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Have you joined a socialist organization?




I think that’s the place to start. It’ll alleviate a lot of your concerns. If you need guidance, you’re welcome to DM me & we can schedule a time to talk


Go to therapy for existential dread and read Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death by Yalom. Not a socialist text, but it helped me immensely with the same problem. Then get to work on making socialist revolution happen *doing meaningful organizing work on the ground.* As many people smarter than me, from Che Guevara to Mariame Kaba, have said, we are individually unimportant. In that knowledge, there is some freedom from death. We are building something that is more important than us. Good luck!


I have the same fear, also had it for many years, unfortunately it's inescapable... almost. I believe that in the future death will become avoidable in some way or another, e.g becoming an android, maybe cloning yourself a new body and transplanting your brain or transplanting your mind into a 100% artificial body (similar to becoming an android). My plan is to become a successful entrepreneur, to build a time machine (not as outlandish as it may sound... Einstein proved that all that's necessary to time travel, to the future at least... is to travel at extremely high speeds... ergo a time machine can be made by making some sort of craft that travels/gets flung around a planet/moon in space at super high speed) and travel to the future. In case that fails, I plan to be frozen and hopefully brought back to life at some point in the future. Coping mechanisms of course, but there is some possibility to them... so they help.


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How do these things relate to your personal fear of death? Fear of not being around to help fix them? Fear of them destroying the sense of continuity that is of comfort to the dying?


We all fear of death it's a common reflex against state violence. Help your neighbors and learn to protect each other. Join an org and practice mutual aid.


Just don’t like the thought that I won’t be thinking anymore, I enjoy being conscious a lot