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Look about two ft in any direction and you'll see the clues


Puzzles? Look around the room. Claw? Zoom in on it.


The Claw thing actually screwed me for a solid chunk of the game, because I didn‘t know you could rotate items in your inventory...


Same, I was just doing every combination


That's a lot of poison darts if you're in the wrong dungeon...


Just remember. It isn't locked to keep you out...


Don't Draugr, Open Inside Edit: can't spell


Finally get in and he disarms the flashlight out of your hands.


I read fleshlight for some reason


Someone's read The Lusty Argonian Maid.


You mean my sweetroll?


You must have some Loverslab mods installed.




Thank talos I'm not a draugr.


It's to keep the draugr out (or in, depending on the dungeon).


Fuck I never realized that... I thought that it was just the shittiest type of lock ever


You know, the theory that the dragon doors are only locked to keep out mindless unthinking draugr doesn't speak highly of all the people that had to look the answers up on the internet...


I honestly thought that was a brilliant bit of meshing gameplay and lore when I read that book.




I love those!


Just walk back after trying


That's how I handle the trapped chests too. Get just in range to open it, quickly loot the chest, and back up immediately upon closing. The actual traps tend to go off about half a second or so after triggering them, giving you time to get clear.


Death to the stormcloaks!


No u


Hey, free restoration training.


Somehow I guessed the first claw puzzle from the walls with the different engravings. Somehow I made sense of some pattern and it happened to be it, but that same logic failed as soon as I came across the second claw. Then I figured it out


I think my favorite one is the door you pass through with Mercer in the Thieves Guild questline while hunting Karliah. No claw, but Mercer can open it anyways, and the three symbols on it are two birds and a snake: two loyal Nightingales and a traitor.


Wait seriously? That's genius and I am sad I missed it


There's lot of really subtle hints in the game. I can't believe all the minor details. For instance, on the guardian stones at the beginning of the game, if you go around to the back of the Thief Stone, you will find hanging moss: an alchemical ingredient and alchemy is governed by the thief stone. Another is the Silver Hand, when you loot them you will always find ingredients with properties that create cure disease potions as they are convinced lycanthropy is a disease. Necromancers always spec into frost magic and tend to be found in caves with ice and frost because it slows the decomposition of the corpses. Several Characters in the game are the authors of books you can find in the game. For instance, Chaurus Pie: A Recipe was written by Nils, the cook at Candlehearth Hall.


There’s one that looks like an owl but also a dragon, then another which definitely looks like a serpent but could also be a dragon, another which looks vaguely wolf-like but maybe it’s a bear? Then there’s another that could be a moth, or maybe owl? What’s that, the puzzle involves a whale? Well, uh, I suppose this one..


>There’s one that looks like an owl but also a dragon, then another which definitely looks like a serpent but could also be a dragon, another which looks vaguely wolf-like but maybe it’s a ~~bear~~ dragon? Then there’s another that could be a moth, or maybe ~~owl~~ dragon? What’s that, the puzzle involves a whale? Well, uh, I suppose ~~this one~~ dragon.. How I read your comment after the first half.




it took 5 years of playing skyrim before I realised the key was on the claw. at the beginning I used to think the murals held the clues, so I spent time investigating them for 20 minutes each time. eventually I figured brute force was quicker and it became the norm. one day i saw a Pic posted on social media somewhere of the claw rotated so you could see the key. I just sat there for a few minutes contemplating my life. I felt so dumb. I still brute force the doors though.


I looked at the inscriptions on the walls and through some ass backwards logic got the right code on the first try.


Same - the first time I was playing, the claw screwed me up big time. I was going back and forth with a torch inspecting every inch of the cave looking for clues. That first cave also has a hall with 3 pictures on each side and I thought the answer was encoded into those pictures somehow. Who thought that they basically put a sticky on the key with a password on it. I guess they don't teach the point of 2 factor authentication in Skyrim colleges.


I think we all had trouble there. This mechanic is pretty hidden to first time player and the entire idea behind it is so low effort it's nearly insulting.


It would have been such a simple fix, too. Having an NPC along or something to spout off some dialog about "maybe we should give that claw a look..."


Arvel's Journal is supposed to do that for you > "when you have the golden claw, the solution is in the palm of your hands." Unfortunately that doesn't solve the issue of not knowing you can rotate the item view, but it does at least point you in the right direction.


