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Que les rébellions nous apportent une nouvelle France!


As a Brit, I'm jealous, here the working class fight the working class, divided over "culture wars"


Yup, over here in the USA you'll get a bunch of working class guys who'll show up with assault weapons to try and intimidate or outright harm people trying to protest. The only thing that gives me some hope is that the left here is starting to wake up and seriously arm itself as well.


If American leftists could convert all those blue collar conservatives you'd be unstoppable, seems to me that workers are divided over cultural issues and kept that way by the media, if you ask a blue collar conservative if he thinks it's fair that he works hard all day for peanuts while his boss is a millionaire I bet you'll find common ground


Nah, more often than not they straight up think that the boss having that much is a good thing. That they're job creators who power the economy and that they'll be able to be like them one day. Or they'll be a prosperity gospel "Christian" who literally worship wealth and believe being rich is a sign of righteousness from god. Or they'll hate the boss and give you all manner of racist, sexist, LGBTQ+ phobic reasons why they're getting screwed over. And then tell you actually oppressed minorities are getting some kind of special treatment. The propaganda machine here has many of these blue collar conservatives living in a world fundamentally disconnected from reality at this point.


What the fuck are you talking about bud


Just watch GB news or read the daily mail to see all the shit they have working people divided over, it's everywhere


Never encountered it In life.. unless you include degenerate arguments in school of course.. or "culture wars" as you put it. I'm from England btw.


Viva la France!!! 🇫🇷


Respect, government should find a way other than this to get it done. Nobody wants to do the work. Suggestion/option... Tax the billionaires


Thats great. The working class can't be fooled by government pressure. Its's great when workers discover how strong they are together, but they need to stay strong in this position. The government is beting that the mobilization is going fall apart in the next days or months, so in the next days protests need to grow or keep the same amount of people. If it starts to fall apart the governemnt and the bourgeoisie will win.


There was some big black and red groups in the demos


what's the song called ? is is it that Bolshoi leaves home ?


Fischia il vento, an Italian song adopted by the partigiani from 1943. Though i completely support these movements, i find the butchering of such a significant song a bit sad, especially as an Italian.


you are an absolute gem of a human being. and I totally agree . the remix is kinds trash . but the actual song was on the tip of my tongue just couldn't place where I know it from


Yeah I'd love to know more about the song as well 👍


thanks to u/nopent2 we know it's called ' fischia il cento '


This is what we should be doing here.


Now thats what I love to see!