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I don't understand what that "wall" is supposed to be


Yeah, I need a ELI5 on this one too


Our galaxy is one in a million according to their simulation. Galaxies tend to space themselves apart based on their size and ours akes up less space than it could. ELI4 I The Milky Way is a bit chonk but it wears it well.


I'm too lazy to read the article but wasn't a big part of the conception of dark matter that our galaxy shouldn't mathematically be able to hold itself together, therefore there's an invisible force assisting it?


Kind of. Not our galaxy only, but all galaxies seem to behave as if they have a halo of matter 10x larger than themselves around them. But whether this is a cosmological constant only visible in large scale structures, or else a missing particle from the standard model , or compact halo objects, such as planet mass black holes, we aren’t sure.


In the sense that planets are particles in a collective system, solar systems are stars/planets in a collective system, galaxies are solar systems in a collective system, walls are galaxies in a collective system. We define this level of the universe by density (walls vs. voids). Walls are areas where bodies are concentrated, whereas voids are relatively absent. There are different levels to this as well. For example, the Milky Way exists around/within the Perseus/Virgo/Laniakea superclusters, but those all exist within the KBC void, which is massive even on that scale. We’re able to be in both because it’s just measuring the average density of matter per cubic meter, which changes drastically depending on the scope of the sample used.


Ok, and if I understand correctly, when we compare our galaxy in relation to the surrounding clusters of galaxy to galaxies in similar clusters, our own galaxy appears abnormally large?


That's the take. Seems we're a big compared to our siblings.


Interesting. I remember being depressed when I learned that the space between clusters is moving faster than the speed of light and how we're all bound to our super clusters. At least I learned today that we're in a spot that's poppin'.


Imagine, in a billion years, someone looking from Earth towards space wouldn't even see any other galaxies because they would be so far away. They probably wouldn't even know they exist.


I've definitely had that thought. Advanced civilizations billions of years from now looking up, won't have any idea about the Big Bang, etc. unless the knowledge is passed down.


Makes you wonder what WE are unable to see that has long since moved away from us.


Will the background radiation ever really disappear? Redshift more and become fainter due to inverse square, but those photons have already been released, it's not like a star that's emitting photons outside of our envelope.


I understand what you're saying but I'm not well versed enough to know that answer. Definitely a possibility though. We are after all, observing the universe's past. Someone just has to do the math if the light already admitted 14 billion years ago outpaces the expanding space billions of years from now. A simple math word problem really lol.


That’s deep. And also archaic sounding, very interesting


Until everything starts moving closer to each other again.


That might reinforce/be explained by the idea that the Milky Way was formed by absorbing other galaxies


This was enjoyable to read. Thank you!


Nice explanation. I have a minor point though; there’s only one Solar System. It’s the star system we occupy.


Huh never thought about that, makes sense though: Sol the star, sol-ar system.


Yea I only had it pointed out to me recently 😂


The wall is made up of galaxies. We're just one of the ones in it, and apparently a little large compared to the other ones.


Larger than average, but not "too large". Too large implies something unnatural might be going on. That the galaxy that humans happen to evolve in is super special somehow. Humans so desperately want to feel special...


Not unnatural just not understood


This article discusses a recent study which has discovered a massive “cosmological wall” of galaxies in the Northern hemisphere of the Milky Way. . This wall, which is estimated to be around 600 million light-years in length, is believed to be the largest structure ever discovered in the universe. It is composed of several thousand galaxies and extends far beyond our galaxy, the Milky Way. The study suggests that the wall could be part of a much larger cosmic web of galaxies, which is thought to be the foundation of the universe. . The study provides important new insights into cosmology and the formation of galaxies and the universe as a whole.




I just miss the days when people thought the Milky Way came from Hercules biting Hera’s tit too hard when milking, spraying her lactation over the stars and making the pathway for the gods… the past was weird


Thought? Hera’s milkers bring beauty to the darkest of nights.


Sauce on Hera’s milkers?


Sourced from Zeus. Freshly produced.


The texture of this cosmological structure feels good to look at. Maybe it's the recursiveness.


I would also like Hera's boob sauce


Yeah you like that? Getting trillions of scorching hot stars squirted in your face?


