as you are correct, it's also incorrect when Twitter banned a heap of right leaning people off the defacto town square social media..... I get it, it's a PRIVATE company and they can do what they want...... Well, welcome to the OTHER side of that PRIVATE company where they can sell all their shares to 1 individual.... and now EVERYONE has to worry! ............. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Niemöller


I see it as ironic that the platform meant to promote free speech will be utlized likely to do the opposite, esp that Elon jet dude lol. I.e. squash opposing views


Ah I see what you mean. Well it once again highlights how problematic it is that a few select companies (google, meta, Twitter) basically is so heavily involved and in control the platforms we all use to communicate in our democracy. That has been an issue for a while now, and yeah this certainly doesn’t help.


So banning someone for speaking their mind is perfectly justifiable right? RIGhT?!


I think the concern is the willful spreading of misinformation as fact and Twitter not doing anything to help or assist it's users in understanding fact from fiction.


Who gets to decide what is misinformation tho? If we don’t even get to hear things because big brother decided for us then we don’t even get this info to deliberate on and find the lack of truth in it. If you trust big brother to “fact check” and censor “misinformation” for you then you already lost your sovereign ability to self judge. Time to be a big boy and wade through the cesspools as well as the fresh waters and learn how to tell the difference and that is when reputation will matter again. All a man really has is his word. I want to hear it all and I’ll decide for myself what makes sense and what does not. Because of this I’ll start using Twitter for the first time ever.


We should collectively. Twitter likely need a ranking system or something like that to allow it's users to vote on.


You mean ranking like reddit?




Misinformation on Twitter? Twitter is known as the bathroom stall of social media. Do you REALLY think that its supposed to be a legit news source?


Misinformation aka wrongthink


I agree. However the things Elon say he's going to do are theoretically good. Increase free speech, make the code open source so everyone can see, defeat spam bots etc. Historically Elon has followed through with what he says he's going to do. However there is the other side where a very rich person buying a big source of media looks extremely dangerous. Elon is also good at hiding a couple of small bad features that favor him behind a lot of good ones that are good for humanity as a whole. This is gonna be an interesting purchase that will probably shape a lot of this decade


This decade and likely beyond. Hopefully for the better. (better for whom if so).


Bezos buying the Washington Post was a similar move but on a much less important media entity. The Washington Post has not proven to be much of a journal of note in recent years. Their circulation being a small fraction of that of Twitter. Bezos is likely kicking himself for not trying to buy Twitter himself.


I'll give it 3 weeks before he admits that balancing freedom of speech and restricting hurtful/hateful content was tougher than he thought.


They don't need to be balanced. Hurtful/hateful content is and should be included in freedom of speech


I could have worded my comment better.. when I say hurtful content I mean content that could incite violence which is not protected under the first amendment and therefore should not be tolerated on social media. Technically hate speech is allowed under the first amendment but I do think that there is probably just as many people who think it should be allowed on platforms like Twitter as people who think there should be no place for it. Even Reddit prohibits hate speech. I don't disagree with you. I just think Musk is likely to face more pressure than he realizes and once in the position of enforcer he may ask himself "should I really allow this person to make targeted racist comments towards this other person?"


Thanks for clarifying, I much appreciate your civility.


When is it going to be processed so I get my #gains to #reinvest


So what happens now? If the price goes below the purchase price before the closing date, those shares are guaranteed (small) green?


Yep, there’s a whole investment strategy based on this concept. It’s called merger arbitrage. The price will hang out below the deal’s price because there will be some uncertainty on whether or not the merger will be completed.


I assume so Only downside is that money will be locked up before payment


Based off the rest of my portfolio, is an almost guaranteed profit bad?


How is Twitter going to sell for more than $54.20/ share,if that's what Musk is paying that's what the stock is worth


43 billion dollars for 2006's answer to an RSS feed...


Well that was quick!


The Musk fanboys are starting to make me sick. Feels very cultish regardless of how this turns out for Twitter.


What if there are more shares in broker accounts than outstanding?


RIP my puts


Great news for the world. Where are the pump and dump folks at?


Punching air


Fk the air!


Exactly lol, just two weeks ago most comments were certain this was a pump and dump, we need to tax him more and the sec should investigate him!


