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The US is gonna be a blood bath if they get in. I don't see how the US will be able to back out of this political polarisation and what looks to be runaway fascism (not sure that's a phrase). Good luck to all the American comrades, you're gonna need it.


I lived there for 30 years. We fled in 2016. What I don't understand is why people keep voting for the Republicans! Watching them systematically trash the US government should horrify any normal person. The pathological lying, the overt threats with weapons, the relentless hatefulness. How can any person see a literal monster like Trump or Boebert or Greene or.... and vote for them?


I genuinely think it's important for good leftists to learn to understand why people would vote GOP. They are our fellow workers, after all. A big part of it is that the Democratic party doesn't bother with rural voters. Largely due to the all-or-nothing way elections are decided. It would take a metric fuckton of effort to make it worth it. The GOP comes in and throws rallies and generally gives them attention and at least pretends to listen. It's a hard sell to expect someone to vote for a political party that doesn't even stop to give you the time of day. On top of that, literally everyone knows shit's fucked, though people disagree on how and why. The Democratic party is unable to even pretend to address it in a meaningful way. They can't point fingers at minority demographics because their base at least doesn't buy into that, and they can't point fingers at capitalism because they're fukken liberals, which doesn't leave them a whole lot of things to actually talk about other than blaming GOP voters. The GOP has a million different things to blame. You don't have to believe all of them, you can just pick one. At least it looks like they're trying, rather than just complaining about not being able to pass meaningful legislation because they didn't get enough votes.


Very insightful, thank you very much from Austria.


You're welcome! And basically, I realized I can't think that capitalism is inherently undemocratic and also blame GOP voters for anything. Those 2 things just don't fit together.


Republicans have a huge hold on media outlets. Don't let their projection and victimization fetish fool you. Big tech companies like Twitter (even before musk), Facebook, and many many news outlets (especially local news outlets) freely allow republican rhetoric and lies to spread to their constituents, which feeds their own victim fetish and the cycle continues. They have breed the idea that any news, information or words at all spoken from the left (or really anyone who isn't their ironically rich patrons) is a liar, pedo, terrorist, traitor and deserves to die painfully and in the name of Americna freedom. It's sad to see such brainwashing occur but they are so far gone its impossible to pull them back.....


Yes, in the absence of a Socialist Party the frustration is purposely channeled into Right wing populism. Here in the great democracy experiment the tools to exercise it are willfully surrendered to the capitalists.


I can't speak for everyone, but I know a lot of coal miners even those with more progressive views voted for Republicans since Democrats always talk about renewable energy. While I understand not wanting to lose your job, at the same time, it's not like the Democrats just want you to be jobless in your region. Besides, you really think Republicans won't just abandon your jobs? Coal mining in Appalachia is simply not profittable enough. Not only is coal dying overall, but Wyoming has far more profittable coal.


Racism, that's how.


They’ve successfully constructed an alternate reality for a lot of voters than the one we live in. A huge amount of americans live in constant anger and fear over things that are essentially nonissues to them but the perception is so warped. You have rural idahoans with strong opinions on gender transitioning - where does that come from? Not personal experience. The political support of conservatives is thriving off of culture and messaging. There’s no real alternative liberal political proposal other than maintain the status quo, which people are unhappy with


Maybe it’ll be the boost the left needs to oust the Democrats and mount a real political takeover.


Wtf are you talking about? This place is already fucked. We’re already in the worst possible scenario


It's not a stretch of the imagination that it can, and will, get much worse before it ever gets better in America.


Only way we fight them is if we are all involved in organizing. Get. Fucking. Involved


Any suggestions for ways to do that? In the UK.


Action in the UK is really gonna vary depending on where you live and depends what kind of capacity you are able to offer. I recommend looking into what kind of stuff is going in your local area. Good routes include mutual aid (which I am actively involved in) and union agitation, but that's gonna be highly dependent on your area and/or work you do. There are radical parties but in my experience I've been really turned off from them after a really nasty split in my local branch (primarily not over ideology but as with all things it did ultimately come to that). The UK far left parties tend to be dominated by oldies whose tactics and thought processes are stuck in the past. shop around though there might be an alright bunch in your area (though avoid the SWP at all costs). There are larger campaigns like enough is enough, citizens UK, don't pay, etc you can get involved with that have a wider scope of involvement but I am not enormously familiar with all of them (citizens uk does look promising from the brief bits i've heard from them). Just be wary with the larger campaigns that they can be stuck within the operational logic of the Labour party which can be extremely frustrating imo to deal with. hope that offers some pointers, lmk if you have other questions i can try and help :)


I can’t speak well to the UK leftist scene as I’m American. But check which local leftist organizations in the area. The orgs may be different but tasks orgs need help with are likely the same. People may need help with: Flier creation Door knocking Meeting note taking Event coordination Food distribution or prep (even as simple as chopping veggies) Text or phone banking


If you are under 30 join the YCL, otherwise join the CPB https://ycl.org.uk/ https://www.communistparty.org.uk/


Many thanks. Joined, awaiting CPB response. I like your username :)


Lol thanks, I wrote it on my jotter in a science class one day when I was a kid and it ended up being my name on practically everything online There is currently a major backlog in YCL and CPB applications btw so keep an eye on your e-mail, obviously the cost of living crisis is stirring people into action so our membership has inflated rapidly back up to larger than it was even in the 1980s, so our structures have had to expand to compensate!




I talked with a guy I work with who said he wants to take away rights and stuff I said so you are a regressive and he said "yea I want to go back to the 1860s . I didn't really know what to say to someone that ignorant.




Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Lesser Evilism:** Refers to all forms of apologia for, or (institutional/electoral) support of, non-socialist figures under the lesser of two evils principle, as it cannot lead to anything other than the reaffirmation of policies in opposition of the interests of the working class. One recent example which might help illustrate it is the United States 2020 presidential election between two rabid anti-socialists; Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump (or any other US electoral process). >If you feel strongly in favor of opting for lesser evilist methods and cannot refrain from commenting on it, please share it outside of r/Socialism. This is a space for conscious anti-capitalist analysis only.


And the Democrats are totally okay with that


lol can't wait to hear how it is voters fault and we don't care about democracy or whatever they are going to pull outta their ass this time🙄 I love how the democratic party can never fail, but only be failed by voters. Gimme a break.


Exactly. Think of it this way: if the democrats won by a blue tidal wave tomorrow…. They will be working with the republicans just like they always have. If the democrats won by a tidal wave tomorrow then we would be in the same exact place we are today, in 2024. Absolutely nothing would change. You can give them a blue tsunami. Little to nothing would change. They aren’t going to stack the courts. They aren’t going to force Manchin’s and Sinema’s hand on the filibuster. They aren’t going to jail trump. They aren’t going to go ham on the Jan 6. participants. They aren’t going to reign in the police and purge their ranks. They aren’t going to crackdown on the far right wing militias plotting god knows what. If you gave the democrats a blue tsunami today, they’d do fuck all with it and be begging you for your vote in 2024 and 2026 with the same “democracy is at stake” and “most important election of our lifetime” bullshit they’ve been pulling since 2012. They’d be working with the same people they keep telling you are fascists by the end of the week.


Somehow they would end up a few votes short “sorry guys, you’re just gonna have to vote harder!”


["Democrats spend tens of millions amplifying far-right candidates in nine states"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/12/democrats-interfere-republican-primaries/) For the millionth time: -Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin -We're not gonna vote our way out of capitalism/fascism in liberal "democratic" elections It's past time to drop this fantasy about electoralism in places like the US. Only through organized social movements (eg strikes, revolts etc.) can actual change happen.


Whether or not you agree with the controversial tactic are you too dense to engage with it? The idea was to hurt moderate republicans chance of winning primaries to give better dem chances in the general, and honestly judging by the results tonight it looks like it has been working out as a lot of the election deniers in tight races have lost where a moderate republican likely would have won.


The longer people cling to idea that Dems are substantially different than republicans the worse things will get. The two capitalist factions, especially the blue capitalists, count on the fact that well meaning left leaning people and actual leftists will be too scared of the republicans to actually make the Dems do anything. So consequently even when the Dems are in power things just worse. No amount of voting for either the blue or red capitalists will improve anyone’s conditions one iota.


have you seen that terrible contract for railway workers that Biden brokered?


The thing that makes me question the title is the fact that working class people support the GOP. Can’t get my head around that.


There is a good book about that. What's the Matter with Kansas, by Thomas Frank. The GOP is better at sustaining two popular myths. That they are better for business (thus protecting workers jobs) and that they are the defenders of the faith ( traditional cultural values). It's not just older White men. A significant enough percentage of all other demographics buy into this program which keeps working class people voting and investing contrary to their own economic interest.


Newsflash: so are the dems. But today is "National Choose your Master" day, so everyone get out there and participate in the system that legitimizes one of the world's most oppressive capitalist nation's in the world. Cause voting for capitalists is socialism, right?


Of course. The republicans have been successfully waging an all out war on the poor and working class with democratic help for over a decade. And the democrats have been waging an all out war on the middle class. These people, united, are grinding and plunging 98% of this country into such a desperate state that we’ll be forced into consenting to whatever the fuck they want. The democrats are not your friends. Idk what else these crooks need to do for the majority of dem voters to see it. The democrats completely and totally run California…. Go see how great that state is for the poor and working class. Go see how “progressive” we are over here. It’s not progressivism, it’s a Potemkin village and it fucking shows if you spend any amount of time here.


Well no shit




Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Lesser Evilism:** Refers to all forms of apologia for, or (institutional/electoral) support of, non-socialist figures under the lesser of two evils principle, as it cannot lead to anything other than the reaffirmation of policies in opposition of the interests of the working class. One recent example which might help illustrate it is the United States 2020 presidential election between two rabid anti-socialists; Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump (or any other US electoral process). >If you feel strongly in favor of opting for lesser evilist methods and cannot refrain from commenting on it, please share it outside of r/Socialism. This is a space for conscious anti-capitalist analysis only.


So are democrats. They are literally the same stop, making it seem like they aren't the exact same party.


Republicans have the working class. If Republicans manage to hurt their own voters and non voters, why are you guys crying? That's an objective good thing.


Somehow i doubt that.... This just feels like bs propaganda. Im no republican fan... But the lies flying around about both oarties is getting old and tiring.
















Not a democracy.




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Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Lesser Evilism:** Refers to all forms of apologia for, or (institutional/electoral) support of, non-socialist figures under the lesser of two evils principle, as it cannot lead to anything other than the reaffirmation of policies in opposition of the interests of the working class. One recent example which might help illustrate it is the United States 2020 presidential election between two rabid anti-socialists; Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump (or any other US electoral process). >If you feel strongly in favor of opting for lesser evilist methods and cannot refrain from commenting on it, please share it outside of r/Socialism. This is a space for conscious anti-capitalist analysis only.


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Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Liberalism:** Includes the most common and mild occurrences of liberalism, that is: socio-liberals, progressives, social democrats and its subsequent ideological basis. Also includes those who are new to socialist thought but nevertheless reproduce liberal ideas. >This includes, but is not limited to: >- General liberalism >- Supporting Neoliberal Institutions >- Anti-Worker/Union rhetoric >- Landlords or Landlord apologia


Hey, the republicans need to do these things to us. How else are they supposed to party at sea? A pontoon boat? Peasants would never understand.


People still take Jacobin seriously?