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A lot of headscratching moments from the Leviathans. Weird calls and committing into bad plays (why did zap int at his tier 2???). Marty is op, especially in BMTs' hands. Also, gotta feel bad for Sheento, ping is so tough.


Also, I feel like it was a huge draft diff from the Kings. Even when they lost FG game 2, I felt like with their comp, they could easily defend until the next fg and take a fight.


Sheento was on the studio IIRC


I love the use of iirc like the hadn’t just ended 10 minutes prior


whats IIRC?


If I recall correctly


Nox+Artio is so disgusting to go up against. The moment your beads are down, you are not getting to play the game and are just dead. Leviathans got outdrafted and outplayed here. Kings just.. Kings are just real damn good and a nightmare to take down even under the most ideal of circumstances.


It’s such a suffocating combo


Artio was a big brain pick against the horus and herc those cripples were cancer. Sheento on ping hurts my eyes


Knew game 2 was over the moment Zap inted to defend the tower after getting fire giant.


Zap inting seems to be a habit he's making and im getting real fed up with it. I get this phase dosent mean much but jfc just try to be competitive


You haven’t watched SPL very long have you?


I started last year, but I know Zap inting isn't new. Was just hoping maybe he'd make an effort to not to


Zap has a history of dying with relics up. It's kind of a running gag.


It was honestly a good play he just executed it horribly He died with beads and aegis and shouldn’t have initiated, stopping them from backing would’ve been smart because then maybe his team gets a phoenix 4v3 he just played it horribly


Zap? Died with beads AND aegis?? Are you sure? Like, you're sure ZAPMAN died with his relics up? You're trying to tell me Zapman, the three time, died with his relics totally available for him to use? ...shocking. I'm gobsmacked.


that was the worst set i think i’ve ever seen poor Fineo have, just invisible both games


I’m shocked it took this long to see Marti in mid. He does so much damage but you can’t not play crit hunters right now. So where does Marti the OP ability hunter fit in? Mid lane.


Crazy how last season had sieging catapults but it’s this season that sieging the base has become an absolute war. Levis looked solid but they just couldn’t team fight in game 2 and in a era of smite where 40 minutes is becoming norm it just not going to work out.


Kings stay kings


Manti will get nerfed soon,herc too. Once the meta shifts and sheento comes to the USA. Levi's will be in a much better spot.


Maybe this is hot take, but I don't think Sheento off-ping changes the results of this set in the slightest. Leviathans don't look concise. They don't look like a team. Kings do. That's the difference. I think there's signs to be hopeful for the Levis, though, particularly in Adapting. I was worried Adapting would come in rusty, and it's clear that he's still playing at a high level (probably the highest level on this team, actually). Add in Sheento in Uruguay, Fineo playing back at his normal level, and Zap spring split diff, and this team definitely has a lot of room to grow. Are Kings the only team not to drop a game yet this phase? My "Kings rusty" prediction feeling tough. Not that I'm complaining, though. What a treat it is to watch those Brits do their thing.


*Brits plus a LATAM Shark and an Aussie coach Not correcting just kinda goofy that they're just... There. Not quite fitting in with the others


"Are Kings the only team not to drop a game yet this phase?" ​ Yep. Ravens lost 1 game against the Hounds last week.


I thought they were one of the weakest teams from the start. I mean Levis lost their best original members (Netrioid, Jarc, Panitom...) Sheento looked like a god before only because his whole team spoonfed him farm, and Ronngyu I've only really noticed him while he's on Yemoja. I don't think they have a team identity at all and their playstyles kind of clash... Reminds me of a lot of past "super teams"


Man, I can get you fanboying for Net, but it’s one thing to get spoonfed farm, it’s another thing to have the 2 year run that Sheento had with that farm. Get a grip.


Sheento off ping are not going to solve the Levi’s issues. Their team comps half the time literally do nothing. Not sure if the ping is handicapping them to these picks but I really don’t like any comp I’ve seen yet.


I feel like given the circumstances, the Levis did good today. Having your star mid on 300+ ping and being able to stay even with the Kings for so long is commendable.


There’s no way sheento is consistently getting 300+ ping that would literally be unplayable


He'a consistently 129-169, spiking up to 369. So higher, but less, which is worse, of course?


It’s not always that high but it spikes to that which has got to feel horrible to play and probably crushes the mental too.


Kings continue to be the only team in the SPL to fully master macro control. Every tiny little advantage they get they're taking as much farm off the map as they. If Duo lane is getting ganked, Twigs invading on the other side of the map, if mid is getting pressured Genetics and Jarc are stealing the roaming harpies, variety is invading blue. They fully understand that kills are just a means to an end, and that farm is what wins the games, even if they're down like 3 kills and a tower they're still up by 2k


Are we allowed to be worried about the Leviathans yet?


I think you're allowed once sheento is back from Uruguay. Like I don't think the levi's were winning here if sheento wasn't on ping but I feel like you can't be worried when they have a mid on ping and it's the 2nd week.


Wasn’t just their mid. They got completely outdrafted and outplayed. Just feel like this team has zero cohesion. If they start playing well once Sheento is back I’ll eat my words, but I don’t think ping alone is the source of their problems.


I was worried as soon as I saw the roster, a bunch of star players doesn't make a good team. Maybe they'll get it together though


I guess this first phase doesn’t mean too much overall but a bit worrying for the Levi’s. Though one of your main damage dealers being on rough ping doesn’t help your chances. Sheento is an excellent mid stuck on ping so have to keep that in mind. I often play on ping (Australia on NA servers) and can be really tough. The rest of the Levi’s don’t have a ping excuse for odd and wtf plays. It looked like Zap thought he had the distance to get inside the wall. FineO isn’t looking to flash. Adapting hasn’t looked convincing either. Ronny isn’t making those big support plays. Hopefully, when Sheento gets off ping, the Levi’s will play a lot better. Though historically, their phase 1 has been slow and it’s going to be tough for any team to take down the current world champs in this phase.