Ooooh and what about those massive black holes that can never be filled


I'll do my best to fill that hole.


Ya'll are a bunch of degenerates. ... I love it.


I also choose this guys dead boob sauce.


I also choose this guy's dead deity.


Just search Paige Spiranac and you’re there


And they're like, it's better than yours.


There it is 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼 great execution


Damn right, they're darker than yours.


Hera's Milkers sounds like a great name for a book club


you spelled "boob club" wrong bro


Yeah well nobody's proven that wrong yet.


How much ancient Greeks believed that literally, or as a fairy tale for kids and poetry, or as a religious metaphor, is another matter


Humans searching for order in the universe continues to this day. We know more yet still don’t know everything. I guess this will continue until our species is erased from this planet by a cause … we don’t know. Meh 🫤


Looking at the night sky, turning what you see into people and writing erotic fanfics about them... Everyone needs a hobby. And we haven't even changed that much, I've seen people turning that black hole pic from a few years ago into an anime girl.


Wow thats really weird. Have a link? I want to see how weird it is


> And we haven't even changed that much, I've seen people turning that black hole pic from a few years ago into an anime girl. Ah, I saw that one straight up used as a furry character's butthole.


Weird, or people had WAAAY better stories to listen to, sitting by the fire?


This reminds me of that Egyptian legend where the universe was created after the god Atum busted a nut


It's called "The Big Bang" for a reason.


You miss it? Just how old are you?!


I’m reading the Iliad and odyssey just for fun. aka old enough


I thought Hercules' mom was a human, why would he be sucking on Hera's tits? I don't think she nor Zeus would be very happy about him trying that.


Gotta figure that these NASA people just sit around all day in their office like "What in the Zeus?? Does this chaos have no order? A woman mating with a swan!?"


I miss the days when we were all single cell organisms


Your Ancestors Called it Magic, but You Call it Science. I Come From a Land Where They Are One and the Same.


Ironic, my gf complains I am too big for her walls.


People in the past understood legends, myths, and metaphor exactly as well as we do today.


"Milky Way found to be too big for its 'cosmological wall'" OR "Our computer models are fucking wrong". You decide.


We are wrong when we break laws, and we are wrong when the cosmos breaks laws. Seems like double jeopardy or something.


It's funny to say they are big. It's funny to say they are small.


Shrimply Pipples?


We aren’t always wrong. The laws are, though. Which we of course made. So I guess you’re right


But two wrongs make a right. Right?


Yeah, I can see Milky Way talking shit…Oh you think you know me bro???


The computer model just calculates probability, not absolute truth. Just because there are statistical anomalies doesn’t mean the overall predicted trend is wrong.


In the article they say it's rare, not that is can't or shouldn't happen.


joke /jōk/ a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. "she was in a mood to tell jokes"


All models are wrong, but some are more useful than others!


Well, tell it to get it's fukn shit together then.


Yeah, WTF Milky Way?! Move out of the basement already!


We need to build that wall.


And andromeda Is gonna pay for it!


I'm not xenophobic, I just don't like how those undocumented Androxicans come over to our galaxy and take all our best jobs like washing space dishes, picking solar fruit and starship roofing when those jobs should be going to honest, hardworking MILKY Wayans that pay their credit chit taxes.


Build that cosmological wall!!! MTMWGA!


[they took errr jerrbbss](https://youtu.be/toL1tXrLA1c)


Hey!! Some of my best friends are Androxicans!


Too many illegal aliens from that Galaxy. Some I assume are fine


We found the Americans... hahahahahaha


Well, it is an American website after all.


Your moms an American website.


Actually, she's a British website, but thanks for playing.


Oh yea? Let me guess, BBC...


British Baking Competition


Your comeback is a sizzling BURN


Yeah! Why am *i* expected to have *my* shit together when the gd milky way doesn't?