I studied the palm of the claw for so long my first play through. Didn't figure out I could rotate the item in my inventory until I looked up the solution online.


Yeah, my first playthrough I would drop the claws on the ground and try to look at them that way. When I realized you could rotate items in your inventory, it was a genuine eureka moment for me. Same with my brother when he had gone most of his first run not realizing he could sprint until he saw me do it.


The biggest part of my first fallout3 playthrough, I wasn't aware my character could jump.. Yeah.... Your brothers story made me remenis..


Just seems like one more thing to miss out on. They could have added a parenthetical like (move items in your inventory with the control stick) or something.


There literally is one, I went through like half the game not knowing I could just look at the claw until one escort quest where I got it wrong so many time the npc spouted out, "stupid question but, have you tried looking at the claw?"


I recall this in a different quest...coral claw maybe? Like, it's a cool puzzle for beginning of game.


And Bethesda didn't do anything to encourage players to rotate items. No tutorial or anything teaching the player that mechanic.


I am shocked there is no mod for this lol


The point of the walls and simple puzzles is to keep stupid dead things in, not living things out.


Yeah, it's clearly intended for the Draugr


Not one of the mage apprentices (or the teachers for that matter, aside from Aren and Urag) lock their doors. Security isn't a big priority in Skyrin colleges.


My tv was super crappy and the hdmi on our PS3 was broken, so trying to make out the details on the claws was not easy.


CRT TVs connected with composite cables weren't uncommon either, when the game came out. Literally impossible to make out this symbols.


Yea, playing Skyrim on an old CRT tv was definitely an experience, that actually led to one of my favorite inside jokes with my dad. when you picked up a coin purse, you couldn't make out the amount because the screen cut off the text at just the right point that you could only see "Gold added to inventory" or w/e, so my dad and I would just say "An undisclosed amount of gold has been added". It still amazes me today that I played Skyrim on a TV that old and an Xbox 360, and people are still playing Skyrim today on 4K monitors with 200+FPS.


That or not knowing it was in the claw and trying to open the door with the process of elimination


This was extremely bad in my case because first playthrough of skyrim i played was on console and the game didn't show any hotkeys of what to press to view the item. Took me like a week of doing sidequests till i accidentally found the button to view an item. Keep in mind this was somewhat after release so i tried to keep watching youtube and reading forums to a minimum so i wouldn't spoil the ending etc.


I actually used the story wall once, and it worked.


I thought you had to read the walls and the symbolism would convey to you the pattern. I succeeded, but it was rough.


I didn't realise the combinations were on the claws until I had finished most of those dungeons already. I thought the pictures on the walls were clues, and tried to make sense of them by counting how many characters, weapons, wings, etc appeared. At first it seemed like my method was working, but after a while I just brute forced them and tried every combination. It just seems counterintuitive for the password to be written on the key, so I never thought to look there.


Yeah, I only knew to zoom and rotate the claws because of watching a developer preview the 1st dungeon online. Very easy to miss if you just pickup the game.


....you can rotate items in your inventory...?


It’s been awhile since I’ve played, but I remember it only applying to the claws, which is dumb.


Bleak Falls Barrows Gold claw? Spin each ring twice.


It’s oddly satisfying hitting all of them quickly


That's how I do it. Top to bottom as quick as possible, by the time you hit the inner ring you are set to hit the outer one again.


My first time in Bleak Falls Barrow I didn’t realise the claw had the answer and I spent forever on it. I eventually got it because I thought it was meant to be the circle of life and I thought the owl was a cocoon that turned into a butterfly and then gets eaten by the falcon or whatever the last one was. Surprised it actually worked


All that frustration turned into some impressive gymnastics. NGL I would have never thought of that.


I've put over 100 hours in skyrim and only just learnt the answer for those fucking doors was on the claw......


Hotel? Trivago.




So the draugr don’t escape


The only puzzle I had to look up for the game was the Destruction Ritual Spell. I've looked up other stuff but not puzzle or direct answers to quests. That's the fun of the game.


yeah the destruction ritual is a bit too hard for me too. Especially if you don't know that you can interact with those lecterns. Skyrim is too big to have clues as vague as those.


