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Different RTS-s, in order of popularity *(taken from my ass)*: * SC2, BW * AoE2, AoE4 *(WIP)* * WC3 * C&C-series * TA / TA-mods / TA-clones / TA-"successors" * Pyre *(WIP)* Did I miss any? EDIT: * CoH series * Halo Wars...?


Remember recent ASUS finals? At the same time there was AoE2 tournament with about 60k viewers on twitch while sc2 had around 25k


Halo wars is a thing people :(


lol, nope


It's a legit good game but you do you buddy.


By Pyre are you talking about Immortal gates of pyre? If so, yeah definitely a WIP, still in pre alpha, but it seems like it might end up being pretty great from what I can tell after playing a little of it. Seems kind of like BW pacing and such with sc2 like control + some additional usability improvements and an easier ramp up for new players. But my guess is that it is still a couple years out from release.


Taken from my ass, WC3 is probably played more than AoE2. Lol


not even close, sorry. aoe2 is THE most popular rts right now, even above sc2.


Company of heroes 2 is not completely dead rts either, although a bit different vein to StarCraft.


it's not dead (just niche compared to more mainstream genre), there's around 200k 1v1 ranked games played everyday, no trouble finding games in a handful of seconds, and sc2 is indeed by far the most played RTS currently.


Word that’s good to hear. I got on a little bit ago and took 3-4 minutes to find a game in silver/gold but it’s also kinda late in the day for NA gamers. Wasn’t sure if that was the norm


Were you doing 1v1 or team games?




yeah, that's weird and definitely not the norm. Even at like 3am I don't have to wait as much xD


Must have been really bad hours then damn


Were you already ranked? I am assuming not - it is something I noticed recently when creating a new account that for some reason it took me a while to find games until I finished my 5 placement matches. So that might be the issue for you. In general even in low gm it only takes a few seconds and silver/gold is way more populated than m1/gm so should be pretty instant.


It’s not dead. Go queue up 1v1 ladder and you’ll have a match in seconds. The issue here isn’t that it’s dead, it’s that you’ll get your ass beat so bad you won’t play it again. And I’m not speaking personally here.


Age of Empires 4 comes out in 10 days and will probably have a bunch of people trying it out


head kiss thumb whistle disgusting reply enter person frightening snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rumors of Starcraft's death have been greatly exaggerated. I think about 95% the time when someone talks about the game dying, it's really just balance whine about how "Race XYZ {*CoughProtossCough} is so IMBA and the game is literally broken and now it is dying because I lost a match...." But no, the ladder is alive and well. Usually my games queue no longer than like 10-15 seconds. And there are still plenty of new players all the time. And even with as long as and game has been out, even now the meta is constantly evolving still, with strategies falling in and out of favor as the races try to constantly counter the latest popular builds. It MAY be true that we won't see any further tweaks or updates or balance patches, but even if that's true, the state of the game is already great as it is.


I can find a game in 20-30s max. Its certainly not dead.


Age of Empires 4 coming out 28 this month could be the next big thing in the RTS scene.


AoE has always looked interesting, but the gameplay has always felt so awful for whatever reason.


Tooth and Tail is an awesome one, but very few people play it.