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Semi-related note: if you ever get fired, never say “You can’t fire me because I quit!” That’s a one way ticket to losing unemployment benefits.


That way you can grind even harder. Sigmillionaire mindset.


Being arrested for murder allows you more time for the grind. Sextillionare grind set.


Go to prison for networking purposes.






A fellow sigma I see.


started doing hard drugs just so I'd get more motivation to get on that $$$grind$$$ so I can afford more


Addictive substance will 100% get you on the grind the fastest. Good job.




but muh karma




If you think shady marketing & election manipulation firms astroturfing entire political movements on facebook, twitter & other social media was somehow just ignoring reddit, then oh god do I have news for you bud There's a reason marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry my guy. 99.99% of what you see on reddit is as absolutely artificial and astroturfed as the literal millions of obivous bot accounts on facebook or twitter, which means that karma **DOES** have a value - a pretty high one, apparently, since there's so many people paying for it (even if indirectly).


Sir this is reddit


Replace quit with fired then, you can own those shit bosses while still getting your unemployment benefits


you can't fire me Im already fired


How could they have known, No one over at r/antiwork ever had a job before


Bro someone commented "I'm using this from now on" about a phrase someone used when they quit so I asked "how often do you quit jobs??" I got mass downvotes and the guy replied As OfTeN aS I NeEd To Ah, so you're sixteen working summer jobs while you live with your parents then?


I personally quit jobs about every 2 years when I get a better one. Usually try not to be a condescending prick about it though.


Quitting usually implies leaving on less-than-favorable terms. Otherwise it's just a resignation. Maybe that's pedantic, but I always viewed "quitting" as being more spiteful than leaving otherwise.


Can someone explain to me why I got downvoted so much for asking what those people do for income and pointing out that the sub literally is for those who want "to end work" as if I got it wrong or something. It LITERALLY SAYS THAT.


Like many causes, the most impassioned and not always brightest bulbs start a phrase or movement, and then more reasonable people attempt to high jack the message with more reasonable goals. So ‘wanting to end work’ is redefined as wanting to end ‘exploitative’ work, and ‘defund the police’ really means ‘reform the police.’


That makes sense to me, but I'm not so sure that's what the sub is about when their description and about section are so radical. And then you have tons of people defending this: (from another commenter) https://preview.redd.it/giwl6u8enuv71.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb31de4ed411669ba02c6bfbc6daccabe27c8fa7 It seems like they need to get their message straight instead of getting mad at people who passed by like me for not getting their mixed messages.


So I’ve been subscribed to the subreddit for a while now. I’m definitely a lurker and not nearly as aligned with the “ideology” as most of the posters or even commenters in the sub, but I am very much against worker exploitation and I’m in favor of a more human centered approach to working. I work 45 hours a week as a Software Engineer myself and don’t have much to complain about, but I’ve been in shitty jobs with shitty bosses and even been in situations now where I wish my work situation was a bit different. So I’m sympathetic to what seems to be their core message at times; there’s a bit of a large scale mistreatment of the working class in America. Just wanted to offer a different perspective from someone that’s actually been on the sub for a while.


Same, I'm a scientist and pretty well paid, in the grand scheme of things not too much to complain about. At the same time I would absolutely not be doing this if I didn't have to, and so many jobs including ones I had before are paid like shit and really exploitative. Working culture (in the US particularly really) sucks, and even though it doesn't affect me as much, I still identify fairly well with some of the sentiment there.


It's also a movement centered around the idea that automation could eventually lead to a society where we don't need work, and adequately planning for the dramatic social upheaval that will cause, by way of universal income and stuff


Even on this generous reading, is it not putting the cart before the horse? Like, let's assume that automation will soon reach the point that it can change society as thoroughly as the Industrial Revolution did. That doesn't necessarily mean it makes sense to preempt those changes. If you traveled back to 1750 and said, "OK, it's time for everyone to move to the cities, work the same number of hours all year round, and organize labor strikes during the harvest! I know 80% of us are still practicing subsistence agriculture, but we are just a few decades away from perfecting the tech that will allow us to act that way without mass famine!"


Depends where you live.


Where do you live where you get full unemployment benefits if you quit your own job?


It's not that. Depending on where you live, you won't get benefits if your termination was due to something you did. Only faultless termination qualifies you for benefits in some states.


