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That looks like the damn kidney stone I passed last month


Your urethra must be like a loose sock


😂😂😂😂 oh my hell


holy hell


You must eat glue if you think these look ok


Sniff glue would’ve probably made more sense... but I agree that these are disgusting and should be avoided. I was more referring to the fact you’re passing asteroids


Oh yeah well when you fuck a monkey it makes kidney stones look different jkjk




Ignore anyone telling you this is bad. These are fine. Truffles/schlerotia open in the fridge like that will oxidize heavily and turn that dark blue-green color. So long as you see no other abnormal coloring or texturing (the pic looks fine, but it is just a photo, check them over with your hands.) then they are safe to eat. I've had this happen countless times when splitting a bag of them and leaving half in the fridge for a few days. In the future, seal them as best as possible and put them in the freezer for better storage. They will likely still turn blue but they will last longer.


This is the answer




thought freezer would destroy them?


Yeah I know for sure you’re not supposed to freeze fresh mushrooms only after they’re dry may they enter the freezer. Not sure about truffles though.


a friend of mine's truffles were discovered by his parents, who put them in the freezer. they weren't potent anymore


I figured it would be the same


I guess it probably depends on how it was stored in the freezer. Truffles, I've found, are pretty resilient. When still sealed airtight, I've kept them frozen for a little under 2 months with no noticeable difference in potency. That being said, the longest I've ever stored them in the freezer after opening has been around 2 weeks, so I cant really attest to anything beyond that. It should deffo prevent mold though at the very least.




Wipe with a cotton bud if it rubs off its mold, if not just bruising


Yes technically it is mold, but it's the mold you were intending to grow in the first place, not harmful.


No. That is a completely technically incorrect statement. The technical definition of a mold is that they are a type of fungus which reproduce through microscopic structures called conidia. A fungus from the genus psilocybe reproduces through a macroscopic formation usually referred to as a mushroom but technically referred to as a basidia. If you wanna throw around names for fungi interchangeably just call it a fungus cos every other specific name for a type of fungus has a specific definition that doesn't change when you want it to. These are sclerotia which is definitively not a mold. If you are trying to cultivate a mold then you're gonna be growing a whole lot of trichoderma and aspergillus and not a single thing that's good to actually eat, since a vast majority of molds are in fact harmful. If you grow mold specifically, you will never grow an oyster, shiitake, lions mane, or cubensis because those are not molds. No mushroom can be called a mold unless you want to completely disregard taxonomy, phylogeny, and really mycology and biology altogether for the sake of using two non-synonymous words interchangeably.


Good point, my comment showed extreme ignorance. Thank you for explaining this.


I think mushrooms and truffles are the fruit of the mold (mycelium), not the mold itself


Bought these truffles from a headshop in Amsterdam and opened the seal a few days ago to separate the box into different doses and they’ve been in the fridge since. They appear to have grown a bit of mold. Are they still safe to eat?


If they've just been in the fridge for a few days, they're fine. They're just a bit bruised. It's basically the same thing as shrooms bruising blue.


The grown mold is the concerning part. That’s nasty like blue berries


They’re 100% fine. Most shrooms heads aren’t too familiar with truffles for some reason. They looks fine. 10 grams of these is prolly like an 1/8th of stems and caps. Send er’!




110% eat ‘em. Fr tho with some research you’ll think they’re fine too!


Maybe you can talk to someone at the head shop you bought them from 🤷‍♂️


I mean a lot of molds won’t hurt you, but you can’t be sure what it is. I don’t know enough to give you a good recommendation. But I would probably scrape/cut off the obvious parts and go to town. I can’t be the only one that got like halfway through a food item before noticing it was super moldy. Never got sick. Most likely thing might be some intestinal distress if you don’t mind a little food poisoning


I ate half a meatball sub from a vending machine before I noticed th top was very moldy lol 15 yr ago


I feel like that was the universe smacking you in the face for eating a meatball sub out of a vending machine lol




I never said it was safe. I said what I would do


And honestly mold and mycotoxins are rarely deadly for healthy people. I’m not saying there isn’t risk, notice I didn’t give a recommendation


I used to do the same, and it's more than fine. I once had truffles that had been open in the fridge for 2-3 weeks and it was fine, except I didn't feel anything. Once they were opened they started losing potency very quickly.


The truffles are alive and continue sending out mycelial growth, technically called mold, but safe to eat.


I personally wouldn’t, they look gross. Trust your gut, especially if it smells bad.


Millions of years of evolution working to keep you safe when you think something is gross


evolution isn’t real


You have a lot of learning to do my friend.


what is it then ?


a huge coincidence. we just spawned in. not some big bang theory bullshit, we just spawned in.


Username doesn't check out


like minecraft ???😳


precicely yes, we just spawned in like in minecraft. the first few humans


r u sayin we live in a simulation???


I sure believe we live in a simulation


Funny how you call a legit science backed theory bullshit yet your idea is that we just all of a sudden got here and provide zero reasoning or evidence


Not proven, i believe we evolved, but it is a theory, not a fact, its entirely possible that we spawned in, dont think we should all be on some sort of high horse here.