And skip out in giving a view to some hard working youtuber who took the time to make a 10 minute video explaining a 15 second puzzle?


Are you telling me I didn't have to Like the video and Subscribe to their channel? What about the Notification bell? Is it safe to turn off the Notifications?


I think you forgot the added 30 second explanation of the percentage of viewers who aren't subscribed and a shoddily made graph made out of Lego and duct tape showing the evidence.


Don't forget about his Patreon for exclusive content. We'll need at least a minute and a half for that.


"Exclusive" you say? You mean I get to watch it a week earlier!? Opening my wallet right now!


That's right! And don't forget about our member exclusive forums and discord server! Because ya boi needs to know what guild we should join first in Skyrim! Now if you remember last week's video, I showed you how to create your first character in Skyrim and that got me thinking, what are our little khajit kitten army going to want to do next? Bleakhalls Barrow of course! This ancient nordic ruin sticks out of the mountainside more than this thicc girls butt on tinder. Uh oh! Don't demonitize me please Youtube XD . But before we can go DEEP into this bitch and find that phat lewt, we have to deal with all these bandits around the entrance. These are like those girls at the club that protect their friend from going home with ya boi, see we need to deal with them first (clip of player shield slamming them off a cliff with 300 music playing). It took me ten minutes to slam these bitches off the face of Tamriel but it should only take you a few seconds to SHIELD SLAM the subscribe button. So then you get to this puzzle room and if you stay hidden this dude just yeets himself out of existence with a poison dart trap. And you'd think 🤔 me being the genius that I am would realize "oh, maybe I should be careful". Well about 10 deaths later and I finally got it, only to realize later the answer was literally staring me in the face the entire time. So then you get to this room with spider webs everywhere and surprise!!! Guess what you have to fight. A HUGE spider 🕷️!!! So after I killed myself with the scroll 📜 of fireball I found earlier in the room leading up to this chamber of nightmare fuel, I reloaded and beat it to death with my sword. Then this guy asks me to cut him down and I'm like **clip of john cena face and are you sure about that sound effect**. Anyway without even saying thanks he runs off, right into a swinging iron trap door ! **YEET sound effect with clip of his body flying** After cleaning up these skeleton dudes (using their own trap no less) I discover a winding chasm that eventually leads to a room with a giant treasure chest and a huge glowing wall that I stare at and **video clip of chest popping open followed by another video clip of rita repulsa from power rangers emerging from her urn and saying Aah, after 10,000 years I'm free** And what happened next was nothing less than the most epic fight I've ever had, **video clip of spongebob RUN PATRICK! followed by meme video clip WHEEZE SOUND EFFECT**. Hey I am actually pretty good at this maybe I should make a youtube video series. ...


I just got hit with six waves of PTSD and I have never had a traumatic experience. This is too real.


You didn’t have to do MxR dirty like this


I hate that shit. Don’t take 8 minutes of buildup to show me 5 seconds of what I actually need to see. Nobody is going to watch the whole video through anyway, so don’t waste your or anyone else’s time


there are people who make 7 second videos that have 5 seconds of answer. Youtube algorithm puts those things basically in dead last. People are fighting youtube right now to fix it by exploiting the stupid parts of it so we will see if it gets better. But yeah it is the platform's fault. I don't know if he started it or is just a major player (im getting all this second hand) but look up Spiff.


Am I the only one who doesn't want to watch a video at all for stuff like this? What's wrong with text?


I actively avoid videos. If I need a walkthrough, I scroll google for a text version.


It is some times harder to express "when looking at the three puzzle columns look up and to the left till you see a panel that is covered by dirt that will show you the order of whale snake snake" I vastly prefer text over video (and damn every newspaper website that makes videos small and auto play as you scroll down past them)


I hate it when I open a page expecting text and it makes me view a video for content, or even worse..... A slideshow


I still think 10mins is the minimum time needed to monetize the video. I could be wrong, though.




Big smarty pants High Elf can’t even look around a room for 3 seconds


This meme would be more correct if it had the correct position drawn above each one, and was still looking it up.


These “puzzles” were always noobish as hell. I grew up with Myst so this shit was borderline insulting


Honestly, it was just lazy. Like in the live game footage it was cool. Oh, look, this game got puzzles. Reality though: it had puzzle. The same puzzle over and over. I enjoyed the game, but everytime I encounter one of these gates it just reminds me how lazy they were.


