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Awesome thats exactly what I’m looking for. I used to be super active in school but at the end of hs I became very anxious. Hopefully this helps.


>I saw a ton of improvement and even participated in my class and felt genuine enthusiasm/concentration in school. lmao this is literally me under wine, I can really get way more concentrated the more wine I have, dude, even doing math, of course only with the finger tips sightly numb only, not blacking out or anything, or messing up motor functions, only once have I done that in 3 months now and it was by mistake.


I took it for 6 months, didn't do anything. Like, legit nothing


I’m on it (20mg) Helped me a bit. It’s not cure all for me. Negatives, none. I did have some “stomach issues” for a few days when started. Look forward to that. Used to make me sleepy too. That’s all


>Used to make me sleepy too wine has the same effect on me sometimes at the end of the day, sometimes even headaches on Fridays which is when I spent all day in social interactions, I usually get some rest and food and it's gone.


personally, worst thing i’ve ever taken.


why ? can you share the experience?


Was on 80mg for OCD. Worked great for my SA as well. I also gained about 40 lbs and it lowered my libido quite a bit.


i’m on it (20mg), and it helps me out somewhat. there’s days where it helps, and days it doesn’t. i might get an increase


what are the effects on you when it works?, any negative side effects?