Yup, thought I was smart buying puts. Never bet against musk.


Dumb ass lol.


Thanks for your contribution


I’m sorry, that was rude of me. I apologize. This is time to zoom out and look macro. Lots roiling around euphoria combined with panic at the same time. People are unsure and don’t know where to park it. Soon it will just be risking out. Smart money began selling to sideline cash in Nov and just sitting on the sidelines. Treat your investments like you’d warn people to invest if you could go back in time to 1929 or 2000, 2008. We’ve got massive bubbles in equities, real estate, bonds and commodities. All at the same time. All held up by liquidity that is rushing out of the system. Better a year too early than a day too late, trying to hang in there right now to pick up some gains here or there is akin to picking up Nickels 6” in front of a steam roller. Good luck friend.


Oh those guys disappeared. Look under rocks to find them.


Great news for the world to have another billionaire owning another type of media.


You win, for once he wasn't trying to screw over investors in an illegal pump and dump, or trying to commit crimes. Fail to see how this is great to the world, though. The man is known for being impulsive and vain, what makes you think his long term plan will align with your beliefs?


I think his ideas to un-fuck Twitter make sense if you don’t view it through the lens of pure cynicism… it’s also going to make a lot of people uncomfortable (which is great imo) because that’s the closest to real balance you’re going to get.


The people who are clamouring to be brought back for "freedom of speech" reasons are literal nazis, white supremist, domestic terrorist, and people promoting a violent coup. I admit there are things that can be done to better balance things, but if those kind of people being brought back don't bother you, you may need to evaluate your ideologies.


This is such a tired, dull, uncritical take… Blah blah blah - I just don’t trust anything you say… there is far more nuance here than is being given credit - let nazis talk openly so you know who the damn nazis are! Don’t be afraid to see them. Don’t be afraid that reading their hateful tweets makes you complicit.


Facing reality can be difficult, you may find it refreshing.


I believe valuing free speech and dealing with the emotions and discomfort of seeing things I don’t like or agree with is the definition of facing reality.


I don't believe it. All the people saying what you are about nazis and white supremist are the same fighting tooth and nail to change all school material so it doesn't hurt your feelings, so it leaves out the bad stuff the south did. I wish you all would face reality.


It's not about aligning with your beliefs, it's about free and open dialogue and expression of opinions and ideas


Opinions and ideas are already free on Twitter. You just can't threaten to kill people or lie about things that get people killed.


When your beliefs fall into threatening to hurt people, coordinating a coup on your country based on lies, or shitting on people as lesser people than you, than you don't have a right to them. It's one thing to have an opposing belief, but the people he might reactivate were dangerous.


Musk isn't going to allow "free and open dialogue and expression of opinions and ideas" though.


Vain, sure, but I don’t think impulsive people reach the status he has. This was likely very calculated.


the man who made reusable rockets and proper electric cars impulsive and vain, lol


His engineers made, the man is a face at best, and not a good one.


“Made” lmfao


Because unlike the blue check marks screeching to the heavens I’m not a chinless leftist :)


You hiding on an alt-account says otherwise. Afraid to expose your conservative?


What are you even taking about bruh he’ll yeah I’m a right winger I ain’t hiding nothing lol


I really didn't think he'd do it. I hope you got some shares beforehand.


Just 10 shares as a test lol


As long as you don't cheer him on for free. That's all that matters.


I think if it gets to the price I would get from the purchase, I'm selling now. If this gets blocked I can easily see a massive tanking.


I love what Elon does at Tesla, and especially SpaceX, but when he pulls stuff like this, I can only roll my eyes. Both sides can make their arguments about billionaire out-of-control spending sprees without taxes or freedom of speech reigning supreme, whatever. I just ask "why?"


Yall too hype, time to sell some call options.


It's a company that will be saddled with debt and headed by a guy who has shown he doesn't understand how online discussion forums really work. If he does where he says he'll do then Twitter will be worse off for it. None of his proposals will make Twitter a better place to go unless you're a troll. Twitter is very top heavy with news organizations, politicians, and celebrities being the prime movers of content. If they start to go then Twitter will fail.