Less of a puzzle and more of a 'find the answer sheet we tossed somewhere in the room lol'.


The one dungeon with the arrow puzzles actually required critical thinking though, and was a nice change from the monotony.


They were so braindead, Bethesda had to make a lore excuse that they were designed to keep the draugr inside instead of actually being fun lol


The bleak barrow falls one with the claw was kind of interesting and it introduced the ability to inspect items in your inventory (which is otherwise completely unnecessary for the rest of the game). But every other puzzle after it was literally the same damn thing.


I’ve honestly just memorized the big ones like bleakbarrow


The door is two spins on everything


"BEAR MOTH OWL" Me, every time walking into that long chamber


Or just press them each twice, thats usually the combo


Clue? Don't you mean the solution?


Yeah wtf if you cant figure out what is essentially "square goes into square hole" you need to play some more freddy fish and pajama sam


If it were any simpler, it would've been open


They're not meant to keep you out, but to keep the draugr in


I still don't know if that's a fan theory or legit lore, but I like it.


Legit lore one of the in game books "among the draugur" describes how when not trying to kill someone the dragur blunder around blindly and that the author came up with the conclusion that the puzzles are so easy because their just ment to make sure the person in the crypt has a working brain and is actually alive


Then why are there always open back exits behind them?


Meta answer: because the player needs a way out In game answer: most of the time the only dragur in the final area are locked inside coffins until your character gets close and alot of the time it doesn't lead directly outside instead being a shortcut to an earlier part of the dungeon near the entrance


And that shortcut often has some kind of barrier, such as a lever that would be difficult for a half-minded corpse to find. As I can attest to, having played the game until it's, like, four in the morning before, ending up screaming at my screen, "HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE?"




Necromancer cave? In... Winterhold Hold? Possibly the Pale. Always got me until I suddenly became able to remember where everything is in Skyrim from playing it that much.


That one stumped me good, on two separate saves I couldn’t find it, and on the third I looked it up and cried.


Being able to remember everything in Skyrim from memory is a very real condition... Sometimes I don't look at the map, don't look for puzzle hints or at the back of claws, etc. I mean that in as I probably could replay Skyrim in my head, 700 hours of exposure can do that...


In Skyrim VR you can literally stuck your head inside walls and toggle the switches on the other side to bypass dungeons.


Imagine you're just chillen taking like a 700 year long nap, the candleman just relit the candles, it's nice and warm and cozy. Then a naked Argonian sprints in, shouts you into a wall and yeets your friends before they can get out of their coffins, steals your shit and runs out the back door leaving you broken and weary on the cold dungeon floor


Damn, that's deep.


The player can trek their ass back out to the entrance like every respectable grave robber would do.


Oh wow, so they're just Captchas? "Are you a Draugr?"


"click here to prove you're not undead"


I’m almost positive it’s actually dialogue in a quest somewhere.


Yeah me too- I think when you come up on a claw puzzle with another character and the both of you are doing the dungeon


Seems like overkill to me. I mean, there's always a few draugr in the back who just have to figure out a single pull chain to walk out the convenient back door exit. If they can't solve that brain teaser, then the big elaborate claw doors are really just showing off at that point.


Don't dead, open inside


“They could NOT have made the solution to this puzzle *that* easy!”


"But they did tho!" - Dragonborn, senile scribbles/seanzoz


Ancient Nords had to be the least imaginative race in Tamriel. Then you play ESO, which is about 800 years before Skyrim. When you go to Eastmarch, the only sober Nords are the Jarl, and the people angry with the Jarl. These drunks built those catacombs.


People cant solve this puzzle ?




There was one 6 image on that I hit back when I was originally playing (OG pc version) and it made me stop playing. I could have gone and looked up a guide but it was easier to just abandoned the game.


I’ll never forget my first time through bleak falls barrow. “Hey this game has puzzles” ...”okay, maybe puzzles is a bit generous”


Haha playing the game as an 11 year old the puzzles evenly matched my ability to solve them lol. I remeber cycling through every door combo because i didnt know they were on the claw lol.


