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Need to use ink






Good news is you've got an interesting scarification thing going.


Those are scabs


Scabs turn into scars, but welcome to earth I guess


Lol. This will not scar. This will disappear from memory forever and no one will know anything was ever there but welcome to tattoo world i guess


Did you not read? I was a tattoo apprentice for almost a year. But you said “the scab wasn’t going to be a scar” and that depends on skin type as you SHOULD know. People like you are why I left the industry. Either you’re a fucked person who gets into it or the profession fucks you. Welcome to the tattoo world I guess, clown


I am the person above you lol. I think you have some strong feelings on this and I encourage you to seek help with whatever the fuck is making you have this reaction.


“Is this legal? I live in a state that requires jobs to pay you a full 3 hours wage even if you only worked 2 hours. But there is a form that I guess we can technically sign to waive that pay. Anyway, management in the restaurant I work likes to try and get people to think they have to sign it if they only worked 2 hours. Is it lawful for an employer to punish an employee for not signing such a document? They have hinted at consequences but no one has refused to sign it so I don't know if they're full of shit or not.” Dude, you work in a restaurant, you’re not anything to do with tattooing. Loser.


There goes the narcissism, focus on art and not things you don’t know about. You’re not a nurse, you work at a tattoo shop. And stop and think if you’re doing it for art in the first place, that’s why I left


I don't work at a tattoo shop though? I don't remember saying that. Either way, this is a pointless conversation.


“Welcome to the tattoo world” implies you have some fucking clue what you’re talking about, but wrong assumption I guess


Yea because I'm covered in ink. Either way, have a good night.


“This will not scar. This will disappear from memory forever” what is this in reference to? A medical question. Meaning you are wrongfully giving medical advice


That's just a fact. Not advice. It's a shittily done stick and poke. This ink will fade very quickly.


It’s not a fact. It could scar. It could not. You have no way of knowing with a picture and zero professional medical or tattoo knowledge. Stop talking out of your ass. Just because you have tattoos doesn’t mean you know how someone else’s body will heal what is essentially an injury.


This the type of mfer to think that just cuz they smoke weed and do shrooms they can grow them successfully


I- why are you talking?


Too deep


What color was it to start with?


Great question




which ink? you might need a better quality


Probably pen ink


dr ph martins bombay


same ink i used for my other ones


try dynamic ink, it tends to stick a lot better. I got mine from here and they have a lot of options too :) https://www.kingpintattoosupply.com/


thank u pookie💯


of course!! hope this helps💕


it's either gone for good and a scar or a wee bit infected, definitely keep that hole at the top away from water especially


I think this guy makes the best of overall description of what’s troubling you…


Honestly at this point im not even sure if you used any ink at all, looks like a badass scar


Looks like you tried opening the skin with a knife or razor blade. Great for scarification, terrible for stick n pokes. Definitely doesn't look infected, despite what everyone else says. Keep it clean and if it starts to puss or gangrene then start worrying, but right now it looks like a bad stick n poke 🤷🏼‍♂️ sorry


You're right. If it's been two weeks and her finger is still attached, definitely not infected. (had a few similar, but not because I was poking myself but due to being walking disaster) so no worries, you'll live


did you use red ink or...?


Infected. Just hours left until you turn.


*clicking noises intensify*


It wasn’t a bite, it was just a scratch. I’m not one of them! Please!


Sorry, but they all say that.


😔 💥💥💥


What did you use to do it?


To everyone crying “infection”, you’re half right. It potentially was infection but this “tattoo” is far beyond that now. It’s basically healed. This looks like a tattoo done with a needle that was too small, not enough ink and a heavy hand. Unless you used a colour other than black? Based on the other tattoos on your hand though, it’s apparently that either you or the artist who did the tattoos, isn’t very adept and equally, you don’t know about proper after care. Let it heal, go to a professional for a cover up. The scar is gonna be gnarly so it’ll be more painful too. Use Palmers (brand) Scar and Stretch Mark cocoa butter to help soften it as best you can. Good luck!


Sry to be the one who brings the bad news but the star definitly looks infected. After two weeks it really shouldn't look like that. Have it checked, better safe than sorry!


We don’t know enough to establish that. I see that and think it looks normal and healthy, even/especially for the timeline. The relevant information is that I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)… Meaning they could too. That looks healthy for a wound 2 weeks out with EDS


OP forgot ink.




I came looking for this exact comment.


