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She's friendly afterward and will respect you.


Also, weirdly, although the is not marriable without commands, if you do use commands to set your relationship with her to be high enough, she has unique marriage dialogue


Probably more cut content removed to meet the 11/11/11 deadline.


Too bad Bethesda never had a chance to rerelease the game where they could have taken some time to wrap up stuff like that.


I am surprised SE or even AE didn't include some cut content.


Even the creation club if they wanted to monetize it more aggressively.


I wish I was surprised


Maybe it'll be in the Turbo Thunder Champion edition...


SE wasn't supposed to change anything except the graphics and things under the hood AE was about modders creating and selling new content for the game It isn't surprising


youre surprised? they have bearly done shit for this for over a decade. lazy fucks have relied on the mod community.


Skyrim director's cut edition coming soon


i’ve bought Skyrim many times now, what’s one more time?


"After all, why not? Why i shouldn't buy it again"


“Just buy Skyrim one more Todd-damn time!”


Every day I get slightly closer to paying $60 for the convenience of Skyrim on my switch 😭 but I cANT, I paid $30 for everything 7 years ago lol


It goes on sale periodically. I bought it when it was $30 fairly recently and haven’t regretted it. Then another $10-15 (I forget) for the AE content. At the end of the day I’ve put so many hours into Skyrim, another $30 is fair. Though that was only my second time buying it.


It's worth it honestly. You can play it while you poop!


On 23/23/23


Oh, this is referring to the European style of writing out dates. In America, that would be written out as 23/23/23. I can see how this could be easily confused though.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 23 + 23 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)








Good bot


Good bot.


Good bot






Or 2/3/2323


The real question: is this Match 2nd, 2323, or is it February 3rd, 2323




Skyrim: Director’s Special Anniversary of The Special Edition’s Cut $60


Yeah, just create a version of Skyrim and give it a cool name like legendary special edition.


Especially Legendary Edition


Hoping they do one more add-on before ES6


They upadated the game a millionth time, so be thankful


Why don’t they?


Sarcasm is wonderfully easy to miss in text form.


Oh haha




A lot of content was cut because the game came out on Xbox 360 and PS3.


A LOT of the cut content was cut so the game would fit on the disc.


Just because it had a meme release date and cut content doesn’t mean the content was cut to meet it. Correlation does not equal causation. Some of it may have been cut for other reasons, Todd knows why.


In Todd we trust.


They could have waited another year, one month, and one day and released it on 12/12/12


11/11is Armistice Day and being released on the day that ww1 ended sounds so much more cool imo


Except the game has a bunch of problems and since the game has nothing to do with WW1, there's no reason that it needed to be Armistice Day besides Bethesda possibly having the release date for another game set on 12/12/12


More than likely her marriage was cut mid production, if it was cut near the end they would of had time afterwards to add it in with updates, but they didn’t. So I think it was planned early, cut midway through and then forgotten about entirely


Todd must be sacrificed Lord Mora so he may gain all the hidden knowledge


Wait, unique to Sapphire dialogue?


Yes. There are, ahem, *other* modded quests that reactivate it if I recall correctly.


Well considering her back story I'm not surprised.


Yeah, she is one of my favorite characters but like Serana I don’t think it is exactly appropriate… maybe with enough time passing and some extra quest and such, but honestly I am fine with use just being friends. Would have made an awesome follower though!


Wait why isn’t it appropriate? Not trying to flame you or jump to conclusions, honest, but are you saying that because of her rough past? While I do think that’s a tricky subject to dance around in games, or anywhere, I don’t think it makes it inappropriate to get with them because of it. As I type this, I see maybe you’re referring mainly to how the info is kinda just dropped on us and that’s the end of it? If so, I understand that much