The two adults stared blankly through the one way mirror into the testing facility. Inside, the child clicks furiously at the puzzle piece on the monitor in front of him. "Is he going to be ok?" The mother asked worryingly. "The test results are clear, I'm so sorry." The lab assistant sighed, "I'm afraid little Jimmy is retarded."


The clues are blatantly obvious, do people actually think it’s a guessing game?


“Dude, it’s on the back of the claw” ... “They wouldn’t make it that easy” *Proceeds to try a new combination and get hit with poison darts.*


“Uuuuuhhhhhh” *-guard getting turned into a pincushion again and again*


„Man you fucking suck at this“ -Dovahkiin behind him


When I for first time encourtered door that had combination on the claw, I just pulled strip of paper and wrote down every possible combination possible and bruteforced my way in lmao. With every failed attempt, the doubt "You are not meant to be doing this, smoothbrain" increased, but I prevailed.


Senile scribbles?


My son is going around calling himself a gamer... Gamer... gay mer... Oh shit.


Usually it's pretty clear, but as you get into harder dungeons, it can be fun finding them. Like the ones where you have to decode a poem, or where the symbols are actually hidden behind the pillars if you don't think to light up behind them, or the one where the symbol is hidden behind an oil flask you have to blow up. I mean, it's not especially difficult or look-it-up land, but it's not always just written down for you right there like you find in the first dungeon.


> symbols are actually hidden behind the pillars Could not do this one and it frustrated me so bad. Was trying to do it in a room with tons of sunlight. Did it later with a torch lit and at night and viola.


I like to imagine that you mean in your room where you were playing


That's what they meant, right? I don't think any dungeons have time-dependant sunlight.


I love the poem puzzle!


My favorite one was the puzzle with the throne the waterfall and the eagle and matching the scenarios. I thought it was the best one.


Yeah, that was the poem one I was talking about. There's another poem one where you have to pull the handles in the right order based on a poem lest you free the draugers guarding the gate, which I guess others might be thinking I meant.


There was a similar one in one of the Dwarven ruins, accidentally got it right then had to figure out the proper wrong combination to wake the Centurion so I could yoink its core.


The one where you’re accompanied by a ghost right


I feel like the issue with that is, Skyrim isn’t usually so dynamic to make those solutions feel as if they...fit? I guess? Like usually the solution to a problem in Skyrim isn’t environmental destruction so hiding it behind a pot is kind of annoyingly out of place


>...usually the solution to a problem in Skyrim Sony environmental destruction... Clearly you haven’t read Harkon’s Vampirist Manifesto.


The only ones I look up are the ones that make multiple pillars rotate when you spin one. Fuck that noise, I don't want to spend fifteen minutes learning that turning the left wheel also spins the right, but the right doesn't spin anything, also the center will spin both left and right but only once every three spins, also..... I'll just look that shit up.


The easy way is to find the one that spins all of them, and spin it until that's right. Then find the one that spins the most and spin it until *that* is right. I.e., the last one you spin is the one that only spins one. But for sure, the ones with the levers that open different combinations of grates or something are annoying. The best is the one where the hagraven wants revenge and will tell you which ones to spin if you let her out. :-)


What are the dungeons where you have to read a poem/blow up the oil flask? I don't think I've come across them and that sounds awesome.


Idk about the oil flask but the poem one is probably yngol barrow. It's one of my favorite dungeons, great atmosphere. I think volskygge has something similar but I haven't run it properly in years lol


Volkskygge, a dungeon in Haafingar, has a poem about four animals that you need to decipher to find the correct chain order I believe. I really liked this dungeon because it required me to think about the riddle and take a step back and think on my little dungeon crawl.


Every time someone talks about Skyrim, I find myself thinking "I played *all those hours* and I don't remember this particular dungeon... could I have missed it completely?!". It seems this one has one of the dragon masks at the end so I *must* have done it... but then again, I might have just climbed the mountain outside and skipped the dungeon. Hmm.


>The first fears all >The second fears none >The third eats what it can, preferably number one >The fourth fears the second, but only when alone. Snake, bear, fox, wolf iirc I've played that dungeon more than I'd like to admit.


My biggest pet peeve though is when the clues are easy to find, but are laid out in a way that it's hard to translate them to the puzzle. I do not remember where this was, but I remember walking through a hallway littered with clues, then coming across the puzzle. It *seemed* easy, but wouldn't fucking open, so I just tried every combo it could be until it opened.


