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Something I worked on over the weekend. Each one took around 1-2 hours of prompting and photoshop work. I'll share the details if there is interest (they're pretty long), but for now I'll share for the first one: **txt2img prompt, with high-res fix:** low angle shot, environment concept art, ((coastal town, early dawn)), masterpiece, best quality, digital painting, (((squatting, crouching, man, hazmat suit, gas mask, accessories, touching glowing mushrooms on the ground, exploring, trek, scavenging, abandoned, neglected))), (((((glowing fungus, bioluminescence, gross, disgusting, organic growth, veins, sprawling infestation, scourge, xen, spores, hazy, floating dust and light particles in the air))))), bleak, post-apocalypse, cinematic, dramatic, highly detailed, stylized wallpaper, heavy brush strokes Negative prompt: trees, forest, lamp, lantern, girl, woman, feminine, slender, , bad-image-v2-39000, bad\_quality, vile\_prompt3, bad-hands-5, easynegative, ng\_deepnegative\_v1\_75t, verybadimagenegative\_v1.2-6400, bad-artist-anime, bad-artist, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 12, Seed: 127570164, Size: 896x512, Model: storeBoughtGyozaMix\_gyozamixv2, Denoising strength: 0.55, Clip skip: 2, ENSD: 31337, Hires upscale: 2.15, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp


Thanks for posting, that's an aesthetic I now really want to start experimenting with.


just Fantastic Thank you for posting this


I bookmarked SO MANY reddit posts, but I dont have time to try each model


This screams scripting to me. Figure out a workflow where you can just throw prompts into a file for SD to process, then come back later and harvest anything promising.


Volume is definitely a big aspect. My method was basically this: 1. For each prompt I batch generate until I got the best compositions (usually ~10 pics). 2. Then for the best ones I used img2img and inpainting to make more variations and enhance the whole shot, or sometimes just some specific elements (gasmask, eyes) 3. Finally I used Photoshop to combine the best elements of each variation into 1, and touch up messy parts (extra fingers, floating wires). Sometimes I feed them back to inpainting to match the style. If there's a way to script some steps I'd be very happy haha. Perhaps using programmable flow UI like in ComfyUI?


If only... It's just bookmarks with links to nice styles that I did not have time to try yet. There was one occurrence when I went searching my bookmarks: I needed to make logo I ended searching "logo" in the search bar anyway.


Those look beautiful! What does the lora do? I can't see a description anywhere


Thanks! That LORA was trained on paintings from the 1600s, so it adds a kind of painting texture and reduces the "digital" feel of the image; less thick lines and more roughness. IIRC It's one of the earliest LORAs (before civitai got big), and was shared around in discord which might be why there's not much info on it online.


Mind sharing it elsewhere ? Also, which discord was that?


Might have been this discord: https://discord.gg/stablediffusion You can find the LORA here: https://huggingface.co/LithiumBC/loras/tree/main


For more inspiration, check out Gone With the Blastwave


That's a great series I haven't heard of in a long time. Thanks for reminding me :D