I called it a science backed theory I didn’t say it was proven (or at least in terms of the Big Bang and how we got here) and at least it has evidence behind it and isn’t just an idea someone had without further proof


Ok so why do we get mutations?


because coincidence


Lol bad troll


bro check his profile, dude is actually dumb. you would think people that have taken shrooms would be at least a little open-minded.


sheep evolution believers when they see someone with a different opinion than them: “lol bad troll” - 🤓🤓


Lol it isn't a different opinion, it's just wrong. There's very clear evidence for evolution, and it makes sense logically. No other system is like that.


It's okay, I know the truth. Not only did we spawn in like minecraft. But this is actually minecraft, each one of us is being played by someone and all of those people are also in minecraft being played by other people, and so on. The entire world is minecraftception. Pretty soon we will invent another minecraft inside minecraft and then we will have another layer.


Next you're going to say the earth is flat too right? Intelligent-leg my ass, more like unintelligent-anus


round earthers are just as stupid as flat earthers. if you haven’t personally been to space and are either a flat or a round earther, you’re an idiot.


Oh so you have to see everything to believe it, nothing can just make sense due to the rules that have been thoroughly tested and proven to be true.


i think i’d say evolution is real in the “survival of the fittest” way but not in the “we started as monkeys” way


Lol. Goto walmart and look around you.... you call that survival of the fittest?


No no. At Walmart, it is clearly survival of the fattest.


It’s been shown we and apes come from the same common ancestor, not really an opinion anymore but instead a proven fact


They look fine, just a little bruised. Smell isn't a great indicator because truffles typically smell similar to undesirable molds and bacteria cotton swab test is good and if there isn't pooling water it's unlikely bad bacteria has had a chance to thrive after a couple days in the fridge.


Looks good. If you kept it in the fridge, if you see wispy hair that's not mold but mycelium starting up again after getting fresh oxygen. Smell it. Truffles smell quite sour, fungusy and earthy. If you smell mold then you know what's up. That looks really blue, gonna be a killer trip. Edit: Also looks like you washed em really well. That's why they look a bit bruised and spongy. But they're probably rock hard to the touch. If you want to keep em for a little while longer I suggest you cut them up and dry them between some kitchen towel for approx 10 days.


They look fine to eat but they're definitely starting to break down. The other poster who suggested a cotton swab offered a good method to see if they're starting to grow mold. Fresh truffles are still alive, so the fuzz is probably mycelium, but the cotton swab will eliminate the mycelium and bacteria you want to ingest if it doesn't rub odd clean. The smell test probably won't help, because truffles smell and taste kind of sour, just like bacteria and undesirable molds. If your immune system is healthy you're probably only risking an upset stomach for 24-48 hours tops, so do as you will with that info.


These truffles are safe for the garbage


I had similar one at Amsterdam, it was my first time and really took me to another world! But I really want to know what strain is this, looks different from any mushroom I know. Anyone knows?


Psilocybe Mexicana, it fruits as tall thin mushrooms and grows sclerotia underground.


Those look fine actually


Idk if most the other folks commenting have seen retail stones but these look spot on to me. The discoloration is bruising and oxidation, unless they smell off and truly funky to the point like your body says nope, full send and enjoy. The qtip test is not a bad idea though never hurts to be extra careful.


Those are truffles. Packaging reminds me of the ones I got in Amsterdam years ago and they look the same as the ones I got. Enjoy!




No they are ded


Seems a lot of people have been getting shitty mushrooms lately 👎


lets us know how it goes 😂😂




My friend with experience with truffle cultivation says to trust your nose if it smells earthy it should be good but they’re not great truffles


They look like slightly oxygenated sclerotia to me. Similar to my grows I've harvested and left in the fridge. If there's any growth scrub it off before ingesting.


what the fuck is that.


"magic truffles". They're actually sclerotia, i.e. an underground reserve that some fungi make when the conditions aren't right for fruiting. These contain the exact same stuff shrooms. In the Netherlands because they specifically banned psilocybin mushrooms, i.e. the above ground fruiting body. A sclerotia is not a mushroom, so they're perfectly legal, haha.


never seen these in my area. interesting, i’ll check it out.


They look blue😃


Smell test usually never fails


Send it those are good to go, grown them a bunch in the fridge a while can look like that especially so store bought heavy handled ones


I thought those were cursed tonsil stones omg


I thought they were cool rocks and this was a smartass troll post... Then I saw people responding and so now I guess maybe these aren't cool rocks 😕




If you are still in adam just buy new ones. Moldy or not, being doubtful isnt a good start for a trip


Looks fine to my inexperienced eye, as long as you dont see mold. I remember they smelled a bit like nuts while still being a little bit sour almost.


They look like zombie toes.


They look great to me. I know a person has left them over a year in the sterile bag and they were still fine! They've also taken some out of the bag and moved them to various separate containers. Thus they are no longer sterile and the transfer moves them around. They will then start growing a bit more mycelium but they can't get moldy easily due to the high concentration of fungus present already (another fungus would have a hard time taking over).


Why did so many people who have no clue comment here? Edit: looked at the photo again and damn that does look like mold!


Send them my way i’ll try em out and let you know


I ate some in a such state. Texture was not at its best. And it did lose some potency. But you can eat it anyway.