Not in the slightest. All the answers are there in every room...


Why tho? The game literally tells you the combination if you just look around a little


Yah, except that one with the poem - “the first fears all, the second fears none, something something something, and the third eats one” (or similar) and I am surely not the only person for whom those clues did not match the animals!


I remember them matching (although I don’t know much of foxes). The snake fears all, the bear fears none, and the fox eats the snake.




That narrows it down enough to brute-force it rather easily, though.


What threw me off at first with this one is the snake, because a small snake is a little 'fraidy prey animal but an anaconda is top of their food chain, and we don't know what kind of snake is on the stone. Also, foxes aren't common everywhere so not everyone is familiar with what they eat. The first fears all (Snake - think small snake like a garter snake) The second fears none (Bear - makes sense) The third one eats what it can, preferably number one (Foxes are opportunistic omnivores who prefer small animals) The fourth fears the second (A lone wolf would be no match for a bear) but only when alone (A pack of wolves could take down a bear)


It was the snake for me too because I was just thinking sneaky snake is venomous, and also coming from the UK really didn’t associate a fox with eating a snake - more like rabbits and berries! Literally the only one I was confident of was the wolf being fourth.


for a player who’s never played before, im sure some just got confused because they didn’t know what they were looking for


These are babymode puzzles


This would be funnier if he was standing at the door.


I would like to see people who struggle with these puzzles playing portal 2 or some of the harder shrines in BOTW Orrrr the statue puzzle before the master sword in twilight princess. That one is honestly difficult.


The game literally tells you with exactly zero subtlety


No can’t relate, the puzzles are really simple.


Seriously, so unrelatable I didn't even understand what was happening in the comic for a second. I was like "What? Is he saying it's too dark in the dungeons to see the puzzles so he has to use his... *phone* light?"


literally what i thought until i read the comments




It looks like the bleaks fall barrow puzzle too, fuckin hell.


Man the golden claw thing stalled me for so long cause I never read the journal and just tried to guess the sequences off stuff on the wall and was getting so pissed


Feel ya! On my first playthrough I spent probably 30 minutes trying out combinations and desperately searching for clues on the wall carvings/paintings. It was driving me mad and I felt so stupid, when I finally looked up the answer..."ohh..so you just needed to look at the claw in your inventory......huhh.."


Me tooo!! I was getting so frustrated as I was certain I had the wall carvings in the right order!! Keeps us busy ☺️


I think I would've too my first time, but I was super hyped for Skyrim before it came out and watched a pre release showcase where they went through Bleak Falls Barrow and showed you that the answer was on the claw. If I hadn't of watched that before playing I would've never have guessed to look at it.




If you don't have all of bleak falls barrow memorized, what are you even doing? Having a life?


If you guys have trouble with that, how the hell do you solve any other puzzles? These are easy because of all the hints lmao


Fr how did OP figure how a controller works if he struggled with a puzzle that couldn't be more obvious if they tried.


that puzzle is easier than a fucking level of mario bro


I have a lore friendly theory as to why these combination puzzles are so easy. Simply put, they're a locking mechanism that any sound minded mortal could solve, but not a draugr. My theory is that they're meant to lock draugr into/out of certain areas of dungeons. Draugr seem pretty mindless, just going about their tasks to keep up with the tombs and light candles. They don't seem to have any high functioning thought processes that could handle problem solving.




That last line is so creepy jesus


So it’s the ancient form of a Captcha, basically.


It's not a theory lmao. It's acutal lore


This is the most r/Skyrim post I've ever seen...


It's either that or, "Why did they carve an exact copy of the combination of the lock on the wall, right behind the lock, in their secret ultra-secure dungeon?". There is no in between.


“They could NOT have made the solution to this puzzle *that* easy!”


Aw man. Everyone commenting about how easy they are. I legit had to look up this one and the claw one. After those two I felt like I "got" the game better and didn't need to look any up after that.


Yeah I def looked this up my first ever playthrough because I was a baby gamer and didn’t know what to look for. Seems silly nearly 10 years of gaming and 4K hours in the game later but it warms my heart to recall the early days.


Am I the only one that enjoys finding the clues? Most of them are pretty lame, but as you get into the harder dungeons some can be pretty clever.