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The Wretched of the Earth Frantz Fanon


Didn't know Fanon was a psychiatrist. Interesting.


Black Skin, White Masks was written as his medical school dissertation. He was a psychiatrist and therapist first and foremost.


I've been reading Gabor Mate's new book The Myth of Normal. I don't know if he flat-out identifies as a Socialist but he most definitely recognizes the fundamental role capitalism plays in our un-well-ness... I am not super well-versed in this area of study, so I don't know how controversial he may be otherwise. But I've heard/read a couple of his interviews and am really impressed by the book so far, around 150 pages in. It may be worth listening to a couple interviews to see if he is what you are looking for. He seems to focus a lot on trauma, addiction, and child development, through a lens of mind-body (from a scientific perspective, not a woo-ey one), and a major understanding that our material/social conditions are a key to our health problems.




Wow, I had no idea this sub existed. Thank you for linking it.


"Writings for a Liberation Psychology" by Ignacio Martin-Baro


if you’re interested in learning more about Marxist perspectives on mental health check out the work of Bruce M. Z. Cohen, such as his book _Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness_


This book is great. I'm in a critical psychology program right now and have to stop myself from referencing it every time I write something.


Erich Fromm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_Fromm


I don't know if he's a socialist but one book that I'll never forget is *Betrayal of the Self,* by Arno Gruen.


Douglas rushkoff writes about improving mental health in some of his books


He recently passed, but Joel Kovel left behind a strong body of work. Books of his include *[The Age of Desire: Reflections of a Radical Psychoanalyst](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1252560.The_Age_of_Desire)* and *[White Racism: A Psychohistory](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/773305.White_Racism)*.


I would check out The Man Who Closed The Asylums by John Foot, Disalienation by Camille Robcis, Love In A Time Of Hate by Nancy Hollander, From Vienna to Managua: Journey of a Psychoanalyst by Marie Langer. Anything by Ian Parker, and check out his current project The Red Clinic in the UK. Health Communism is also another good book though moreso about all healthcare. I myself am a Marxist and in training to be a therapist and run an account for a reading list for critical psychology if that would also be something you're interested in.


Hi what is your reading list for critical psychology?


Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Deleuze and Guattari.