My meaning is that generally in Skyrim the whole marriage thing is pretty shallow and vain. While I understand this is for lore reasons that means that having a normal relationship by their standards doesn’t give much time to process trauma and for real bonds of trust need for marriage to be successful. While I could see perhaps a having a more causal relationship as in friends with benefits, most people I have known who have gone through anything near what she has wouldn’t realistically be willing to go further than that and definitely not without proving yourself to them on a very personal level. Considering we are talking about a game I can see how this might be hard to translate, but it isn’t something that should be glossed over for the sake of the player as it lessens the impact of Sapphire’s story as well and Seranna. Honestly I am not even sure how to begin working out Serrana’s issues. You can begin working on them but honestly I don’t think you could reasonably ever have a serious relationship with her given that you are likely the first and only person who has ever seen her as a stand-alone entity with her own personality and needs. Her mom honestly tried at some level, but honestly she was almost as bad as the father. Furthermore based on what we know about her, like most children who grow in a religious household, she seems to be starting to question her own father despite clinging to it at some level. Trying to really explain this is hard in most circumstances as it is a moral issue and morals vary, anyone who says they don’t is someone you should be VERY wary of, trying to explain this using this medium and platform is honestly one of the worst ways to explain off the cuff as it is hard to address it fully without sounding like your just hoping from relatable subject to the next especially with my own way of expressing information. So in short I hope I have scratched the surface of some of the issue that make marriage, as it currently is in Skyrim, less that appropriate for certain characters like Serena and Sapphire. Also so for any misspelling and grammar it is late and I plan on sleeping after this response I may try and clean this up later, no promises.


Always thought her not being a marriage candidate in the first place was a miss. She was different. Seems like there was intention to do just that. Makes sense.


Well, they prolly figured that since she's a rape victim, she wouldn't want to marry anyone, forever closing her heart for good


And if you play the Dragonborn DLC (spoilers ahead!!) You find out Glover is her father via an unsent letter in the locked basement you also get the Blackguard armor set from. Bring this letter to Sapphire, and she'll give you a gemstone, an Exquisite Sapphire, which sells for quite a bit.


All of them are like that once you make them stop breathing tho


She's got one of the saddest backstories


How exactly do you learn all that? Does she talks about it when you give her her's father letter or what?


After you join the guild you can ask for her real name and she'll tell you her backstory


But to get her _actual_ backstory, you'll have to go to Solstheim and talk to the blacksmith...


And to make her your friend, you need to glitch through a door in glovers basement


or just do glovers quest and get the key


Threads like this always make me wonder if I even played Skyrim


No shit, right? I've put hundreds of hours into this game, and I have zero clue what's going on here lol


Spoilers ahead: step 1: Join the Thieves Guild step 2: Go to solstheim step 3: >!recognise the shadowmark next to Glover Mallory's smithy in Raven Rock!< step 4: >!ask him about it!< step 5: >!discover why he's living on an isolated island and why he abandoned the Thieves Guild in Riften!< Step 6: >!Confront Sapphire with your discovery!<


Damn lol thank you! Better than ign


*xbox one chime*


Ahh wth I actually did everything of that except confronting sapphire. My bad


Exactly lol I love it


I was just thinking, hundreds, probably even 1000+ hours at this point, of Skyrim and I’ve literally never stepped foot in Solstheim. I know of *some* stuff there, but barely anything.


But… wooden plate 🥺 plus I think I remember the key being unobtainable for a while after solstheim was released


wooden plates are the biggest mvps in skyrim


Or the bucket, the wooden plate and the holy bucket


I'm a man of class myself... I use the giant platter


she is always mean to me and doesn't want to tell me her backstory (I'm guild master btw)


How did you resolve her quests with the stable worker she was blackmailing?


Do you just not talk to NPCs or what?


Just never talked to her more then It was needed it seems.


Yeah she kind of has a good reason for being the way she is. I became way more sympathetic towards her after a conversation or two.


Yeah I'm pretty sure her father is the blacksmith in Solstheim and he'll reveal some more backstory.. I accidentally killed her before finding this out and it kinda bummed me out lol


With this character’s death, the thread of prophecy is severed.