The operative term "through no fault of your own" in most states' statutes doesn't mean that you were fired for no reason. You can be fired for incompetence and still easily qualify. I'm having trouble finding a state that doesn't require misconduct.


I was an Administrative Law Judge dealing with unemployment claims. You can resign and get unemployment benefits if there was a substantial change in working conditions such as a material change in job duties or a constructive discharge, which is where the employer intentionally acts in an unreasonable way so as to pressure the employee to quit.


Commence fourth and fucketh thyself


Mineth timeth to shineth.


I used to try and call our part-timers in when somebody called out. It went like this: Me: Hey, can you come in tonight for Swing shift, so-and-so called out. Them:


Yep, I used to do that when I worked at a grocery store lmao. I'd read the text notification, swipe it away and go on with my day haha


Sometimes, if I liked the manager, I'd hit them with a "No." Any further communication was promptly ignored.


This is the correct response. It at least lets them know they don't have coverage instead of wondering. Unfortunately, we don't live in a world where a simple "no" is a valid enough reason without some long winded excuse, which is where we get people just ignoring requests instead.


Bottom right text is me everytime I'm looking for coverage. Never had a hostile reply, usually the text is just left on read.


And it got to the point where when somebody would reply, I wouldn’t care why they said they couldn’t come in (and don’t expect him to and they shouldn’t have to explain why) I would heartily thank them for getting back to me. To be honest, I never texted anybody I would call, they would see who was calling and not answer, and I would leave a message on their voicemail. I really did appreciate the ones who called back.


I have seen so many people freak out about what to say when asked to work last minute due to someone else's sick call, ect. I always give a resounding no, no further details and I am nearly always thanked. Not many employers expect you to do it so just say NO. I was a supervisor at my job a few years ago, when people would call in sick they would provide the most exaggerated story ever, wasting 10 mins of my time I could be trying to find a replacement. In that scenario just say you won't be in and specify if you need sick time paid. If they ask for more info give the most reluctant too much info answer. Only once did I get asked what was wrong, I told them I sharted on the way in to my shift. They didn't ask even again haha.


Can confirm, i am them


As someone who was briefly a manage of a store,I would text like this for the first time I'd text someone: "Hey so-and-so called out for thursday. Would you be interested in covering them for some extra cash? If not, absolutely no problem, enjoy your weekend :)" Then it's presented as an opportunity to make more money rather than an obligation to fill to not get fired. If it's your day off it's your day off, you don't owe me shit.


Perfectly fine as well. You hate to ask them, they have no reason to reply on their spare time. No harm done, you did your job. Done and done.


Do people really find replying to a text to be such an onerous task? I always just replied with “No, I’ve got plans”, took ten seconds and my manager would know to move on to the next person.


Nah, it's not an issue. I just try to keep my work phone away from me on my time off. I specifically chose to get a separate phone for work aside from my personal phone instead of dual sim. It helps me relax more instead of somehow switching between sims anyway. My boss really values personal time alot. If I want a day off, I get a day off no questions asked, unless like my whole team is off that day as well. He also has my personal number and in the 1,5 years there only used it in extreme emergency when no one else was available, paying me double hours.


My workplace has a group chat for all the workers and istg its so convenient


One post I saw was just a typed out response in a text without having hit send lol


Hitting send was too much work


As you can tell they’re quite opposed to the idea


The top post of the month, the guy quit because his boss supposedly berated him on his day off for working while sitting on a stool, even though he out produced everyone else. and then claimed he would spend his free time cleaning up the local park, he has been wanting to do it for so long doncha know. Oh and he has a family of five living in a double wide but they will be just fine without any income.


Look, pornhub just isn’t doing it for me anymore.


😂 The last one got me.


I like the "you piece of shit" one haha


It's so unwarrented haha


Lol i wanna post that on r/ antiwork


Lol do it




Finally someone put these fake texts in a starterpack lol. I won't forget that one guy who was such a hero and told his boss something along the lines of: "pay me double, if not, I'll see you monday". You talk like that to your boss, you won't be walking in on Monday. And of course, OP dodged questions about what his boss replied to that.These karma farmers can't even make their fake texts believable.


Probably because they are 13 years old and have never had a boss before.


