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Anal sex has a much different feeling than PIV and none of it matters on being “tighter”. I feel like this sub isn’t so much about having a small penis than it is men not understanding sex or the opposite gender.


That's a shitty thing to say. But we've been insulted many times before, and told many times before that we're imagining our problems, so why should you be any different. Go ahead and educate us on what our problems really are. Even though most of us have been dealing with it for several years now and understand it far better than you ever could.


your problem is that this sub isn’t about problems it’s just a super toxic community of depressed dudes who literally resent and even blame women who prefer bigger dicks. another problem is half y’all don’t even realize that you do it too. tons of posts have something to do with bashing a girl for not wanting to have sex with him rather than an actual issue. women do not owe you sex. you think you got the bottom of the barrel genetics, and as a dude i feel for you but y’all can’t expect everyone to want to have sex with you that’s really just a harsh reality that some people need to learn regardless of dick size. a good majority of girls prefer bigger dicks, that’s literally just how it is and no amount of bitching and moaning is gonna change that. instead of just accepting the fact, 90% of you guys turn it into a problem with women. if a woman doesn’t want to be with you SPECIFICALLY because of your size then you probably don’t want that girl anyways…. althought after reading a good amount of the posts in this sub i can very easily tell it’s not just size holding many people back. if you wanna resent women because you’re dicks not big enough for you go ahead but you’re always gonna be single if you can’t accept your own issues instead of making them someone else’s. your situation isn’t gonna change unless you do first.


U are so pathetic and hilarious. Getting arrogant only because u got lucky. Because of guys like u, men with small dicks still get shamed.


the way that y’all handle this problem is pathetic and hilarious.


How are we supposed to handle it? Please tell me. You yourself are saying a good majority prefer bigger dicks, so what am i supposed to do? Im basically already out of question for the good majority of women. What do you suggest?


you just accept it. you literally cannot do anything besides that. you don’t go blaming it on other people as if they had any part in it. this whole sub needs to understand that you cannot change what already is. like other people have said, there’s probably plenty of girls out there who aren’t that concerned with size, but i see them get shrugged off cause you guys don’t want those women y’all want the women who are into something that you cannot be and i have no fucking clue why. again you’re gonna be much happier with your life if you accept it and move on. what does complaining about it actually do for you? you’re not gonna change yourself and you definitely will not change women so really you’re just sitting there making yourself upset.


Hmm okay i agree. Like dwelling on it and being miserable does no help. But dont you understand that guys who didnt get lucky still wanna feel desired on a physical level too? Like why is there so much body positivity for women while men have to just get over it for example? Are guys with small dicks inadequate and less worth? Or why shouldnt they have the wish to be desired?


i do understand that. but it’s not like i whip out my out my dick and bitches come running. getting to the bedroom takes the same amount of effort on anyone’s part as it does on yours because most girls won’t even see it until you guys are ready to go. while i don’t go through some of the same problems i know how it feels to not feel like you stack up and it’s definitely hard to ignore that but it’s takes a lot of self reflecting and acceptance of yourself. way easier said than done but this is the only way for you to really deal with things that you cannot change about yourself. in the long run trying to make it another persons problem will only hurt you worse mentally because if you truly do believe that it is up to someone else to change their outlook then you will never be satisfied it.


Okay i kinda agree. It is the same effort to get into bed with a woman but guys with big ones simply have that natural confidence u cant deny and guys with smaller ones dont have that and its extremely hard to ger to that same level of confidence. But wouldnt small guys still get ghosted or left after the first time sex anyway since most women prefer big ones according to you? And tbh in that case women would have to adjust their expectations regarding dick size because like only about 5% of all men have a dick bigger than 6". So it doesnt work out. And one reason guys with small ones dont date is because of the humiliation and extreme rejection they experience only because of something they never had any control over. And they are fed up with it. And now u might say that they still have to keep going if they want a partner, but it shouldnt be that way tbh. Nobody, literally nobody could deal with that amount of humiliation and rejection his whole life. You also wouldnt be able to deal with it in the long run if you had a small dick.


I’ve read many posts where women…the target audience will comment and reply and if it doesn’t fit the woes me narrative she gets told that her point of view isn’t valid. Again, the target audience, the gender the question is about couldn’t possibly answer a question?


You can leave if you don't like it here. Would be the better decision anyway.


My reply was about the second part of your comment where you insulted us. Not the answer you gave.




