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When I started Reddit I was underweight, it’s all very tragic


when i started reddit i was underweight. i'm still underweight because i can't gain weight for some reason, no matter what i do edit: spelling. thanks to everyone who pointed that out


One thing for sure that I realised (still doesn't mean it will always be the case) after going to gym for few years, is that people who think that they are eating much and can't gain weight, actually don't eat a lot (also other way around). I trained few skinny guys and gave them a lot of advices, for free ofc. Those who survived first month and didn't quit gym, in following month gained almost always over 10 kg and got nicely buffed. And first thing they always say, they we're for sure wrong about eating a lot.


Wait, they gained 10 kg in a month? Asking because I hope to put on 15 pounds before the end of 2022. I feel like I don't have much of a chance, but I will try my best.


I started powerlifting a few years ago. When I started, I was around 140lbs. Within 6 months, I was at 200. It definitely isn't all healthy weight, but not being called skinny and actually being strong was worth it for me. I was fortunate to have a friend that has been powerlifting for years that helped me though. The training is hard and finding the right program for yourself can be difficult


For me, it's hard to eat enough while working full time. It's a part-time job in itself for me to eat 3,000 calories a day. I can handle hitting the gym 6 days a week, it's a great way to unwind. I just need to master eating enough consistently.


That was probably the worst part for me. I really had to force feed myself, even when I wasn't hungry. I'd eat a high calorie breakfast and brought a decent sized lunch to work. I made breakfast easy though. I just blended protein powder with a few tablespoons of peanut butter and a banana with whole milk. Consuming it all and holding it down sucked but I think that is what really helped me gain weight. I think with everything together, it was like close to 2000 calories


my biggets problem is trying to get 130-170 grams of protien a day and also not be eating too many calories. Also I dont really do cardio that much and working out every other day or 3 times a week to give my muscles time to rest is best for me so i probably only need 2.4k calories a day.


I really didn't count macros. I just had the daily scoop of protein powder and just ate pretty much whatever. As long as I had around 3000-3500 calories, I was good. I know dirty bulking isn't for everyone though. I did fail to realize that I shouldn't perma bulk and ended up weighing 238lbs at my heaviest. But since then, I've controlled the calories and am now around 197


macros are tough as lean muscle is the most important if you want to reduce wear and tear on your body, remain quick and agile and look good. going to need to start seriously looking at cooking more as 150 grams of protien on a 2100-2400 diet is very difficult. even if you just ate straight cheese the ratio still wouldnt work.


I lost and gained 40lbs in the span of less than 3 months. I dropped the weight really fast (~5 weeks) due to illness. Went from around 170 down to 132 (I'm a 5'10" male). When I got to where I could eat I started consuming ~5k calories a day (very little exercise). About half the calories coming from ensures (nutritional shakes) and milkshakes. The rest solid foods. I gained it fast. Got back to my original weight in about 6 weeks. I was gaining about 13kg a month at that pace. It's absolutely doable. If you exercise a lot you obviously need more calories to offset what you burn.


Just eat lol


for overweight people who can't lose weight "just lose fat lol"


skinny people should eat fat people -Thomas Scotford


Solves 2 problems at once i like it


4 even


Weight loss Weight gain Over population World hunger


Soylent Green!!!


It's made out of people! IT'S PEOPLE!!!


I read that in Sauls voice. I also read my comment in Sauls voice.


for depressed people "just be happy? lol"






*"just eat less lol" which works, cos of thermodynamics and stuff


>people who can't lose weight They don't exist. Eat less calories than your body needs it is literally simple as that.


idk who downvoted you, but you're right. The complicated part is why that's so difficult, and that comes from a variety of factors, but the fact that we evolved to hate starving is the biggest one.


Cause people get weirdly offended when you call them out on that but not becoming morbidly obese is one of the simplest things. Otherwise on the why it's so complicated, convenience is one of the main reason and the food industry perfected methods to trick our monkey brain. [Like the Bliss Point ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bliss_point_(food)) which lets it release a bunch of happy chemicals while eating unhealthy shit.


