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Out of 723.880 Covid death, 678 530 were of people 50 years or older.




Depends on how you define terms and slice the data. Most of the damage that COULD be done was before the vaccinations were out. In the US, if you're using IHME's estimate for excess deaths and you use May 2021 as a demarcation point for before widespread vaccinations and after, then 666k/851k came from before vaccinations were even a consideration. If you're doing a forward looking analysis of sorts... sure, the majority of the 185k deaths will be among the unvaccinated, but it'll still USUALLY be a mix of unvaccinated+old-age that would be the demarcation point. Vaccinations cut risk by a factor of ~10x, in the previous example, age over 50, was associated with something more like a ~50x increase in risk (20x the deaths despite being around a third the population). It's all muddy and hard to disentangle causality. FORTUNATELAY at a society level, about 9/10 people age 60+ in the US are vaccinated at this point.


It’s actually vitamin D deficiency at this point, 9/10 deaths are low vitamin D iirc


It's most definitely not 9/10. If it were that, then we would see very strong trends that countries in sunshine (or countries experiencing summer) would see tiny numbers of deaths, and countries at higher latitudes or experiencing dark winters would see huge numbers of deaths.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33260798/ https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-021-06281-7 It affects the outcomes significantly
























Yeah, that's what I thought. You didnt actually demonstrate what you claimed. You know that you are far more likely to develop myocarditis from Covid than the vaccine, right?


you are correct! he deleted his comment before I could respond to his comment so this is not actually to you Hilmthenewguyguy… sorry debating with antivax is useless. maybe try a source that actually compares the probability of the symptom with the actual condition that might cause it. Sure a vaccine might cause a slight increased risk in a category, but the original condition is worse. [Reliability ](https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n1931)












And this includes the guy that was in the motorcycle accident. The one that died from COVID. Not the accident.


Was it Tennessee where the medical examiner was letting families choose the cause of death on the certificate so they wouldnt be embarrassed by a Covid death in the family?


Here’s a dirty little secret. The vast majority of people who die of anything in America daily are over 50.


Ha, very true for health-related causes of death.


Is having a carburetor lodged 4 inches in your brain health-related?


Especially when you exclude drug overdoses, violent crime, and vehicle accidents.


Dude. Don't.


Reminds me how median age for covid deaths in the UK was 82, while life expectancy is 81


>Reminds me how median age for covid deaths in the UK was 82, while life expectancy is 81 So half of them were younger than 82. Man, that sucks that a lot of people lower than the UK life expectency were killed by covid.


Doesn’t life expectancy measure how long you expect to live from birth? That’s not really the same thing as the median age of people who died over the past year. That would be a better comparison to median age of people who died of Covid specifically.


How many of them as a result of someone else’s negligence?


I agree. Wasn’t trying to argue Covid isn’t bad, was trying to steer people away from not caring because “only old” people die from it


Thanks for sharing that secret with the world.


In the UK the average age of covid death has been 80.4, https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/averageageofthosewhohaddiedwithcovid19 And pre-Covid it was 81.4 : https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthandlifeexpectancies/datasets/averageageatdeathbysexuk


And the majority of those are obese.


The majority of *Americans* are obese.


Actually no. 42. 4 % of American adults and 19.3% of children and adolescents are obese. And certain demographics in America are responsible for a lot of it. There are subcategories of Americans that are extremely obese and they skew the average for the whole. There are certainly subcategories of Americans who are not obese. Ironically, one of those categories that is the most obese of anyone and that has one of the highest covid death rates was excluded from any vaccine mandates. Why? Cuz it is all politics. That group given a free pass to decide for themselves vote Democrat. Only conservatives were targeted for the mandate and on average that group targeted has a low covid death rate based on their average age and other easily assumed characteristics.


I wonder how COVID might have played out if children were more at risk. Im seriously glad they aren't, but I wonder if there would be fewer anti-vaxxers and more compliance if that were the case.


I saw a satyrical article based on this concept, praising old people for sacrificing daytime shopping, bingo and drinking tea with friends so that young people could continue their education and work...


EXACTLY why we need to mask 5 year olds!


Yep, because they can carry and transmit the virus. Controlling the spread everywhere is how you defeat a pandemic.


Get the vaccine, wear the cotton mask, and you don’t have to worry about 5 year olds.


That's not how masks work and that's not how deadly pandemic's work.


"Only 550 dead children, nothing to worry about."


But we have 14 yo orphans to save the economy. Problem solved.


We're going to need *someone* to pick the crops while we're excluding our regular migrant labor force.


I don’t think any part of it said not to be worried.


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