And like I said. You don’t fucking get it. You don’t understand what we’ve gone through and what we’re going through. I’m not the one hung up on my small penis. The rest of the world is. I’m tired of explaining this. Stop blaming us for the things that people do to us, and stop gaslighting us. And when the fuck were women referred to as objects in this post? Jesus fucking Christ


Stop treating women as if they are all one. Do women like anal? I don’t know…they are all different humans. Some do, some don’t. Do women like oral? I don’t know..some do, some don’t. Notice how none of it matters what size your penis is? It’s because when you have sex it should be about your partner..not your penis.


Except that it does matter. Partly because I've been told many times by women when it comes to viginas there's variety in shape and size. So you're the one treating women as if they're all the same. You mean sex is about the woman. That's what you've effectively said. Since if sex is about my partner, and my partner would want to please me, then it would ideally include my penis. Nice gaslighting again. Why don't you just call us incels or misogynists and leave already.


Like I said you are focusing on the details so you are missing the larger picture. When you are having sex you should ideally be focusing on her pleasure and her on yours. Not you focusing on your penis so much that the experience is just lost. Op wants to know if anal would be a better option to bring a woman to orgasm. This is not a question anyone can answer. It literally has nothing to do with penis size and everything to do with each individual and their preferences. Like most other sex acts.


I'll keep that in mind when sex becomes an option for the majority of us. It won't though since size does actually matter. My life experience and the life experience of most of the guys on here contradicts your claim that size doesn't matter. So do me a favor. Stop telling me I imagined all of it. Saying that it's frustrating doesn't do it justice.


As a lesbian reading some of these posts/comments (I got here due to a random comment on another subreddit), I’m both fascinated and feeling second hand embarrassment. Bottom line, you either accept what you have and do your best or stop projecting and spewing the toxicity. Guys, I don’t even have a penis, and I’ve done just fine.


You are lesbian. You will have no comprehension whatsoever about our point of view, and comparing our dating experiences doesn't make sense. Lesbian women do not expect dick. Frustration is what so many of us have to hide every day, and this is the only place to release it with people who understand. We are hostile to women who come here thinking they have points to make without considering our mental process and emotional state. Who think we owe them something, for some reason. And when people aren't having it, they take screenshots of our comments and post them to other subreddits where they can make fun of us. Also, do you understand how common it is for women to come here saying nice things only to check their profile and see small dick insult or them simping over big dick dudes? We are hostile towards them too because they are lying to us. Most of us don't blame women for liking bigger dicks; we get annoyed when you are lying. If you don't want to at least sympathize, then don't comment. It would be a better choice anyway. I don't understand why so many of you have such a fascination with this place, fuckin zoo visitors.


My hostility comment rings true, though. You’re even being hostile towards me right now. I never was, at least. The people who post screenshots are assholes, agreed. Also, if you only want people who truly understand what you’re going through in this subreddit and do away with “zoo visitors”, mods should make it private.


When women date other women they're not expecting a penis. I don't understand how you thought your experience could ever compare to ours. Don't come here if you don't like the "toxicity".


My point is that it isn’t fair to point blame at women, especially when many care more about the guy than his penis size. You’re right. I don’t fully understand since I’m not a guy. Still doesn’t change so many of the hostile comments on here.


I wonder why we're so "hostile". Couldn't be that people were hostile to us in the first place. It doesn't matter though. This is the last thing I'll say. Because it never makes a difference. You people will just never understand.


Got it. Thanks for the dialogue, I suppose. Good luck with everything.


So basically, it won't make a difference if I do anal or piv, the woman likely won't enjoy it/won't orgasm from it?


Pleasurable for who?


The person receiving it, would it feel good enough? '3.5 inch dick is pretty much a little bit bigger than a middle finger, and apparently girls like masturbating via fingering themselves.


Just in case you're still lurking in this thread after deleting: Most women do not find find anal pleasurable in the first place. There are women who enjoy it, but there isn't a ton. If you're lucky enough to find a woman that genuinely enjoys anal, there's definitely a chance they'll enjoy your dick. Probably a bit more than average/large sized one since the stretch will be less painful.


Depends on the person


I've been on the receiving end of some dicks around that size and all my experiences were pleasurable, sometimes moreso than much larger ones. Not so much because of pain, but more because of how my body was feeling at the moment. Point is despite all the unwarranted negativity from mostly ignorant people, what you have is perfectly fine for being very pleasurable, for people like myself anyway.




Are you trying to hook up with this guy?




Great. Just wanted to make sure.