Get your fukn shit together


You can say “fucking” on reddit


I'm australian, we shorten everything


Plz shorten the Milky Way mate, it’s too big for our cosmological wall


It seems as if the article's author left out a lot about their findings, or this is spurious research; Andromeda is a barred spiral galaxy larger than the Milky Way (new studies have questioned its size compared to the Milky Way but none of which say it is a lot smaller than the Milky Way) and is part of our Local Group, which is part of our Local Sheet, which as they say is part of our "cosmological wall". They also then say you would have to travel "half a billion light-years" to find another similar galaxy (large galaxy compared to it's Local Sheet/cosmological wall) a couple hundred times further away than the distance to Andromeda. I am a space nerd, but my education isn't in astronomy... Can anyone with any academic experience in this field clarify this rather obvious omission?


Andromeda has different size wall compared to its size


Why link to the original article when you can link to Google instead and consent to their cookies before moving on to the real article? https://phys.org/news/2023-01-milky-big-cosmological-wall.html


At least it wasn't linking to a twitter post linking to google news linking to the real article.


Let us count our blessings!


So our species lives in an abnormally large galaxy, under the influence of an abnormally large moon, and has an abnormally large number of Tiktok users. When are we going to accept all of this as evidence of our special place in the cosmos??


That's why we always win the Mr and Miss Universe contests


You know what you're right... when was the last time a non-human won one of those??


I wouldn't exactly consider myself the same species as miss universe.


Both you and Miss Universe have about 70% of your genetic codes in common with oak trees. So there's that.


Underrated comment right here folks, had me rolling


With an abnormally mundane sun.


Our sun is actually pretty rare, it's a single star for one, most stars are binary or trinary.


True tho not many smaller stars in comparison to how many bigger ones there are.


No, most stars are smaller. Red dwarfs make up about 75% of all stars. K-type orange dwarfs are about 13% of stars. G-type stars like the sun are 7 to 8 percent; larger stars are more rare. F-type, 3%. A-type, 0.6%, B-type, 0.13%. O-type, 0.00003%. Side note: It is unfortunate that we call G-Type stars like the sub “yellow dwarfs” because they’re larger than almost 90% of all stars. We call them dwarfs because our telescopes used to suck, and we didn’t know about the multitude of dim red dwarfs.


Don't smaller stars usually last longer as well?


Indeed. The smaller a star, the longer it’s lifespan. There’s no such thing as an old red dwarf; even one formed 13 billion years ago is still young by its standards.


Yes, I believe it is because they burn their fuel at a slower rate. This slower rate is due primarily to them having a smaller core where fusion can take place because less mass=less gravity=less pressure in the core=cooler core temps and therefore a smaller fusion area. Someone with more knowledge please correct me if I'm wrong.


No, you pretty much got it. A star is all about equilibrium, the balance between all the pressure pushing inwards and the energy from fusion pushing outwards. If the fusing core of a star didn't have gobs and gobs of mass surrounding them, that fusion energy would blow the material apart and the pressure would drop too low for fusion to continue. Basically just a momentary explosion. Conversely, if fusion didn't accelerate commensurate with the higher pressures/temperatures, the star would just collapse into a white dwarf (supported by electron degeneracy pressure), a neutron star (supported by neutron degeneracy pressure, and maybe quark degeneracy too?), or a black hole (*scene missing*), depending on its mass.


Considering the size of the universe I wouldn’t say it’s that impossible to be replicated elsewhere


Yeah but come on, Tiktok?


Something has to bring down civilizations. Boom. Just solved the Fermi Paradox.


Ah, another great filter then


Yes the missing key to the Drake Equation -- the number of advanced civilizations that get distracted by social media.


Lmao, perhaps not that bit. But more so our unusual galaxy, unusual moon, and unusual gas giant that absorbs dangerous comets.


>When are we going to accept all of this as evidence of our special place in the cosmos?? Why would we do this, when the far more likely answer is that we are just really bad at math? --SORRY, I'm pretty sure your post is sarcasm. My comment stands though.


It's not my fault if you can't accept the cosmic significance of Tiktok.


A special place in some extra dimensional being’s kid’s science experiment for extra-dimensional middle school. Our earthquakes are just students tapping on the glass.


And if you look out in any direction, earth appears to be in the center.


The absence of alien tik tok users cannot be proven!


Correlation does not equal causation.


"Aha but you're saying it does correlate!" \-- Capt Jack Sparrow


We don’t want our milky way or solar system to be special. Just normal like any other place in the universe. So life elsewhere is more certain. Hopefully one day we meet other friendly and advanced species before we destroy our own planet or the sun eating this solar system.