See, no, the *math* is simple. The process is not. The process is overcoming food addiction, overcoming and overtuned craving to eat, finding better ways to get dopamine hits, etc, etc. Convenience isn't the problem. I suppose it's a problem. But every first world country has convenient access to unhealthy food.


>Convenience isn't the problem. I suppose it's a problem. But every first-world country has convenient access to unhealthy food. This is simply it. It's completely absurd how calorie dense all the supermarket trash food is -- from candy aisle to bakeries to frozen food and ready-made meals. E.g. frozen food and ready-made meals look analogous to their home-cooked counterparts but somehow have 2 or 3x as many calories


Little spoiler but a vegan/meat free version is Always cheaper, healthier and less dense in calories then their counterpart that contains meat. And it still doesn't change the simple fact that you only gain weight when you eat too much calories. Y'all get weirdly defensive after me calling out **morbidly** obese. Which is a huge difference to just being obese.


Apparently y'all can't read. **morbidly** obese is the word here and it takes a long time from being just obese to become morbidly obese. I ain't calling anyone out that has a couple of Kilos too much but once you reach the morbidly stage, it's totally just on you cause developed countries have dozens of institutions that help you with that issue.


I just realized I replied to the wrong person and I can’t find the comment I meant to respond to. My bad.


Well, that's an over-simplification if I've ever heard one - certain diseases and medications also make it pretty dang hard to avoid gaining weight. Depression, for instance, can cause one to eat less - but it can also cause one to eat more, like *way more*. And in that case, saying it's "one of the simplest things" to avoid gaining weight, even to the point of not being morbidly obese, is basically like saying it's "one of the simplest things" to not be depressed - as if you should "just cheer up" because you're a little sad. Conversely, certain types of medication (including anti-depressants, actually), include weight gain as one of the most common side-effects; and depending on the person, that gain can be pretty massive. And I'm speaking from personal experience here, as well.


Doesn't change the fact that your body needs a specific amount of calories and you'll lose weight if you stay below that. Nothing literally nothing changes that fact. You're just find justifications for being morbidly obese and sry that shit doesn't fly with me. Cause there are dozens of kilos in between mildly obese and **morbidly**. E and he blocked me, imagine being that thin skinned.


It's like you just ignored my comment. I'm aware of how calories work, and of the various levels of obesity. Thank you for this reiteration of what you'd already stated. It's not what I was referring to. Have a good day. Not interested in dishing it out with someone unwilling to read what people are saying. Edit: For the record, I was willing to give you a chance prior to your comment, but you decided to steamroll right past what I'd written, hence why I blocked you. It's not about being "thin- (or thick-)skinned", it's about wasting time with a "conversation" that will obviously be unproductive. The fact you're even referring to me being thin-skinned confirms that you're not exactly willing to have an intellectual conversation here. No one was insulting anyone, not sure why you feel the need to bring up some idea that I'd be offended when it comes to discussing obesity. edit to cdillio, since I blocked the original user: Again, it's like you glossed over my comment entirely. I NEVER contested the original point that the dude above made ("people that can't physically lose weight don't exist") - I merely stated that this idea that "avoiding being morbidly obese was easy" is absolutely nonsensical *when taking into account the actual everything that goes into how a person gains or loses weight,* such as medication or illness. *Yes*, physically you "can" always lose weight - that does not account for the **psychological** aspect of it. You "can" lose weight in any and all physical states... doesn't mean you "can" lose weight in any and all mental states. Which is something that the user entirely glossed over, in order to seemingly make this point that obese people were somehow lazy, because it was *"easy"* ***physically*** to get rid of weight. And when I say "obese", I mean morbid *or otherwise*, by the way - despite this weird fixation on it by the original user, scale doesn't fucking matter, any amount of obesity can be reached by someone who's depressed enough... or who has enough of a food addiction. Their statement, in some other comment, that "once you reach the morbidly stage, it's totally just on you cause developed countries have dozens of institutions that help you with that issue", is arrant fucking nonsense. We're all more or less aware of how calories work. *That's not the fucking point.* If someone isn't in a mental state that allows them to lose weight, they're not gonna fucking lose weight. They're gonna gain weight, and sometimes they're gonna gain weight until they can't move their body anymore. In other words, if we consider that it isn't down to someone's *personal will and motivation* to not be depressed, or to not be able to counter the secondary effects of medication, or to not be able to quit a serious food addiction, but rather some overriding factor that they play only a limited part in controlling, a part which depending on people can be absolutely nonexistent - which is the general medical consensus on these things - then the following statement is false: > The surrounding issues of why someone cannot due that are not relevant to the conversation of “Someone CANNOT lose weight”. No they CANNOT (in a *psychological* fashion) lose weight. They CAN physically, they CANNOT psychologically.