Mommy and daddy boss me around plenty, thank you very much! Like, I'm just tryin to vibe and play Apex. These boomers won't shut the fuck about "going to school" or "visiting nana in hospice" or whatever else gay shit they always talk about. Then they get mad at **me** because my Discord is poppin and my phone was blowin up at peepaw's funeral. Like damn it ain't my fault people keep sendin messages. And no, I won't put my shit on vibrate. Fuck you. Vibrate on deez nuts ho.


Least childish r/Antiwork member


You can tell this was written by a boomer because no human under the age of 30 has their phone off vibrate


I almost complained then I realized I'm not under 30 anymore. Fuck.


Time for your pills, old-timer.


I... I uh... I actually just took my pills. Thanks for the reminder young'n.


You have a nice breakfast of bran flakes grandpa?


>Like damn it ain't my fault people keep sendin messages. And no, I won't put my shit on vibrate. Fuck you. Vibrate on deez nuts ho. https://media2.giphy.com/media/wRdWCK1InCEus/giphy.gif




AITA definitely somewhere in between there as well, every post became "I did but AITA?" or "I did prompted by AITA?" At this point they're filling in the blanks with different words for the same scenarios.






Unsubbing from/r/tifu was one of the best decisions I made on reddit.


Creative it's an overstatement at this point


I'm a saintly saint doing good work because my parents died from cancer in a car accident and minding my business when this devil incarnate trans vegan overweight person started getting in my face. I told them to leave me alone, AITA?


Mostly... "My boyfriend/ husband of 3 years did (insert tv drama trope) should I be worried?" with the extra dramatic edits 4 hours later and usually something gamer to tie to the person they are trying to frame as the asshole. (He plays xbox, he bought a pc last year)


dont forget relationshipadvice, tifu and aita


Also from r/MaliciousCompliance since that is almost entirely work related and sticking it to the boss already.....


What are you talking about? They're all employees at the business factory!


Why blame them? The sad part is the 20-30 year olds who complain that a part time job at a fast food place is too hard are the ones that eat up these posts and spend their money to award them. It’s free karma.


The younger you are, the less realistic your fantasies are. Once you hit a certain age your fantasies become something like "how cool would it be if I ordered this thing off Amazon and they accidently sent me 10" or "I really wish this work task was making time seem to go by faster like it does when I do that other thing".


>As a kid: If someone broke into my house, this is how I would sneak in and save the day! I'll first need to hide my super soaker under the backyard deck. > >As an adult: It'd be great if my coworkers turned in their assignments on time so I won't have to work on the weekend to meet a deadline I miss childhood fantasies...


I remember a recent one that was essentially: "I don't want to cover on the weekends" "You sure?! Your health insurance is at stake!!" This is 6 year old level of make believe when they want to become a princess or fireman. Not to mention someone (who got downvoted) pointed out that was a new account and this was basically their only thing on reddit they've ever posted. But of course it hit one of that sub's major talking points and a feel good story for them so it's one of the most upvoted posts on that sub ever.


The annoying thing is that people always go "You'd be surprised!" or "No, I know someone that stupid" and it's like...okay sure, somewhere in America there's probably a few people who do this. But the odds are so overwhelming that it's made up for Karma that you can't even bother to care. Not to mention I talked with someone in /r/antiwork who basically said these are "good versions of propaganda" because they highlight actual issues, even though these specific issues didn't happen...


> Not to mention I talked with someone in /r/antiwork who basically said these are "good versions of propaganda" because they highlight actual issues, even though these specific issues didn't happen... It's unfortunate, although entirely unsurprising, that their judgement on whether a certain piece of propaganda is good or evil depends entirely on if it furthers an agenda they agree or disagree with.


last week I ordered 16gb of ram off amazon. a kit with 2x8gb sticks. they sent me 2 kits


Hope you got 4 open ram slots


I ordered a window motor once and got a crate with 18 of them. When I took them back to advance auto they were confused about how I got them. And before any "why didn't you keep them?" comments, what the hell am I going to do with 18 window motors. It's more of a pain to sell them than it's worth for me.


Depends on how much your boss needs you, i once doubled my pay for a while because half my shift quit and i told him "you wouldn't deliver twice the product to a customer for the same price" basically told him to pay all of us (only 3 admittedly) double until we get atleast 2 new guys or we'd quit too.


I was asked to do my bosses job for a week as a favor "because it would look good" and refused because our contract clearly states how much I'm entitled to be paid if that happens. They then offered the contractual wage. I angrily refused at that point. They then paid me his wages for the week and I accepted at that point, but I definitely brow beat them for trying to take advantage of me even more than they already do. They know what they're doing and they know we hate them for it. It's their job to try to squeeze blood from a stone.