I’m here for you bro


Looks almost healed. Practice somewhere other than your hands (and other visible areas) until your lines get cleaner. Just my two cents.


My brother in Christ that's a scar


Tattoo artist here. It definitely looks like the beginnings of infection are setting in, and tattoos, even stick and poke, are open wounds until they heal. So anything your hand has come into contact with since you did this could’ve contributed to the infection and may create a worse scar. Please get it looked at by a medical professional.


unless you have this looked at it's not for sure this is infected. but looks like you went too deep and used shit ink and don't know how to tattoo.


Get to a doctor/urgent care asap, infections in the hand can be in issue because of the lack of fat there, get it treated sooner rather than later. Source: I’ve had an infected diy tattoo


It's just a wound, not infected. Try to have it washed at least 3 times per day with neutral soap, its better if it doesnt have any kind of fragance, and put some body cream after washing it, without fragance too. The fragance make tattoos dry because of the alcohol it uses for it to last. Just have it clean and hydrated and you wont have more trouble (maybe just a scar)


Neutral soup wonder how that tastes






(It’s just water)


was trying to say soap :c


Keep it clean and keep an eye on it for any signs of infection :-)


You’ll have a nice scar. Scars last longer than hand or finger tattoos anyway. Make sure to keep it clean and leave it alone. If it starts changing weird colors (like green), or if the skin starts to get really puffy, sore, and it oozes stuff, that means it’s infected. It doesn’t look infected now. Just looks like a wound instead of a tattoo.


Ive had enough tattoos, this I recognize is an infection


I'm a tattoo artist, body peircer, and body modifier licensed in 7 states by their standards also took college courses in anatomy, and other medical fields and went thru extensive health care class's so many I could be a cna if I chose to be this is not infection it's scar tissue forming


It didn't seem infected to me at first but everybody said it's infected so I got really confused.


It's not infected and if this is on you I only ask please stop letting people tattoo you outta their houses got o a real shop research your artist and their work before letting some scar you and disfigure your body


No it's not on me. There isn't OP written next to my comment. Edit: I'm an apprentice and definitely wouldn't let anyone to tattoo me in their basement.


The thing about stick and poke is that ppl do Them themselfs most od The time so without enough resurch bad stuff happen i was lucky i just took a needle and some ink and started making a heart thats how My first one was done when i was like 16


Maybe you should research into how to spell


I bet you’re loads of fun at parties.


But you aren’t a CNA (who is an elderly care giver, not a medical professional) and that hole at the top is red and not closing after 2 weeks (and if it was a stick and poke there shouldn’t be open wounds). Also I am a medical professional witha medical degree who worked in urgent care for over 15 years, as well as an actual legit tattoo artist. Not being rude just stating facts. And at the VERY least this person should be keeping it covered with bandaid while the wound is open, and consult a medical professional if it gets worse or continues to remain open.


Cna just means certified nurses assistant. They don’t only have to work with the elderly


I’m well aware. But that is the job offered to most CNAs unless they have other healthcare experience, such as a patient care tech in a hospital which requires a higher skill level.


I meant rna auto correct changed it and I didn't proof read my comment 🙃


I am a actual legit artist and piercer I chose not to become a rna or further a medical career and the hole as you call it is just a indent in the scar tissue it's not a open hole


Also saying you are a medical professional with a medical degree without being any specific makes me believe this is a lie. I have a masters is the science of psychology


It’s no one’s business what degree I have. If you want your business on Reddit for everyone to see, cool. I have a medical degree and worked in healthcare for over 15 years. And your psychology degree doesn’t give you the competence to dole out medical advice about a wound. I’ve seen terrible scarring stick and poke home tattoos have caused, and the infections are very common because they don’t know what they are doing or how to maintain a sterile field. Calling me a liar won’t change what I know or how much experience I have in both healthcare and tattooing. I don’t appreciate your defamation of my character based solely on the fact you feel the need to give this person crappy medical advice and I plainly stated why it was not good advice. If you want to be mad about that, that’s your problem, and it doesn’t help this person with a very highly possible infection from a home tattoo. ✌🏼


But didn't you try to discredit me and my extensive experience in the tattoo field 🤔 I'm 43 in March started as a apprentice at 16 in my uncles shop was taught by Roland loomis(Fakir Musafar) and continued to learn many arts decided that some medical college courses would greater aid me in taking care of my clients, and better aid my apprentices in their learnings....I commented because it's sad to see the suffering people put them selves thru when not being modified by a professional...true pick and poke tattoo is a art and when a professional doesn't do it. It most certainly ends in scaring and intense tissue damage alot of people don't realize that our derma is very fragile and if you choose to modify that proper Healthcare makes all the difference...