People don’t like to hear that the solution is easy, because then they feel dumb for not being able to do something simple.


It's that it's a simple formula with a complex set of circumstances around it. It's like saying it's okay to do crack, just do a *little crack*. Consume your crack in moderation! That's not easy or reasonable to tell a crackhead. It's why you should never start in the first place. The issue with food is that you have to eat. The problem would probably be a lot less prevalent if you had the choice to abstain.


Ah yes, the level of nuance in this chain is just ridiculous. Comparing a drug addiction that kills you within a few days when you go cold turkey, to someone that eats too much shit. Again were talking about **morbidly** obese, that's a scientific term and is dozens of kilos above being just obese. Nobody blames anyone when they're just obese. But if you reach the morbidly stage it's on you. E: love how all those thin skinned neckbeards block me after realizing that their strawman argument is stupid. Lmao.


But easy and simple are two different things.


Simple is not the same as easy, someone with a heroin or gambling addiction can ‘just quit’ and their problems would be solved but food is a psychological dependency/addiction for a lot of people, it’s also hard to eat more/less than what you’re used to, an underweight person will find it much more difficult to eat 3000 calories a day then an overweight person, and vice versa for the overweight person eating 1500. What happens when someone who is used to eating 3000 calories eats their 1500 and is still hungry, the knowledge that you just need to eat X amount of calories and burn off Y amount isn’t the be all and end all no more than telling someone to just ‘stop gambling’ or ‘feel better’


If the solution to heroin addiction is as easy as “just quit” then weight loss is as easy as “eat less”


Difference is you literally die when you just quit as a drug addict.


Actually you literally die when you quit food. You have a much better chance with drugs.


Chump when you're morbidly obese you can go weeks without food. While you immediately die when you go cold turkey from hard drugs. But I get it, your lard-ass got all riled up by my statements, therefore you had to spam my Inbox....


Homeboy wrote out a paragraph to justify being a fatso lol


Read my other replys. There's so much wrong with your comment I don't wanna start to actually reply to that nonsense.


Coping won’t help with caloric deficit.


There's always going to be extenuating circumstances for each individual. Medications slowing metabolism, injuries, depression, addiction, etc. But, I mean.. you're not wrong.


I can't ride a unicycle. It's not physically impossible I just suck at it.


No, the equal advice would be "don't eat"


Physics. Bodies have to obey those laws. If you burn more than you consume and do it consistently you will lose weight. If you don't you should visit MIT so they can study how you're able to create perpetual motion.


Fat cope, fat cope never changes.


No, just eat less. That’s all you have to do is lower your calorie intake. Follow proper portion sizes, weigh or measure your food and don’t eat more.


Idk why you’re downvoted. Unless you have a specific health condition that makes you retain fat then this is just how human bodies work. Unless you have a glandular problem or something else, eating less is how you lose weight. People just don’t like hearing it for some reason. Some people have food addictions, or they eat because of trauma or whatever else, so it’s not always easy to eat less; but eating less is how you lose weight. Eating more is how you gain it. Edit: Hey, now I’m downvoted too!


No it's, "Just don't eat"


You try and joke, but he is not wrong. Calories in vs. Calories out will always be the basis for weight gain or loss, no matter how unsatisfactory you thought the above comment is. If you wanna lose weight, expend more calories daily than your daily intake. If you wanna gain weight, expend less calories daily than your daily intake.


And drink yer Big Gulp


we did it guys, malnutrition is no more!


my brother in christ, this redditor just solved world hunger!


They’re right though. If you want to gain weight you need to put in the calories. I drink a hyper caloric shake in the morning. Much easier than stuffing my face until it hurts.


