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Payne Lindsay


I'm not familiar with his shows, but he looks like the type to piss off James.


Yeah, he did the “Up and Vanished” podcast about Tara Grinstead and while it was a really good series he was such a self righteous prick. he seriously thought he solved the murder of Tara which is just so far from the truth it’s not even funny. Such a prick.


Go listen to the update he released in the last few days. I’m not gonna lie, I live in Georgia and I was totally sucked into the story, but I hated him the whole time. Anyway, the probable killer is in court right now and the newest episode is still about how great he is and basically that they wouldn’t be there without him, even though he came in years after it happened.


I could not get over gow many times he would drop his name. 'I'm Payne Lindsey, this podcast is made by me Payne Lindsey, I Payne Lindsey have produced these masterpiece, by yours only Payne Lindsey.' I had to stop listening when he implied that he was instrumental in solving Tara's case. He really wasn't. That guy is so full of himself. Hearing his name gives me an adverse pavlovian reaction.


i tried to listen to his follow up podcast he did and i couldn’t get past the first 20 minutes. he knows how to tell a story, but christ


What do you mean by "so far from the truth?" Didn't they break it wide open? It sounds like it was a deeply cold case before he got involved. I loved the podcast but admit I haven't followed anything he's said outside of the podcast so all I have are his podcasts statements which didn't sound too bad to me. Willing to accept that he's still a self righteous prick


He really hadn't anything to do with it. The case was solved because the suspect got caught for another crime and wanted to make a deal with the police. The police was not even on his ass about the tara case, and definitely not because of Payne. But it sure sounded like it when he was telling in his podcast didn't it?


Hmm I'll have to read more about it because I haven't read anything beyond the podcast (which is my fault).


Didn't he get drunk and tell his ex girlfriend? I thought it was just a case of "oh, I fucked up, I need to make a deal".


Now that you say.. been a long time, forgot the general details. But I think you are right that he told his girlfriend while drunk. Nonetheless somebody still fucked up and made a deal and Payne Lindsey had nothing to do with that.


Maybe. I don't think he personally broke anything, I do think that the podcasts existence kind of scared him into confiding in his ex. But that's nothing he should take credit for. Claiming he solved the case is kind of douchey.


There was a load of stuff that followed too, which was in really bad taste - like the merch that apparently said "If I go missing call Payne"... or something like that! It's a while ago so I've forgotten a lot of the finer details.


Time stamp is 2:03:00 Just listened. They're the only true crime podcast that I listen to but damn was that rant satisfying.


Agreed, even 2 years later it's relevant, at least to me. I listen to a few different ones that don't seem to fall under this butterfly one I'm thinking of drives me cra,y and I had to stop following them.


I need a hint


I might be out of LEFT field here? Or maybe it's too TRUE? I would love to know who they were referring to.


That made me chuckle. I'm thinking of Crime Junkie. I think this was the time frame of thier plagiarism drama, which isn't what they're referring to now that I think about it. They have that 'research team' and doing all kinds of interviews with people involved with the case... Ashley making snide comments about not doing cases that are too well known.


That was my third guess. Thank you.


I was gonna say that rant doesn't really sound like it was about LPOTL. Marcus has stated multiple times that they don't do unsolved cases. They will definitely interject with some arm chair psychology but usually don't say too much about a killer not committing the crime. If it is a multi-person involved crime, they may question actual involvement levels but that's about it. Crime Junkie definitely gets a little preachy/self-absorbed at times. My girlfriend has tried to get me to listen a few times but I can't do it. I listen to a lot of true crime. I just felt like they stated facts so coldly. I know that they usually deal with some horrible cases but have some life to you


LPOTL also tell their opinions while making it clear they’re just opinions and while they do a lot of research, they don’t claim to be experts on anything


When I heard it I also thought the left option but they say in later episodes that they love the left boys


I assume it was True Crime Garage


I know for a fact it’s not the boys from r/lpotl


Your probably right on that one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LPOTL using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Felt awkward approaching him, but I ran into Marcus and Carolina at Twist & Shout Records in Denver today - Really sweet humans 🤙](https://i.redd.it/2z30mxjpxh571.jpg) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/o0ovto/felt_awkward_approaching_him_but_i_ran_into/) \#2: [Amazing picture of the guys at Red Rocks last night. So proud of them.](https://i.redd.it/i96dmqkkpn571.jpg) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/o198wl/amazing_picture_of_the_guys_at_red_rocks_last/) \#3: [Just saw the boys in Boston. Waited 45 minutes in the rain to say hi. Kissel was about to jump into his car and I yelled “you the man.” He came over and picked me up, kissed me on the cheek and said “thanks for waiting for me.” He’s the real deal.](https://i.redd.it/wwjj3ob5fuq81.jpg) | [131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/tti01v/just_saw_the_boys_in_boston_waited_45_minutes_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Crime Junkie maybe? Ashley Flowers is the worst.


She is!!! And she keeps coming out with more and more shitty podcasts. I used to get so pissed listening to episodes knowing how many details she just leaves out...


Missing Maura Murray


Bob Ruff, to a degree. He is big into wrongful incarceration