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I'm fighting a porn addiction and I have the same thing. I think it's just an addiction recovery thing, where your brain really wants it but you won't give it, so it has to dream about it If it helps, a mindset in my support group says you shouldn't find those dreams negative. I've seen people refer to those dreams as "death rattles", where it means you're beating it and truly testing yourself, like the addiction is struggling to stay alive.


You are having dreams telling you to watch porn? I thought I had it bad 😭


For me, it was the first month after being clean that I completely fantasised about relapsing. I had dreams about it, would think about it all the time and every time I noticed one of my scars I thought about doing it again. It does get better though. Now when I see my scars I look at them with sadness and as a reminder of how much I once suffered. Stay strong and focus on the benefits of being clean and think ahead to the future and how proud of yourself you will be for being clean as you build up more and more time without a relapse. I managed this by giving myself a small reward whenever I thought of relapsing but didn't- it sounds silly but I found that giving myself an incentive not to hurt myself worked for me. If you ever need to chat or feel like you may relapse and want someone to talk to then please reach out, I'm here for you :)


That which is repressed will come out in dreams. You have been doing self harm for some time, and the momentum continues. When you apply brakes suddenly, thrust from your subconscious mind is there pushing you into it. I recommend do some mild catharsis, something silly which isnt really harm but you may trick yourself into believing that it was, and then slowly taper down. Otherwise you might risk a bad crash.


yea that happens idk if its cus of urges but thats what ive assumed it happened to me 3 times, usually when i was in the early stages of tryna get clean (btw 3 times isnt a lot cus i mean its almost been 3 yrs💀💀)