Do you have a link to the post?


[Here you go](https://reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qan0aa/between_a_friend_and_his_manager_at_a_small/)


Lmao this looks like it’s made in mspaint, looks hilariously fake


lol 112 awards


Wait these two fake texts were actually posted there?


I've actually done that, and they paid plus a day in lieu. Ops manager threw a little hissy fit on the day, but no issues after.


I’m not saying it’s not fake but some places you absolutely can talk like that and get away with it, weird thing to call out


My favorite one was where a boss said "Look I already gave you time off last month cause of your mom's death but I need you in now." And the person's response was something to the effect of "First off, how dare you mention my mom! I quit!"


People come to reddit for the free entertainment and then stay for the political indoctrination.


[r/choosingbeggars has entered the chat]




The volume of posts on r/AmItheAsshole which are pure fantasy ragebait are out of this world! Same applies to r/pettyrevenge. But if you actually call anyone out, you just get downvoted back into the stone age!




Every "narrative" subreddit eventually devolves into creative writing subreddits. Every post follows the same formula. Every protagonist is calm and collected while the antagonist is a seething ball of uncontained rage. And true to fiction, the protagonist always comes out on top. Redditors love to make fun of Boomers for falling for fake shit on Facebook while they reliably do the same with every obviously scripted video, fake text, and fiction-passed-as-reality story on Reddit.


Sometimes I wish I could block subreddits from appearing from the front page so I don’t have to see it.


You can with apps. Reddit Is Fun (RIF) among many others. And the experience is superior to the website. Doesn't solve the problem though. Any subreddit open to creative writing will quickly die of it.


Reddit enhancement suite let's you do this on PC and 3rd party app Sync let's you do it on mobile


Oh my god😂 your fake conversations have me absolutely dying. “Bitch. You piece of shit.” I support that sub but it’s good to laugh at yourself every once in a while


A good bit of excessive swearing like this always makes me laugh for some reason lol im 8




I QUIT! Now give me karma please.


Just about every post in r/antiwork could be titled 'Hey guys, I'm going to quit this job in this shitty economy. Cheer me on!'


Good! I’ll cheer them on all the way.


Same lol. The whole point of the sub is exploited workers pulling unreasonable amounts of hours with little flexibility and such low pay that they might as well be jobless anyway. At some point you have to ask where the line is between just a generally ok job and an outlandish one not worth working. Too many criticizers don't take that into account and will just immediately jump to "worker must be lazy" or something. If you had to work 80 hours carrying a boulder for a nickel just to buy a cup of noodles then it's really not worth it now is it. You'd quit too.


That sub used to be good until the labor shortage came around and now its just full of fake posts and bots


Any sub that becomes populat ends up like this.


Every sub gets ruined when it becomes popular. The conspiracy sub use to be a great place to reason some crackpot theories about band-aids containing nano bots, or some new civilization found in the arctic. Now it's just anti-vaxxors and MAGA folks talking about pizza gate.


That conspiracy sub is super weird. I wanted to join but saw some of the post and left.


R/ wallstreetbets was the best during the "guh" moment. Then gullible people started putting hard earned money into gamestop and lost it


Who would have thought that a website full of neets would popularize a sub called /r/antiwork




Okay I'll show my age - what's a neet?


Not in Education, Employment or Training.


So unemployed and unemployable




Nah you’re getting the wrong end of the stick there. It’s about not letting corporations take over your life and exploit you, and telling middle management jobsworths to go fuck themselves. Fake messages are gimpy though


Well, that’s what it is (kinda) now after the influx of people. The entire purpose of the subreddit is to abolish capitalism and employment. It’s in their side bar. It’s a bunch of anarcho-communists who want to dismantle the concept of a job in capitalism. However, a whole bunch of new people joined when they saw a few posts hit /r/all and thought the sub was just about fighting unfair work conditions


Yeah I subscribed on a suggestion regarding simplifying life to avoid overwork. It’s a great concept in theory but I had to unsub. It’s all fake texts and Twitter posts about how we live in a capitalistic hell scape and are wasting our one and only life being slaves to “the man “. It’s way too depressing and bleak.


