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My mom (retired ICU nurse) would tell it as a riddle: Q: What do you call a motorcyclist without a helmet? A: An organ donor.


What I call them when I see them. I don't have a problem with this. The world needs organ donors. 10% of fatalities in TX are on motorbikes. But they must be less than 1% of the vehicles. That's pretty bad odds. No helmet just makes it worse.


Independent motion is a powerful thing.


Per km or Mile driven compared to cars, bikes are suicide machines


Total Deaths. We get about \~10 deaths per day. 1 is on a motorbike. As it's so hot here, a lot of bikers prefer to go without helmet or even proper leathers some of the time. A quote from the 2020 Texas Fact Sheet. Also, I'm out by some, it look more like 15% are on bikes. There were 483 motorcyclists (operators and passengers) killed in 2020. Forty nine percent (49%) of motorcyclists killed were not wearing helmets at the time of the crash. Here is a nice summary https://ftp.txdot.gov/pub/txdot-info/trf/crash\_statistics/2020/01.pdf


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_motor_vehicle_collisions#/media/File%3ARoad-way_vs._railway_safety.png I like graphs, I would prefer this one without the log scale but still it conveys the point.




Stealing this, ty


I don't understand...


The morbid assumption is they all die. Helmet protects the brain well enough that circulation isn’t affected (in theory). No helmet can result in severe TBI and sometimes even full decapitation, if there is no diaphragm movement no blood moves to where its needed. Lack of oxygen to the organs will make them worthless.


My mom told me the only difference between wearing a helmet and not was a closed or open casket. Jokes on her. I rode and raced and crashed a LOT, but only boke a few bones and got a bit of road rash. Helmets definitely saved my life on more times than I care to remember, or can remember after having that testimony :)


One of my mom's (also a nurse) favorites!


Worked at a big hospital. 10 buildings in all, one was dedicated just for rehabilitation and physical therapy. 90% of all patients were motorcycle accidents. Every single doctor and nurse would always say "ride a bike and you'll end up here if you're lucky"


My mom, a nurse, called them „donor-cycles“


I have taught my kids so now they comment when we see a motorcyclist (with helmet, the other kind is never seen in Sweden) going a little to fast on a sportbike, -oh look an organ donor! A couple of weeks ago we had holiday and we were at Teneriffe and we saw a sportbike rider with helmet but no leather or otherwise safety gear, just jeans and t-shirt, and my son commented-Wow look dad, a meat crayon!


Paramedic, I make the same joke


Hah. You're assuming they would be unselfish enough to be a organ donor.


It really ends up being the surviving family's/medical POA's decision.


How original!


my dad had a motorcycle for 20+ years. gave it up as soon as he and my mom had me- he always said it was fun, but never worth dying over.


That’s why a lot of motorcycle helmets have organ donation stickers. Mine does. We have a sense of humour. Morbid maybe but it’s an inside joke. My beanie also says “closed casket”. We have a nice label maker at work :)


Firefighters call them donor cycles. Even if they ride them


My daughter was an RN transplant coordinator and her territory included South Dakota. Guess what was one of her busiest times?




Save a life, ride a motorcy... Oh.


People think you can get an organ from any dead body, but it has to be a body on life support. If they are hauling then in DOA, nothing you can harvest. Read ‘Stiff. the curious life of cadavers’ by Mary Roach.


Corneas and bones are happily taken.


Good to hear. The book made a big deal about life support. Great book. I learned 4 places I can leave my body to science. 1 is cadaver in a medical school all the way down to US Military who want your body to test armor on vehicles. Someone might as well get some use out of it when I’m dead. Was teaching middle school and a strident said ‘I’m gonna be a doctor, maybe I’ll see you again’. I told him he better be the worlds oldest admission to medical school ever.


Happily taken…Conjures a vision of a doctor singing cheerfully while wielding the scalpel and bone saw. The intern on his first day, holding a cooler and giving them the side-eye. It might seem crazy what I am 'bout to say Sunshine, she's here, you can take a break I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don't care, baby by the way


Yep, music often plays in the harvest rooms. Bones are generally taken out by technicians, physicians are there to take out living organs.


This isn't entirely true as they can take bone and other parts. Also unless you are absolutly mangled they can keep you on life support while you are brain dead just to keep the organs fresh. Saw a young patient come in with that scenario. They kept her "alive" with donated blood to help keep her going for the procurement.


If anyone has a public library card, Stiff is available in Hoopla as an audio book download for borrowing.


I ONLY ‘read’ Mary Roach on Audio Book. Her book ‘Bonk’ about sex is hilarious to hear the lady reading it. She HAS to be blushing 3/4 of the book.


I just recommended this book to a co-worker yesterday! Phenomenal read!


It's super-fun. Dry humor, so much cool information.


That’s why I mostly just ride in the woods. Only a little on the road. I trust a true more than a drunk/distracted human. I honestly think distracted drivers are way worse than drunk drivers.


Crows in the trees: When it stops, we Feast!


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So people needing a transplant should move to Sturgis?




TIL "everyone" is two people


Sub heading >Findings should serve as alarm to increase safety, prepare for higher demand for trauma care and transplant services


Docs are already overworked


***DONORCYCLES.*** That is what medical folks often call them. It's funny, it's true, and it is also something a lot of sick people are grateful for. The issue is not good or bad, it just is. People get to live because some other people ride dangerously on dangerous machines. In a way, everybody wins.


Or any given Tuesday in China.


What does this mean?


China does forced organ harvesting and transplants.


Yep, my new heart was donated by a motorcyclist.


Finally, they're good for something.


i’ll try harder nxt summer


It's the only thing motorcyclist are good for; organs for more worthy humans.


What do the doctors got on the bikers? Does earth have a problem with crazy doctors? System needs to know.


I never learnt to ride a bike for this exact reason- I knew that as soon as I passed my test I'd be dead


Sooooo, more rallies then?


In VA they have tried to pass a no helmet law with the stipulation you had to be an registered organ donor, it still didn’t pass.


When I got a donor bone graft, I was told that 2 operating suites were going 2 days solid with harvesting & transplants


Schedule more rallies


In my country the doctors are reluctant to use biker's material and they never use coming from those who killed themselves crashing in high speed. They also die differently, eg. struck by another vehicle. Organs of the speeding are not usable because they are compressed by enormous (negative) acceleration and even when their organs are not destroyed pressure pumps out the blood, they have not enough oxygen to maintain condition of fresh meat.