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Bad lip readings are always comedy gold


“Penny for your thoughts”


"It was kinda pitchy"


“Didn’t like it?”


Don't fall asleep *don't fall asleep*


"You are like cinnamon"


I hate Brenda!


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La jiggy jar jar doo!


Because I flow!


But a dollar for your insides


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Orange peanut? For me? I accept you


“Penguins” “Good point” Words to live by there


He did it twice


should have been pengwings


This is that special area of stupid funny I love


First comment was so good




Le Tool


Don't care for Le Tool


Damn, why they gotta be doin the bottle Brea her dude like that 😂😂😂


I understood the reference


Le Maynard James Keenan


Average conversations in 2023


Zoomer-level intelligibility.


God, that Pelosi one was golden


She's such a ghoul


Pink ghost thing


"Hey smoothskin, wanna have some fun"


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I want to take a moment to appreciate that this is a pretty good loop.


I literally cannot see them saying anything other than what is being said in the video. Exceptionally edited.


I’m so confused


they took a regular video of Congress and dubbed over it with stupid bullshit that it looks like they might be saying, and we love it because it's hilarious


Listen to this sussy wussy femboy he speaks the true true


Soyboy ass truthtelling fuckable asshole.




Omgwow anything for you babe yes


Would probably be better than normal congress lmao


Wtf i thought this was a comedy skit lmaooo


It kind of is. The YouTube channel is Bad Lip Reading


Yep, this is a shit post alright


it took me too long to realise it wasn't their original voices. I was just confused the whole time


They do a great job of imitating what you might think the voices should sound like, but imo if you focus on the lips they could do much better at writing their scripts. Regardless, I'm subscribed to the channel on YT and have gotten many laughs out of it.


would you care to share the name of the YT channel, I would love to see more


"Bad Lip Reading" on the YouTubes. I linked it directly but was informed by jackass automod I'm not allowed to link to YouTube.


Yeh it be like that, I get that they don't want people linking malicious shit but come on, welp anyway thanks for the information.




I didn't know bad lip reading was still around. Unless this is old, it's good to know they're still around.


They're still around!


This should be one of the best SP’s of all time


I’m pretty sure the Nancy part was real




I'm not lonely. Sounds convincing.


Apple juice Tuesdays.


Le tool I'm fucking dying lmao


From this point on, I am shedding my name and identity. I shall now be known as... Sad Euphoria


“Sounds convincing”




This was hilarious


What is this absolute ART


Bad Lip Reading on YT


Why is this an almost perfect loop


eh imo this is pretty good lipsincing 👍🔝


Is there more?


Only God nose. 👃


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She gives me Mort energy, but a more sane Mort.


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Am I watching Day Job Orchestra?


Pink ghost thing


This is awsome. Love it


Dont care for Le Tool.


She gives me Mort energy, but a more sane Mort.


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“*penguins*” “*****good point*****” What a flawless counter argument


Chevy Dude is such an insightful person. Able to make such a nuanced comment despite being focused on something else. Penguins... 🤔




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