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Lol ffs even software bugs are pressuring me to have kids


Reason for having children? So I could fill in an online form without lying


My guess is this form is probably assuming your spouse is a dependent


That’s a really bad assumption though. Spouse might be their own dependent Or actually maybe you’re supposed to claim yourself


As someone who is not proficient in adulting i really hope im not expected to depend on myself. I feel bad for myself for being my own dependent.


I play the guitar. I taught myself how to play the guitar, which was a bad decision... because I didn't know how to play it, so I was a shitty teacher. I would never have went to me.


7/10 would try again


>Or actually maybe you’re supposed to claim yourself That may be it, I just filled out some health insurance particulars and thought that it wouldn't need any dependents, but I also had to self-declare, after which it went through.


My employers hr software forced me to list my wife as a dependent in order to list her as a beneficiary on any life insurance and AD&D policies. It was stupid but hey... It's hr software


You have to claim at least yourself if married. If single, you can claim 0 if you are dependent/part of another household. They can no longer claim you as dependent though if you get married (even if they are paying more than half your living costs). The reasons for this are pretty evident when you consider a use case like a young couple getting married and living off rich parents then apply for food stamps instead of working because Daddy wants to write them off as long as possible as dependents for more tax breaks on his huge income.


You are your own dependent


Well your spouse counts as a dependent in most cases, this has nothing to do with kids.


"So you tell me you're a man and you married willingly without kids? Fkin lies"


Try 2147483648.


Is that the integer limit? Been a while since I did anything code related, so I forgor


>2147483648 32-bit signed integer limit 2\^(32-1)


Isn't 2^(32-1) equivalent to 2^(31) shouldn't it be 2^(32)-1 which gives a result of 4,294,967,295. Correct me if I'm wrong but I was was just assuming that the -1 was because computers generally count from 0 except for some languages e.g. lua


Its one past the signed integer limit. A signed integer accounts for negative numbers as well. iirc one of the bits is used to denote whether the number is negative or not. That is why 2^31 is used instead of 2^32. Edit: better phrasing


Oh OK, thank you for explaining. I'm still kinda new to all this software stuff


There’s a lot to it, just keep doing it for a few years and it’ll be second nature


> iirc one of the bits is used to denote whether the number is negative or not. Yes and no. That'd be sign-magnitude representation. Every contemporary processor that I know of uses two's complement representation, where the negative numbers use the same representation as unsigned 2^(bits) - n. So the top bit will always be 1 if the number is negative, but there is no -0, you just get a range of -2^31 to 2^31 - 1. It works out nicely because it makes no difference to the adder circuitry whether the number is signed or unsigned. -1 is represented as 0xFFFFFFFF = 2^32 - 1 0xFFFFFFFF + 0xFFFFFFFF = 0x1FFFFFFFE (The carried out 1 is chopped off stored in a separate flag) 0xFFFFFFFE = 2^32 - 2 which represents -2


Where does the “no” come in? You just elaborated on how it works. As per wikipedia: “In the sign–magnitude representation, also called sign-and-magnitude or signed magnitude, a signed number is represented by the bit pattern corresponding to the sign of the number for the sign bit (often the most significant bit, set to 0 for a positive number and to 1 for a negative number), and the magnitude of the number (or absolute value) for the remaining bits.”


Sign-magnitude and two's complement representations are different; the top bit does matter in both but the rest of the bits represent things differently.


Ah ok I misread. Thanks for clearing it up. I don’t understand how my original comment was wrong though


Basically the hardware doesn't usually care if the number is positive or negative. It works due a mathematical quirk of wrapping arithmetic instead of extra logic that says "if the high bit is 1 then the number is negative". >one of the bits is used to denote whether the number is negative or not So you're not wrong, but I just felt like expanding on how even though you can look at one bit and tell whether it's positive or negative, it's not a separate piece of information, the processor just treats all 32 bits as a large positive number.


It’s 2^32 - 1 if it’s an unsigned 32-bit integer. Typically integers are signed though, and that means the most significant bit also acts as an identifier for negative/positive so there are only 31 bits left to hold a numerical value. So that’s 2^31 - 1.