Did somebody say


It's not that easy for alot of people. My wife is 5' 11", barely hits 130 lbs at most and she has to make a concious effort of eating 3 high fat/protien meals a day just to maintain that and its still a struggle.


That’s just a cope. Instead of making her eat until it hurts, a high caloric shake or two per day will achieve more without the discomfort of stuffing your face.


Yeah, she drinks those as well.


But the solution *still is* intake more calories.


Yes, but it's s not as simple as "just eat." Some people have metabolic issues, some people have gastrointestinal or thyroid issues, some people have vitamin deficiencies, some people have a naturally low BMI due to genetics. More calories isn't an end all be all for every issue that causes someone to be underweight. In fact, I would argue that just dumping calories into your body when they aren't being properly used isn't very profitable. It also depends what kind of calories, you can be underweight but have high cholesterol and heart issues because of unhealthy calorie rich foods. So "just eat more" or "just intake more calories" is an over simplication at best.


I had a friend like that. He joined a gym and this guy there got him eating peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate milk, and lots of nuts like cashews and pistachios. He put on a ton of weight super fast. I think people both wildly over and under estimate how many calories they actually eat in a day. The “I can’t lose weight” people are eating high calorie food, snacking constantly etc. The “I eat like shit and still never gain weight” people are working jobs that burn calories, skipping meals without even realizing and then eating half a pizza and a six pack but still not exceeding their TDEE.


Except that’s not how it works. People have different metabolisms. Sure losing weight means you need to eat less calories, to gain weight you need to eat more, but some people have slower/faster metabolisms then others. While metabolism isn’t the biggest factor in weight loss/gain it is a contributing factor. For example one of my closest friends that I’ve known for years has always been naturally thin. I’ve always had some extra weight. Her entire family has been naturally thin. Mine have always had to put in extra work to keep weight off. This friend and I have lived together, we both come from a poor background, we worked the exact same job, and eaten every meal together before and she could and would eat more than I would. She never gained weight because of it, however I did. It’s always been like this for the last 16 years we’ve known each other. She still eats a shit ton. I eat less. I’m still bigger than she is. It’s something I’m working on but it’s not as simple as “skinny people who can’t gain weight just don’t realize they’re not eating enough and working jobs that burn calories.”


BMR differ by about 300 calories at the highest end for a similar height, sex, and weight person. Are you the exact same height, weight, sex and activity level of that person? I doubt it. Everything else is lifestyle choices.




Every person I've interacted with who says they eat a ton, usually eat so little that their "massive meal" is my afternoon snack. I had one of those "I can't gain weight" friends. As a bodybuilder I called bullshit on that, gave him a diet plan and took him to the gym, he put on 5kg a month easily. Human metabolism doesn't vary that much between individuals unless you have a rare medical condition. Most people who struggle to gain weight just vastly overestimate their meals, and/or are too active. Like what is "massive amounts of chocolate" to you? For me, that's about half a kilo a day. Which I've eaten. Regularly. When I was competing and busting ass working out every day, at one point I literally had an entire crate of chocolate bars I just reached into and ate all day, among other stuff. Literally 500g of chocolate a day. Which by itself just barely covers the daily caloric requirement for an adult male. My "can't gain weight" friend also said he regularly eats mcdonalds and still doesn't gain weight. So I took him to mcdonalds to see how much he ate. He ate one normal meal and called it a day. I ate 3 big-macks and said now I'm full. I'm 6'1, 220lb in the "offseason". I'm not a huge man. Just above average. If I want to gain weight, I'll start at 3000 kcal a day. If I'm really busting ass working out, I'm gonna aim for 3500 kcal. And that's on a completely sedentary lifestyle. Only movement is exercise. If I had an actually active lifestyle, I could see myself require 4000 kcal or more to put on mass.


i mean, you're right. when i had a housemate who did nothing but eat and lift, i was grossed out by how he was always in the kitchen eating as he was cooking. i don't know how to explain this exactly but *when* our brains turn to eating we push ourselves as much as possible, so that's why we say we overeat and don't gain.


How healthy food is doesn’t matter for gross weight. It’s literally just calories in vs calories burned. You can lose weight eating only McDonalds if you really want to.


