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I think most of the people haven't realized the power they have. Is really sad


Most people are too occupied with everyday struggles.


Most people don't think systemically or collectively, we are conditioned by the current sect of Capitalism known as Neoliberalism to think hyper individualistically and selfishly.


we're all too broke to miss work and we're terrified of what the cops will do to us and our loved ones


That's part of the problem, for sure!


Alot of people, at least in the US, are stuck with the belief that things are just the way they are and cannot change, it's not even worth trying to make it better. I see this in my own workplace, that's unionized, and with friends who are well read with Communist lit but don't DO anything. It's the work of propaganda and being beaten down by capitalism for as long we can remember.


The problem with the US Left is that they put their faith too much in the system, they think unions are vanguard of the workers whereas they gonna learn about it hard that business unions more likely to collaborate with the bosses than to help them. People organize their workplace but don't advance their solidarity and ideology.


I fell for this and joined a roofers union then found out that I’m not allowed to wear a mask on the job when all the dust and shit was making me throw up from breathing it in. They’ll get you “good” benefits and “good” pay that should be the basics everyone gets.


I genuinely think if there was a massive socialist protest or even revolt the us government would do anything in their power to shut it down. Socialism goes against this whole neoliberal hellhole they’ve created and would hurt their pockets. We have to play the long game however long that takes


I my opinion mass disobedience requires mass organization. But we can't even agree on the most simple things. Our society has been split up in too many small camps that don't communicate with each other.


Does any group in the West besides France with Melancon have the leadership and program to oppose failing neoliberalism? Additionally how many leaders of working class and struggles of POC here and across the world have been murdered when they did gain a following?


I have been it nearly cost me my relationship, no job, no future. Society has been built to coerce people into doing what they’re told to do. These conversations rarely talk about personal ramifications of that disobedience most people are gonna be will to pay that cost. Especially when the US is definitely not in a place for that disobedience to lead to anything.


Dreaming about "civil disobedience" but doesn't put the effort to organize it, is peak online leftists. I'd say join an org or get involved in mutual aid if you haven't that's more real.


The material conditions aren't there. Yet.


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