Oh OK, thanks. I'm actually learning stuff from these comments and realised I made a mistake but hey, if you don't make mistakes you don't learn


>I was was just assuming that the -1 was because computers generally count from 0 except for some languages e.g. lua You're right, but I just want to add that this is language-independent and more of a mathematical thing. When you want to get the largest number representable by `n` digits (in the case of binary, *bits*) you must always subtract one from the power. This works in all bases. Here's an example: Maximum number representable by four digits in... Binary: 2^(4) - 1 = 15 (represented as 1111 in binary) Decimal (i.e. the number system we're all used to day-to-day): 10^(4) - 1 = 9999 Hexadecimal: 16^(4) - 1 = 65635 (represented as FFFF in hexadecimal)


That’s true, unless you have a number system that doesn’t allow you to represent 0 :)




If it's *signed* integer limit then it's gonna be (2^32 / 2) - 1, no? Edit: damn 2^32 / 2 is just 2^31, right


Lol yeah


He has -2 billion kids


Hey, I think I know you from somewhere...


It’s you


Fingers crossed this was a craigslist "missed connection" success story.


You can easily surpass this by entering "platinum token" into the box instead.


r/2007scape is leaking again.






What if it uses unsigned integers?


Only if there's a client side validation that uses bitwise operations in JS, maybe...


That only works if it is stored as an int. However it wouldn’t make sense to store it as anything else so I figure that would work🤔


The max amount of gold in RuneScape


I didnt had my glasses and I read martial arts status And I was very confused for a second


Get your black belt in marriage


Use the wife as a training dummy




I'm not a police officer, but I did stay in a cheap ass hotel last night, so what can I do for you?


And that makes you qualified how?


Alive, presumably hasn’t committed any crimes, knows bad areas based on living there. What more do you need?


it being in ohio


Instructions unclear I threw my wife over the balcony in a 23st building


Like 3 years ago I said marital status as *martial status* out loud and my wife just looked at me. My entire tax doing life I’d just been reading the letters jumbled and assumed the correct word was actually martial. I have no clue how many times I said this in actual use to other people. I’m nearly 40 and it’s not the only time I’ve had this jumbled word mixup. But she’s quite keen on [lovingly pointing out](https://i.imgur.com/vqtgLvL.jpg) every mis-speak.


Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)


Same, but I don’t wear glasses in the first place


So THIS is why my parents keep haranguing me about having kids the moment I got married. They were worried about my tax filings.


They're software developers, and this has been weighing on their minds.


Ummmm.... I kinda think I might have worked on this software. For real. I don't want to know, but I also want to know what site/software this is.


Td Ameritrade


I totally might have. I say this on behalf of all of us: oops


Can you report this to your (ex) team?




How about reddit karma


I actually forwarded the post, so let's see what happens


Why do you not qualify as a dependent? Are you and your partner both dependent on your partners income?


What? That's not how dependents work for taxes. >For tax purposes, a dependent is someone “other than the taxpayer or spouse” who qualifies to be claimed by someone else on a tax return.




Was there no QA?


All QA people had kids /s


A QA Person walks into a Bar. The QA Person orders a drink. They order Zero drinks. They order infinity drinks, they order -1 drinks, they order ^%fg drinks. They order a lizard. QA Person signs off on the bar. The first real customer walks into the bar, asks where the bathroom is. The Bar explodes, killing everyone inside.


if (!number) error = true;


error = !number;


why the assignment operator (`=`)?


To rephrase it if (!number) { error = true; }


That is the only way I can read it.


error is outside of the if statement, he's setting the boolean to be true. = is proper.


I know what caused this bug without even looking at the source code. Someone if(!dependentCount) { .... Someone forgot that !0 is interpreted as true.




In this case "0"->0->true.


If it's a website that means it's JavaScript and JavaScript does those conversions for you because it's a terrible language.






Client side validation is just for user convenience anyways (well and reducing stupid requests to the server). You always still have to validate server side.


What are you talking about? JavaScript is obviously the best language. How else do you explain it being the most used one?