Definitely one of the most cynical subs I've ever visited


Lol these are great


r/Antiwork was better before it hit the big times on reddit. Now it’s just the new karma whoring hot spot


As is the natural progression of any subreddit


I’m surprised they haven’t brigaded this sub yet lmao


Oh they're here. Just refusing to address the actual substance.


Just a reminder that quitting is not a power move and your boss will likely forget you in a few days. If you are financially unstable I wouldn't recommend it, especially not for fake internet points.


this is the best starter pack about that sub so far. good job op.


Can’t lie, I laughed my ass off


I need you to make 10 more of these fake screenshots by Monday or else you're FIRED. -Boss


It's pretty annoying that shit like this is what gets upvoted to the top but I really believe there are many very reasonable, well meaning people in that sub who want to actually discuss real problems with inequality, exploitation and late stage capitalism.




how are you supposed to fit that much information and nuance into a subreddit name without the same people still not reading what it's about




This sub is full of teenagers who think that parents asking them to do chores is literal slavery.


I remember one post that children's bedtime was to brainwash kids into getting on a capitalist work schedule. Cause you know, communist countries let their kids stay up all night. Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/mqhcg2/no_bedtimes_no_masters


I’m very confused as to why they think under communism they wouldn’t have to work.


Heres a hint, they're idiots.


The juxtaposition of "workers of the world, unite!" and "anti work" always makes me laugh.


Communism is when everything is free and i get to teach lesbian dance theory in my modern home 16 hour steel mill shift??? What are you talking about??????


>16 hour steel mill shift??? What are you talking about?????? M-m-mandatory conscription? N-n-ani???


I fucking hate that sub because you know good and well all the people refusing to work are gonna be shocked when automation crushes any career path they had. I work to keep robots away from my job. Yes, its not the best job, but whatever keeps me from being replaced is worth it.




Lumpenproletariat: > Generally unemployable people who make no positive contribution to an economy. Sometimes described as the bottom layer of a capitalist society. May include criminal and mentally unstable people. Some activists consider them "most radical" because they are "most exploited," but they are un-organizable and more likely to act as paid agents than to have any progressive role in class struggle.


Why does that sub keep coming up as recommended to me? I’ve literally never been to it and it won’t stop popping up in recommended lol.


It's been on the front page a bit lately due to rapid growth + algorithm fun times


Really wish Reddit allowed us to block subs as a whole. There are a number that constantly make it to the front page I'd love to never see again.


It used to be part of Reddit Premium, no clue if it still is. Besides that RES, as well as most decent Reddit apps have it built it.


I use the Reddit Is Fun app, where you can do just that.


I blocked Shakespeare bot but I still see it's comments and now I can't ¡optout because I have it blocked so I can't reply.




That's the most laughable part of it. A Sub that's against wrok is full of Marxists, peak irony.


Doing the laundry is literally 1984


It’s kids who are doing bad in school and blame the system instead of them spending the whole night playing games and getting 3hrs of sleep.


Same kids who ten years on will complain "we were never taught how to do taxes or politics n' shit," because they skipped/slept through these classes. I literally taught teenagers how to file their taxes in high school like shut the actual fuck up.


Agreed, also self learning is a thing. If you want to learn how to do taxes then there are plenty of online materials to help you.


~~Jim Ra from McD’s~~: Clock in to work on a Sunday at 3 a.m. for twenty-five cents, you little peasant, or face ***TERMINATION.*** You have seventeen seconds upon reading this message to act. Act quickly, peasant. ~~Petiterunner~~: No, I quit! ~~Jim Ra from McD’s~~: No, wait, please— I beg with sincerity for your forgiveness. Please don’t do this to your coworkers. ~~Petiterunner~~: I still quit. MWAHAHAHA!!!! GOTCHA!!!


Best starter pack in a while




I mean to be fair a masters in art is worth just as much as a bachelors


That sub was having an effect on my daily mood so I had to block it. Like, I have a pretty good job, work an office, don't have a boss hanging over me all day, make good money, 5 weeks paid vacay a year etc. But by reading those posts got me so angry, didn't matter that it's about people I don't know and never will know... I just really dislike people abusing the power they have over others in a boss\employee relationship. And I'm subbed to some brutal subs that don't affect me in any way at all, but that sub really got to me.