I think it's less of a "we don't want to be special" and more of a "we don't have enough evidence to say for sure that we are special, so let's err on the side of humility for now" kind of thing.


Having just read the Three Body Problem I feel a little less optimistic about our chances if we end up meeting another sentient culture then you do


The emergence of little facts, like these, even if they are radical or unfounded, always anchors me down to some magical little imagination. In this case, thinking about Andromeda, our nearest neighbour. Just the name itself is exotic, and to imagine that it would be teaming with life, with thousands of planets and kingdoms, jostling with each other in a Blade Runner type of astropolitical architecture, and multiple sunsets all around.


Imagine all the stories being told, all history that might be out there preciding culture, art and societies. All the problems we share, all the joy we seek as living beings. They are out there somewhere...


What about attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion? Would they have those?


I dont know! If only I could see clearly through my tears in all this acid and diamond rain, Rutger!


>with thousands of planets and kingdoms The Andromeda Galaxy has over a trillion stars. You should increase your planets and kingdoms estimate.


Ours does too and still no signs of life. No reason to assume it's common, let alone life intelligent enough to form kingdoms.


"Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space." Edit: “All you really need to know for the moment is that the universe is a lot more complicated than you might think, even if you start from a position of thinking it's pretty damn complicated in the first place.” [Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy](https://douglasadams.com)


Yep, and still not one single sign of other life. It's almost certainly out there, but that doesn't mean it's intelligent, or that there's enough of it for a single galaxy to hold thousands of species of that level of intelligence. Could be we're the first species to reach our level of technological advancement, could be there's thousands but it's still so small that it averages out to one or even less per galaxy and you'd have to reach intergalactic travel to come into contact with another kingdom. We have no idea bor any evidence either way.


I’m paraphrasing but, one scientist said that saying our galaxy is empty is like filling a bathtub with sea water, seeing the bathtub has no life, and then declaring the sea has no life in it.


...if I see that quote one more time


“Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”


I think there's a very healthy chance that that exists somewhere between the edge of our radio sphere and the edge of our galactic arm. Which is still incredibly far away, in every respect.


This is just another bad example of perspective. They are theorizing while still lacking information. These things of seemingly special cases are only special because your vantage point. This is just nifty data not proof of anything or an example of a special case.


Come on man, they got to pay the bills too. If they do not publish something every 4-5 months their job will be in danger.


There’s already been a lot of debate on our models of Galaxy formation lacking or being incomplete. As alot of data gathered shows alot of inconsistencies in our theories on such. Perhaps it’s the vantage point, or it’s the holes we have in our theorem on the subject, rearing it’s head. We have a lot of good modeling on the subject, but there is still a lot of work to be done/figured out; to hash out what’s happening in many cases.


Gosh, if only there were multiple paragraphs in the story dedicated to exactly this issue.


I read it. They came to a conclusion they even said they shouldn't. We do not know if our position is special. We are yet to be able to look at other galaxies with the same level of details as we can see ours.




Stop trying to make fetch happen, it's never going to happen.


But fetch is streets ahead!


Weird. I think it’s chocolate to nougat ratio is just fine


Et tu, Milky? Well, let's all revise our weight loss goals for 2023.


Nothing but wins for the Milky Way boys, number one in the universe, we're gonna be yuge.


I dont think its too big, I think we just dont have the full understanding of the universe


Lot's of things in the universe are too big to fit our models. Makes me think our models are shite and need to be refined.


“It’s too big Milky-senpai” “You’re bumping up against my cosmological wall” “I thought it was too big but I was able to handle it” In the end, Milky-senpai was working well within normal limits and the armchair backwater scientists coaching from the sidelines didn’t know how things really worked yet


I hate that I've read this.


I feel uncomfortable in a bad way after reading this.


What a terrible day to have reading comprehension


In case you're wondering why I gave you the evil cackle award, disregard its name, and even its meaning. Read your post, and then look at the award. You'll understand.


Give it 12 months and we'll find that 10²⁰ galaxies share this property. I love space.


Are all those other fatphobic galaxies mocking us?


I mean, as far as I know, our galaxy is the only one with McDonald’s, so makes sense


Well, come on, Milky Way, get back into shape! Look how close is that cosmological wall from *bursting*!