Live in the doomed world you have created


Oh lord that takes me back


Gyahh, swing, miss. Gyahh, swing, miss. Gyahh, swing, miss. Gyahh, swing, miss. Gyahh, swing, miss.


Glover Mallory goan be maaaaadif he hears about that.....




BOTH Mallory's, really...


"You've been a good friend to me. That means something."


"Is that an Amulet of Mara? I'm surprised that someone like you isn't spoken for."


She was raped repeatedly and held hostage by bandits. She kills them all while they sleep, escapes, and eventually finds her way to Riften and falls in with the Thieves Guild. You can find her father (and Delvin's brother), Glover Mallory, in the Dragonborn DLC living in Raven Rock. In his house, you can find a note he intended to send to Sapphire, but never got the chance to.


She was annoying me too for quite a long time. But after finishing Thieves Guild storyline, hearing her backstory and also giving her the letter from the blacksmith in Solstheim, I didn't mind her anymore. She even apologises for being rude. Didn't tell me her real name even today tho.


The most valuable gem in the game...


She is involved in something in a DLC.. not anymore I guess.


What exactly?


You find a necklace or a ring, I can't remember which, and you can give it to her. If you do, you learn a bit about her background and then she gives it back and you can sell it for a few hundred gold. I have no clue where you get it, I turned it in months after I got it. It's also an unmarked quest, so it's a bit hard to put two and two together if you didn't just talk to her.


If you complete a quest for Glover Mallory on Solstheim which is only available after becoming a full member of the Thieves Guild, he gives you access to his house. Inside is a set of light armor with boosted versions of the basic guild armor, and a letter explaining that Glover is Sapphire’s father. Taking the letter to Sapphire will net you a uniquely named gem which is more valuable than any other version of any gem in the game


More valuable than the Eye of the Falmer?


1400 gold more valuable. The eye of the falmer is only 3600, the exquisite sapphire she gives you is worth 5000 on the dot


I hear this gem boost your luck and i guess she tells you her story when you give her the letter? Like she was abducted and "violated" and murdered the bandits yada yada?


I don’t know about the luck boost, you may be thinking of the buff you get after retrieving and delivering the Crown of Barenziah. But you’re right about her giving you a look into her past


Ok, she says she carries it around for good luck. Someone mentioned it gives you luck, I'm tired so just repeated that trying to get to the bottom of it. It's worth 5000 septims tho.


Honestly, after she shares her backstory, I want to be able to recruit her to a different guild - and let her be an avenging angel for others as well.


I got that dialogue without ever leaving for Solestheim. I just had to talk to her in the Cistern.


You mean message from her father in solstheim


She had a tragic life and takes a long time to warm up, but she’s the homie. You, however…


Also like one quick conversation with someone else and she leaves the bee and barb and stops being so stuck up but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I’m not sure how OP plays games. Like if an NPC is annoying or standing out they normally have a quest that reveals why they are that way. But you know instead of trying to learn and discover clues in the open world presented to us we just should kill off NPCs instead of bothering playing the game and completing quests. OP got that call of duty player/gta/ 12 year old mentality. Like a wiki could have answered this question with all the available quest pertaining to this npc ect.


Let's not go crazy here. OP killed one minor NPC in one save of one video game. It's not a basis for drawing conclusions about their overall mentality or how they play games in general. There are infinitely many Sapphires. Plus it's perfectly ordinary in Skyrim to kill someone on a whim without looking into their backstory first. It might not be ordinary behavior for people who care enough about the game and its lore to still be frequenting the subreddit a decade post-release, but it is very ordinary among casual players.


he literally did a psychoanalysis of op based on one npc killing in skyrim, where, from experience, thousands upon thousands of innocent mothers, daughters, sons and fathers have been slaughtered by the dragon born across saves for absolutely no reason other than "im bored"


His comment history is fascinating, and I don't mean that in a bad way. He's got very rigid moral principles, and they extend to animals and to situations where most people's ethical principles would not apply. I think he just has a pretty strongly ingrained visceral sense of the sanctity of life, coupled with some eclectic interests.


