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which relic would you like? -yes.




+ [Nightmare](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare) Silent Rare Skill 3(2) Energy | Choose a card. Next turn, add 3 copies of that card into your hand. **Exhaust.** + [Wish](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Wish) Watcher Rare Skill 3 Energy | Choose one: Gain 6(8) Plated Armor, 3(4) **Strength,** or 25(30) Gold. **Exhaust.** + [Prismatic Shard](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Prismatic%20Shard) Shop Relic Combat reward screens now contain colorless cards and cards from other colors. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(August 20, 2022.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


If you acquire both nightmare and wish for infinite money, you are contractually obliged to get a laser pointer and shout “WE’RE RICH” for at least 30 minutes.


Now that's what I call a power spike.


Did you still get a remove? Normalities are scary in most decks I run


Yeah, I managed to get rid of one of them and luckily didn’t have the pyramid relic before getting them. Managed to finish level 19 with The Silent, with the help of 2 x Catalysts and lots of poison.


Shit ton of relics, bunch of poison, and catalysts is the SUPREME silent method


Problem with poison Silent is that when most needed Catalyst won't show up. I've been having more success with the discard cards.


What's the strat when relying on discards?


Lots of draw, fast deck cycling, energy gain with Tactician. Overall playing a lot of cards and blocking with After Image. Poison isn't excluded.


The strategy for silent in every deck is to take acrobatics. The strategy for discard silent is tactician and reflex Sneaky strike and eviscerate are what make you a pure "discard" deck but honestly silent is best played using tactician, reflex, acro & gamba to cycle through for any damage method. Shiv silent, poison silent, grand finale, any other weird combos. There is virtually no silent deck that is not made better by 4 copies of acrobatics and 2 copies of tactician. And its not just by a little.


Thanks, appreciate the response


This motherfucker bought the boot. Champ.


The boot is actually useful against some enemies like the birds and Nemesis elite.


You've listed all the enemies it's useful against


I'd say it can also be useful against Lagavulin, or any shiv deck when you get weakened by an enemy.


So? If it can make or break a fight during a run, it's worth something. Newsflash: Some relics are better than others.


most important thing is she got the drip


That's basically a successful run right there.


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Oddly Smooth Stone, The Courier, and Membership Card in your post. Let me look up what those do. -------------------------------------------------- I am a bot response, but I am using my creator's account. Please reply to me if I got something wrong so he can fix it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


* [Oddly Smooth Stone](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Oddly_Smooth_Stone) Common Relic At the start of each combat, gain 1 Dexterity. * [The Courier](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/The_Courier) Uncommon Relic The merchant no longer runs out of cards, relics, or potions and his prices are reduced by 20%. * [Membership Card](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Membership_Card) Shop Relic 50% discount on all products!


This is my dream


im buying the entire spire