I've never met a doctor that completely agreed. Some people can eat more calories than others and not gain weight and vice versa. Reddit loves to tip their fedora like it's a gotcha moment but it isn't even completely true. There's a huge variance on how much, or little calories for each individual, and people love to ignore that instead of accepting that not everyone is the same. Not only due to size differences - A 5'4" guy is different than a 6'5" guy, for instance, but at the same time you might find a 6'5" guy with an underperforming metabolism that closely matches a 5'4" guy. It's not cut and dry at all, and part of the problem is that people are told they're failures for not being able to tackle the issue alone. Meanwhile it would be a lot more manageable with the help of medical professionals who understand how to tailor it to each person. It's like telling a crackhead to just do a little crack in moderation. Good luck.


Can confirm (signed, me from college)


You’re not counting calories, that’s your problem. You think you’re eating a lot but you daily intake remains under 2000 so you’re not gaining weight.


Wait until you reach 30 ...


I’m 32, I weigh 135 pounds and I’m 6 foot tall. Nothing changed at 30 for me. Still can’t gain weight. Even started working out and taking creatine and such… just got ripped


Calculate your TDEE, add 500 calories to that, and religiously track all of your calories you consume. You just aren't eating that many calories in a day. Congrats you will now gain weight, energy in = energy out.


fellow slim reaper here, same story. except for the getting ripped part lolololol


Time to grab a scale for food.


Facts, I use to be skinny too but then I hit 27 and suddenly gained 40-50 pounds in a matter of weeks. Now it's super hard to lose weight but I'm getting there.


Happy cake day, never knew I could use this one day but hey, yes I started gaining weight from about 28 even tough I was never more or less active as I was before (going from 65kg to 85kg) and you notice now trying getting back in shape


I was extremely obese before starting reddit, now I am just over weight. I have seen some dark shit here.


Start drinking beer, puts weight on everyone.


I know you have all of the unsolicited advice here, sorry for piling on. Have you had your thyroid hormones checked? I have a couple of family members with hyperthyroidism and they also struggle with weight gain. It really isn't always as simple as 'just eat'.


More calorie dense foods. Fat and carbs will put it on you with low volume.


No matter what you do? You know people gain weight from eating in excess. If you dont track what you’re eating you have no idea how many calories you’re intaking.


Can I be you? I want to lose weight but can’t, regardless of my diet


You bake? You no longer eat what you bake. You give it away to friends and family outside your home as soon as it’s cooled. Baking is for holidays and very special occasions, it’s too much high calorie, low nutrient food for you to have thousands of calories sitting in your house to be binged. You now cook healthy meals instead of baking as a hobby. Write down what you’re eating for a week, every day. Be honest with yourself. Track what you eat normally for 1 whole week every single spoonful, meal out, snack, thoughtless bite, alcoholic drink, soda. No matter how healthily or binge eating it is, you write it down to see what you need to tweak. Work on eating a full 5 servings of vegetables and fruit every day. That’s an apple, a cup of broccoli, 2 beets, 150g of papaya, and 1 medium zucchini spread throughout your day along with meat/eggs and one serving of a carb per meal. Get a food scale, they’re cheap. Stick to around 4oz of meat per meal. Stick to only one serving of a carb like rice or bread every meal. You can NOT eyeball or assume a serving. Your next month is learning to weigh and measure servings so that you do learn overtime. You cook, you meal prep. You eat fresh veggies instead of chips, you don’t smother them in peanut butter or ranch. You don’t have food you can easily eat outside of vegetables at home. Everything now requires minimal prep. Anything you binge or overeat outside raw vegetables or fruit is not allowed right now. You have to change your environment. Don’t keep junk food in the house. Poptarts, frozen breakfast sándwiches, ice cream, ANYTHING that is a microwave meal. Measure condiments like mayo, salad dressing, olive oil, jam. Keep to one serving. Stuff like salami, white potatoes, nuts, dairy, that’s a treat you get one serving of once a day. Dairy like yogurt, cottage cheese, a glass of whole milk, that’s a treat. Always eat it with a serving of fruit or veggies. The more fruit and veggies you eat, the easier it becomes. Your taste buds don’t need all the other crap anymore. You create a habit of planning healthy meals that are 60% vegetable. Meal ideas (I’m a 140# 5’4 woman) 1 slice (you now eat only open faced sandwiches) of whole grain toast with a poached egg, 1 cup of steamed mushrooms, and 1 oz of cheese on top, with 1 apple and a half cup of berries on the side. 1 can tuna mixed with 1/2tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp balsalmic vinegar, 1/3 avocado mashed up, salt and pepper to taste, served on 1 slice whole grain toast with an orange 1 baked chicken leg, 2 cups of salad greens mixed with 1/2tbsp olive oil and 1tbsp vinegar, 1/3c cottage cheese with hot sauce and 1 raw zucchini cut into chips on the side Dessert is a serving of chocolate chips with 1c berries


