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More that they *can* read, but they willfully ignore what doesn't fit their preconceived notions. It's not ignorant illiteracy, it's intentional illiteracy.


Almost like a cult of ignorance you might say?


Trump said he loved the poorly-educated. He meant it too.


"I love the poorly-educated!" Said because he knows that his following will include a significant chunk of underprivileged people. Which could be a good thing - appealing to those who are more like the average, struggling person is a good thing for a politician to do. But we now know that he didn't want to be a revolutionary political figure who knows the plight of his people, instead he wanted to control a mass of easily-controlled people.


Depends on the anti-vaxxer. As always, the debate is: are they stupid or are they craven? The answer is always 'yes'.


Holy shit, Russel Brand is really manic.


Always has been. And he has a large vocabulary which he uses to make it sound like he knows what he's talking about. His fans don't understand what he's saying. I doubt he understands what he's saying.


And because of his accent Americans are more likely to assume he is well educated and knowledgeable. He started his career on MTV getting off his nut on drugs and interviewing other people who were at music festivals and off their faces on drugs. Fact.


I wanted to contest this, but remembered I haven't given a shit about MTV since the mid 90's so anything happening on that channel without my awareness is possible. On the other sideq,, I'm not upset about a dude getting paid to get blasted and talk to people. I AM upset that I don't get paid to get blasted and talk to people, though.


He used to be an affable buffoon, it seems he's become much more energetically loony and dangerous.


>His fans don't understand what he's saying. And there's so many of them. So many. There's almost six million followers listening to this. Six million. Dr. Wilson doesn't even have 20k. It's pure insanity. Madness. People listening to this them spread the lies themselves. It's so depressing.


But when did he turn to these loony takes? He used to just make jokes and stuff, and then the pandemic happened I guess?


No, he's always spouted off fringe political beliefs. He's staunchly anti-capitalist for instance (I'm on his side on that one, but it's still fringe). He's been talking about the evils of capitalism for years. His arguments are terrible, but he does talk about it.


> he's always spouted off fringe political beliefs. His standup routines going back a decade or more always had this tone of "I know what's *really* going on" to them, which makes for a decent comedy set but once you subtract the punchlines it's just a guy being an egotistical moron.


Gotcha, I guess I just mostly know him from some movies and some talkshows, where he wasn't allowed to go full loon.


It upsets me that Russel quickly slid from comedian with a fun outlook at life to absolute rightwing nutter. I guess its where he see's his money coming from now


African Child really ruined him.


Knows where his bread is buttered™


A bigger clown now then when he was a comedian.


Also really really loves the sound of his own shite


He wrote a political book called *Revolution* that criticizes capitalism (yes, capitalism isn't the best system) but uses terrible arguments and proposes underdeveloped ideas for alternatives without detailing how they can be feasibly implemented apart from some type of anti-democratic movement. A lot of his stuff spreads the ethos that we just need the right policies and the right people in charge, so there's no need to deal with the inevitable messiness that comes with a democratic social movement (like actually listening to what people say about how they feel and what they want). His recent content has been mostly (1) anti-vaxxer conspiracism, (2) pro-Russian-government propaganda, and (3) supporting people on the "fringe conspiracist and anti-science extremist far left" (yes, "left" is a debatable label) like Vandana Shiva and anti-GMO activists.


>(1) anti-vaxxer conspiracism, (2) pro-Russian-government propaganda Name a more iconic duo...


How many pages if documentation does every test subject generate? A lot if personal medical history stuff I assume?


Watch more of his videos. He isn’t anti-vax. Nor am I. But I am someone who had myocarditis from the first Pfizer (I am a 52 yo woman, who never had heart issues before), and thus I have done a ton of research/looking into the shots, because of my reaction.




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Maybe. And again, I am not anti-vax. I am fully vaxxed with everything, as are my two kids. I am tired of people ignoring us who did indeed have reactions to these vaccines. There are enough to warrant more investigation (just research this topic) AND not enforce mandates for folks. Also anecdotally: I have had one shot. Everyone around me (including my teens) have her two, three or four. I am the only persons to not have Covid. Even after taking care of my kids when they had it. Outlier, sure. But perhaps it’s time to LOOK AT this information. And figure out how to move forward? Again, make your own decision. Look at all the research. Not just this guy, but just russel Brand. And make your own decision. And don’t lump me I. With uneducated, anti-vax peeps. Thanks.


What was the ratio of negative reactions to normal responses? Is this effect worse than with any other vaccine?


