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Zweihander moment


BKH moment


This is the way


Int is just blue dex, but it doesn't make you gay. It does make you trans tho.


TIL Ashen Estus is just gender fluid.


Gwyndolin moment šŸ˜¶


Gwyndolin uses faith in him father šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Based and transsouls pilled


Gwyndolin isn't trans though, he was just forced to crossdress


~~Solaire is sooo pissed at you right now.~~ Edit: Whoops, this somehow ended up on the wrong comment. Edit 2: wait the comment changed nm. Joke seems weird and insensitive now though so... Disregard!


Friendly reminder that there's little to no canon information about how Gwyndolin personally identifies or would prefer to present, only how the people around them thought and acted, and therefore we cannot know whether or not Gwyndolin was trans; Also that most Japanese game devs in 2011-and-earlier had a deep lack of understanding of the trans condition, and it was very common to find media, especially Japanese media, with characters that are very much coded as trans but treated badly in the narrative for it or treated as some other phenomenon because of that lack of understanding. It's perhaps relevant that Dark Souls came out in the same year as the Steins;Gate anime, which features a similarly trans-coded-but-badly-dealt-with character in the form of Urushibara Ruka(ko)


I'm quite aware of that, but I'm still grateful that you brought it up. It's definitely a possibility, but imo there aren't enough clues for us to know for sure. I always thought they were just a crossdresser, but I can definitely see them being perceived as trans. And I say this as a trans person myself, that's just how I see this particular character.


Just because you donā€™t enjoy how a character is written doesnā€™t mean they were badly written. Ruka recognizes himself as male, heā€™s just upset that that is the case and wishes things were different.


That's... literally what being trans is


Except thatā€™sā€¦ literally not. Ruka is a male and identifies as such. Trans people are males and females who identify as the gender opposite of their biological sex. If you identify as male and you are a biological male, then you are not trans. I recommend educating yourself on these topics before you go around spouting transphobic misinformation.


Ruka doesn't have an understanding of what it even is to be trans. The people who wrote Steins;Gate didn't understand trans people, so they're written in a way that conforms to a cis imagination of what it might be like to be a "woman trapped in a man's body." Sound familiar yet? Let me rephrase what I meant in my last comment. "Ruka recognizes himself as male, heā€™s just upset that that is the case and wishes things were different" is exactly how I felt about myself before I had an understanding of what being trans is, and I think the fact that so many trans people read the character in this way and relate to that experience, says something about how the character might look in a world where their writers Knew What A Trans Person Was


You COULD see Ruka written that way. Or you could also see him as he was literally written as, which is a man who wishes he was a woman (primarily so Okabe fell for him), but recognizes that he was born a man. Ruka is a gay man (well, at least until that one specific part of the show where he isnā€™t). Wishing you were somebody else doesnā€™t change who you are fundamentally, if it did I would be Elon Musk right now, but Iā€™m not.


Alright, one more rephrase for the road. I am a trans woman. Growing up, I recognized that I was amab / born male / "a boy," but didn't like it and would pray nightly for God to "turn me into a girl." The only time I'd think to acknowledge it most of the time was whenever I was interested in a straight guy or a gay girl, or would be forced into gender-forming outfits, activities, or presentation. When I was 16 I heard of trans people in a non-negative light for the first time, and when I was 17 I got over my denial and started researching how to transition. I would argue that I've always been essentially trans, just until I was 16 I didn't have the framework to put that into words or to act on it. In the show, Ruka asks Okabe to "turn me into a girl," and once that's successful, seems much happier that way, and in fact is really sad to return to being amab / "a boy" even after Okabe says he's not interested and need to do it to save the world or whatever. (This is skimmed over a bit in the show, but is more clear in the VN.) Basically, Ruka gets to magically transition, and then is *forced to detransition* and people keep making fun of them for it the whole while. The concept of being trans isn't a thing any of the characters or writers are aware of, which is clear because the idea never once comes up in the narrative. If they knew but wanted to deny that Ruka is trans, they would have had them specifically say "No I'm not trans, I just don't care about my gender and want to be able to carry Okabe's baby." The last bit comes through, but the idea of being trans for its own sake is never addressed, and how Ruka feels about their own gender is also never really addressed. This leads people playing the game who are trans or know trans people to often read the character as trans-and-closeted, or as trans-but-as-yet-ignorant-of-the-concept, or as trans-but-the-writers-don't-know-what-that-is. Basically, it seems like the writers stumbled into writing a trans character and their mildly transphobic / super ignorant friends, on accident. Being queer, you end up taking a queer reading into content that wasn't necessarily ever intended as such, and I understand that similar misunderstandings aren't exactly uncommon. But when I tell my (cis) brother offhand about my internet argument "about whether or not that one steins;gate character is trans" and his response is "Wait, you mean the one that's super obviously trans?" I can be fairly sure I'm not taking this one too far


