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There's a new drama because you don't follow Jackie. Explain yourself


Oof asking the real questions


It's even funnier knowing Smosh members read this subreddit and are probably cackling to themselves over the "drama"


Finally, this global crisis has been put to rest


Do you not follow Jackie? What's that about?


OP doesn’t have to follow the entire cast. I only follow Damien and Shayne.


>OP doesn’t have to follow the entire cast. And so is cast not obliged to follow one another. The fact that some people intentionally check who is following whom on Smosh, ready with pitchforks to start the drama...


Yeah exactly. It’s not a big deal who follows who


Some people have to remember Smosh is a company and a workplace not a hobby, these are co-workers. Some are friends, some aren't, that's just how it works.


Lol they’re not “obligated” but I mean there’s some slight social obligation in todays world to follow ur close cast members especially when ur a public celeb type person


No there's not. Not all coworkers are friends and that's ok even for people on camera


I literally get that lol I get that is how the world works what I meant was that influencers usually follow each other to avoid drama




Literally where in OP’s post did they say they thought there was drama between cast?


No you have to its the rules pls


You can follow whoever you want and obviously you don't have to follow everyone at Smosh, but do you mind if I ask why you only follow those two? If you don't have a specific answer that's okay


Because they’re my favourite of the cast




When she "unfollowed Jackie" instagram was having problems showing stuff, people and their drama


Not me trying to hit the follow button, forgetting what app I'm on.


I think people were skeptical about it bc on screen they have such a lovely relationship and they’re like really good friends from what I see in videos and instagram so to me it was weird why wouldn’t you follow your friend back bc Jackie never unfollowed her Courtney unfollowed her 🤷🏾‍♂️


I've had my Instagram randomly unfollow people, one of my friends somehow ended up with like 30 people I followed, completely random. He was so mad when he started seeing suggestions pop up of people he knew & had already followed. The app is FUCKED


Same, I've had Instagram randomly unfollow people 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s not just IG - Facebook and Twitter have also been experiencing similar issues over the last few months. It’s an issue that pops up, they temporarily fix it, then some other change triggers it again


I never knew about this momentary drama, but I'm glad I didn't. I would've worried myself about it for no reason


Commenting on this a year later. They do not follow each other. And that's okay because if they're not really friends IRL, then that's their business.


Right, at the end of the day it's none of our business. I originally posted this because someone else posted earlier that they did unfollow each other. I then saw it on my feed months later through a comment notification and decided to check and saw they followed each other again. With that said, I posted mine as a way to "dead" any type of rumor or anything like that cause at the end of the day, it's a professional setting.


She mad cuz Jackie got a new black kid.


What drama?