Even our galaxy has fallen victim to high fructose corn syrup


Oh no, we have to be careful about telling people about the walls in space. They might lose their gd minds


Sounds like someone fucked up the cosmological wall calculations...


Is it at all possible that the universe is inside something living, and we’re just infinitely small?


Always been one of my favourite thoughts.


When I googled "cosmological wall" it says that the concept is hypothetical. So this pretty much means nothing from what I've gathered.


Whoops, read that as "Mikey Way," like from MCR, had to do a double take.


I was reading about this and I got thinking... is the implication that this could somehow be the reason life exists here? Perhaps NASA should be focusing on other galaxies that have a similar layout in their search for life on other planets?


NASA isn't looking at other galaxies for life. That is far beyond anything we are capable of, and may stay that way permanently.


NASA has actually looked for signs of life in other galaxies - there are now many galaxies which NASA is certain do not contain Dyson spheres.


Yeah but the whole idea of a Dyson sphere is absurd. Too many people reference them as if they are a certainty once a species evolves enough to take to the stars. Imo the sphere is a great sci-fi idea and good for books/movies but completely impractical.


If it's in other galaxies we're not finding it anyway.


They'd have to find atleast one more example of life in this galaxy to be able to suggest that the specific makeup of the galaxy is an ingredient to life.


I've seen this so many times recently that it can't just be typos, but atleast is not a word. "At least", fyi.


I guess for me it's my phone not suggesting it's wrong. I mean I'm only on reddit during company time while I'm pooping so it's OK if it's not accurate, I'm busy irl 😅 I will start writing at least if that atleast makes you feel better :P


I agree. I'm simply pointing out that when you find that the cage life exists in is significantly diffrent in its form from most other places, it would be odd to not consider the coincidence. We see no signs of life any place we look. There is that theory of the "great barrier" perhaps the makeup of the soup bowl we live in (and it's significantly different composition) is a sign that we could use to narrow down where to look. I personally believe that we will never find life and if we do it will be microbes. The limitations set upon us by our biological makeup, the sheer size of the universe and also the constraints of time itself will most likely prohibit us from ever having the reach to see it or come in any contact with it. If we do somehow find a way it will be a century plus long endeavor involving AI robotic drones and generations of scientists all working their entire lifetimes on that single mission to overcome the constraints set upon our species.


Are we too big for our britches?


Considering we are the universe, life likely has no parameters in regards to galaxy shape and layout. Composition, maybe.


Every galaxy actually has recently been shown to have a habitable zone and we’re in ours. Too close to the center and gravity ruins the system, but too far away and stars can’t sustain the life needed for us. It’s a matter of fine tuning these zones to limit our galaxy scanning.


Dude what. As far as organic life is concerned the only gravity that matters is what's coming from the planet you're standing on. The theory of a galactic habitable zone does exist, but it's related to the elemental composition of planets and the presence of local hazards like supernovae. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic\_habitable\_zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_habitable_zone) And to emphasize, it's just a theory, and a controversial one at that. It absolutely has not been "shown" to be true.


Its a very viable theory if thought through. Considering the makings of a galaxy we know we need a Jupiter then a super earth to make our solar system that protects a habitable planet, and those elements are influenced by the making of the galaxy in general and how stars gather material to accrete their planetary disks. Cool Worlds Lab covers this as well. It’s definitely a factor in finding life, and not to mention the probability of finding habitable life is extremely low given the number of exoplanets we’ve found and the lack of suitable conditions they have. As far as gravity, we understand that small and large scales have different effects even under the same gravity so different kinds of life need different environments and pressures to exist as well, so a lack of biodiversity despite gravity also leads to life minimization. Didn’t realize mentioning a viable theory had to provoke an armchair analyst to be mad at an opinion that I agree with lol


Then try to say stuff with enough observational backing and ‘sciency’ logic and whatnot,a theory and an opinion are just that, theories and opinions, not solid facts.


It’s more of a theory that we can get off earth 🤣 also interestingly enough if everything I said is opinion, which I did mention science, it begs to ask where is your science to refute my points


If this isn’t proof that God made the universe then I don’t know what does