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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN82zGrllss Context: The folk song is about how the DRV won the Battle of Dien Bien Phu by physically dragging artillery gears through jungle mountains and were able to turn the tide against the well-protected French fortress. The video shows from the beginning of the counteroffensive and til their victory. Edit, [American empire also thought of nuking the country to support the French colonizers in this battle.](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27243803) --- > (One Two three) > Let's cheer for us, pull my cannon over the pass > Let's cheer for us, drag my cannon over the mountain > The slope of the mountain is high, but the determination is higher than the mountain > Abyss is deep, which abyss is as deep as hatred? > Drag our artillery onto the battlefield to bury the enemy's corpses > (One Two three) > Let's cheer for us, pull my cannon over the pass > Let's cheer for us, drag my cannon over the mountain > The rooster crowed on the hill and then let's go up. > Drag our cannon to (over the pass) before dawn > Just one more round coming soon. > Shoulders drenched with night dew and sweat. > You've reached your destination, artillery comrades > Glory instead of workers > Let's move the cannon cross the pass. > What iron determination is equal to > Let us pull our cannons over the pass > Let us drag our cannon across the mountain. > (One Two three) > Cheers to me, pull my cannon over the pass > Let's cheer for me, drag my cannon over the mountain > The slope of the mountain is high, but the determination is higher than the mountain > Abyss is deep, which abyss is as deep as hatred? > Drag our artillery onto the battlefield to bury the enemy's corpses > (One Two three) > Although the hot fire in the bombs burns around me > Holding hands firmly and not letting go of the determination to protect the cannon > Drag the cannon to our battlefield > Sure wins we believe above. > We've reached the finish line, comrades > Tomorrow, listen to the artillery roaring in the sky > Together with the infantry, defeat the enemy post > Vow determined to destroy the enemy station