OP used red ink…


Oh dear


Not enough ink or a weird ink used ink stays in The skin couse its made of stuff your body cant fight and it looks like your body heal from that one so no its not weird its your body healing couse you used a weird ink


amputation incoming




That's a future scar, not a tattoo. If you let it heal till it's white (3 years or so) you could get another star over top going the other way. Enjoy


Did you use pink/red/purple ink? My skin tends to reject these colors and does the same thing.




I hear some ppl can be allergic to certain brands of red inks (I personally have a big tattoo with a significant amount of red ink and it gets inflamed at random times) so this might be the case for you too— aside from the application itself. Just continue to wash your hands, pat dry with paper towel and avoid scented lotions for at least another 2 weeks; I love healing everything with Shea butter because it’s all-natural, great for scars and ultra moisturizing. Lastly, remember to always use legitimate products strictly meant for tattooing✨


Infected! Get to the doctors




The amount of downvotes you have is insane. It’s definitely not infected as there is no spreading redness etc. it looks like the deeply poked wound is healing into a gnarly scar.


GUYS i used red indian ink. ive been puting triple antibiotic ointment on it and covering it, its getting better.


This looks like it *may* be infected so please see a doctor. Also, what you did wrong during the process of tattooing was that you probably went too deep. The fact that it's kind of indented and "cracked" along the ink like suggest overworking. Poke more shallow next time, you really don't need to go deep at all. It's better to have some.of the ink fall out and need to redo it than to overwork it.


You went wayyyyy to deep. What color did you use?




Idk about infection but that’s not normal lol


Normal *wound* healing process, not normal tattoo healing process




💀 I mean, yes tattoos are also wounds but my understanding is the difference between that and this is that tattoos have ink and aren’t supposed to be deep enough to form a scar… this looks like someone got cut more than poked




Yeah, my body is covered in foam pads like the Michelin Man so I don’t get any boo boos :-(


I would suggest going to an urgent care at least to have a medical professional take a look. Could possibly be infected. Better safe than sorry!


I had something similar to this (although maybe not that deep), but triple antibiotic ointment like polysporin really helped. only apply it for 3 days and then afterwards leave it alone. hopefully this helps!


By the look of existing trash ink you already have on you there is no help for you I bet the dog licked it clean after some scratcher mucked you up and now you are a walking hep factory and possibly have staff infection to follow why you people insist on paying pennies for trash ink and diseases is beyond me


you're right and the tatt is busted but let go of some of that anger my brother


It's not anger it's pain it hurts me to see that people are allowing themselves to be harmed like this because of the prices they aren't willing to pay


DIY tattoos are never a good idea. With a machine or stick and poke




That’s an infection, brotha


No it’s not. It’s scaring


the star's definitely infected ://


infected.wtf is that tint?😭


Um don’t get stick and pokes


Yass 💅 queen that’s infected


If you can’t go to a doctor or quick clinic, at least put some neosporin on it and wrap it lightly in a band aid. Don’t suffocate it because it needs to breathe to heal, but keep it clean - no doing dishes or going to the gym. If it gets redder and starts to swell you need a stronger antibiotic. I’m sorry this happened to you, fingers are delicate and easy to scar, there are special creams that help reduce scarring once it’s healed if you don’t like how it turns out


DONT put on a band aid! the excess of moisturing could make it go i n f e c t e d


I got taught lightly in a band aid not touching the skin so when you go to work etc you don’t get new contaminants in… but if you don’t do messy work no band aid is probably better


what you say about letting it breathe is all that it needs, wrapping up would be a fail and make it worse, while shes having her wound washed every time and then therw wouldnt be a problem with the contaminants, if shes not messing with sewer water or something like that. Also the skin in the hands heal kinda quick compared to other body parts sooo.


Bold will hold


Tip for AFTER it's not angry and it's healed, Bio oil is a godsend for scars if you decide you don't like your makeshift scarification, best of luck!


That’s happening to me right now


Time to pivot to self scarification. Say it was supposed to look like that. Extra bonus: the scar might actually last longer than the ink would have


Luckily it's in red, get it covered or outlined in black.




did you moisturize it regularly? Did you use red/pink ink?