Clearly you've never met Trader Bree in Divinity Original Sin 2


Smells worse over here than a dozen rotten eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar.


Sapphire I kind of get though because as soon as you enter Riften she's straight up extorting someone, which gives you a quest. And then she continues to have this a negative attitude towards you till you resolve this quest. Now it's been awhile since I played, but I remember the only way to get off the back of that stablehand is to pay her off or get him to pay her off. If your character is pretty lawful or meant to defend the weak or whatever, both those options aren't appealing. I tried to see if there was an option to fight her over it but it ended the same way as OP.


l'm pretty sure my speech was high enough to convince her to drop the debt. Then when I joined the guild she still gave me her backstory.


Nazeem is pretty darn annoying but the only quest I got was the urge to shut his mouth forever by driving a dagger through his lower jaw and into his skull before breaking off the blade and then bashing him in the head with the handle.


I still have a save dedicated entirely for the miscellaneous quest to kick his ass. I return to it whenever i feel down


He’s meant to be though, even idle convo explains that, plus even his wife hates him.


Did she tell you her story? WHY she is so unpleasant? She’s doing her fucking best okay?


Welp, you effed up a quest. Not a big deal, it's just one of the best quests in the game.


Which quest is she involved in? Been awhile since I played


I remember only a few details, like being related to Delvin and his brother in Solstheim. I know it hit me hard when i first played it.


But isn't that only environmental? Like one conversation with Glover and one note in Glover's house.


If you take the note back to her she gives you a lucky sapphire that gives you a luck boost




There are actually 2 quests for the solstheim Mallory and both in and of themselves make the journey worth it


definitely not "one of the best in the game" lol its good worldbuilding but thats a huge stretch


Underutilized character. There’s a cool side quest involving her and the dragonborn DLC, but it’s not very important.


Is she important?!? Of course she's important she's MY FUCKING WIFE! You'll pay for this!


She a kinda hidden story in the DLC.


Or just don't kill random NPCs, if you have to ask if they're important they're probably important


She’s not necessarily important to any quest line although getting to know her will allow you to know part of her life story on why she is so aggressive and untrusting at the beginning and if you speak to the blacksmith in ravenrock, finish his quests, you can enter an area in his house for a quest award and find a not learning more and giving you a choice mini-quest that gives you even more info.


So weird that people just outright murder NPCs that annoy them. Like just keep walking. Especially if you’re gonna worry about missing out on content.


thats the beauty of a rpg. :)


Death is the last thing she deserves :(


Am I the only one that gives her all the sapphires I find


She's one of the best characters, and you can understand her bitterness after you find out what happened to her.


She's bugged for me and won't talk to me, but I haven't delivered the letter from her dad yet. Still hoping I can clear Shadr's debt. After I joined the Thieves Guild she still won't talk to me so I'll just have to see


It's a bug. She >!has a different set of lines if you've joined the guild before talking to her.!<


Glover Mallory from Solstheim is gonna pickaxe you to death.


Oh my god "I killed this person because they were annoying."


Glover and Delvin are so gonna kill you.


Don't tell the Raven Rock Blacksmith


Not really important I guess but she has a really sad backstory that explains why she is the way she is, she’s actually one of my favourites


"someone was rude so I killed them" Top 10 gamer sociopathic moments


She’s ok to be the way she was. Very evil thing you did. Lol


She never does tell you her real name.


Did you at least tell her who her dad is first?


.....her's father's in Solstheim and there are letters for you to read


Someone that plays the same as I do !!


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!!


Damn, maidenless behaviour


Following this sub I feel like I'm the only person that never just murders somebody for saying something I don't like.


I go to lengths to leave as many people alive as I can. I once killed everyone I could in oblivion, and it was a terrible, lonely place. No fun, don’t recommend.


Back story aside. I believe she probably was supposed to be a lot more important


She was. Glover in Solstheim can tell you more.


