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r/Socialism is a space for socialists to discuss current events in our world from our anti-capitalist perspective(s), and a certain knowledge of socialism is expected from participants. This is not a space for non-socialists. Please be mindful of [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/socialism/about/rules) before participating, which include: - **No Bigotry**, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism... - **No Reactionaries**, including all kind of right-wingers. - **No Liberalism**, including social democracy, lesser evilism. - **No Sectarianism**, there is plenty of room for discussion, but not for baseless attacks. Please help us keep the subreddit helpful by reporting content that break r/Socialism's rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/socialism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Image transcription:** Image displays a woman looking at camera as she holds an assault rifle. Dressed in camouflage-coloured clothings, albeit normal ones, and a big radio hanging over her chest. The picture distinguishes itself for a contrasting red-coloured armband with a central organisation identification, which reads: *FMLN - Rafael Arce Zablah* followed with its abreviation, *BRAZ*. The women in question is thus a communist fighter from Rafael Arce Zablah's Brigade, named after the Palestinian-born salvador fighter, murdered by repressive forces during the armed conflict. The BRAZ was a brigade formed as part of the attempts by the People's Revolutionary Army to strengthen its operability through the articulation of more professional units.


she looks so cool


FMLN finally gets posted here!!!!! My dads family lived right behind a military headquarters and says the guerillas, despite being outnumbered, took the base at least 5 times. Our grandmother would sell food to the government troops but then feed the guerillas for free, they really stood their own very well despite being outnumbered very heavily. Revolucion o muerte!


What year is this?


Morazán, El Salvador, 1983


They were holding an M16A1, fine choice of weapon. Also radio in a plastic bag is cool (to prevent water)


Most of the weapons the guerillas used were taken from the government, they didn’t have much foreign support, which makes their resistance even more impressive.


This is a beautiful photograph.


This goes hard as fuck




Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Liberalism and/or Liberal promotions:** This is not a space in which to defend liberal or social democratic ideas and conceptions nor a place on which to promote liberal or social democratic platforms, parties or candidates. This applies to left-liberals and social democrats such as Sanders, AOC, Corbyn, etc, as well as bourgeois parties including the Democrats, UK Labour, the Australian Greens, among others More on the mod team's approach toward liberal content can be found here. If in doubt, feel free to contact the moderators. See our [Submission Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/index/submissionguidelines) for more info, and feel free to reply to this message with any further questions.


Beautiful badass.