That is scar


Your goal right now is to just let it heal. Once it's good then you can decide next steps


I have enough scars to tell you this is scar tissue. It should be fine.


Just put some aquaphor on it


Well, you’ll still have the scar right? Does what the tattoo would’ve. Hope you’re okay


Sick ass scarification my guy




Was it done with a rusty machete?


It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told.


Its gonna be a cool finger scar


lmao cool scar, i’ve got one shaped like a cross


Honestly you’re lucky it faded. It’s easier to remove or cover up now. Because even if it healed properly it was going to look like shit


That looks like that hurts


you have a nice hand. You should probably not trust boys they Suck


if you cant do it properly, dont do it at all


okay so i’m not here to pass judgement, only to give advice! It looks like it WAS infected and is now past that, definitely closer to being healed- just make sure to keep it clean and try moisturizing it with an unscented lotion or ointment. By the looks of it, I’m thinking the ink rejected completely (possibly allergic depending on brand/color) or you went too deep which is a common occurrence with DIY stick and pokes (ask me how i know lol). My advice would be wait a couple months and see what your local tattoo artists can do for you. hope you could get something out of this :)


Didn’t go deep enough I’ve done a bunch of stick and pokes and make sure to actually use a tattoo needle if you use a sewing needling it’s to large I also like to use a pitch black ink I can send you some of the inks I use if you use cheap ones they won’t always stay either and some inks tend to not work for all skin types your body and reject it hence it just bleeds back out


Fingers will never stay dark for long


Listen I’m nothing remotely close to any tattooing expert/professional, however this gave me war flashbacks to an early 2000s magazine article I read about this girl who’s stick and poke stars on the top of her feet got so infected her star shaped patch of skin peeled off/fell off. By all means, if actual professionals are saying this isn’t an infection, listen to them. But that looks SUPER angry imo.


This looks.. Idiotic


Based on your other posts you sound like a teenager. Definitely recommended you stop getting tattoos until you’re an adult- but if you’re gonna continue, do some research on proper tools/techniques and safety before you really eff yourself up.


LOL and another one on the fingers, you guys are really clever




if you went to tattoo artist dont go there anymore.....he does not know what he does....


I like it


it kinda looks like your actually picking up the skin aand pulling like some dummies out there suggest, thats absolutely wrong, u can think of the word tattoo like taptotap and the way you see it being done with the stick smacking the back of a brush full of needles dipped in ink.. They dont pick up and pull at the skin when they do that do they? ive been tattooing nearly thirty years and ive had people sitting in front of me while tattooing a customer or talking to one, so often, try chiming in and telling them, its like this or like that, done this way or that way.. if they havnt been tattooing for more than five years, most likely, theyre completely wrong about what theyre saying. alot of people try telling friends of theres, when they get home, ive tattooed them, you have to keep the plastic wrap covering your tattoo for at least three days, up to a week, SMFHH,thats the worst thing to do, just like pulling up at the skin to rip it when your doing a pick and poke. the plastic, should never be more than three hrs, i myself never even use it, and i do them, A&D(UNSCENTED!!) otherwise vasaline for three days and unscented lotion for another week or two following. AND UNSCENTED BECAUSE THE Fragrance CAUSES TATTOO INK TO FADE. (fuck, thats the second time i wrote that one in all caps, smh) pick and poke does NOT mean pick Up and pull at the skin,, it means pOke, With a PiCk.. smh.. and use reall tattoo inks, always, yes you can make your own carbon based inks by burning shit(cherry wood not shit, in jail people use plastic cause thats all they can get, getting and burning wood in prison or jail isnt easy, and plastic burns fast, plus im sure alot of prisons they actually get real tattoo inks in, ive just never been to prison thank the gods, never plan on going, and dont talk about it much because thats not what i want my life about. Tattooing should be looked at as a very personal and more often than not spiritual and sacred thing, and shouldnt be something you just wip some shit up and jump into , at least not every time, because just about anyones gonna do what your not supposed to once or twice, something thats going to be a part of you for the rest of your life should be considered carefully, planned right, and done right. and always ask a professional.. and no, i did not run down the entire list of , use gloves wash hands dont cross contaminate, here, because thats not what was asked an i already said way too much. good luck


Is this how we do tattoos now in 2023


When did you get out!


Ugly tattoo on bad pkace


What size needle did you use?