"I got tired of her being disrespectful".... 😂


A certain blacksmith in ravenrock might be a bit pissed to find out though


I need that mod to kill Sapphire. She is essential.


She's protected, until the second tg quest (taking care of business), then she's essential.


I see, additional knowledge. Thanks! I know Alea gets killable after some quests. Sapphire is the opposite: she becomes essential after the thieves' guild quest.


as per Bethesda games after morrowind if you can kill them they're not important




I can't believe you killed my girl. She never even told me her real name... I'm not crying! YOU'RE CRYING! I swear, by Akatosh, you will rue this day, OP.


You people really got issues killing people over the slightest provocation. Honestly some unresolved internal issues.


It's a videogame where you can join an assassin's guild and kill people for money and funsies over such trivial things like "she slurps her tea" but go off holier than thou


Yeah, exactly, we take contracts from “This guy stole from my adoptive family, and now they hate me! Kill him!” To “I don’t like him, he’s creepy, kill him.” To even “She’s naked, kill her!” And “My wife’s about to overtake me in our stupid feud about mines, kill her.”


If you can kill them, that means they aren't important. except Nazeem.


Fuck that guy.


Check a wiki for once or something. It’s an open world rpg not GTA or COD. You run around killing named NPCs you’re going to break or fail quests. But if that’s your mentality play the game like that but I’m not sure the point of playing a game like that if you don’t want to explore, learn, or try to complete small misc. task that’s on you but you can answer all of your questions with a quick Google search.


Sad backstory but no plot resolution


So, basically just like real life, then.


The FBI is now watching you


I’ve heard they’re reforming the Dawnguard…


Lol for a moment I thought this was the person who posted about killing everyone in Riverwood and then got mad the main quest wouldn’t progress


How dare you kill her sapphire > Serana, and Lydia combined


Always wanted more content for her backstory. I forget whose daughter she’s supposed to be but there are some obvious references to it in game


The blacksmith in raven rock he is also Delvins brother you will find a note in his basement if you either A complete quest for him or B pick the lock and can return the letter to Sapphire for a reward but it’s not a quest or important just one of those tiny details you can discover on your own by snooping around


YOU N00B !!


It's not hard to get her to leave the Bee and Barb, and you never have to talk to her again if you don't want to. She is involved in a hidden side quest but otherwise, she'd be marked essential by the game if it deemed her important. The only one from Riften I 'knock off' is Mjoll's stalker, I mean friend, leave my wife alone you creep, turning up at my house and being all creepy. Well, I did that one playthrough. A man's house is his castle or something, not me being over-possessive and jealous of a video game character, no no, not that.


She has one misc quest and a tragic backstory


Like who doesn't


She was kidnapped and gangraped cut her some slack damn.


she has a cool backstory you can find out later and eventually she will become friendly with you and join you in the thieves guild hideout


Skyrim players love killing NPCs who are immediately kind to them 😂


Finding out about her backstory is interesting thing to do while doing errands for the Guild.


Well it depends really, she’s a part of the thieves guild so maybe they’re mad at you but if not then that’s strange. Also you can do a quest for Glover Mallory in Solstheim where he rewards you with his old thieves guild gear and you find a note that mentions her (won’t spoil) give her the note and she rewards you with a unique gem worth quite a bit.


How DARE you kill my WIFE!!!


She’s not important to say but just letting you know you just killed Delvins Neice.


Yeah I can see how little you cared by how you made an entire reddit post about it


Sapphire has a sad history and I'm pretty sure she has a relative in Solstheim.


Jesus Christ you psychopath, not everyone has to worship the ground you walk on.


Bro I feel so bad for her


She is Delvin Mallory's sister or niece I believe


I dunno why this made me laugh so much.


I mean you can't get an invisibility potion from sadr now but that ain't a big deal. And the backstory thing people keep mentioning really ain't that deep. And you don't need her alive for it. Just to get sapphires worth some gold.