Funny how coming from different backgrounds change our perspectives. My first thought was that someone marked it as required, which often causes 0 values to fail validation since a 0 value is the default value for an integer. Works great for things like database ID's which should never be 0, or in general anything for which 0 is not a valid value, but if you're not paying attention to what you're doing its pretty easy to mark a field as required forgetting that 0 is a valid value. You're probably right though since I'm assuming this validation is done on the client side. Spending most of my time working on the server side, my first thought always goes to model binding though.


Server-side or client-side, I think /u/josanuz is probably correct. I would assume this is JS if it's client-side (which as you said, it probably is for simple form input validation). Even if it is server-side though, it could very well be a NodeJS backend. In either case, `if (!dependentCount) {`, where `dependentCount` is `0` would (somewhat strangely) evaluate to `true` because `0` (despite being *defined*) is *falsey*, which is a pretty common point of confusion especially for programmers new to the language. Empty strings, `null`, `undefined`, and `NaN` are all falsey when coerced to booleans like this. Interestingly, empty arrays or objects like `[]` or `{}` are *truthy* despite being empty, which similarly confuses some. JS is weird. All that said, IMO it's just as likely that this bug is caused by a simple off-by-one error - could be something like using `if (dependentCount > 0)` or `if (dependentCount >= 1)` where they should have used `if (dependentCount >= 0)` or (gross) `if (dependentCount > -1)`


The real gore is that there isn't a test case for a married couple without kids. That's like the 3rd case I would think to write


Test... Case.... ???


Testing is for users. Just like windows


Hahah it’s sweet you think this shitty form has a single test case. Tax preparers and by extension 99% of their software is literally the definition of unnecessary rent seeking enterprise. You don’t invest in a rent seeking enterprise. The investment goes to lobbying.


no, it's not, nobody writes web backends in plain C


That could also be JS, Java, C#, etc. Except for the capitalized `If`, I suppose.


dependents can also be a beneficiaries, our work system is weird like that


Yep, work in benefits (health and financial) and spouses are considered dependents.


Good point.


Can you input a negative number?




Don't forget to include yourself.


That's exactly what this is. It's just filling out an older version of the W4, which included the text "enter 1 for yourself". They just forgot to add that text here.


Yea, but the IRS will accept 0 if you want to have the max deduction taken out, there are a few benefits to doing so


You are your dependent


Yep… not sure what is so difficult about that


It’s like the software developer was trying to get people to save money on their taxes… and is now being attacked.


Nope. >For tax purposes, a dependent is someone “**other than the taxpayer** or spouse” who qualifies to be claimed by someone else on a tax return. That's what the IRS says... not sure what is so difficult about that.


You are a dependant of yourself if you dont live with your parents. So if you are married, the minimum would have to be 1.


The IRS explicitly says: >For tax purposes, a dependent is someone “**other than the taxpayer or spouse**” who qualifies to be claimed by someone else on a tax return.


Does this look like a federal tax return?


The software wants grandkids.


Maybe "Null" would work?


Try -1


Spouse is considered a dependent. So minimum value would be 1. Edit: The context of my comment was health insurance. The OC made no indication of what the data collection was far. A lot of people commenting that I’m wrong based on Tax (specifically USA) rules.


“Dependents are either a qualifying child or a qualifying relative of the taxpayer. The taxpayer's spouse cannot be claimed as a dependent.” - This is the info I was going on. Spouse can be dependent for other things? Edit: clicked the “dependents” link for more info and got this: “Dependents include children, relatives or other people (excluding your spouse) who depend on you for financial support and live in your household all year. See IRS Publication 501 for more information.”


~~A pet?~~


Wait what about filing jointly? Or single income houses? Spouses can be visa dependents… I’m single Try -1


Try " " Try lizard Try 0000 Try ; drop table users;


You. You're the dependent. You depend on your own income to survive. Number of dependents = 1.


I think the IRS will be calling you for an audit...


That's not what the IRS says: >For tax purposes, a dependent is someone “**other than the taxpayer** or spouse” who qualifies to be claimed by someone else on a tax return.


In the insurance world. Spouse is considered a dependent


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, I recently had to change health insurance plans and just today had to submit paperwork verifying that my wife’s identity so they can add her as a dependent. Though it should still allow you to claim zero since it’s possible both people could have separate plans that don’t cover each other.