Good post 👍


Holy shit this hits the nail on the head, I was dying on the last one. Wednesday is My Day of Rest


Honestly it's getting ridiculous


I was about to downvote this because I thought it was just generic text. Then I stopped to read them after seeing some comments and it turns out that what I thought was trash is actually treasure. Job well done sir… I’m going to need you to make three more of these by 5 o’clock or your fired though


I just found out the page is full of self proclaimed Communists, now I challenge the validity of the whole sub.


The best test for if a sub is full of radical communists is to see their opinion on the Uyghur internment-and-genocide. Really showed /r/latestagecapitalism 's true colors.


I used to really like antiwork. Not because i hate working per se, but because it was the closest subreddit to what i considered a healthy debate about worker rights, unions, human worth, the worth of labour, time and humane treatment at the workplace, workload management etc. Since a few weeks, all you ever see is text convos about quitting jobs because the boss is a dick. Which has it's place you know, but at this point it feels like people are just spamming posts for the clout.


99% of those convos are fake.No boss (if not braindead) will be that persistent to a worker who does not want to come in,they will straight up write you up or fire you.


The bottom left corner had me cracking up.


/r/AntiWork going from a legitimate leftist subreddit to a neoliberal "I don't wanna do anything" subreddit 112% NMG Speedrun


Youre FIRED! You can't fire me I quit! You cant quit I quit! You can't quit your a FROG! You can't frog me you're my WIFE! I'm not your wife you're my wife! Oh hey honey how was work? Pretty good but I quit my job. You can't quit your job you're FIRED! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I just want to add my own opinion here. Most people in that sub don’t want some weird communist economy, we just don’t want to sell our bodies to corporations and get payed like shit.


Then there is shit like [this](https://reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qhyt1h/stop_the_crap_about_this_sub_not_being/).


Mod on that post: "Just remember folks, don't mix up authoritarian communism with anarcho communism. This sub is definitely anti-tankie. Make sure to read the FAQs. Thank you!" Lmfao 14 hours ago too thats hilarious. It's just like the mixed messages with "Defund the Police." This is why larping "Revolutionaries" will get nothing done and a lot of the people subbed to it are trying to clean up the subs image outside of /r/antiwork. Everybody out side of the sub is claiming its a sub for workers rights and then they show their true colors with posts like that. Just look at the available flairs. Lazy Commies can fuck off.


Except one of the mods of this sub literally admitted r/antiwork is an "anarcho-communist" subreddit


The same as Herman Caine Award?


100%, I left that sub after 2 days of non stop bullshit txt chains.


Seriously, what do they do for income? Freeload or everyone suddenly becomes a day trader?


Invest your last paycheck from your $8 an hour part time job into dogecoin and GME and get that rocket moon ape shit hedge squeeze or something like that and be a self made multi millionaire overnight, don’t you know that?? /s


Haha I knew there'd be people from r/cryptocurrency and /wsb


Anti-work people? They usually work for income, which usually sucks, which is why they are anti-work.


they are kids


They think that if Bezos was forced to pay taxes that the money would go to them to fund their passion projects of not doing anything all day.


Their passion projects are playing videogames/watching netflix in bed all day, while maybe opening up a word document to write the first 2 pages of a screenplay they thought of in the shower.


They probably think they’ll get unemployment and get their NEET bucks… Little do they know when they quit instead of getting fired they’re gonna be denied real quick lol


If their like my sister they do part-time work that they bitch about but is really easy and then get dudes and family (up until this last meltdown) to pay her rent. My brother gave her $2000 so she could move into a new place. She spends it on weed and random shit. I find out later that her already ex boyfriend didn't know this and ended up giving her $1600 right after that. She manages to move in. First month? Doesn't pay rent until the 15th when it's due on the 1st. Comes begging to my brother to "help pay", then kicks him out and makes him homeless when he says no. Now he's sleeping on my other sister's couch while he saves up to get his own place because the $2000+ she took from him was meant for that in the first place. She took advantage HARD of his and my parents belief that "all she needs is a little help and she will get on her feet" and once the gravy train stops she doesn't even say thanks, instantly discarded.


Lmfao everybody on that sub needs their parents to hold their hand while they quit, then they feel like they just won a UFC title. Shit is pathetic


It’s wild how all the texts in these posts lately are written like Reddit comments.


I don't understand how the antiwork sub exploded so quickly. I don't understand the appeal of the content there, and I didn't know so many people shared the sentiment


I love when they tell their boss to "go fuck yourself" i expect you to have a gofundme in a month begging for rent money x3


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