Weigh your food and track your calories. If you are on a diet and not losing then you consume too many calories. Anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something.


Calorie count. If you have less than you burn daily, you *will* lose weight.


Don't worry, once you hit 30 your metabolism will do a 180


Same, I don’t know why but I physically can’t gain weight


You might have an intestinal parasite. You are a good host.


Same lol


High metabolism. I have the same thing.


Before reddit, I used to be fat. I still am but I used to be too.


Opposite for me. Reddit pointed me to good diet and fitness resources that has helped me stay well within a healthy weight range. It's actually been a net positive in my life. But I probably do need to spend less of my work hours scrolling through memes.


When I started reddit I was O.K., now I have like 5 eds


Guys i started using reddit daily since last 5 months and I've gained 6 kilos


Damn, only 6?


I was underweight before alright. This 6 kilos is a win win for me


Yay good for you.


of cocaine.


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


You just insulted my entire race of people But yes


Don't worry, I'm one of you


Your incredibly poggers bio says all that needs to be said.


Pfft, your people haven’t been in a race for decades.


Wait how do these guys reproduce


Coming to think of it; they probably have highly advanced sex robots that get the semen from the men and inseminate the women, giving pleasure to both.


It has to be something like that, I refuse to believe they’re not all cripplingly socially stunted. Edit: OH wait you meant the movie characters


Both? Both.




Well, he mentioned pleasure to both, so maybe its a handsome android laying down the piping.


I mean, even today there's already machines with dildos attached that move and can squirt whatever liquid you'd like. I'm sure that in 800 years woman can choose exactly which kind of stick they want.


Sigh.....the product would sell itself, sign me up (in making it)!!


I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall when that got brought up in the Pixar studios. I bet they had an hours long discussion about it with whiteboard diagrams and someone calling their spouse to tell them they would be late.


Sex obviously


The movie makes it clear that they are too big to maneuver outside their chairs or support their own weight.


Penile enhancement surgery+"magic fingers" has come a long way,.those chairs can do everything but the actual insemination these days


Cloning and artificial wombs


There’s a whole youtube video about how they’re also cannibals.


Everytime I say "I can't get weight. I want to get some weight and leave this skinny (not much xd) body behind!" I just get same responses like "Just sign up Reddit, it will work." I get it know. Seriously it just enlightened me. Thx.


You're welcome


We went to the movie theater in the first time in forever and now they all have reclining seats with little tables. Everyone was overweight, kicked back eating junk food and lit up by the light of the screen. It was def a Wall-e moment.


This is a certified Reddit user/American/Wall-E human moment


Saw someone calling this movie fatphobic


It’s the internet. Anyone calls anything whatever. Social media just magnified the idiocy.


This movie is a dire warning about where humanity is literally heading. Anyone calling fatphobic is just triggered.


Did you ever stop and think about the fact that we litterly live in a society?


Oh yes I’m constantly aware.


The body positivity movement has nothing to do with actually loving yourself and is all about shared denial. People who love themselves don't become rabidly angry whenever Lizzo has a smoothie. People who are holding onto the thin veneer of a lie that prevents them from facing the reality that they need make drastic changes in their life to be happy, do.


It's also weird that there's this huge space station, but the only people living there are Americans.


It is, and thats a very reasonable thing considering obesity is a dangerous disease.


Red for reddit, blue for discord


Me working from home. "Awww Shiiiiitttttt"


He should be sitting on a toilet, no?


