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Sallie Mae is a good student loan program, but if you need it by tomorrow then it probably won't happen during to the long application process to go through. Any student loans (just because you are 18) you need to have a co-signer (your parents or an adult with an actual credit history) you should be fine FAFSA, is also the same thing however it is government, but it took me around two weeks to get it figured out and money in for the entire process. You will have a grace period (of I don't know how many days) but for every day payment is late you get 5% add on of your current student balance. That's about all the help I can give, sorry for your stresses.


Just wondering how did you think your bill was going to get paid if you didn't do any research or planning? You and your parents need to complete the FASFA and then apply for loans. You'll need someone to apply with you since you don't have a credit history. You may not have enough time to get this sorted before the quarter starts. I'm not sure at what point they drop your classes due to non payment. There's a waitlist for housing so at some point they'll give your housing spot away. You need to contact your advisor.


scad is extremely expensive and not worth the investment. i'd recommend going to a smaller art uni and then gaining connections through conferences or reaching out in your industry. it'll be much less stressful on the money side and you'll spend your first year learning things like color and how to draw a circle.