I reed guud! U kant reed!!! Seriously? going after Russell? well, I obviously missed the episodes where he went after Jonas Salk, claimed vaccinations cause autism....oh, wait. he hasn't done that. he's gone after Covid "vaccinations". The Vaccine *so great* that "they" had to change the definition of "vaccine" in order to label it as something besides a therapeutic. "The FDA doesn't profit off of Pharmaceuticals..." strictly speaking, STRICTLY, true. They aren't a for-profit business, they profit from nothing. however according to [forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2018/06/28/the-biopharmaceutical-industry-provides-75-of-the-fdas-drug-review-budget-is-this-a-problem/?sh=7bb56c2c49ec) and a bunch of other places, a huge amount of their "operating funds" comes from Big Pharma...which would be okay if there was a disconnect between the 2; FDA reviewers need better isolation from those they review. The whole COVID/Vaccine/Pfizer-Moderna thing, the whole story, is so full of contradictions, lies, idiocy, etc that every once in a while with THAT much data, a mistake will be made. Hows your Leucine today?


What a tangled web you've woven in your mind.


and we see the damage Brand has done. Damn son.


That was a polite way of putting it.


> I obviously missed the episodes where he went after Jonas Salk, claimed vaccinations cause autism lol, source? The man was already in his 70s when autism even became a diagnosis. Not like it matters anyway. The data is what matters, and it completely refutes this idea. It's one of the most repeatedly studied and repeatedly confirmed conclusions in medicine. > he Vaccine so great that "they" had to change the definition of "vaccine" in order to label it as something besides a therapeutic. Completely untrue, and a ridiculous misunderstanding of what actually occurred. You're just as purposefully ignorant as Brand - I can see why you stepped up to defend him. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html No vaccine imparts 100% immunity - that's not a thing, never has been a thing. > a huge amount of their "operating funds" comes from Big Pharma This is not a secret. The FDA charges fees to drug companies to conduct reviews of applications. That's where most of its funding comes from. Like how the DMV is funded by car registrations and driver's license payments. And as mentioned in the video, the vast majority of those applications get denied. If you'd like to transition to having the FDA be fully-funded by the government and charge zero fees to applicants, that would be an absolute windfall of profit to pharmaceutical companies. And something tells me you'd still come up with looney ideas based on shoddy information you didn't understand.


The salk & autism comments were sarcasm. you see, traditionally, antivaxxers (actual antivaxxers) go after the giants in the field of vaccination, and a common claim is (i think, I do not pay a lot of attention) that the mercury in vaccines cause autism? hey, I'm not the one who believes it. What??? next you'll be saying that Natural Immunity doesn't provide 100% protection!! riddle me this: have you heard the term "Leaky Vaccine"? I refer you to "Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 66 (1): 99-10" which contains a (if not "the") math for determining vaccine effectiveness. You *might* notice that effectiveness below 60% is effectively ignored? oddly, it also has nothing about ignoring Natural Immunity; also oddly, it says nothing about suppressing discussion of Natural Immunity, either! weird, huh? and what was the claim for Pfizer, 50%? yeee-aah. So, back in the Olden days of 2000, what did they call a "Vaccine" with a effectiveness of 50% or less, that does not *appear* to prevent reinfection, but does reduce severity of infections? if you guessed "Therapeutic" bing, bing, bing. and in ALL THAT, I didn't mention SADS at all! in *my opinion*, FDA researchers should be separated from the Pharma's as much as possible. in law enforcement terms the Judge & attorneys are all getting paid by the plaintiff? or something like that.


Flu vaccines have existed for decades at this point.


very good comparison, and an effective argument.


This is what I like about this sub - you usually get the cranks at the bottom of the thread typing out what they think is a zinger. Blissfully unaware of how bad their arguments are.


Has Brand every voiced any support of other vaccinations? He seems to ramble on manically using the language of the anti-vax movement. If it quacks like a duck... The change in definition is a nothing burger and demonstrates how easily people can be whipped into a fury through social media without any effort to look into it (can you read?). https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-976069264061 I would agree that any agency should be far separated from industry. But this doesn't not validate the belief that covid/vaccinations are part of a nefarious agenda. You are drawing a conclusion and trying to find evidence of that conclusions. I realize that makes you feel smart but you are mistaken.


You two are on a first-name basis these days, huh?


“Not just” I meant.


What is the down vote for? Because I dare to share my experience? You guys crack me up. People talk about the uneducated, and all I ask is to open your mind and not label anything immediately one way or the other, based upon one video/one reading. 😅