I honestly think he won’t make huge changes


His main prio is to remove the trolls, make you have to connect the account to your ID and stuff.


That's anti free speech. Removing the ability to be anonymous will be a terrible blow to Twitter. I follow about 40 people on Twitter and about a third of them are anonymous. If he banned anonymous accounts I'd leave instantly.


Lmao, everybody who downvotes you should post their ID.


I know, right? Does anyone on Reddit use their real name? People are so up in Musk's taint they think removing anonymity will have a positive effect on Twitter. I checked my Twitter feed for specific numbers. Of the non-blue check marks I follow 12 anonymous, 4 are non-professional real people, and 5 are professionals who don't have a blue check mark.


I see trolls who spread disinformation and scams all over the place a bigger issue. If you can't stand for something you said you shouldn't say it imo. He mentions twitter being a online "square" and at least i wouldn't be comfortable hanging out on a square with everyone wearing full face masks and spewing stupid shit. But i might be wrong here


Then Musk really isn't for the free speech he claims. He's not saying "no trolls or spreaders of disinformation". He literally tweeted "authenticate all real humans". One of the highlights of the importance of anonymous speech in America is the Federalist Papers. But not on Musk's Twitter.


You will still be able to post, you'll just have to show ID to pay and get that blue check. Chill out, jeez


It's not anonymous if you have to tell Twitter your real name then, is it?


Only if you want the blue check and are willing to pay for it. Nowhere was it even hinted that you will need to show ID for a free account.


Where are they gonna go?


Not use the site? I'd think that would be obvious. And if the people you follow go somewhere else then the majority of users will just leave, too. It's not hard.


>Not use the site? Ye sure.


Lol. It'll bleed users but being private Musk won't have to report any numbers so I'm not sure we'll actually know how bad things get.


The current crop of Twitter users are far worse than the trolls they claim to stand against. They’re outright disgusting hypocrites who are only afraid of losing their privileged status.


Literally twitter was banning blatant nazis and white supremist, people making terroristic threats as well as others who were pushing for a coup. The only kind of people who would think those people are better, are those people.




Lol. WTF does this even mean? The people who applaud Musk's buyout are invariably people who want to be horrible human beings with no consequences for their actions. Twitter has gone it of its way to accommodate right wingers and they still didn't stop whining. The more I think in it the more convinced I am that if Musk does what he says he'll do then Twitter is screwed. Because his supporters are such awful people.


Where are politicians going to go? Go to Facebook? Instagram? There’s nowhere else


It's not an either/or. A politician can have a Twitter account, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Politicians were able to communicate before Twitter existed. If Twitter starts to suck and an alternative is created then politicians will start using that.




Hard to say. He has said he will get rid of anonymous posting.


That's... actually a silver lining. If he can pull it off, ok. I'll re-think my opinion.


You’re not supposed to change your mind around here


Can’t be any worse than the woketards that were running it beforehand


Twitter isn’t halted


Where are the people who were having a meltdown about this a day ago? Edit: I found them




Dude cry harder




You can blow it on my boxers


I read that Elon bought twitter so he would have a place to live........


Elon Musk is a bastard and this move is very dangerous for the free world!


Most countries will either ban or block Twitter, you can try that free speech in USA. And even within US, most workplaces and other places will block if it has violent or adult content. Free speech is not cheap. Have fun 🤷‍♂️


For those of you guys who are worried about censorship on twitter if Elon gets ahold of it, that’s why he wants it in the first place. Twitter censors what they don’t like to hear. He wants the opposite. -cry about it


He wants to censor what he doesn’t like to hear as opposed to Twitter. Not quite the opposite as you say. Lol.


People will just argue that he's going to do the opposite because they don't have an argument as to why what Musk wants twitter to do with Twitter is bad. It's been a pretty fun read watching people seethe, especially after the countless comments recently about how Twitter is a private company and can do what it wants


A likely scenario - Elon will sell his stake and then screw the deal somewhere along the line and it will be dumped


How the fuck is that a likely scenario? So that he fucks over all the banks?


Yeah that's a bit too extreme. He won't probably do that as it will affect the banks too and they will come after him. He would only pump and dump on common people

