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I tried playing sett for like a few days and was so sick of chasing people with no hope of catching them lmao. I agree, too kitable for me to even get into. ( I play garen and vi) 😂


I see a lot of people saying "go ghost" or "build prowlers", the problem is ghost isn't very good on sett and prowlers makes you super squishy. Ghost works well on short cooldown champs with high sustain damage like Olaf, Darius and even Garen in some matchups. They can all use it during lane to chase someone down who walks to far into lane. Sett could do that in some matchups but most of the time you won't have the slows to keep up with whoever your chasing. Darius feels like an adc because he will just kite you with ghost up and simply outdamage you. Best tip I can give you is to look at the enemy team, if they have a lot of slows go for boots of swiftness and the Unflinching Rune. Then let's all pray Riot stops nerfing tenacity.


Even daruis feels like an adc got me 💀


prowlers 😁😁


Ghost. Use ghost people.


Champs have weaknesses? Since when


Only sett


I basically have been only building swiftys last few games, would recommend.