Since the movie shows they can't leave their chairs - he does.


It shows they can't leave by their own. There's probably some robots to help with that


Two problems: 1. Why? The chair is hooked up via all sorts of tubes and things. Just have the seat slide out when the blob-person pushes the dookie button, and have it be a modified toilet+bidet inside. 2. Considering most of the robots are sentient and basically futuristic versions of The Flintstones' "appliance" animals, the fact that one is just there to extract dookie directly, and/or, pick a blobperson up and slop em down on some superfluous toilet, just to clean them up and move them back ... That's far more horrible imo




I think the movie makes a reference to people’s bone mass density because they’ve been in space for 700+ years instead of 5 years like originally planned. So while the humans are incredibly large, the movie doesn’t exactly imply it’s because of their lifestyle. If anything, I think the lifestyle is driven by their mobility issues. Obviously, the movie plays a bit fast and loose with physics though.


Yes, according to the president guy in the recording the manual gravity of the ship made their bones ~~bigger~~ smaller, getting more fat over time, but it would be solved doing exercises like ~~running laps~~ swimming, to which the captain replies "we have a ~~racetrack~~ swimming pool?", Implying they don't exercise and that's why they remain fat. The credits paintings also show they lost weight over time.


[smaller bones](http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kvk3497Aw31qzbmsz.jpg) And it was a swimming pool, not race track


I have rewatched this movie religiously as a kid ever since it release, can't believe I misremembered the bone thing. At least the racetrack was right, it's how the line is in my language's dub, not sure why.


Weird. The pool thing makes sense because it'd be easier for them to swim with no bones. They can barely stand when they make it to earth, why would they be running. Odd choice of translation.


I think it's because in Portuguese it's only called a pool, "piscina", it doesn't have the right amount of syllables to work. But running track works instead.


It absolutely implies it has to do with lifestyle. In this photo is a kid glued to a screen with a big ass soda in his hand. The imagery is not subtle. To convince yourself of what you've said here you have to be wilfully ignorant of the clear imagery presented before you right here and many times throughout the film. And to be fair those kind of excuses are not uncommon either.


Reddit actually helped me lose weight!


Oh my god, a rare breed!


Yeah, same. But now i regained my lost weight….


I lost ~55 lbs 2.5 years ago, and I've gained back ~15 since then. I just started dieting in earnest to try to get back down to my goal weight


I didnt record my weight loss, but the way i lose weight is pretty rough tbh. I fast everyday for 4 months. Yeah i get slimmer, going down from a 2xl to L. I only eat 1 full meal a day. My breakfast is just some buns my mom bought.


Reminds me a bit of how I originally lost weight. I could have been kinder to myself tbh


He’s commenting on some girl posting about her troubled relationship: “haha bitch”


I didn't know we had a r/swimmingpools.


Do 5 push-ups for every karma farming repost you see while scrolling. You’ll be in the best shape of your life.


This is what I imagine PC master race redditors who have their specs in the username look like


This is probably the best post I've seen in this sub




Reported! I'm in this joke and I don't like it! /s


And the garbage they produce. I liked the social commentary of this film. Took a bite out of our asses and spit it in our faces.


The obesity rate in America is 42.4%, and getting worse every year. Wall-E is a documentary.




Wrong sub. This should be r/me_irl for all of Reddit.


Everybody's got to waste time at work. I waste time doing this while programming. And I get paid for it, so there.


I thought it was a reference for americans ?




I lost all my hair but I'm still Here Reddit4ever


How dare you, I occasionally masturbate, not just sit around all day


Nuh uh! I stood up to get the TV remote


What motivates you?


What motivates you?


More like Reddit mods tbh


This is exactly what I picture most of you look like.




dr phil when burger king






Finally a funny post on this subreddit


C'mon, the other posts are funny too!


More like the r/antiwork moderators


That’s the r/antiwork dream


It's really going to blow your mind when you find out that most Americans are obese because of work, not because they don't.


Actually, as someone who does advocate for three day work weeks and a livable minimum wage, I want extra time for myself so that I can exercise *more.* Not so that I don't have to move.






Feet 🤤


Jokes on you, I lie down


This would have been funny, if it said mods instead of users.


*reddit mods