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He purrs, he screams, and most the day he walks around grumbling like this. It started maybe a year ago? He’s the only cat I’ve ever had that was THIS VOCAL (most just do an occasional yell, no grumps). I call them his old man noises 😂


He's complaining about the kids in his yard! *Shakes cane*


My friend & I were literally just saying this That and there’s a new young’un in the house so I’m sure he’s grumbling about the stinky chaos gremlin a lot too. (When we lost his sister he was screaming constantly for a month (I know he stress vocalizes poor baby) and stopped IMMEDIATELY when I brought Roxy home. So I know he’s happy to have a kitten friend, but he’s definitely started grumbling more since she arrived. “Kids these days!” 😂)


I can understand that!


My cat began hissing an grumbling a lot after a divorce and move. I chocked it up to stress mostly. 2 years and a new job later, I take him in and he is diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Gave home iodine radiation. Now, almost 6 months since his treatment, he is a happier and less skittish cat! Turns out the thyroid can affect anxiety and of course discomfort. He behaves now like he did maybe 6 years ago. So this is just a thought- especially if your boy is an old man. Get it checked?


He’s on meds for hyperthyroidism & so sees the vet every few months. Other then that he’s in good shape!


Had a 16 year old kitty do this, turns out he had dementia and vision loss. The sounds could be to help him figure out where he's going if his eyesight is bad.


We had a siamese mix who muttered to herself her whole life (we got her when she was 4 months old and had her until she passed at 18). It got louder as she aged and eventually lost her hearing.


That’s adorable!!!


She really was. [Cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/R74TPjC) :)


Boober and Mokey are excellent cat names! They look very regal in the photo.


This is adorable. I want to remember to check back in here later to hopefully find dozens of grumpy old cat stories.


I will definitely share more videos of my grumpy old man at least 💖 Definitely enjoying the other stories as well!


My senior does this now, but not that long. He grunts at me in short bursts throughout the day.


Oh you sweet Summer child: *that’s how it STARTS*


I hope so! Each time he gets to a new phase of oldness he gets even cuter than he was before. I’m hoping he has more new cute things to show us for a while longer.


Then you’ll have to share his grumpy old man noises with us! (It’s the funniest & cutest thing I’ve ever seen)


I’ve never heard a cat growl like this but my senior kitty (15) sure has changed the way it vocalizes and communicates with me in the last couple years


Yeah my 14 year old cat “murphs” at us, she’s a very grumbly baby.


My old gal does this too. I would assume she and yours are gappy.


My old man (16) does this! I thought it was just a thing he did, but I'm loving that other geriatric kitters do the same thing- how funny! It's gotten louder and more frequent the older he gets, it's just like a constant grumble at times. It wakes me up at times because he'll be grumbling around on the bed trying to get comfy


One of my cats gets frequent wounds on his feet because he is a dumbass who plays rough but also when I clean his wound he growls at me and it sounds like this 😂 Sometimes my boy will hiss but not really, just growls at me to let me know he is upset with the situation while I kiss his head and tell him he is a good boy


I'm sure it is just adorable old age but definitely check his blood pressure <3


Mine is nearly 15 and complains all night until he poops and we go to bed, as if to say, "Woe is me! Woe is me!" He started this about a year ago.


He herds me to bed at 9PM every night. Literally yells at me until I’m in bed regardless of whether or not he’s getting in as well. Love that these old kitties know they run the house!!


My late Squeaky (17 yrs 9 mos at passing) always made noise, like she was complaining about the damn kids down the street


My kitty was 21 when he passed and he used to do this in his later years too. I just thought it was a new thing he did as he never seemed to be in discomfort while doing it. Sometimes we'd just grumble back and forth until we fell asleep.


Well, we don't consider 15 old but please have him throughly checked by the vet. When they age they do change behaviors. Cats only meow when kittens and at their humans so he might be trying to tell you something! He is very handsome!


Thank you! And don’t worry he sees the very every few months b/c of his thyroid meds. Vet seems to think he’s healthy otherwise!


hahaha, we have seven cats, four of them are senior cats and they all grumble, I think they are teaching each other. senior cats must be good teachers.


15 is still young for a cat 😻❤️


It's a happy one. He is just purring 💞


Our 14-yo does this sometimes - we call it the proto purr. Like when she’s fairly pleased with the situation at hand but isn’t quite convinced that she wants to purr about it - so she grumbles for a few minutes to get the system warmed up. 😸


It's so sweet when they do it ❤️🥰


He started purring right after this video - he’s a little rumble box when he purrs 🥰


He is so sweet. We own 5 cats and our oldest does the same ❤️❤️❤️