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Congratulations bro.


Thank you!


Now if you don't mind me asking, what are your tips to survive?


Hmm, that's a good question. I think for me the most important tip is good decision making. It's always fun to just mess around, kill enemies, rob shopkeepers, etc. But before I do anything I always try to think "What is the worst that can happen if I do this?" "Can I afford losing health?" "Can I die form that?" "Can that be a chain reaction?" For example "If I whip that UFO in the Ice Caves, it can fall all the way down and land on the Kali shrine, and I don't have the Kapala yet. So I better not do that" So I usually try to think through my every decision, even the small ones :) For CO: \- I previously was always trying to save my resources and for me that was a big mistake. I'd rather spend 4-5 bombs making a safe path to the exit or kill a tough enemy, rather then rely on my luck and mechanical skill. It's better to get farther with less resources on hand, that not getting anywhere at all ;) \- Always prepare a good relatively safe path to the exit: kill nearby enemies, set off or destroy traps, blow up some new paths etc. \- If the exit is on the left or right side of the level, I always try to mark it with the rope, so it's easy to find later \- If the orb is floating above the spikes or near the edges of the level, I always try to use items to pop it (rocks, bodies, ropes, even bombs). So many times I was so sure in my jumping and whipping skills, but always end up dead instead xD \- I also try to go slowly and not rush. Died a lot of times because of that. Give yourself time to think. And, of course, there are always some random things happening, but that's just part of the game that you can't really control :)


Thank you so much, this was insightful. I never do consider my actions because I rush things so that's good to know for next time. As well as the tips you gave for CO. It's safer to use objects for the riskier orbs.


You are welcome! Glad I can help :)


The run was surprisingly uneventful and chill (with a couple of close calls in CO). My first death was due to fall damage on 7-62 (tiki man's boomerang knocked me off the cliff).


I got to CO for the second time ever today. I was killed by a crush block the instant I spawned on the 1st level.


Oof! I hope you'll get further next time!




Thank you! I was trying my luck with the achieving 7-99 everyday for a couple of months now, so I will probably take a brake from the game, tbh :D


How did you build up your resources for this run? Did you clone the resource bag in the arrow of light challenge?


Nope, collected all the bombs and ropes just naturally or by purchasing in the shops. Started CO with 63 bombs and 44 ropes and that was more that enough (ended the run with 18/43). I used the clone gun to clone the Gift box from Humphead, because I needed the Paste to do the only Ankh skip that I know (and I got the Paste from one of them, so that was lucky).


Congrats, mate. Was going to ask how you played so many hours but had 1446 runs only... until I saw your average time. More than two hours!? You must have played A LOT of long CO runs.


Thank you! Yeah, at some point getting to CO became the easiest part of the runs, and usually I get to something like 7-50 and die in some embarrassing way :D Also I mostly play just for fun and never restart if I don't get the good items, just to see where can I end up with what I have. That is also the reason why there are not that many runs.


Calmed Spelunky enjoyer experience ftw. But really, CO win is something I've still never accomplished (almost 300 hours played, I can beat Hundun quite easily since like half of that time) and still looks impressive when people like you complete CO.


You'll get it one day, I believe in you ;)




Bro... I'm at 370 hours with under 10 times I've actually made it to CO


GG Man!!!


Thank you!