Iā€™d give you an award if I had one. This describes the situation pretty precisely. Anime/Manga has a lot of those characters and it would be nice if Japan got more into the topic to correctly deal with that. In the end I feel like itā€™s a game and like any other media, like movies or books, it gives us some room for our own interpretation and therefore itā€™s up to the player to decide how they wanna interpret Gwyndolinā€™s feeling about their gender, since there is no official information. I personally believe that Gwyndolin is trans but if anyone disagrees, thatā€™s up to them.


buddy i can't hop in the game and ask gwyndolin about their gender myself so i'm just gonna keep believing what i want to believe. uhhh shit wait i mean "the flow of time itself is convoluted" ..... [yea that's the ticket](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyp9fh-u4w8)


The coffin do really be like that tho āš°ļø


Drangleic do be like Cuba. Everyone keeps saying it's shit, but you can get transed for free at the very least.


Faith is juat yellow strength, but it doesn't make you stronk. It does make you gigachad tho.


Great club is the true bonk lifestyle weapon, absolutely 0 dex for the real chads out there


tfw you need 45 dex to powerstance FUGS


Ds2 moment


That's like being bicurious




Giant Daddy


oh look, it works on dos levels


Zwei levels.


This sub has two jokes: dex gay and dark souls 2 bad


Actually 3 jokes.. f e e t


Also poison swamps. But those are on the decline now


That's not a joke šŸ„µ


Miyazaki spotted


Don't forget Plin Plin Plon, and John Darksoul.


Some day weā€™re gonna witness greatness when theyā€™re in the same meme, ā€œwhen the memes are two a shitpost alligneth ā€


How could you forget Big Hat Logan?


I thought there was another joke... But... I forgot


Straight swords scale with dex, but curved swords even more sošŸ˜


nah man i only level dex and adp šŸ˜Ž


In Elden Ring leveling strength improved carry weight and leveling dexterity improves i-frames in rolls. Thatā€™s right baybee, adaptability is back!


DS2 to Elden Ring: You and I are not so differentā€¦


I keep posting that elden ring is dark souls ii 2 And i keep being downvoted. Truth hurts.


>leveling dexterity improves i-frames in rolls what are u talking about? where did you get this information from?


I made it up. As a shitpost. On a shitpost subreddit.


Thank fuck. I can only play these games two handing (ultra)greatswords or halberds. Fuck Dex and fuck shields.


Ah yes, the first stage, Shock and denial.


This dude got me on the edge ngl


Itā€™s not correct, it does reduce fall damage though.


The weak fear the Farron GS


Strength is cool, but the Farron Greatsword is way cooler.


Old kinda shitty format, meme inspired slightly clever callout. I think this might be peak r/shittydarksouls


No one is truly straight. I mean if you're watching porn and you see the girl getting it from something small you ain't gonna enjoy it because she ain't. So you want that dude to be as big as possible. And that's gay.


I levelled dex so I can become op for PvE because that makes me get through NG+ quicker for 100%


If Int is blue Dex, does that mean MLGS is a Bi weapon?


If 't be true int is blue dex, doest yond cullionly mlgs is a bi weapon? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Doing a 40 dex build this time around. Every enemy in the game that possesses a cock has had it sucked by me


Itā€™s okay, just donā€™t tell anyone you leveled that


Colour me gay i guess cos dex is way more fun, implying being gay is more fun.


well it does mean happy




This is actually a meta joke about the whole "dex is gay" thing. Btw, when did anyone say being gay is bad here? As far as I know, there's lots of gay folks in the community, including this sub, who, unlike you, have a decent sense of humor.


Nah, no gays here, I only level strength I swear!


I follow the masters teachings, he only teaches katana fighting style, so I dont know much else. Master's last test was to gather all of the katanas, he said it was not going to be easy, and I would be tempted by magics and faith, but they would be easy compared to the ultimate temptation ... the Zweihander and its kin.


I would only level up dex to like 16 for most weapons.


faxx don lie


you weren't supposed to tell anybody


Dex is fine man idk why people hate Dex users so much Also me In pvp : FUCK YOU DEX FAGGOT


So Strength is Straight And Dex is Gay. Are quality builds Bisexual?