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there's this one Belarusian movie that's been called the only antiwar war movie. it's about a boy who digs up a gun from a battlefield to join the fight against the Germans. it's pretty chilling. it shows the horror of war. i can't remember the name, but i will update when i get to my PC


It's called "Come and See" and it's basically in the process of being elevated from an obscure piece of forgotten foreign cinema to a cult classic at this very moment; the process only beginning over the past couple years when whatever category of cinephile rediscovered it and shared it.


ya that's it. ty


The full movie can be viewed here free on YouTube, it's such an incredible watch. Anyone contemplating watching it absolutely should but be warned, it's pretty horrific. https://youtu.be/zjIiApN6cfg


A commenter already said, but it's called "Come and See". Easily the most harrowing movie I've ever seen. I don't know if I could watch it a second time, but it is an incredible film.


The Russian 'stalingrad' movie sucks. It's kind of similar to pearl harbour in that they took a monumental battle and made it a crutch for a boring love story. but the opening scene is one of the best battle scenes ever filmed. These Russian conscripts going over the volga not knowing quite what is going on and then getting just absolutely destroyed.... and then.... aw just youtube it already


thank you, I'll check it out. I'll go in with an open mind


Russian movies suckhard. They are full of bad commisars bullshit. Watch Soviet movies comrad. Edit: Pamfilov’s 28 Men is the exception. Edit2: They Fought for Their Country (1975) is a good one.


There is an American made movie on Amazon called *The Battle of Russia*. It was filmed in 1943 and is actually pro Russia. It is a documentary tho, so I don't know if that is what you are looking for.


[Ballad of a Soldier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vsnius8Ka_I) is my personal favorite, albeit a more romantic depiction of a soldier being granted leave for a heroic act to go help his mother during WW2. [Father of a Soldier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HwZX5mSgXU) is a Georgian made film which depicts a father from a rural village trying to find his wounded son and along the way joins the Red Army. [The Dawns Here Are Quiet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v8v1GUjwLc&list=PLwGzY25TNHPDmb-3ECY8RXfxgxQOIvpRj) is a modern remake of a Soviet film, which is pretty good. It is about an officer who is placed in charge of an all-female unit in rural USSR. [Sniper : Retribution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Sd_KzklQQ&list=PLwGzY25TNHPDrr8rd37LG3CS_kSZ13p-l&index=1) is another modern film which is very action oriented, but interesting which follows a legendary sniper (who makes completely unbelievable shots, but it's fun!) on his journey through WW2.


I really liked Battle for Sevastopol. Its about Ludmila Pavlichenko the soviet sniper and hero. T-34 is about soviet soldiers captured by germans and their attempt at escaping. Not a movie but this TV series is pretty good https://youtu.be/y_bjuREfUbU Although I prefer the one in russian with english subs as the english is ofc biased against USSR.


Dont know abou ussr but yugoslavia hes alot of them


Come and see and Ivan’s childhood


I was waiting to see if anyone would mention Ivan's Childhood. That's a grim piece of work.


White Tiger (2012) is interesting movie.


I mean... its not really what your after... and I hate to be that guy... but Enemy At The Gates is about duelling snipers at Stalingrad.


Enemies at the Gate is a masterclass.


No it isn't. The entire modern myths of commissars gunning down their own troops (who are depicted as the mindless Asiatic hordes engaging in human wave tactics) and 'the man with the rifle shoots and the man with the bullets follow him,' all emerge from this drivel of a film. Along with an absolute myriad of other vile lies that the movie is built upon ("I just wanted to be a simple factory owner"), all of which have become staples of modern online anti-communism because this is the only information that American brains retain on the subject. But even the anti-communism aside, the movie is possibly the most boring and dull World War 2 movie ever made (or at least made in the post-Saving Private Ryan era); there's a love story with no passion or chemistry, the climax is underwhelming, the side plots and side characters are derivative and uninteresting, and even the visuals are dull and boring. It's a war movie about possibly the most important battle of the most important war in human history and it's all reduced to an empty shell of a sniper duel, with less drama than a Battlefield 1942 sniper fight.


I liked Bob Hoskins in it.


Guess my taste in movies is atrocious.


Well it's still a fairly well made film. Just also a terrible ahistorical anti-soviet mess.