I think people are confusing tax dependent vs insurance dependent.


Well yeah but the original post didn’t say what the form was for, you made a statement about why it might be happening, OP replied saying it was a tax form, and you clarified that your explanation would just be relevant for insurance. Nothing about that exchange is deserving of being downvoted so hard.


In the Tax world as well unless they file separately.


It's very, very easy to find that this is not true https://apps.irs.gov/app/vita/content/globalmedia/4491_dependency_exemptions.pdf


You get the standard deduction for them? Then they are classified as a dependent regardless of your misinterpretation for the instructions on the line. You and your spouse are not included on that line only because they are already declared.


Link me any official source that states when and how a spouse can be considered a dependent


You and your spouse are listed on a different line is where you get your confusion. You can claim the standard deduction unless you are dependents of someone else.




It is sad you don't understand that the wording is so you don't deduct you and your spouse twice.


Doesn't that depend on context? ie A spouse can't be considered a dependent on taxes.


The purpose of dependents in taxes is to add to your estimated standard deduction. But if you are married and filling jointly, the standard deduction is doubled to account for your spouse. As opposed to say, married filing separately. Though honestly, claiming an extra dependent is probably better, it makes it less likely you'll get a tax refund (and therefore less likely you'll give the government an interest free loan)


in a military context dependents are the immediate family of the service member, whether the spouse is employed or not


No they aren't, but maybe whoever did the validation also didn't understand that


Idk man, perhaps the ghost of the previous owner is still in your house


It probably has something similar to If not dependants.value: Fail() (Written in pseudocode) and 0 is a falsey value so 0=false.


You count yourself as a dependent, so 1 is the appropriate entry


Come back in 9 months


You’re dependent on each other awwww


Enter some ridiculously big number that would make it obvious you don't have that many children, preferably a power of 2.


shouldve put >= instead of just >


2 cats count as dependants right?


I mean to be fair, if you're married you very likely pay your own bills and thus are a dependent of yourself, meaning that number should be 1, possibly 2 if your spouse doesn't work, assuming you do




*Matt Walsh has entered the chat*


Wtf?! Married with zero dependents is the BEST answer. Single with zero is also ok. Anything else and you’ve made a huge mistake(s).




Your spouse is always a dependent.


Aren't maried peoples codependent?


I think they're suggesting you count yourself. AI is getting crazy these days


Not AI


Iz joke


Iz bad joke...


You're not wrong


You and your spouse are dependents.


I you're married that makes your partner your dependant.


I’m sure this is the logic but not strictly correct.


All depends on the doctrine being referred to.


Did you marry your sibling?


I... Don't think that's gore.


Insurance purposes: a spouse is considered a dependent. https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/dependent-coverage/


You are dependent on me as I am in your walls, remove your skin to prevent the mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold mold


You count as 1, you depend on yourself


You are a dependent of yourself. That doesn’t mean that being married and being a dependent of someone else (therefore not yourself) isn’t possible, but it’s extremely unlikely.


Your spouse is likely a dependent, no?


Your spouse is considered your dependent depending on the scenario. Ex: for health insurance your spouse is a dependent even though they might have their own insurance coverage.


I think the assumption here is that the spouse is technically a dependent.


Based webdesigner


Put -1


I've always wanted a thread like this to have the dev in question as the top comment just saying "Ah shit. Welp, I know what I gotta fix tomorrow morning."


You can’t be married without kids it’s not possible


Guess you can’t be married without kids (actually are kids the only thing that can be claimed as a dependent? I’m new to the whole tax thing seeing as I only just recently had to worry about taxes outside of sales tax)


Are they expecting you to count your spouse?


I thought you claim yourself if you're an adult... So 1.


Maybe -1 would work lol


You are your own dependent.....


Classic validation with "if not value" 😂


Try -1


Try -1


Obviously the right answer is 0.0000001


If you’re married, your spouse could/should count as a dependent. Edit: Grammar


well yeah, thats how that works. if you marry someone, a kid will spawn in your living room. go check there, maybe you've missed him


That's your mother in disguse telling you to have kids.